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Transforming message of the Gospel I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation

n of everyone who believes: Romans 1:16 Transformation is METAMORPHASIS to change shape. Tadpole to Frogs, Caterpillar to Butterfly Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 Not the shape of the world, But the shape of the Kingdom

The first of two messages The Clean Slate Justification, your legal standing before Father God Keeping the Slate Clean Sanctification, working out your salvation The bottom line of this message today is taken from: Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, The messages build on each other so we will live a in transformed state living in the pattern of Father Gods kingdom The Clean Slate is an expression meaning a new start Grandmas schooling

The Christian vocabulary has many words that carry special meaning, loaded with transforming truth. Today we will focus on JUSTIFICATION and shed some light on a few other of these words In the next message we will build on this and look at SANCTIFICATION

The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of mankind It is the power to transform you, to be like Jesus 1. Salvation; saved from the fate of death & Redemption; price has been paid for you 2. Justification; your legal status has been changed 3. Adoption; you taken into the family of God receiving an inheritance with the Son 4. Sanctification; working out your salvation

Before we accept the sacrifice of Jesus our position is one of the CONDEMED THE STORY Original sin is not fair! Youre right it is not fair that you should be condemned by original sin. Father God agrees it is not fair. He felt so strong about this that He gave of Himself to give you the choice. He gave us Jesus so that you should be able to make the choice: Choose Him or turn your back on Him

Justification is your legal standing before God He declares you blameless of you sins, redeemed from them, He has paid the price. He declares you righteous Not your righteousness, but Jesus righteousness Your right standing before God you are clothed in HIS inherent goodness Mercy = not receiving what we do deserve Grace = Receiving what we do not deserve

Our nature was sin full, because of original sin and our own selfishness. He forgiveness us of our Sin and we are declare blameless He doesnt leave us there because we will sin again He declares us as righteous, clothes us with the righteousness of Jesus, so He sees us as He sees Jesus. Ephesians 1:13,14 Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance

Because you have been justified and declared righteous, He now opens the door into His Family right = exousia; privilege, capacity, competency, freedom, authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength. His grace extends to Him drawing us into His family, so we can call Him Abba, Father, Daddy

Forgiveness Mercy Righteousness Grace Adoption Lavish Love In adoption you receive the FULL position of a Son, You receive: The Rights of a Son The Privileges of sonship The Inheritance of a the Son The Responsibilities of being a Son


Legal standing our position has changed Once for all time it has been done in Christ, you need to receive it Entirely Gods work by grace through faith Perfected in this life The same for all the children of God If anyone is in Christ they are a new CREATION, the old has gone, the new has come II Cor 5:17 Gal 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. RESPONSE 1. IF you dont know Jesus 2. Your are cut off from your past, you are free


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