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What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can accept data, process these data to a stored set of instructions and produce meaningful information. -Electronic device design to manipulate data so that useful information can be generated. CAPABILITIES 1. The computer has the ability to perform arithmetic operations. 2. The computer can also perform logical operations. 3. The computer has the ability to store and retrieve information because a computer has a storage area called memory. 4. The computer has the ability to process information at a very high speed. 5. The computer can direct itself in a predetermined manner without human interventions. LIMITATIONS 1. Computer do not think for you. 2. The computer cannot correct inaccurate data. 3. The computer is subject to breakdown. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTER 1. Microcomputer 2. Minicomputers 3. Mainframe Computer 4. Medium-sized Computers 5. Large Computers 6. Super Computer USES OF COMPUTER 1. Personal Computing 2. Science and Research 3. Information System/ Data Processing 4. Education 5. Medicine 6. Artificial Intelligence TWO MAJOR COMPONENT OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM 1. HARDAWARE- is the physical component of the computer system. It consists of the tangible parts of the computer. This is the part of the computer that you can see, touch and feel with your hand. The machine itself. 2. SOFTWARE- refers to all computer programs or routines which direct and control the computer hardware in the performance of its data processing functions. TWO BASIC TYPES OF COMPUTER SOFWARE 1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE- these refer to programs we are written for the purpose of showing specific data processing jobs. 2. SYSTEM SOFTWARE- to programs supplied by the computer manufacturers or specialist software companies that contribute to the efficiency and case of operating the computer. It supervises the operating of the CPU, controls the input/output functions of the computer system and pro9vides various support services. WHAT IS OPERATING SYSTEM? -An operating system (OS) is a software that manages the overall operations of the computer system. Its primary purpose is to support application programs. -The part of operating system can be grouped into 4 functional Categories. One. Set of the parts forms the shell or user interface: Another set of parts responsible for coordinating multiple computer in a network. Third set coordinates multiple tasks or basic units of work with in a single computer and finally the kernel of the operating system is the software that ties the hardware to the software and performs such as keeping track or everything. Operating systems also manage the other components of a computer system. They support programs called DEVICE DRIVERS that control the various hardware devices, such as the keyboard, display screen and printer. The most operating system on the market is MICROSOFT WINDOWS. TYPES OF OPERATING SYSTEM

1. Microsoft Windows- is a family of operating system for personal computers. Window Dominate the personal computer world, running by some estimates on 90% of all personal computer, the remaining 10% are mostly Macintosh Computers. Like the Macintosh operating environment. Windows provides a Graphical user interface, virtual memory management multitasking and support for many peripheral devices. = MS-DOS has a command driver user interface it

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