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Dictionary entry overview: What does guidance mean?

GUIDANCE (noun) The noun GUIDANCE has 3 senses: 1. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action 2. the act of guiding or showing the way 3. the act of setting and holding a course Familiarity information: GUIDANCE used as a noun is uncommon.
Dictionary entry details


Sense 1
Meaning: Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms: counselling; counseling; guidance; counsel; direction Hypernyms ("guidance" is a kind of...):

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Something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

content; message; subject matter; substance (what a communication that is about something is about) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "guidance"): guideline; road map (a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action) career counseling (counseling on career opportunities) cynosure (something that provides guidance (as Polaris guides mariners)) genetic counseling (guidance for prospective parents on the likelihood of genetic disorders in their future children) marriage counseling (counseling on marital problems and disagreements) confidential information; hint; lead; steer; tip; wind (an indication of potential opportunity)

Sense 2
Meaning: The act of guiding or showing the way Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms: steering; guidance Hypernyms ("guidance" is a kind of...): direction; management (the act of managing something)

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Sense 3
Meaning: The act of setting and holding a course Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions

guidance [BACK TO TOP]

Synonyms: steering; guidance; direction Context example: a new council was installed under the direction of the king Hypernyms ("guidance" is a kind of...): control (the activity of managing or exerting control over something) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "guidance"): driving (the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal) terrestrial guidance (a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to the strength and direction of the earth's gravitational field) command guidance (a method of controlling the flight of a missile by commands originating from the ground or from another missile) inertial guidance; inertial navigation (a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to inertial forces) celestial guidance (a method of controlling the flight of a missile or spacecraft by reference to the positions of celestial bodies) navigation; pilotage; piloting (the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place) aim (the action of directing something at an object)

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