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Syllabus: Oncology and Hospice Nursing Hannah Dowling University of South Florida

Author Note This Syllabus is an original Syllabus and was not based on any previous or existing course.


Syllabus: Oncology and Hospice Nursing Course number and title: NUR 390 - Oncology and Hospice Nursing Course Credit: 6 Theory Credits, 90 Clinical Hours FACULTY: Hannah M. Dowling, RN, MSN, OCN CLINICAL FACULTY: TBA Office: Barry University School of Nursing, Wiegand 204 Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-4pm. All other times by appointment only. Phone number: 305-899-2012 Email address: Fax number: 305-899-1102 Prerequisites: NUR 215, NUR 216, NUR283, NUR 301, NUR 320, NUR 235, NUR 380 Course description: Acquisition and synthesis of healthcare knowledge with an emphasis on the adult oncology patient in an acute care or hospice environment. The student will apply the nursing process, problem solving techniques, and critical thinking techniques in caring for clients with all types of cancer and those in all stages of the dying process. Course outcomes/objectives: o At the completion of the course, the student will be able to define the roles and responsibilities of the Oncology and Hospice Nurse. o The student will be able to synthesize information regarding the pathobiology of neoplasia, chemotherapeutic regimens, and other treatments available for cancer. o The student will also apply concepts found in previous nursing courses to care of the Oncology patient and the terminally ill or dying patient and their families. Course requirements Attendance at all classroom sessions, clinical times, and submission of all assignments by the due date. Evaluation methods (assignments) Quizzes 20% Opinion Paper 20% Exams 40% (20% each) Clinical Journals/Reflections 20% Grading scale: A= 92-100 B= 84-91 C= 76-83 D= 69-75 F= 68 or less


Topical outline Week Topic

Week 1

Cancer by body system - Head and Neck, Neurological Cancers - Lung Cancer - Cancers of the GI Tract Cancer by body system - Cancers of the Reproductive Tract & Breast Cancer - Leukemias & Lymphomas - Cancers of the Urinary System Treatment of pain and Access Devices - Narcotics - Central lines: Ports, PICC lines, and Groshong catheters Treatment for cancer: - Chemotherapy - Surgery - Radiation Midterm Exam Cancer screenings, Nursing care of the client with cancer - Preventive screenings - Nursing care Palliative Care and Hospice - Goals of palliative care - Admission to hospice: Home hospice and Hospice House End-of-life issues and final exam - Support of the family - Coping mechanisms - Bereavement

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Teaching strategies The following strategies will be used: lecture with internet enhancement (Blackboard), classroom discussion and debate, student presentations, audio-visuals, written and reading assignments, inclass group projects, and guest speakers. Permission/non-permission to sell notes or tape of classes Permission will be granted to use standard tape recordings of individual lectures by the instructor each day. Video recordings are never permitted. No type of recording devices, including camera phones, are permitted in clinical areas where patient information may be compromised.


Policies Attendance and Participation: Classroom attendance and participation is expected. The student is responsible for all material presented in class. Students are expected to be prepared for each lecture through assigned readings and other activities prior to class. All students will be expected to arrive to class prepared and on-time. Clinical participation and attendance is mandatory. Any student unable to attend clinical must notify the clinical instructor no later than one hour prior to the beginning of the shift. Absences and tardiness may seriously affect the students ability to complete the course objectives satisfactorily. All missed clinical time must be made up at a fee of $40.00 per hour payable to the clinical instructor. The dress code for clinical sessions must be strictly adhered to. Please see the School of Nursing handbook for guidance ( Religious Observance The academic calendar for the University is published per semester and can be accessed online at Students of all faiths who require to be absent from class or clinical for religious reasons must approve the absence with their instructor(s) prior to the absence. All missed work must be made up as per the attendance policy. Incompletes

Only in an emergency situation may a student request an incomplete "I" grade. It is the student's responsibility to arrange with the instructor for satisfactory completion of course requirements. An incomplete grade must be redeemed within the semester following its receipt, unless otherwise stated, or the student will be automatically awarded a final grade of "F". "I" grades, even when redeemed are part of the official transcript.
Withdrawal A student who registers but does not attend class, or who withdraws for any reason after attending class will not receive credit unless officially withdrawn by submitting a written notice of withdrawal to the office of the dean of their respective school. The effective date of withdrawal will be the date on which the withdrawal notice is received by dean of the School if Nursing. Withdrawals require the completion of the withdrawal form. Notifying your academic advisor or faculty member of your intention to withdraw without completing the proper form does not constitute an authorized withdrawal. Unauthorized withdrawal results in failure of all courses. See the Office of the Registrar for more information. Academic Integrity: Barry University Catalog states that cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations. Cheating includes falsifying reports and documents. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgement, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyright laws. Cheating may result in failure of the course. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive 0% on the exam or paper. Further action will be taken according to Barry Universitys Academic Dishonesty Policy.


Required Textbooks 1. Newton, S., Hickey, M., & Jackowski, J. (2008). Mosby's Oncology Nursing Advisor: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Practice. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. 2. Venes, D. [Ed.]. (2009). Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st Edition. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. 3. Deglin, J.H., Vallerand, A.H. & Sanoski, C.A. (2010). Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses. Philadelphia: FA Davis Company. Recommended Textbooks Itano, J.K. & Taoka, K.N. [Ed.]. (2005). Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. Required Readings The Case for Killing Granny: Watch Wit Movie with Emma Thompson (2001). The film is available through the USF Tampa Library (PN1992.77.W58.2001). The film is also available for viewing on YouTube or can be rented through Netflix or Blockbuster.

Required Websites 1. Oncology Nursing Society 2. Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation 3. - National Cancer Institute

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