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Smart Media

Working to Make the World a Better Place



Smart Media

2nd Quarter 2012

Working to Make the World a Better Place
Page 4-6
me Smart Media’s Vision of the
CEO David Martin & Smart Media’s
pursuit in developing a global, fun,
educational and collaborative social
community designed to generate
profits for its members and truly help
the world

Page 7
Smart Media Embraces Cause-
based Marketing
Adopting cause-based marketing to
do well and do good for charitable and
not-for-profit causes Page 19 Page 27
Embracing Critical Causes The Quiet Explosion
Pages 8-9 How Smart Media’s new social network The behind-the-scenes evolving
is committed to critical causes infrastructure of Smart Media
Introducing Home Page Pays 2.0
A preview of the incredible next stage
in the development of HPP Pages 20-23 Page 28
Smart Media Advertising & Will People Think Less of Me?
Page 10 Branding Secrets to making the right decisions
The perfect Smart Media advertising
1 – to – 1001+
The new definition of Viral Marketing and branding solutions

Page 11 Page 24
The Money is in the List A Revolution in
Many marketing gurus have claimed Advertising
that a good list equals success. But Getting the Top-of-Mind
what is the best way to build your list? Awareness you desire

Pages 12-14 Page 25

The Edutainment Revolution The Worth of
The next revolution of Education: Why 20 Minutes of
the world needs it and how to get Advertising
there! The drawbacks of
traditional advertising and the new
Page 29
Page 15 advertising revolution
Smart Media Values – Social
Smart Media Games - Responsibility & Code of Conduct
Entertainment that Brings Enabling social values and
Families Together Page 26 responsibility with quality ethical
Creating an amazing game world to Why Do We Need a Plan “B”? standards
improve and help lives Five reasons most people will never be
financially secure
Pages 30-31
Pages 16-17 Never Give Up!
Smart Points Crucial thoughts on the keys
Let Smart Points lead you to to success
recognition, awards, prizes and

Page 18
Smart Points Rewards Store
The first and only online rewards
store where everything is FREE
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place


2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

to a New Dawn!

i, my name is Derek Weller and I want to welcome you to the first ever
issue of Smart Media Magazine. This issue will answer the question, “What is
Smart Media?”

By giving great information in a beautiful format, that not only makes

great reading but is also a wonderful gift. When you give someone this high quality
magazine, you give them great value and this makes you look good.

There are articles on the “Edutainment Revolution”, Secrets of Ultimate List Building,
Smart Points and my personal favourite, Never Give Up!

You will see what we are doing to be a positive force for change today and the vision
for tomorrow. If anyone ever wants to understand more about Smart Media, you
should just hand them a copy of this magazine.

As you read on, you will gain a sense of what a true milestone this issue heralds.

The team that created this magazine is stretched across four continents and has
overcome immense obstacles to leave you with this request:

Join with us and make a positive difference by helping us make the world a better
place, using a system with the most
powerful tools on the planet…
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
Put a copy of this magazine in the hands
of everyone who cares about
Derek Weller
helping themselves and helping others. dwellerbda

Smart Working to Make the World

Media a Better Place
© Smart Media 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this magazine
may be used or reproduced without the express permission of
Smart Media. All information contained in this magazine is for
information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time
of going to press. Smart Media cannot accept any responsibility for
errors or inaccuracy in such information. If you submit unsolicited
material to us, you automatically grant Smart Media and license to
publish your submission in whole or in part in all editions of this page
magazine, in any physical or digital format throughout the world.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

S m ar t M e dia’s
Vision of the Future
Smart Media’s Vision of the Future is to have hundreds of millions
of people around the world participating in our Fun, Educational,
Collaborative social community that is designed to generate
numerous streams of profits automatically for its members.
Smart Media will also revolutionise the way that people can give back
to the world and make the world a better place.
Several things Smart Media will change

y doing so, we believe that Smart Media
will become one of the great Fortune 500 over the next decade:
companies in the technology marketplace
and a company whose members are able Social Community: A Home Page social community
to make a real, profound difference, both in of hundreds of millions
their own lives and in the lives of others.
Education & Entertainment: Millions participating
Many companies try to do some of what we are in a unique synthesis of education and
doing, but most of them fail within the first 6 months entertainment
to a year.
Causes: There will be millions more in the Smart
Smart Media was founded in 2008 and is expanding Media community helping those who cannot help
more rapidly than ever before. themselves

Few companies can consistently deliver on their Branding: There will be incredible new ways to help
promises, but Smart Media has a track record small businesses succeed and brand themselves
of under promising and over delivering in both
technology and value. Mobile: The Smart Media App will be on millions of
smartphones & tablets
In a volatile world where change is the only
constant, we all know that the really important Middle Class: A thriving global middle class that has
things stay the same and the rest constantly need been strengthened by Smart Media’s efforts to help
innovation to improve. those who will help themselves

Here are Four things that Smart Media will

not change:
Sharing: Smart Media will remain a technology
company that shares its success

Innovation: Smart Media will continue to innovate,

giving average people the chance for a better life

Vision for a Better World: Smart Media will always

work to make the world a better place for humans
4 Viral Expansion: Continuing to Virally Expand
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Many things that Smart Media is changing today

