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Katie Cardenas Director of Graduate Studies

To: From: ASI Board of Directors Katie Cardenas, Director of Graduate Studies

Re: October Board Report ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fall 2012 Contact Information 916.278.6784 OFFICE HOURS: My office hours are every Wednesday: From 11-1:00pm in the ASI office From 5:30-7:30pm in the AIRC (2nd floor by the lab) EVENTS ATTENDED: Graduate Information Day LEED Proposition 30 Information Forum Voter Registration Tailgating with PPA & the Homecoming Game Precinct Officer training with Sacramento County Haunted Town Hall CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS: October 24, 2012 o RPTA, Pinchley COMMITTEE REPORTS: Graduate Studies Policies Committee: This committee met on October 2nd and started with a report that graduate admissions opened on October 1st for Fall 2013 and that there will be limited Spring 2013 admissions for select programs pending the results of the November election. Then we discussed how to define and monitor graduate credit hours to meet WASC mandates. It was decided that a policy would be drafted based on the feedback from the GSPC and taken to the Graduate Coordinators for input. In addition, we examined updating the repeat policy for graduate students. When the current policy for undergraduates was passed, the graduate policy was not revised or carried over. This means the old policy still applies and it is very difficult to find because it is in not in current university catalogs. The committee decided to put a six unit limit on repeats for graduate students because this is proportional to the limit set on undergraduate students and it is also matches with the current policy on currency. This policy will also be drafted based on comments from the GSPC and taken to the Graduate Coordinators for input before being forwarded to the faculty senate. I was unable to attend the October 16th meeting due to an illness and the next GSPC meeting is on November 6th.
6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6011 (916) 278-6784 (916) 278-6278 Fax

Katie Cardenas Director of Graduate Studies

Graduate Council: We met on October 5th to discuss graduate petition policies and review student petitions. The next meeting is November 2nd.
Diversity Awards Committee: This committee met on October 18th to discuss our schedule for reviewing Graduate Diversity Awards including the Probationary Faculty Development Grant (Due October 22, 2012), the Chancellors Doctoral Incentive Program (Due February 7, 2013), the California Pre-Doctoral Award (Due February 15, 2013), and the Graduate Equity Fellowship Award (Due April 12, 2013). More information about these awards is at In addition, the Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education is meeting on November 3rd at San Francisco State. The Southern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education will meet on April 27, 2013 at San Diego State University. These forums offer sophomores, juniors, seniors, and Masters candidates exposure to career opportunities and academic challenges associated with advanced study in a wide variety of disciplines. More information about the Graduate Diversity Program can be found here:

Student Affairs Committee: Has not met LEGISLATION: 2012/13-10-25/ Cardenas, Hurtado Resolution in Support of the Graduate Association of Students in Public Policy and Administrations Non-Partisan Voter Information Forum. The ASI Board of Directors passed this legislation during the October 10, 2012 board meeting. You can watch that meeting here: A copy of the legislation can be found here: MEETINGS: Voter Information Forum: Most of my energy this past month has been dedicated to organizing and coordinating the upcoming Non-Partisan Voter Information Forum, which is on Thursday, November 1st from Noon-2 in the California Suite, University Union. This event will provide students an opportunity to get unbiased information about Propositions 30, 32, & 38, all of which will affect the CSU. Current students in the PPA program will give objective presentations followed by a panel discussion moderated by Provost Gossett and made up of PPA alumni including Sacramento City Council Member Kevin McCarty, Mayor of West Sacramento Christopher Cabaldon, and PPA faculty member Mary Kirlin. The Office of Governmental Affairs will also give a presentation about their programs. To organize this event I have met with multiple parties and have been in contact via e-mail and telephone with many more. For more information go to Thus far, I have met with: SSIS Director Ricky Hurtado- We have met multiple times to discuss legislation and marketing ideas and to plan outreach efforts. Once our marketing materials arrive, we are going to attend club meetings and classes to help spread the word about this event.
6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6011 (916) 278-6784 (916) 278-6278 Fax

Katie Cardenas Director of Graduate Studies

Graduate Association of Students in Public Policy and Administration (GASPPA) Board- I met with this board towards the beginning of the process to present my idea and get feedback on my legislation. GASPPA has been an instrumental part of coordinating this event by helping me reach students and alumni in our program to be presenters and sit on our panel. ASI Executive Director Pat Worley- Pat helped me navigate the legislative process, understand ASI policies and procedures, and coordinate with ASI marketing. PPA Chairperson Rob Wassmer- Rob and I have met to discuss how to format the event, especially the presentations. He also helped me connect with Sacramento State Public Affairs. ASI Marketing- Ricky and I have met with Rueben Greenwald to discuss moving forward with our marketing plans. We also interviewed with Michelle Phi for an article she wrote about the event for the WLP. It can be found here: I have e-mailed or been in contact over the phone with: Phil Garcia, Vice President of Public Affairs and Advocacy- We talked over the phone about marketing strategies and he agreed that his office would match ASI funding and cover the cost of catering for the event. He connected me with the staff members who are helping me coordinate the details. Craig Koscho & Kimberly Nava- We have drafted, via e-mail, a Sacramento State News Release for the event. It can be seen here:

6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6011 (916) 278-6784 (916) 278-6278 Fax

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