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Lesson planner PCE

Name: Production/Photography About the learners (expand each section as needed) 1.1 Lesson title Introduction to Semiotics 1.2 Learner programme and level Level 2 1.3 No of learners On roll: 20 Actual: 1.4 Gender mix 1.5 Age range 21+ 1.6 Day and date Thursday 25th October 2012 1.7 Time 10:30 Laura-Jayne Meades Subject area: Media

2.1 Prior knowledge/attainment/experience/skills. What generic skills or experience are your students bringing to this

session? Write a pen portrait of each learner and add to this as you teach them and get to know them better.
General reading, writing and auditory skills.

2.2 Prior subject specific knowledge. What subject specific knowledge or skills are your students bringing to this session?

Think about the session in relation to the scheme of work/exam.

A few learners may have some or vague knowledge of semiotics, most will have little to no previous knowledge of semiotics.


Lesson planner PCE

3.1 Details of differentiation. How have you planned activities to cater for students differing skills, needs and experience? Basic level, use of auditory, visual and kinaesthetic techniques to include all learners. Visual - Use of Powerpoint, colour cards and posters to aid visual learners. Auditory - Explanation of definitions and group discussion to aid auditory learners. Kinaesthetic - Use of colour cards and posters in conjunction with handouts during the activity to aid kinaesthetic learners. 3.2 Promotion of Equal Opportunities. How are you promoting inclusivity and promoting diversity? How are you tackling equal

opportunities issues through your programme content? Think about how you actively develop social cohesion.
Prepared extra colour cards with written instructions to include any learners that may have colour blindness.

3.3 Health and Safety and Safeguarding How have you planned to address health and safety issues and, where appropriate, risk

assessment? How are you demonstrating an awareness of safeguarding issues?

This session will adhere to the ECM/ELM agenda in the following ways; Stay Safe - Due to the session being delivered in a computer room myself and learners should be aware of electrical equipment and tripping hazards. Each room is risk assessed by the University and could be referred to before the session. Enjoy and Achieve - By starting with an ice-breaker and using a practical activity learners should feel engaged and achieve some knowledge in semiotics by the end of the session.

3.4 Key/Specialist Language. What specific words, phrases, abbreviations or acronyms will be encountered in this session? You

might want to list specific words you want learners to be able to use by the end of the session.
Semiotics, signs, signifiers, connotation, denotation, context.


Lesson planner PCE


Lesson planner PCE

About the lesson 4.1 Aim(s). Written from the teachers perspective. Please think about this from your own perspective and think overall intention. I want the learners to be able to identify colour codes in film posters and discuss their meanings in context and understand that some colours can have multiple meanings.

4.2 Content Outcomes. Should be addressed in 4.5 and demonstrated in 5.3. What do you want the learners to be able to do by the

end of the session? The outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable realistic and time-related (SMART) Please number these content/ learning outcomes so they can be matched more easily to the chosen assessment activities
By the end of the session learners will be able to; 1. Identify colour codes and their meanings. 2. Discuss differences of colour codes in context.

4.3 Skills Outcomes Should be addressed in 4.5 and demonstrated in 5.3. If possible, these should be cross referenced to relevant

literacy, numeracy and ESOL core curricula.

Opportunities for developing communication skills eg Functional English Skills

Reading from Powerpoint presentation, listening to presentation and developing communication skills with each other through discussions and feedback.

Opportunities for developing numeracy skills eg Functional Maths Skills


Lesson planner PCE

Opportunities for developing IT skills in this session

Opportunities for students to develop other skills. These could be: confidence, attention/focus, managing self, problem solving, improving own learning and performance, working with others.

Developing teamwork skills by working together on the activity to achieve an agreed outcome. Developing problem solving skills by discussing possible outcomes of the activity. Developing self-improvement through discussions and feedback of subject material.

4.4 Resources. Show use of resources in 5.2 and/or 5.3

Please cite sources of handouts.

4.5 Assessment Activities. Should link to 4.2, 4.3 and 4.6

Make an explicit link to the content outcomes (4.2) and say HOW you will assess achievement of the outcomes for each student
1.Assess learners understanding by asking them to hold up the colour card that relates to the sign, this will show understanding of all learners. 2. Monitor group discussion during the activity, provoke questions and answer any queries, this will show understanding of some learners and provide an opportunity for other learners to engage. Ask learners to feedback on what they believe signs and signifiers to mean through use of the handout, this will show understanding of the definitions and meanings in relation to the colour codes.

Powerpoint Colour cards Posters Handout of definitions relating to semiotics

4.6 Homework/related activity. Should link to 4.5 or be addressed in next session Provide resources for learners to watch or research after the session to further their learning.


4.7 Planning for evaluative feedback. How have you planned to receive feedback from your students? After the session, 15 min feedback.

Lesson planner PCE


Lesson planner PCE

Implementing the lesson

(this page should be expanded/altered as necessary)

5.1 5.2 Teacher Activity Timing 10:30 - Ice-breaker 10:32 2min 10:32 10:36 4min Explaining Powerpoint slides 1 5

5.3 Student learning activities - with assessment opportunities highlighted (reference to English/ maths skills where appropriate) Quick fire session of asking learners to name their favourite colour. Hold-up four colour cards and nominate some learners to say what emotion or concept they think the colour relates to. For example, yellow may be happy and red may be horror. Short Powerpoint presentation explaining the definitions of signs and signifiers.

Materials Colour cards


10:36 10:41 5min 10:41 10:44 3min

Participating in Group Activity

Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Split into four groups of five or less. Hand out a different poster to each group with a specific colour code in it. Hand out colour cards and a print out of the definition of signs and signifiers. Ask each group to discuss the colour code in the poster and write down potential meanings. Ask each group to feedback one meaning. Show the learning outcomes on Powerpoint and assess learning by saying a word and asking learners to show the colour card that they believe relates to the word. Go through the definitions of sign and signifier once more and ask the class to feedback. Provide further resources for the learners to watch in their own time. Answer any queries.

Colour cards Posters Paper

Colour cards Powerpoint

10:44 10:45 1min


Any Questions?

Lesson planner PCE


Lesson planner PCE Evaluation

This section should demonstrate your ability to review the learning and teaching process. It should critically examine the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of your planning and implementation and should draw upon student feedback as a source of evaluative data.

6.1 Planning

6.2 Content and skills development

6.3 Methods

6.4 Student activity and involvement including effectiveness of differentiation

6.5 Support materials and equipment

6.6 Implications for future planning


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