Sharing: Smart Media is the only technology Social Community: The Smart Media Social
company that freely shares its revenues and it is Community is all about two things; personalisation
currently developing new ways to increase the and sharing. The hub for all of this activity is Home
revenue streams to its membership. Imagine if you Page Pays. HPP 2.0 (complete article elsewhere in this
had been able to earn revenue from one of the great magazine) is where your personalised avatar “lives”
Fortune 500 technology companies when it was just in its virtual home; a place where you safely share
starting. Where would you be today, financially? through Smart Mail, Smart Chats, Smart Chirps and
more; a place where your friends
Automated Profit: A are easy to identify and connect
unique system that puts with; a place where you can share
profit into the pocket of its your concern for world causes
paid members, when they together, play games together,
are awake and when they learn together and spend your
are sleeping, is undergoing Smart Points together.
constant upgrades.
Social Awareness: In the
Middle Class: The Smart hectic, on-the-go world we live
Media system is already in, it is easy to zoom through
improving the opportunities every day without really knowing
available to the middle class what is happening around you
to support them in securing and where you can make a
the lifestyle they desire. difference. Smart Media’s current
commitment to making the world
Innovation: From Home a better place includes elements
Page Pays to unique that are designed to capture
proprietary games to new attention and encourage the
educational paradigms, Smart members of our community to take a deeper look at
Media is committed to constant innovation. the good they can do and then show them actions
they can take. Members of the community will notice
Education & Entertainment: Beginning with
the pervasiveness of social responsibility and social
great educational and training videos and now
awareness in everything we do.
breaking ground in the edutainment arena, Smart
Media is demonstrating leadership in every way. Smart Points: A unique reward
Unique, custom Smart Media games that define system for all members of the
healthy edutainment for all ages, driving true global Smart Media Community. These
sustainability. points not only have both real-
world value in the Smart Media
Causes: Beginning with direct donations as a % of
Store and supporting charities,
revenue and then partnering with charities and Not-
but in the virtual worlds where
for-Profit organisations, Smart Media is taking action
they can be exchanged for
to make the world a better place. More than that, we
advantages in your virtual lifestyle.
are using technology to directly impact the global
education crisis and the middle class that is declining Friendly Competition: Finding that fine line
in many parts of the world.
that allows competition without anyone feeling
like a loser has been the challenge for decades. It
Branding: With the highest impact at the lowest
is recognized that games would be able to create a
prices, Smart Media is bringing the latest advertising
greater sense of community when this is achieved.
and marketing technologies to support business
Smart Media is closing the gap on this elusive goal
persons (especially small business) everywhere. This
in its proprietary, exclusive games. Not only will
program is being expanded even as this issue is
mastering the concept of “Friendly Competition” page
published. Look for great innovations in this area.
increase the attractiveness and replay value of a 5
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

game, but it will provide the perfect vehicle for a personalised launch pad (Home Page Pays) that is
delivering educational content. absolutely free and can be given away free
indefinitely. Following the practice of giving away
Free Trial Culture: Our usage of the Internet has massive value in the hopes of conversion to a higher
created a “free culture”. This is a culture that does level of membership is a numbers game and the
not buy until they try. Almost every technology Smart Media numbers will provide the vehicle to
product allows the prospective client to either try achieve all the goals in this article.
for a time period or to use a “lite” version of their
product free. At the same time, the free version must HPP 2.0: The hub and centrepiece that all of these
deliver great value or the prospect will not convert activities revolve around is in a constant state of
to make a purchase. Examples of this range from intense innovation. If you carefully look through the
Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Skype, Dropbox features in the article on Home Page Pays 2.0, you
and millions of others. Following the example of will be amazed at the value this free product delivers.
other technology giants, Smart Media has created

Why does Smart Media invest this level of effort and expense into their products?
It all revolves around creating a better life for you, Envision this massive community united in
your family and friends. Help us to create a better contributing to a better world through our new
world and to make a difference that will continue on paradigm in education, entertainment and causes.
after each of us has left this life. Over the next decade, millions will have been served
and given a chance at a better future including:

Those who could not help themselves - will help themselves

Those who could help themselves - will be enjoying a better quality of life
And those who wanted to help others - will be helping others

Smart Media may not be able to change everything,

but we will make a global difference. The world will
be a better place because we were here.
We invite you to be a part of our
mission to create a better world.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Smart Media Embraces

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Cause-based Marketing
“Do Well by Doing Good”
mart Media is following in the footsteps of

S companies such as Marriott Corporation, Ben

& Jerry’s, Famous Amos (cookies), Yoplait,
Cheerios, American Express and Apple
Computer, amongst others in the “Do Well by Doing
Good” model (term coined by Bruce Burtch) . Smart
Media has committed to Cause-based (Cause-related)
marketing in that effort.

Cause-based marketing differs from corporate giving

and refers to creating co-operative relationships
between for-profit businesses and charities. These
partnerships have typically resulted in greater gains for
both the charity and for the business than either could
achieve alone.

