Visionic 5.2 Release Notes

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Visionic 5.

2 Release Notes
Published at 16.10.2012

Included dependency files in client setups

When installing remote client for some systems, not all files have been transferred. Typically the engineer would need to copy a driver from the server machine and manually register it. The version 5.2 resolves these issues and includes all necessary files for the remote client execution.

Alarm Center level coloring

Upon changing the alarm level, the client would apply new level only after restart of the system. This issue has been corrected in the newest version and Alarm Center will apply correct level and color at the next alarm raise, without system restart.

Asynchronous device drivers

The new architecture of device drivers minimizes the processing time, allowing even bigger Visionic systems to be run on a standard hardware. The asynchronous device drivers mean that server will not block at any operation and increases the availability of the server.

Uploaded TabStripEx script (VBScript)

The bug in previous version caused Visionic client to load very slowly if lot of TabStripEx elements have been misconfigured. The system is now updated to allow swift loading and operation, even if element is not correctly configured in Visio.

Added version number onto the dashboard

The version of Visionic system (5.2 currently) is now prominent on the dashboard, client and server startup screens.

Drivers produce log files

Due to popular demand, the device drivers can now produce automatically text files that have all debugging and runtime data - same result as DbgView program produces. To switch on this logging, execute the command VisionicStarter -EnableDriverLog <size in bytes> This creates the text file containing all operations. If the text file size exceeds the specified size, the backup file will be created, allowing roll-on of the backups.

Updated documentation from SNMP Appendix

The documentation of Visionic 5 is updated to include all information about SNMP devices and templates. Previously such documentation was in a separate appendix

Updated DEMO version and compilation of demo schematic

The DEMO version compilation issues have been corrected. The demo version can be fully operated for one hour and less than 7 devices in the system.

Added new device drivers

More than 15 new new device drivers have been included in the system, keeping the library up to date.

Alarm Center Executes macros and alarms

The bug has been corrected such that alarm center now correctly executes all actions and macros that have been set up.

Virtual Service Element

The Virtual Service Element has been included in this release. Beside the existing functionality, the Virtual Service Element can now produce custom-based alarms.

XML/HTTP device driver

Line previous item, the HTTP/XML device driver has been included in this release. This driver allows connecting HTTP / HTTPS devices into Visionic system.

Open Project Dialog filters and views

When opening projects in Visionic 5, new Open Dialog allows listing views (list, details) as well as sorting and filtering by any column in the dialog. Makes searching and opening the projects faster.

SNMP Template Builder improvements

The SNMP Builder has also minor improvements such as drag-drop support, sorting of the variables and similar.

Relaxed licensing on per-hardware basis

The license detection mechanism has been changed such that hardware changes such as change of MAC address do not affect the license. Previously the system was asking to re-enter the license in case of some VPN Network softwares.

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