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Starkenburg Pilgrimage Overview Document

Joe Spencer 816.668.4148

Starkenburg Pilgrimage...............................................................................................1 Overview Document....................................................................................................1 Contents..................................................................................................................... 2 The Shrine .................................................................................................................. 3 Bulletin Announcement...............................................................................................3 Overall Organization....................................................................................................3 Chapter Leader........................................................................................................... 3 Payment and Expenses...............................................................................................4 Rules........................................................................................................................... 5 Itinerary...................................................................................................................... 5 Transportation............................................................................................................. 7 Food............................................................................................................................ 8 Security....................................................................................................................... 9 Restrooms................................................................................................................... 9 Camping (3 day pilgrims)............................................................................................9 What to bring.............................................................................................................. 9

The Shrine
Due to the extenuating circumstances surrounding last years pilgrimage, coupled with the fact that the Archbishop of Jefferson City specifically requested that SSPX members not enter the Shrine property, the pilgrimage will end just prior to arrival on the shrine grounds. There will be concluding prayers, after which all SSPX priests and religious will depart the grounds to their cars. o Mass on Saturday will not be at the Shrine, obviously, but will take place at the lunch stop at Steamboat Junction. o Mass each day will take place at Steamboat Junction campsite. See the itinerary, below, for details

Bulletin Announcement
For your convenience, please see below for sample bulletin announcement. The 2012 SSPX Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Starkenburg will be conducted November 1-3 from Jefferson City, MO to Starkenburg, MO. If interested or to register, go to for more information or to register.

Overall Organization
Fr. Arnaud Rostand Starkenburg Pilgrimage Lead

Joe Spencer First Assistant

Fr. Duverger Pilgrimage Chaplain

Matt Deister Chapter Coordination

Brad Nelson Security/Walking Lead

Rand Miller Medical

Dave Davis Logistics

Tom Spencer Transportation

Greg Dailey Sacristan

Trish Ross Food

Chapter 1

Chapter 1




Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter Leader
To ensure any priest attending the pilgrimage is focused completely on pastoral care, each Parish/Chapter is required to provide a Chapter Coordinator. This person should be a self-starter, motivated, a good leader with the ability to make decisions, and should be a good

communicator. I have assigned an Overall Chapter Coordinator (Matt Deister) to lead this most important activity. o The Chapter Leader is responsible to the Chapter Coordinator (Matt Deister) for all communication relating to registration/payment, planning, coordination, and onsite safe conduct at the pilgrimage, itself. o The main goal of the Chapter Leader is to free up the priests to attend to the spiritual needs of the pilgrims. As such, they will be the point person for questions and two-way communication with the Coordinator to resolve any issues in the most expeditious way possible. Additionally, he/she must: Ensure registrations are complete prior to (if at all possible) the pilgrimage Assign Security Leader for the chapter. Upon arrival at the pilgrimage, get with the coordinator to collect pilgrimage booklets and armbands for their folks who have registered (and ensure those who havent, register onsite). Be the point person for any issues that arise during the pilgrimage. Provide approximate headcount of attendees (adults, grade school children, and children under 5) to Matt Deister as soon as possible. This is to ensure we have enough food, pamphlets, armbands, etc.

Payment and Expenses

Each pilgrim is asked to register and make payment in advance at Each registered pilgrim will receive an armband that will be worn and shown to ensure they can expeditiously receive water and any snacks along the way, meals (3 day), pick up their pilgrimage brochures, etc. o This year, for the 1 Day pilgrims, rather than use only the mass collection itself to defer expenses, there will be a fee per person. See the note, below, for more expense information. o If, for some reason it is impossible for the pilgrim to register online, please mail a check to SSPX to my First Assistant, Joe

Spencer. His address is 11160 N. Farley Rd., Platte City, MO 64079 o If, at the last minute, pilgrims surface for some reason, do not turn them away. Encourage their attendance. Last minute payments will be accepted on-site but everyone is encouraged to pay in advance to avoid delay in starting the pilgrimage Expenses The cost of nearly everything has increased this year. And even though we have increased the level of accommodation (pamphlets to keep, 2 day campsite, increased shuttles), we have been able to keep the price of the pilgrimage close to previous years. Our estimate costs this year total just over $10,000 (58% of this are three day expenses, 42% are one day). Following are expense items included in this total:
Item Camping Portopotties food rental trailer v ehicles & fuel Scrips security publishing water parking

Rather than an exhaustive list of rules, it is expected that all pilgrims will conduct themselves with the highest degree of dignity, with respect for the offices of local law enforcement as well as the representatives coordinating the pilgrimage, as is expected from Catholic Men and Women.