The exact models that Smart Media will adopt have not
yet been finalised, but here are some examples that
other corporations have used:

Ben & Jerry’s The UK-based Yoplait Cheerios Singapore American

Ice cream AquAid Water Had their “Save Had the stamp Airlines Express
containers are Coolers the Lids to Save of approval Used an online Gave 2 cents
mini-billboards Donates 5.5% of Lives”, raising $2 (the“Heart auction to launch from every AMEX
that have turnover to supply million in the Check”) from the the “Doctors card purchase
championed clean drinking campaign for the American Heart Without Borders” towards a group
causes both water to the Susan G. Komen Foundation campaign of charities
local and global people of Africa via for the Cure
the two charities
Christian Aid and
Pump Aid

These are just a tiny sampling of the group of companies Smart Media has already committed to donating 1%
that Smart Media is joining that demonstrates of its revenue from banner ads to charity and the new
commitment to global social responsibility. These HPP 2.0 overview page highlights charities and not-for-
relationships have raised billions of dollars to help profit causes as well as offering the opportunity for paid
mankind create a “kinder, gentler” world. members to highlight the brand of their favourite charity.

It lets everyone know that you are one of the “good The Smart Media team is discussing a multitude of ways to
guys” because you are part of Smart Media. This makes raise awareness of important causes. Whatever methods
it attractive for family and friends to participate without and models Smart Media chooses to implement in Cause-
reservation. It is another way for you to “Do Good”. based marketing, you can be assured that it will help our
members “Do Well by Doing Good”.
Smart Media
Replace with David Tagline




Smart Media
Replace with David Tagline





Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

True story demonstrating why Home Page Pays is the

Ultimate List Building System on the Internet
O ur vision of the future is to have a Home Page Pays
social community with hundreds of millions of
people. This true story of what happened for one of our
Members roll up to the paid member who, in this story,
was Mariette.

Members, when she gave away Home Page Pays, is an

example of how we will achieve this goal. I t gets even better...

M ariette, who lives in Alberta, Canada, spent most of

her working career in the field of medicine, including M ariette and her sponsor, Anita, noticed what was
happening and they connected with Rosalina to ask
her if she would like to upgrade to a Paid Member so that
many years in Africa. She is a caring, giving person, so the
chance to be part of a company like Smart Media, where she could start building her own Free Member network
she is able to give away something as wonderful as Home and get paid when they used HPP. Rosalina thought that
Page Pays to people all around the world, is a dream come was a great idea so she upgraded. In that same 2 week
true. period, she had over 400 Free Members of her own and
also her first Paid Member.

M ariette says, “I finally have a way to truly help people

in a meaningful way. Smart Media is not only for
helping people create financial abundance.... it also helps I magine what is going to happen to this group over the
next 6 months. Imagine how many Free and Paid
people who need a positive change in their lives by Members they will have in their network. Mariette gave it
spreading compassion, education and prosperity... all that away to Rosalina and in only 2 weeks she had over 2,000
is needed for peace, which I am very happy about.” Free Members on her first level, 400 on her second level
and 2 new Paid Members. She had activated multiple
income streams by just giving away a valuable gift to
M ariette gave away the HPP system as a birthday gift
to Rosalina, one of her friends on Facebook. Rosalina
registered and started using the HPP System.
Rosalina on her birthday!

W hen Marlette told Rosalina she could earn 25 Smart

Points each time she gave it away, is when the
T here are many other stories we could share with you...
yet this is only the beginning.

fun started. In a couple of days Rosalina had invited an

additional 127 new Free Members and in turn, received a N ow is the time to share the exceptional gift of Home
Page Pays with the world and make a difference!
total of 3,175 Smart Points (127 people x 25 Smart Points)!

T hose 127 new members also

found out about Smart Points
and they too started giving it
away. In just over 2 weeks, Mariette
had over 2,000+ new members...

It is important to understand that

only Paid Members can build a
Free Member network and get
paid on the Internet activity of
Free Members. Free Members are
rewarded with Smart Points and
page matching prizes when they refer
10 other members, however, their Free
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

The Money Is In The List

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Home Page Pays adds even more truth to this statement. Why?

t is very simple for our Paid Members to build a list by
giving away unlimited value-packed Home Page Pays From the local corner shop to multi-national companies
systems for free and develop a continually expanding
database through the power of leverage. Many businesses give away product samples or
promotional gifts that are branded with their company
Imagine it… when any of your Free Members give away logo. This can be extremely costly.
HPP, then those people give it away, and so on, everyone
rolls up into YOUR database! And why wouldn’t they What if they were able to give away an unlimited number
want to give it away when everyone can receive lifetime of HPP systems and whenever those people use the
membership of the unique HPP system that has an Internet, they see the business owner’s branding. Even
amazing FREE source of Entertainment, Education, Games, better, the people they give it to for free can give it away
Social Networking and so much more, including the to others!
chance to Earn Smart Points and Win Prizes.
Not only does the business receive top-of-mind
However, what if there was a whole new meaning to the awareness, they are also able to earn an income whenever
saying, “The Money is in the List”? What if you were those Free Members use the Internet.
actually PAID on all your Free Members who access the
Internet though our HPP system without even changing Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) and Fundraisers
their web browser?! What if you were actually PAID Charities, Religious Organisations, Schools, Sporting
commissions when any of those Free Members make Clubs, Non-Profit (Health and Other Organisations)
purchases of Smart Media’s in-games and virtual goods?
And this is just the very tip of the iceberg! Smart Media offers a dynamic and unique way to raise
funds where the organisation WINS and their members
If you fit into any of the following categories, it is likely you and supporters WIN!
are looking to expand your client or member base in order
to make or raise money. NPOs, charities, schools, sporting clubs, religious
organisations, etc., can earn money simply by giving away
Direct Sales the amazing HPP system to their members and supporters.

