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November 2012

Light of Life Ministries

Mike & Peggy Yost

A need for prayer and support

We are coming to you, our
partners, asking for prayer and help. We are a smaller group now than when we began. Our financial support is declining and for the first time in 10 years, we do not know if our funds will be sufficient this month. We need more monthly supporters and a few one-time gifts to catch us up. Would you pray? Can you help? While praying for us, would you consider sharing this need with others that could join in His work. God is good, all the time. We believe he wants us (and you) to continue in Honduras, working to build His kingdom. This December we will celebrate 10 years serving at Hospital Loma de Luz. It has been good to learn and live in an unfamiliar country and culture. We have made many new friends and some have become like family to us. Many great people have come and gone here on the field and we have been blessed by their teaching and support. But you are the most important to us! You who encouraged us 10 years ago to follow Gods lead and you who have joined us along the way. We have been following His lead together and you have been faithful, some of you since the beginning.

We believe, The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though its parts are many they form one body. So it is with Christ 1 Cor. 12-12

Please make donations for Mike & Peggy to CornerStone International with Light of Life Ministries in the memo line. Address and info below Make Donations for Hospital Loma de La Luz, also a faith supported ministry, to Cornerstone Foundation. Check out our site!

November 2012

Praise that Peggy is feeling better with new medication Praise that Liz the Childrens center director is feeling better after her illness Praise for funds that were provided for the truck the hospital needs

Pray for Mike and the many projects that he is working on Praise for Paul a terminal patient at the hosptial that accepted Jesus just prior to his passing Pray that all the ministries here at the Hospital will continue to be fruitful

Sunday school basics

" lannel graph is a great tool that Sunday school teachers have used successfully for many years. In todays modern society of projectors and at screen monitors it is almost forgotten art. We were blessed with a beautiful annel graph kit Kids Around the World organization. The color are vibrant and the teaching material is excellent. This blessing came several years ago and our young Sunday school teachers continue to use it with success. In the photo Peggy is holding the board with Diany teaching Nahomy and Yerlin and Vincinte are teaching too. They are a such a blessing!

" unday school transport is still one of our ministries. The Land-Cruiser is being repaired so we are using the pick-up truck to transport kids. They like being outside and more free. A chaperone rides in the back because many of the children are small. Mom is saying to hold in tight when they get in. We move very slowly through the pueblo. The kids have a great time and look forward to attending Sunday school. During the week, many ask. is tomorrow Sunday? We are blessed with good attendance and some great cookies, too!

Home address: Mike & Peggy Yost Apartado 139 LaCeiba Honduras C.A.

Sending Agency: CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore, KY 40390 1-800-859-4578

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