The itinerary will be very similar to previous years. As before, there will be both a three-day pilgrimage and a one-day. The three-day pilgrimage will start at the Katy Trail access point in Jefferson City, MO, and proceeding through Tebbetts, Mokane, Portland, and Bluffton to conclude near the shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, MO. The Agenda for the 3 Day Starkenburgh Pilgrimage is as follows: Thursday, November 1, 2012, All Saints Day:

10:00 Drivers drop pilgrims at start and drive vehicles to Tebbits to drop vehicles. The trip from Jefferson Access to Tebbets will take approximately 30 minutes. 10:25 - Shuttle departs from Tebbits to Jefferson Access (Pilgrimage Start) 10:45 Shuttle arrives at North Jefferson (Jefferson City) access to Katy Trail (insert map or link) 10:45 Lunch 11:00 Blessing and distribution of Scripps. Opening talk and blessing. 11:15 Commence pilgrimage. Proceed to Tebbetts (12 miles), 4:00-4:30 - Arrive at Tebbetts (2.5 miles per hour average) Drive to Steamboat Junction Campground (20 miles). 5:15 Holy Mass at Steamboat Junction 6:00 7:00 Set up campsite, then Supper 7:00 9:00 cleanup and campfire 10:00 - Taps

Friday, November 2, 2012, All Souls Day (Tebbetts to Portland 15 miles - 6 hours) 7:30 Mass NB: Mass for priests (3 masses for each priest) will be scheduled throughout the day. Priests will be shuttled to the campsite for their scheduled masses.
8:15 Breakfast 8:45 Shuttle from Steamboat Junction to Tebbetts (20 miles)

10:00 Start Day 2 Pilgrimage

12:15 1:00 Lunch at Mokane 1:00 Step off for afternoon leg

5:00-5:30 Arrive Portland

6:00 6:30 Supper 6:30 9:00 campfire 10:00 Taps

Saturday, November 3, 2012 (Portland to Starkenburg 12 miles - 5 hours) (3 Day Pilgrims) 8:00 Shuttles to Portland (5 mile drive) (1 Day Pilgrims) 8:00 Drop pilgrims at start, drivers take cars to Bluffton (if camping Saturday Night) or Rhineland (if departing immediately following pilgrimage) 8:45 Brief talk and blessing 9:00 Step off 11:00 Arrive Steamboat Junction 11:30 Holy Mass (high mass?) 12:45 1:45 Lunch 2:00 step off on Pilgrimage
6:00 arrive Starkenburg Shrine. Each chapter say concluding prayers,

proceed to parking/camping. 6:30 8:00 Campers Supper 7:00 - ???? - Campfire

Transportation will be provided for the following:
From Tebbetts parking to the start of the pilgrimage - (3 Day Drivers)

(Pilgrims will take their own vehicles from Tebbetts to Steamboat Junction at the conclusion of Day 1) From Steamboat Junction Campground to the start of day 2 pilgrimage From the end of day 2 pilgrimage to Steamboat Junction Campground Day 3 -

Shuttle from Steamboat Campground to the start of Day 3 of the

pilgrimage for 3 day pilgrims. Shuttle from Parking Area (as of this writing, were still working on securing parking at the conclusion of the pilgrimage) to the start of the 1 Day pilgrimage in Portland. From the end of Day 3 pilgrimage back to Steamboat Junction for those camping the final night.

Food and Water will be provided for the 3 day pilgrims. No special considerations for diet will be made. Should a chapter, or individuals, need other or additional food than that which will be provided, they will need to provide, themselves. The food will be provided as follows: Water and light snack food will be provided at select spots along the pilgrimage route Food will be provided at the following: Dinner at the campground for Day 1 - Chili
Breakfast (coffee, cocoa, muffins and bagels) and Dinner (Hearty Potato

Soup) at the campground for Day 2

Breakfast (coffee, cocoa, muffins and bagels) at the campground (for

three day pilgrims) on Day 3 Pilgrims will be expected to bring their own food for the following: Food eaten along the pilgrimage route
Beverages other than water pilgrims desire to drink (i.e. Gatorade, adult

beverage, soda) Pilgrims are expected to have bring lunch to be eaten after mass, prior to commencement of pilgrimage Day 1 Food for lunch on Day 2 Food for lunch on Day 3 The Pilgrimage ends upon arrival at the shrine on Day 3. Dinner following the pilgrimage will not be provided

Security Leader has been assigned (Brad Nelson). Each chapter coordinator will be required to have another person assigned to be responsible for security in their respective chapter (Chapter Safety Representative). The Security Leader is responsible for the following: Overall Safety and Security of Pilgrims Training/education of Chapter Safety representatives Safety at street crossings and locations where streets are to be transited during the pilgrimage. Security of the campsite area Visibility of safety and security personnel (vests)

Restroom facilities will be provided: At Steamboat Junction Campground At the start of the Saturday pilgrimage (in Portland) Portable facilities will be provided at intervals throughout the three day pilgrimage, including Saturday, along the walking route. At the final parking location.

Camping (3 day pilgrims)

Camping will be done at Steamboat Junction Campground in Bluffton, MO, for all three days. Steamboat also has limited cabins, in case your pilgrims are interested to rent them. Please contact them directly for availability. (314)831-4807. We will eat our meals, all masses will be said, and we will sleep at the campground. There will be restroom facilities, a medical and security tent, and limited shower facilities (one shower).

What to bring
3 Day pilgrims: Rosary and missal Chapel veil

Day pack/backpack Canteen or pouch for water bottles Lunches Warm clothing Inclement weather gear Extra socks Walking shoes Tent, sleeping bag, pillow Toiletries Flashlight Hat Baby Wipes Sunscreen

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