We have all donated to causes, but bad economic times

means there is less or no more money to donate. No one
wins, the supporter feels guilty, the organisations have
fewer resources and the causes they represent suffer.

What if people were able to support their favourite cause

by simply doing what they do every day anyway, thus
providing a constant stream of funds for that cause.

How can Smart Media pay on all its Free Members?

Smart Media earns revenue from advertising. Instead
of pocketing all that revenue, it has chosen to make a
difference in people’s lives all around the world by sharing
Network Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, Internet
that revenue with its members.
Our unique promotional branding service offers anyone
People in the Direct Sales industry are always looking for
in business (small to large), anyone in the direct sales
ways to build a list of good prospects. By purchasing a
industry or any NPO even more diversity, with a better
branding package, they purchase the branding rights to
way to promote and brand themselves. They receive
give away an unlimited number of free HPP systems to
unsurpassed branding real estate allowing them to
anyone all over the world. Every time those people use
become more successful with their business or NPO and
their computer or the Internet, they see the branding. It
at the same time creating them another powerful and
is the perfect gift. It benefits the receiver and rewards the
passive income source.
giver, so everyone wins.
Read the 1 to 1001+ story to see the power of this system. 11
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

here is change in speed and to be engaging,

T the wind. A restless
whispering that will
fun and content rich.

hy does there need

no longer tolerate
educational tyranny W to be a change so
radical that it is termed a
and mediocrity. This
revolutionary unrest revolution? Consider this...
is different from those
here was a study
in the past, because
you can hear an undertone of the laughter and
T on creativity (NASA
developed the test - administered to 1600
giggling of students learning.
children) which demonstrated that 98% of children
he last true revolution in education occurred at Kindergarten age are creative geniuses, but as
T as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the
“Age of Enlightenment”. Our current educational
they progress through the current educational
system that percentage drops and drops until at
system was designed to raise the economic age 15 only 12% tested as genius, for the same
standards of an entire people and conceived to group of children! The same test was administered
relieve many of the social ills of the 18th and 19th to 280,000 adults and only 2% tested as genius in
century. It was a revolution in its time, but is a creativity.
poor fit for today. Unfortunately, we haven’t had a
s we follow their progress, they are not only
significant paradigm change since then.
A less creative, most have learned to resent or
lose interest in school and the learning process.
ur culture, technology, society and children
O have all changed radically since that time,
but our educational system has lagged woefully
Smart Media believes that if we are going to make
the world a better place, we must start by making
behind. Today, our children learn at the speed of learning fun once again.
the Internet, which is the greatest trend in human
history. They expect their education to match that
T his is far from a trivial undertaking but, Smart
Media knows that it takes true commitment
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

to make lasting and include all of the other
important change in the skills and opportunities
world. What would this that a technology-rich
revolution have to look world can provide,
like? This revolution, at a without our current
minimum, MUST: limitations.

verturn the
again, putting the
excitement of adventure back into education!
O stagnation and
tyranny of the status quo. No amount of “patching”
will fix the current system.
ncourage Collaboration, Social Sharing and
E Social Learning over individual effort.
A llow students (of all ages) to learn as fast as
they are able and not to relegate them with
e free on a global basis.
B artificial rules, such as age groups, or holding their
learning back in order to stay in sync with the rest
B e available on numerous platforms, such as
Windows, Mac and many mobile devices.
of the class.

llow learning to occur at any place and at any

C reate interactive adventures that attract,
capture and retain the student’s attention.
A time.

e immersive! One of the most important

B e relevant with constant innovation. It is said,
that by the time a college student finishes a
B attributes of getting an education at highest
possible speed is for the student to desire and be
degree today, in any technical subject, their text
able to immerse themselves in the topic. The more
books, educational material and perhaps even
immersion, the harder the brain “clicks” over to try
skills are already outdated and obsolete.
rovide the fundamental skills, such as Reading,
P Writing and Arithmetic, yet also expand to page
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

any people have titles? Zero, nada, zilch,

M asked why Smart
Media formed a game
nothing for custom
designed, professionally
company and why they crafted Edutainment
create their own games. software. Additionally,
Now you know one of this Edutainment games
the answers! When you library will be constantly
combine education and expanding. Can there
entertainment you get Edutainment. Smart Media be any question of their commitment to the new
is part of the learning revolution. learning revolution?

very member of Home Page Pays will have free

their edutainment materials demonstrating
that there is pent-up demand for these tools. For
E access to many of these amazing learning tools!

upport the revolution in education and be a

example, did you know that by April of 2012, the
single Edutainment title, “Brain Age: Train Your S hero in the eyes of your children and family
members by giving them free and unrestricted
Brain in Minutes a Day”, had sold almost 20 million
units (the game lists at $20/game - see chart) access to these fun, immersive learning tools.
Invite everyone to participate in Home Page Pays
o you know how much Smart Media will
D be charging for many of their edutainment
and be a part of making the world a better place.

