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Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient oriental Art of harmonizing life energy within the body.

Said to predate Buddha and Moses, it was rediscovered in the early 1900's by Master Jiro Murai, who, after recovery from a "terminal" illness, devoted himself to the revival of the Art for future generations. He believed that the capacity to use this Art is born in all of us, like our hands, the tools with which it is applied. Literally defined, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the Art of the Creator expressed through knowing and compassionate man. It is a physio-philosophy that involves the application of the hands for gently balancing the flow of life energy in the body; more generally, it is the awakening to awareness of complete harmony within the self and the universe. There are two important distinctions between Jin Shin Jyutsu and many other massage and oriental healing modalities to which it is often compared. First, Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art, as opposed to a technique; a technique is a mechanical application, whereas an art is a skillful creation. Second, Jin Shin Jyutsu is not a physical manipulation of tissue and uses only minimal pressure. The hands are used as "jumper cables," contacting 26 "safety energy locks" to redirect, or unblock the flow of energy along its pathways. A practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu is not the "do-er", s/he simply assists in the flow of an infinite supply of universal energy. This process does not affect the practitioner's personal supply of energy. In a typical Jin Shin Jyutsu session, the receiver remains clothed and lies face- up on a cushioned surface. A practitioner employs a harmonizing sequence, or "flow," appropriate for unblocking particular pathways and restoring the energy to the energy rhythm of the universe. A "flow" is a series of hand placement combinations (using the "safety energy locks") that stimulates circulation of energy along a given pathway. There are many such pathways in the body, each with a distinct function or essence. To a certain extent, the experience of Jin Shin Jyutsu is unique to each person for each session. What can Jin Shin Jyutsu help with? Everything! In the short term, it helps alleviate acute conditions, and in the long term the chronic conditions. Chronic conditions have built up over time, so the important thing is to find the cause of the condition, not just alleviate the symptoms. Jin Shin Jyutsu is most amazing when dealing with: Physical and mental exhaustion Run-down immune system Pain management

A Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment is a pleasurable experience, usually one of deep relaxation. After treatment, symptoms may or may not be relieved. They often are, but it may take 8 to 24 hours to notice changes, as this therapy initiates the flow of energy. Afterwards, the energy cycles for another 24 hours of healing, cleaning and releasing of tensions. After several treatments, a person can really feel the difference and has a sense of real balance and vitality, so they are better able to distinguish when they are 'out of balance'.

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