Encourager For November 4, 2012

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Volume 21, Number 23

November 4, 2012


24 Hour Prayer Vigil Our Worship Center will be open from 7:00 a.m. Monday November 5 until 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 6 for anyone to come to the altar (or from a pew) to pray for our nation and the November 6 election. We would like someone to be praying at all times during the 24 hour period. Sign up sheets for 30 minute time slots will be in all Sunday School classes on Sunday, November 4. Even if you dont sign up, please come and pray at your convenience. Please park in front of the Worship Center and enter by the front doors. Security persons will be on duty during the night time and early morning hours.
A Look inside New Sunday School Class - Page 3 Guatemala Breakfast Fundraiser - Page 3 MBA 4th Annual Toy Sale - Page 3
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Eastmont Mens Chili Cookoff Tuesday, November 13 in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. All men, all ages from Eastmont and Iglesia Christiana Biblica Fe and their (male) guests are encouraged to attend. We need many to make & bring a crock pot of chili to be entered into a competition with prizes for the best chili. Drinks & deserts will be provided. Our speaker is Pastor Juan Santana. The cost is free, but donations for missions are welcome. Those bringing chili need to have their chili in the Fellowship Hall by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

Have you ever become so frustrated with people that you want to give up? I always laugh when I recall a Peanuts comic. Charlie Brown and Lucy are discussing compassion for people. Lucy says I love humanity, its the people I cant stand. A teenager returned home from his first day on his first job at McDonalds. His parents asked So how was your first day at work? He replied, It would be a great job, if it wasnt for all the customers. Some churches seem to forget that God has left us here to reach the customers. People dont hinder our ministry they are our ministry. Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love God and love people. Ive been alone in our church building many times. Though I love this place dearly and I consider it Gods house, it is pretty quiet, dull and lifeless when there is no one here. It is when we gather to worship, pray and fellowship that things come alive. Why? Because people, as exasperating as we all can be, are meant to be with other people. A stressed, busy pastor was trying to meet a printing deadline. His secretary interrupts and says There is a family here that needs some food. Can you come help? The stressed pastor looks up. I cant help them, Ive got to finish this sermon on love. Through our 1001 Blessings campaign God has used you to care for people. What better way to live our life than to serve our customers? In 1996, a wonderful work of art created by Michelangelo, was discovered after being lost for over 90 years. It was a three foot statue of cupid. Guess where it was found? It was discovered in Manhattan, on Fifth Avenue near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. People had walked past it for years and never even noticed it. Everyday you walk past masterpieces. They range in size from a few inches to over six feet in height. These human masterpieces need encouragement and compassion. Thats why God leaves us here. The difference in most churches is how they treat their customers. Ill see you Sunday,

1,001 BLESSINGS (kid-style) Boys and girls, dont forget to do something nice for someone this week! We want to know what kids are doingso tell your teacher when you get to Sunday School. Were going to write each kind act on a leaf to put on our Blessing Tree in the hallway! RA CLASS RECOGNITION Wednesday, November 14, 6:30 p.m. in Room 124 RAs will be awarded patches earned last quarter. RA BASKETBALL RA basketball teams are being formed now. Sign up through an RA class if you would like to play. TRUNK or TREAT 2012 We believe we had a record crowd this year! THANK YOU to all who participated in helping to make Trunk or Treat happen! GIRLS in ACTION At this years Soapbox Derby, GAs provided biscuits, donuts and drinks for a donation to missions. They are sending their offering to help send a pastor in Kenya for ministry training. You GO, girls!! MISSIONS in NOVEMBER Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. GAs, RAs and Mission Friends will be learning about missions in San Francisco this month! Join us for lots of fun activities and projectslike having a Backpack Race and trying an Afghan Falooda Sundae and lots more! GOT TRINKETS and DOO-DADS?? We are collecting items for our Christmas Festival Holiday Shop.any items that children would enjoy purchasing whether for himself or for a family member or friend. Please place items in the collection boxes located in the hallways. COMING SOON ---CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL (December 1) ---International Mission Study (December 5)

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Monumental by Kirk Cameron November 4 at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Operation Christmas Child Shoebox goal in the student ministry: 40 See an Acteen for further details. Winter Retreat 2012-2013 December 29 - January 1 @ Panama City Beach 3 nights on the beach, amazing food, Bible study, fellowship & fun!