Learn more about the revolution in Education by

listening to Sir Ken Robinson describe what is
happening while RSA illustrates it.

And his original TED talk...
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Smart Media Games
Entertainment that Brings Families Together

The First Point The Third Point

T he first point of the Smart Media Mission is to

“Help those who can help themselves to improve
T he third point of the Smart Media Mission is to

“Help those who want to help others be able to do

their lifestyle”. so easily”.

he Smart Media Games support this through

S mart Media Games contributes to accomplishing
this goal by attracting and retaining free and paid T educating the
player where they can
members with proprietary, top-quality, “family-friendly”
make a real difference
games that are fun and rewarding, with both in-games
in the world; locating
success and real world benefits through Smart Points. The
those who are in
in-game advertising and product placement will provide
need and can be
another revenue source that will help our members
directly helped. This
improve their lifestyle. The only place that families can
is game-play that can
enjoy these exclusive games is as members of Home Page
change the world...
for the better.

The Second Point S mart Media employs a significant number of highly

skilled specialist programmers dedicated to the new
Smart Media Games section. Our aim is to create an

T he second point of the Smart Media Mission is to

“Help those who cannot help themselves to

exciting selection of games exclusively for Home Page
Pays that will include, but not be limited to, puzzle games,
board games, quiz games, action/adventure games,
achieve dignity and improve the quality of their
educational games, memory games and more! Oh, and
let us assure our readers once more that these will be fun
games with incredible replay value, because if we cannot
S mart Media Games supports this by creating games
that educate players about
the important causes around this
achieve these goals nobody will play
them and help us achieve the
Smart Media Mission.
world, raising their level of social
consciousness. At the same time these
games encourage (and reward) socially
responsible actions both in the games
and in the real world.

Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

Home Page Pays is the

only social community
in the world that gives
its members a constant
stream of rewards points
(Smart Points) for


An exciting channel for member recognition, awards, prizes, as well as member purchasing power

The incredible and unique Smart Points system environment. More and more they will share with others all the
allows individual Home Page Pays members to different ways in which to earn, win or even give away Smart
accumulate Smart Points and then spend them in Points. They will talk about the great products they have been
a variety of exciting ways. able to purchase, highlighting their favourites, as well
as the ones they are saving for.
From low priced items such as music
downloads, to higher priced items They will, of course, want to share the fun by inviting
like watches, computers, cameras others to join the wonderful world of “Smart Points”
and much more; the choice and possibilities; driving the ongoing expansion of
value is tremendous. There will opportunities and benefits which the system can
even be items exclusive to Smart provide.
Media, as well as gift vouchers from
merchandisers around the world.

The Smart Points system is a continually

evolving global concept created
by Smart Media as an interactive
environment, providing our members
with numerous exciting benefits.

Our global Smart Media family will

love this expanding interactive

Hitesh from UK, said, “What a great way to start my day, I woke up to find out I had won $500
page in the Monthly prize draw. I couldn’t believe it until I checked my account and there was the
16 $500. What a great company!
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Ways to Earn Smart Points

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

1. As a Free or Paid Member
• Surfing the Internet through Home Page Pays search engines
• Wherever you go on the Internet if you install the HPP add-on
• While using any feature on Home Page Pays
• By clicking on the Daily Prize box. Take advantage of this as everyone who
clicks will win at least 1 “Smart Point”. As an added bonus, there are also
100 Special Daily Winners who are randomly selected by the system and
awarded Smart Points ranging from 2 up to thousands.

2. As a Free Member
• Receive 25 Smart Points whenever you refer another Free
Member. We give Free Members their own personal “Home Page
Pays” website that can be shared with their family, friends and
associates. The more Free Members they refer, the more Smart
Points they receive.

3. As a Purchaser of Our Super Value Package (SVP)

• Receive 300 Smart Points as a free bonus every month with your monthly subscription.

Enjoy the option of giving away y our

Smart Points to your Free Memb ers.
Ways to Use Smart Points
It’s simple to give them all to one
member or custom distribute them 4. As a Free or Paid Member
to your other members as you see fit. • In the Smart Points Shopping Store
• When participating in Smart Media competitions
The Smart Points system is taking the
very best features from other points • Within Smart Media Games
systems, like the Fly Buys, Frequent • To unlock additional Home Page Pays features
Flyers and Shopping Voucher announced by Smart Media
points systems and elevating those
concepts to a whole new level. All other points systems require spending money to earn points.
Remember, Smart Points are being offered to Home Page Pays members for FREE!

Earn Them! Use Them! Share Them! Enjoy the Rewards!

Spread the news and share the Smart Points experience!

Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

s tore
The world’s first and only online rewards store where everything is FREE!

