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Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Carmuirs Parent Council held in Carmuirs Primary School on Thursday 4th October 2012

at 7pm Present Mrs Leiper (Headteacher) Mrs Small (Clerk/Secretary) Mrs Benson (Adam P7, Lauren P4, Lucy - Nursery) Mrs Miller (Heather P7) Mrs Miller Ms Ballatyne (Ethan P7) Mrs Chamcyzk (Zosia P3) Mrs Niblo (Emily P7, Lucy P4) Ms Sim (Zac P1) Ms Murray (Chloe P1) Ms Stark (Shalona P6, Warren P2) Mrs McLuckie (Jacob P6) Ms McMillan (Megan P6/5) Miss McMillan Ms Hall (Felix P3) Mrs Frater Diane Cherry (Communications Officer, Education Services) Apologies for absence: Caroline Sweeney and Lorna Girvan. The minutes of the previous AGM held on 5th September 2011 in Carmuirs Primary School were approved by Fiona Ballantyne and seconded by Dawn Niblo. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th June 2012 in Carmuirs Primary School were approved by Becky Benson and seconded by Fiona Ballantyne. Election of Office Bearers Mrs Benson advised that each of the office bearers had been in post for a year and were asked if they were willing to continue for a second year each agreed. Treasurers Reports Mrs Linda Miller advised that the Events Group balance at start of year was 873.67 and closing balance was 626. Mrs Tracy Miller advised that the Parent Council account balance at start of year was 419.45 and final balance was 466.63. Mrs Miller said that the transfer of the account signatory to herself as treasurer had not yet been completed but was in hand. This has somewhat delayed the auditing of the books but once this is done and the details forwarded to Finance Department the Parent Council will receive 460 and once the SPTC insurance (103) is paid the School Fund will receive a donation. New members Gillian Murray, Elise Sim, Shona Stark and Amanda McMillan were welcomed as new members of the Parent Council. Events Group The subject of the Events Group becoming an entirely separate group rather than being a sub group of the Parent Council was raised. Diane Cherry was asked to advise on the pros and cons of having the Events Group separate.

Events Group (continued) A separate constitution would be required, separate bank account and also the SPTC insurance would need to be paid (103) whereas if they stayed as part of the Parent Council they would be included within the Parent Council SPTC insurance. Diane suggested that they continue as a sub group of the Parent Council for another year and made the suggestion that a new name be chosen for the group. Suggestions were made Carmuirs Fundraising Group being a popular choice and the general consensus was that it was less formal and intimidating to parents. A suggestion was made that the flier compiled previously by Fiona Ballantyne be updated and distributed to all parents. This will advise parents on what the Events Group raised, what the monies were spent on, it will list the committee members, plans for the year etc. At the four Parent Council meetings in the year those involved in the Fundraising Group would send along one representative and give a report. Mrs Leiper requested that dates be set for the three further Parent Council meetings. The dates chosen are Thursday 22nd November 2012, Thursday 31st January 2013 and Thursday 30th May 2013. These meetings will all be held at 7pm. Separate Fundraising Group meetings would be held as and when necessary. As Chairperson, Becky Benson would delegate e.g. sub group can do A,B,C & D and report back to full Parent Council. All parents contribute to decision making. Linda Miller happy to be involved in Parent Council and Fundraising Group. Cathy Frater indicated that she was happy to support the Fundraising Group. Mrs Leiper and Mrs Small will attend the Parent Council meetings. PVG (Protection for vulnerable groups) Amanda McMillan already has PVG disclosure and would prefer to be fundraising rather than part of the Parent Council. Mention was made regarding the need for PVG disclosures but Diane Cherry advised that these would only be required if working one-to-one with children and members of the Parent Council and Fundraising Group would be either supervising groups of children at a disco (in pairs), looking after a stall at a Fayre etc. Risk assessment should be done. First aider requires to be PVG checked Becky Benson and Gillian Murray are both first aiders and PVG checked. Regarding PVG disclosures Falkirk Council is registered as an interested party and only serious incidents (of sexual nature) passed on. Questions raised: Carmuirs Fundraising Group Membership How should people become members of the sub-committee Carmuirs Fundraising Group? Those gathered said anyone can come along. How many in the sub-committee? Those gathered said whoever volunteers. Restricted to people who have children in school? Those gathered said all welcome (including co-optees). Will someone from the sub-committee be invited to Parent Council meetings? Those gathered said that one or two would volunteer from subcommittee to report on fundraising activities.

Powers Will the sub-committee be independent or do what Parent Council asks them to do? Those gathered said the sub-committee would be independent but linked. Should the sub-committee be free to decide on a programme of events and activities and then run them? Those gathered said the subcommittee would decide on activities and then report back to Parent Council. Sub-committee nothing to be arranged without consultation with Mrs Leiper. Mrs Leiper can be invited to events but not required to attend fundraising meetings. First meeting of sub-committee decide who is to lead the meeting. When would the sub-committee need to seek the approval of Parent Council? Those gathered said if they needed help to make a decision then they would take it to the Parent Council and they would vote. Who decides how the money is spent? Those gathered said to ask the school for a wish list consult with school. Report back to Parent Council on how the money has been spent. Conflict in the past regarding how the money is spent e.g. regarding the decision to fund a smartboard for the new P7 class and the purchase of reading books. Diane Cherry said there were two criteria to be met regarding how the fundraising monies be spent either whether they would increase/expand the childrens experiences or by contributing to their learning a vote should be taken democracy in action. If Parent Council needs sub-committee to do something specific? - those gathered agreed they would consider it and then vote. Finance Will the sub-committee be responsible for their own finances? Yes Fundraising Group already have a separate bank account. Rules that all sub-committees must observe The sub-committee follows the same rules as Parent Council e.g. operational policy. If the Parent Council has a general policy e.g. that only Free Trade products must be used for refreshments, then the sub-committee must abide by this policy. When the Parent Council is preparing its annual report for the Parent Forum, the sub-committee should submit a brief note on its activities for inclusion in this report. If someone has a complaint against the sub-committee who deals with it? It is the responsibility of the Parent Council to deal with this. Public Liability Insurance covers both Parent Council and Fundraising Group. Food hygiene course Two more parents, Caroline Thomson and Shirley Anne Cassidy, are helping at Healthy Hut and asked to be enrolled on the REHIS Food Hygiene Certificate course. This was agreed and the funding for this course would come from the Healthy Hut funds. Ideas for fundraising Jennifer Young, Customer Services, Tesco, Camelon (01324406407) had phoned the school to offer us bag packing next year. Any Saturday from January to June 2013 from 12pm 5pm. Suggestion made that two pupils at each alternate till for an hour a time and 2 pupils at door with collecting buckets. They request company liability insurance SPTC insurance can be used. Own buckets with lids and sealed. Adults to supervise. No restrictions by Tesco re age group.

Future events Information and Workshops Wednesday 24/10/12 Parent Council Essentials at Camelon Education Centre at 6pm Saturday 3/11/12 Parents and Families Workshop Grangemouth High School 10am 2.30pm Saturday 24/11/12 Parent Council and PTA Network Camelon Education Centre sharing ideas Date of next Fundraising Group meeting The Fundraising Group would like to hold a Halloween Disco for the children on Thursday 1st November and so they asked if a meeting could be held on Thursday 11th October. As the Janitor requires four weeks notice for a let Shona Stark kindly offered to check the availability of Falkirk Golf Club and let Mrs Small know if this was available. If not it was suggested that the Juniors Club be approached.

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