Guatemala Mission Team Breakfast Fundraiser - Sunday, November 11 The team will deliver sausage biscuits, jelly biscuits and blueberry muffins to your class. Please turn in your order no later than this Sunday, November 4 with your Sunday School records or contact Billy Dickey. Donations accepted to help offset our costs to Guatemala. Operation Christmas Child OCC urgently needs volunteers to fold the new boxes. All materials are available in room 133. Please leave any wrapped or folded boxes in the chairs on the back row separated from the ones that still need to be processed. Thanks and God bless. -Team OCC MBA 4th Annual Toy Sale We have the opportunity to supply toys for parents to be able to "shop" at very low costs on December 8th. We have provided this "shopping opportunity" for parents for the last 4 yrs and it has been a GREAT success! Donations may be taken to room 110 by December 2, or by Heritage Baptist Church parking lot from 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. on December 3.

Elizabeth Lancaster and family in the loss of her husband, Paul, on 10/18/2012. Jody Freeman and family in the loss of his grandmother, Frances Schofield. Doris Mathews and family in the loss of her sister-in-law. John Hansen and family in the loss of his brother, Gene Hansen, on 10/21/2012. Jill and David Morse in the loss of her father, Robert Pickford. Tina Martinez and family in the loss of her cousin, Velma Caton, on 10/25/2012. Lisa Fancher and family in the loss of her mother, Bobbi Willis, on 10/30/2012. Evelyn & Larry Hanson in the loss of her mother, Mary Mainor, on 10/29/2012. Nathan Forrest and family in the loss of his father, James Forrest, Sr. Richard & Donna Sue Davis and Ray Gary in the loss of their grandson and Rays great grandson, Joshua Davis, on 10/26/2012. Randy Cherry & family (former members) in the loss of his mother, Nina Cherry, on 10/29/2012.

Upcoming Trips Bellingrath Gardens - FILLED Myrtle Beach Show Trip-April 29 - May 3, 2013 Grand Canyon/Hoover Dam September 2-14, 2013; Cost: $995/double occupancy Reservations will be taken in the order of Eastmont Seniors 1st, Other Eastmont 2nd, Non-Eastmont 3rd Celebration - Pigeon Forge October 28-31, 2013 (more info coming soon) Contact Ed or Cheryl for more info on trips.

Thanksgiving Covered Dish Lunch November 11 after second Service Meat and drinks are provided. Bring a traditional Thanksgiving side dish or dessert to share. Singles Christmas Dinner Friday, December 7th at Gails Down the Street. More details coming soon.

New Sunday School Class A New Mens class will begin next Sunday November 4 at 9:20 a.m. Bob Perkins will be the leader. This class will target median adult men. The class will meet in room 118. Alabama Baptist State Convention November 13-14 at Vaughn Forest Baptist Church If you would like to be a messenger, please contact Janet in the church office.
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November 4, 2012
Sunday, November 4
8:10 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Discipleship Outreach/Meal Aerobics Craft Class Fellowship Meal Acteens Mission Groups Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Orchestra Practice Mens Small Groups Aerobics

Wednesday Night Meal

November 7, 2012 Hamburger Steak, Baked Potato, English Peas, Salad, Dessert, Drink November 14, 2012 Roast, Rice & Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert, Drink
$5.00 Adult $2.00 Children (Max. $15.00 per family)

Sundays Music - November 4, 2012 Special Music Blessings Second Chance Sanctuary Choir - He Still Saves Pam Head, Soloist Sundays Music - November 11, 2012 Special Music Zack Godwin Sanctuary Choir I Will Bless the Lord Don Messick, soloist

Monday, November 5 Tuesday, November 6 Wednesday, November 7

Sunday School Totals October 7, 2012 Preschool...61 Children...63 Students...81 Adults611 Total...816 October 14, 2012 Preschool...62 Children...62 Students...94 Adults552 Total...770

Building Lock-Up November 4, 2012 Coy Nichols David Melton November 11, 2012 Allen Deal Billy Dickey

Thursday, November 8
5:30 p.m.

___________________ Sunday, November 11

8:10 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Discipleship Outreach/Meal Aerobics

Bus Ministry November 4, 2012 Wallace Jones 567-6093 November 11, 2012 Richard Law 593-1616

Weekly Giving October 21, 2012 General Budget $27,455.93 Building Fund $2,409.00 October 28, 2012 General Budget $24,589.67 Building Fund $2,120.00

Monday, November 12 Tuesday, November 13

Eastmont is on Facebook and Twitter. If you are on Facebook or Twitter, be sure to like us on facebook at facebook.com/eastmont or follow us on twitter @eastmontbaptist.

Wednesday, November 14
5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Meal Acteens Mission Groups Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Orchestra Practice Mens Small Groups Aerobics

Thursday, November 15
5:30 p.m.

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Eastmont Baptist Church 4505 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109

The Encourager

The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109. Periodicals Postage Paid at Montgomery, AL

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