W e are so excited about the upcoming grand

opening of our Smart Points Rewards

This will offer members merchandise they love at really

yours, based on the number of Smart Points required to
obtain it.

SCIP will constantly be on the lookout for products that

will appeal to our diverse community of Smart Media
smart prices. Your Smart Commodity Investigator Patrol members; products that can be enjoyed by all members
(SCIP) uncovered a great group of products from top worldwide. Products will range from auto-intelligent
online merchants to stock the Smart Points Reward Store. digital cameras to innovative headphones and much
Smart Media members may purchase this wonderful more.
merchandise using only their Smart Points. The Smart
Points Rewards Store brings exciting new value to Your Smart Points Rewards Store will continually expand
membership and to Smart Points. and evolve in our goal to offer our members value, variety
and a rewarding experience!
As your Smart Points accumulate, you will be able to
navigate your way through the Smart Points Rewards How will YOU spend YOUR Smart Points?!
Store, choose the great product you like and then make it

Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Embracing Critical Causes

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

A new social network helping you help the world!
Smart Media believes that truly great companies embrace their
social responsibility. We believe in both raising awareness of
conditions that negatively impact the quality of life for people all
over the world and taking action to improve those situations. This
ranges from direct contributions to those organisations whose
cause fits within our mission to raising- social consciousness of our
members to global concerns.
We are committed to enhancing our interactive social community by
incorporating systems into Smart Media designed to automatically
benefit the charitable causes and organisations we are passionate a bout
- This is all of us making a difference through “Cause-Based Marketin g”.

Cause-Based Marketing will always be

completely aligned with the Smart Media Mission
“Help people who can help themselves to help improve their lifestyle.”
“Help people who cannot help themselves to achieve dignity and improve the quality of their lives.”
“Help people who want to help other people to do so easily.”

This mission is the driving force to function as a great organisations that help people to feed themselves; a
company as well as presenting Smart Media as a major step towards a solution to world hunger. We will
community of members doing great things in the name also contribute to organisations that focus on education.
of social responsibility and for the betterment of people
around us. We want members to see, and others to know, A co-operative effort will be taken between Smart
that Smart Media’s Cause-Based Marketing is working as a Media and various important causes that goes beyond
result of the company’s efforts and members’ involvement. just making a donation. Our goal is to create a formal
We will have global impact. relationship with charitable organisations in which our
contributions and involvement make a positive, rewarding
Smart Media Games and heart-felt difference. Members will see a formalised
marketing campaign on Home Page Pays and elsewhere,
We are currently creating exclusive Smart Media games
promoting our Cause-Based Marketing efforts.
that can help people improve the quality of their
education. At the same time, by incorporating Cause-
Benefits to Members
Based Marketing into these educational games, we will
raise awareness of important causes, including game The result of building these Cause-Based Marketing
action suggestions for members to help support those features into our community interface will allow members
causes. This is a huge Smart Media opportunity to spread to be part of something meaningful that is larger than
our social responsibility message through the integration themselves; something that can proudly be shared
of education, games and causes. with family and friends, attracting more people to each
member’s HPP website...
Donations to Critical Causes in the World “A Cause to Action!”

Smart Media will donate a part of its revenues to the

The support of these causes creates a self-perpetuating
most critical causes in the world. In that respect, we
circle generating positive visibility and publicity for Smart
will be giving a percentage of revenue from all Banner Media and its members and allowing us to benefit the
Ad Impressions and Smart Video Ads to some of the
causes even more! page
world’s top charitable organisations. We will focus on 19
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

Smart Media
Advertising & Brandin

The Perfect Advertising &

Branding Solutions for . . .

Smart Media has 4 valuable products for those in Business,

Direct Sales and Non-Profits
FREE MEMBER REWARD PROGRAM people using the popular Social Media Networks, such
1 Why will Internet users desire to use Home Page Pays?
Because it delivers incredible value for FREE! Members
as Facebook, Twitter, eBay & YouTube, etc., but also one
that automatically PAYS YOU EVERY TIME through our
can participate in a variety of online social activities advertising revenue sharing incomes!
and entertainment. Families can access our educational
videos and video games. Additionally, Free Members get BRANDING SYSTEMS
the latest news, top videos and daily entries to win prizes
and cash; all while having loads of FUN on their own or
3 Those purchasing the Basic $125 Branding Package
can set up their text in the Smart Media Back Office in
with family and friends! minutes. Their brand is immediately exposed to all of
their Free Members.
Promotional giveaways to increase brand awareness
Additionally, those purchasing the Super $400 Branding
System have the ability to promote an unlimited
can be very costly, so imagine holding the rights to give
number of websites and videos that can be organised
away an UNLIMITED number of valuable Home Page
into categories and sub-categories. They will also enjoy
Pays systems at minimal cost and whenever your Free
Members use the system, your brand is in front of them, an unlimited number of text and video broadcast
24/7. As a Paid Member, all the Free Members referred by messages, as well as the special “Name in Lights” feature.
your Free Members (to infinity) will roll up and be added Our Branding System delivers an enormous amount of
to YOUR database! online “real estate” to promote any businesses, programs,
products, services and blogs of your choice. You can even
Imagine a marketplace of 2 Billion Internet users! You promote non-profit organisations or fund-raisers. This is a
page can brand and promote on a system that not only one-time product purchase that offers on-going value for
20 spreads virally through the hundreds of millions of a mere $30 monthly subscription.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

