Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More Read More

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28/ 29th October 2012


Bahrain prosecutor appeals against acquittals of 3 police
Bahrain's prosecutor Monday appealed against the acquittals of a policewoman accused of torturing a journalist and two policemen tried for murdering demonstrators in last year's anti-regime protests. "The prosecutor general has decided to le an appeal (after) a thorough review of the reasons" that led to the acquittals and after studying the evidences against the accused in both the cases, a statement issued by the prosecutor general Abderrahman al-Sayyed said. On October 22, a Bahraini court had acquitted a policewoman who was charged with torturing female journalist Naziha Saeed, who is Manama's correspondent for France 24 and Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya, during last year's crackdown on anti-regime protests in the Gulf kingdom.

Bahrain: Policeman dies from burns in April attack

Thanks to the crackdown, Bahrain is increasingly riven by sectarianism, with a more energized Sunni minority and a discredited Shia parliamentary bloc.

Cross-posted from the Arabist. The court concluded that the testimony of the victim was "The Uprising is Over. But "contradictory" and "does not What Is the Price of Bahrains conform to the pathologist's Victory?" report. Read More story was not true and lacked accuracy and credibility.

So asks Bahrain watcher Justin Gengler in a post at Religion and Politics in Bahrainon September 30 regarding the state of the protests there that began on February 14, 2011 in the island nation. Despite an evergrowing dearth of international media coverage, Bahraini tweeps are still beingarrestedfor criticizing the ruling family, the riot police aresurroundingentire villages to go after enemies of the state, whether they are dissidents or street thugs, and jail sentences areupheldagainst doctors who treat injured protestors: Read More The murders of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans, are grim reminders of how fragile the Middle East is and how dangerous it is for our diplomats, our military and all Americans in countries where these demonstrations continue to spread. Read More

Bahrain denies it plans to open UNHRC office

Bahrain has denied opening an Ofce for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR )next November here. In response to a a statement attributed to a UN ofcial on a the opening of the ofce, carried by some local newspapers, the Ministry of Human Rights said that the

Navy's Fifth Fleet key to stability in Gulf, Bahrain

As violence continues to reverberate throughout the Arab world, the presence of the U.S. Navys Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain remains vital to the security of the Arabian Gulf, and to energy delivery and economic stability there.

The ministry said that there was no agreement to open a permanent ofce of the UNHCR in Bahrain in November, as stated by the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Bahrain, and that the opening of such an ofce is a sovereign issue which requires a consent from the government of Bahrain rst. Read More

Bahraini regime forces attack, injure protesters in Sitra

Saudi-backed Bahraini forces have launched fresh attacks against anti-regime protesters and injured several people in the northeastern island of Sitra. Read More

Bahrain al-Wefaq party calls for a protest rally to break al-Eker siege
Bahrains main opposition bloc al-Wefaq has called on Bahrainis to march towards the village of al-Eker, south of the capital, and hold a protest gathering there. Read More

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