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Prayer Requests
Y Pray for NEW BEGINNINGS! Y Pray for the Ivers family as they mourn the loss of Brad Atkins, son-in-law of Gloria and John, husband of Karen Atkins. Y Pray for Ken McCullen who recently suffered a minor stroke. He has moved from the hospital to The Gables in Stillwater where he will stay and undergoing therapy. Y Pray for Bernie Pommer (Gina Irlbecks father) who had open heart surgery.

lawsuit ends so he can have surgery and get off pain killers.

Y Pray for Erika Dochniak who has been

struggling with her health.

Y Pray for Jennifers neighbor, Julie

Fjeld, who is receiving treatment for her cancer.


The word Presbyterian is the Greek transliteration of the word, presbyteros or elder. The name of our denomination alone shares that the elders run the congregation. Just recently the names of the offices in the Presbyterian church was changed. Pastors are now called Teaching Elders; people on the Session are now called Ruling Elders. Both are eldersonce again showing that the Elders run the church. In the Presbyterian church no significant decision can be made without the Session, the Steering Committee in the case of Chain of Lakes, authorizing it. The only decisions the congregation can make are choosing a pastoror Teaching Elderor voting to take out a loan. The pastor has no authority to make a decision without the permission of the elders. This week you have the opportunity to read what the Bible has to say about elders. Elders served in the Old Testament and the New Testamentand had an important role in the nation of Israel and in the start of the church in the New Testament. Enjoy! Comments about the devotion can be shared with Pastor Paul at Monday, October 29

Y Pray for Niki who has cancer in her

lymph nodes and many other areas. Benefit for her is on November 2nd (contact Heather Butterfield). Y Mercy Nche (friend of Jonathan Tse) asks for prayer of thanksgiving for the wife of a friend who put to birth a bouncing baby boy after her husband died in a ghastly motor accident 2 months ago. Y Ferdinand Fondo (friend of Jonathan Tse) asks to pray for family relationship; to build and strengthen. Y Pray for Bea Bullard (friend of Dianne Black) who fell and broke her hip. Y Pray for Ward Sessing, member of the Presbyterian Church of the Way, who is undergoing surgery this Friday. Y Pray for Donna McCullen, wife of Ken McCullen. Y Pray for Alan Shingledecker who is suffering from past injuries. Pray the

Read Exodus 18:13-27 This story is a foundational story of how a group of people has to lead a faith community. JethroMoses father-in-law saw that Moses was exhausting himself from doing his priestly duties with the Israelites. His words are worth noticing: What you are doing is not good. You will surely wear yourself out, both you and these people with you. For the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone. Exodus 18:17-18 The task of leading any faith community is obviously too big for any one person. A group of people must take responsibility in doing it. One of the legacies of John Calvin is he organized the church so that the elders run the church. The elders oversaw the moral development of the people of Geneva. They literally ruled and ran the church. The point is whether it is thousands of years before Jesus or the 16th century or the 21st century, a group of people must run a faith community. Today, as you pray, pray for Val Owens, who is a ruling elder at Chain of Lakes. Tuesday, October 30 Read 2 Samuel 5:3-5 In this story David became the king of the northern kingdom, Israel. When David became king he made a covenant with the elderssee verse 3. The elders were the leaders of the tribes of Israel. They were representatives of the people who could make covenants on their behalf. Even in Old Testament times elders played a role in leading the nation. Without the elders David would have had no one to partner with in his leadership; he would have been alone;

the elders gave him legitimacy and a group with whom he could work. Today, as you pray, pray for David Nyberg, ruling elder at Chain of Lakes Wednesday, October 31 Read 2 Kings 23:1-3 In this story Josiah, the young king of Judah, found the book of Deuteronomy in the Temple. When he read it he discovered how far the nation has strayed from the vision of the law that Moses had given to the people. Josiah was touched in his heart on how far Israel had strayed from the path of God. Josiah wanted to implement reforms so that they could return to the vision of the book of Deuteronomy. So he called all of the elders of Judah. Josiah couldnt or wouldnt make changes by himselfhe needed the help of the elders. The king made a covenant with the elders the tribal leadersand all of the people that the nation would follow the Lord and keep the covenant of Deuteronomy. Josiah wasnt going to go forward without the help of the elders. Today, as you pray, pray for Gary Long, ruling elder at Chain of Lakes. Thursday, November 1 Read Matthew 16:21 When Jesus died he was killed by the religious leaders of the daythey included the chief priests, the scribes and the elders. The elders in Jesus day were people who could shape the Jewish tradition. They were people who were devoted to the study of the Torah and who wanted to pass on the traditions of the Torah. The writer Philo described the elders in the following quote

After the prayers the seniors [or elders] recline according to the order of their admission, since the Jews do not understand the aged and grey headed who are regarded as still mere children if they have only in late years come to love this rule of life but those who from their earliest years have grown to manhood and spent their prime in pursuing the contemplative branch of philosophy, which indeed is the noblest and god-like part. Philo Whats interesting is the elders were actually oldthey task was to teach the wisdom they had developed over the years. Unfortunately the elders were threatened by Jesus and wanted him killed. Today, as you pray, pray for Angelica Van Iperen, ruling elder at Chain of Lakes Friday, November 2 Read 1 Peter 5:1-5 In this passage the writer of 1 Peter shared the task of the elders. They were to run the church. They were not to use their authority as a way to grab power, but instead use their authority in humility. John Calvin instituted the office of elder in the City of Geneva. The elders were to watch over the lifestyle of the people. If the people had strayed from the way the elders and the pastors were to rule on discipline for them. The elders were people who were to instruct their followers on how to follow Christ. In the Presbyterian Church (USA) we have Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders. Ruling Elders are people who serve on the Session or in the case of Chain of Lakes, the Steering Committee. One of their tasks is to watch over the people. Their task is not to use their authority to bring power to themselves,

but instead use their authority to serve the peoplejust as the writer of 1 Peter wanted! Today, as you pray, pray for Jonathan Tse, Ruling Elder at Chain of Lakes. Saturday, November 3 Read James 5:13-18 In this passage James recognized that one of the roles of the Elders is to pray for the sick. The elders had the authority to anoint the sick with oil. They didnt need an ordained pastor to do thisin fact in the days of James ordained pastors didnt exist. The elders were the spiritual leaders of the people. Sharing care with people isnt something that only the pastor does. Elders can anoint people, pray for people, and be with people during challenging times. This is one of their roles. Today, as you pray, pray for Pastor Paul, Teaching Elder at Chain of Lakes.

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