From the local corner shop to multi-national companies

g Direct Sales
Network Marketers, Affiliate Marketers,
Internet Marketers

Charities, Religious Organisations, Schools, Sporting
Clubs, Non-Profit (Health and other organisations)

The Ultimate Marketing System: Advertising Through Smart Media:

• Promote your product or services by giving out • Best advertising rates in the industry - advertising
unlimited HPP systems on a minimal budget

• Brand and promote globally, 24/7, at only $30 per • 24/7 exposure that no other advertising medium
month! can offer

• Change your branding at the touch of a button • Easy to monitor ROI due to PPC & PPI real-time
with no additional cost tracking, reporting and statistics on ad performance
Revision is simple and updates are almost real-time
• Your Free Members are rewarded for using your
promotional medium; providing maximum • Highest security protection against Internet fraud
exposure and top-of-mind awareness for possibly and Pay Per Click fraud
hours each day to the same person. What other • Specific market targeting – local, regional, national
form of advertising can do this? and global
• Incentives for Free Members to introduce others to • Total control over ad campaigns and associated
your branded system costs - specific budgets for specific banners and no
• New customers become repeat customers cost to change banner instantly

• Does traditional marketing media allow you to • Ads can be changed to promote new lines, adjust to
interact with your customers? Imagine what you market conditions, etc.
could do with the built-in Smart Chat, Smart Chirp Versus Traditional Advertising:
and Smart Mail features!
• Radio & TV Advertising - Very expensive and a
• Blast out special deals regularly by using the competitive market
branding, chat or mail features
• Billboards/Business signs - Do you really remember
• Constantly drive traffic to sales pages using these them?
• Business cards, flyers, brochures - Do you keep them
4 Our Paid Members can also advertise to all our Smart
Media members by purchasing an advertising package for
• Yellow Pages - A massive cost to the advertiser
• Newspaper or magazine advertising – You pay for it
as little as $100. The bigger the package, the bigger the
regardless of whether or not it is seen
discount advertisers receive when a member views their
ad or clicks on their advertising banner.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

Advertising with Smart Media gives you 24/7 exposure With Smart Media, you get the best of all worlds. Your
and top-of-mind awareness that no other advertising branding or super branding is available 24/7 to your
medium can offer and is much more cost effective. You whole Internet database of Free Members whenever they
only pay when a member views or clicks on your ad! are using the HPP system. At the same time, you can also
advertise to Smart Media’s global members by purchasing
Even when you advertise on Google, Yahoo, Facebook,
one of our advertising packages. What Smart Media offers
MSN or any other big online company, the only people
outweighs what other companies can offer!
who see your ad are people who go to those websites.

SM Advertising & Branding Perspective

Whether your business is a large industrial firm or a One Person Army (OPA), the principles of growing your business and
increasing your revenue are the same.

Marketing/Sales 101
When you want to build your
business revenue, you need to focus
on four steps:

1. Lead Capture/List Building

Without a group of prospects
that can be converted to clients,
there is no business revenue and
no revenue growth.

2. Top-of-Mind Awareness
If your prospects are not aware
of you or your company, then it
would be pure chance that they
would ever become clients of

3. Relationship Building
Every salesperson who has ever had success will tell you that the quality and quantity of your sales depend on your
ability to create positive relationships.

4. Creating the Sale

Once the relationship is built, the prospect will want to know three things:
a. The benefits or value of doing business with you
b. The features and advantages of your product or service over your competitors
c. And the terms of buying this product and doing business with you

Once they have decided to make the purchase, you need to have a method of closing the sale and acknowledging
the purchase. This could be as simple as a handshake or verbal confirmation, clicking a “yes” link or signing a contract/

Smart Media offers a unique, leading edge, Advertising and Branding System (SMABS), that dynamically positions you
and your brand as no other system can.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Home Page Pays Branding System

Smart Media Member’s Video Branding System: Select your favourite thumbnail from any video that you
upload, then put your videos into your category of choice. The Super Value Package gives you the ability to
create as many categories and sub-categories for your videos as you desire, unlike most other online video
systems. Your viewers only see your videos, so they are never distracted by another person’s or company’s video
message. This Package also includes the ability to have an unlimited number of categories and sub-categories
for your websites.

Here is an example of how visitors will see your videos. In the image above there are three folders and four
video thumbnails. Clicking on a thumbnail plays the video at its full size. The Smart Media system does all the
work for you, instantly creating a beautiful page for your videos. page
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

A RevIon Alduvetrtisingn
Would you rather pay $40,000 for 20 minutes per month
or a one-time purchase of $400 for 81.5 hours per month?
* 81.5 hours is an estimate based upon average monthly Internet usage

et’s say that it would only take 20 minutes of showing

every person in business hunger after it? Regardless
of whether you are a one-person-army building your
L your logo, product or service to achieve awareness.
Although it is highly unlikely that you could achieve Top-
direct sales or affiliate business, or if you are a small of-Mind Awareness with most people in just 20 minutes,
business owner or a corporate executive, TOMA is your let’s see what research bears out in this example.
path to success. Top-of-Mind means that when someone
f you ran your advertising over the next 30 days (trying
thinks about a product or service that you sell, your name
comes to mind first. Whether you distribute a health
related product, an online digital product or manufacture
Ito get at least the 20 minutes), what does research
indicate about the length of time each person spends
widgets, if your audience does not think of you first, you exposed to your brand?
stand no chance to convert them from a shopper to a
he conclusion is easy. Traditional advertising is high
client (or member).

dditionally, if someone might be even slightly

T priced and probably does not deliver the length of
impression required for TOMA. However Smart Media, in
A intrigued by an opportunity or purchase, you will
want them to try yours first. How is this achieved?
their digital online advertising, has created a system and
package for all businesses that delivers the optimum Top-
Traditionally, we would advertise on television, radio and of-Mind Awareness for the smallest cost and risk with the
billboards and in newspapers. But, what would it take to maximum ROI. Additionally, business people will want to
achieve TOMA with each of these and is there a better investigate the Smart Media Viral Lead Generation System.

How much would just 20minutescost us(ignoring

high production costs)?

Research shows that the cost of traditional advertising can be A research comparison of the length of Impression shows that
100 times that of digital advertising* can easily be over 200 times more effective for digital online
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

The Worth of 20 Minutes

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

of Traditional Advertising
20 - 30 second tv ads - 1200 seconds - 20 minutes in a local medium
market of 100,000 people, not necessarily targeted and not including the
thousands of dollars needed in production costs, could easily be $1,000 per
ad or a total of $40,000.

20 - 30 second radio ads - 600 seconds - 20 minutes in a group of local
stations will typically run as much as $16,000.

Assuming that a newspaper reader spends a full 5 minutes per page
and assuming that you are advertising in a fairly well read newspaper in
California - 4 days at $400/column inch for a 4 x 4 inch ad would cost $3200
per ad or $12,800 over 4 days.

Let’s say you purchase an ad on a large billboard. Assuming the average
motorist has about 5 seconds to notice and absorb some of your content
and assuming this motorist passes the same billboard 4 times per day, they
would get about 20 seconds of exposure each day, which would take about
60 days to get a full 20 minutes of impression. Depending on location,
large billboards can range as high as $30,000 per ad for a 4 week run. We
assumed that you get a bargain and get 60 days for $10,000.

Time Spent on Internet

As reported in February of 2012 by ComScore, the heaviest internet users
in Europe come from the UK. U.S. Arbitron reported in April of 2012 that
moderate Internet users (but they were also either heavy TV or radio users)
were on the Internet 2 hours and 43 minutes each day - India, TNN, Desi
netizens spend over 8 hours a day online: Survey March 2012.

Cost of Smart Media Package

The highest priced Smart Media Package is an initial $400 and a $30 monthly subscription, which
allows you to constantly promote an unlimited number of websites and videos and give away
a value-packed free system to an unlimited number of Free Members; a system that provides
constant branding on Free Members’ browsers and many other TOMA approaches. 25
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1

Are these four statements true about you?

I do not earn enough income to be financially secure.
I have not accumulated enough money to be financially secure.
I am not accumulating enough money to be financially secure.
I do not have enough passive cash-flow to be financially secure.

And have you given yourself (and your family) any of the following reasons
for your failure to achieve financial security?
I don’t have the time.
My boss won’t pay me enough.
I don’t have the knowledge or education.
I don’t have the skills.
Nobody wants to hire me. (I’m not marketable, too young, too old, too short, etc)
I can’t see how I could do it other than win the lottery.
I don’t have wealthy relatives who will leave me an inheritance.

But, if you were really honest wouldn’t the real reasons be more like...
I’m unwilling to try.
I’m unwilling to approach my personal and professional network.
I’m unwilling to work hard.
I tried and gave up after setbacks.
I’m unwilling to change my beliefs about the way money is accumulated.

Why We Need a Plan “B”

We value financial security! For most of us this is very important and yet not achieved. We do not have
enough financial security to ensure the lifestyle and Quality of Life that we want now and into the
foreseeable future.

Basically, our governments, educational institutions and other such organisations have conditioned us to
work towards only one source of income, namely “the job”. There is nothing wrong with this, however, it is
limited income and it engenders a limited thinking mentality. We need to actively look at creating other or
additional sources of income that will provide options and encourage unlimited thinking and an unlimited
belief in what can be done in life.

What are the steps you could take today to start moving towards financial security?

a. Would you be willing to become a free member of HomePage Pays?

b. Would you be willing to join Smart Media as a paid member?
c. Would you be willing to give away free HPP memberships to your personal and social network?
d. Would you be willing to put in 4 hours/week on your own Smart Media business?

page If you answered “yes” to the above and act now, you have taken a huge step towards being financially secure.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place



The Quiet Explosion uar



Smart Media has initiated a number of exciting infrastructure

changes over the last few months. While most of these changes
were unannounced to our Members, they will benefit the company,
improve our processes and deliver increased value to our Members.

Hype vs. Smart Media It is often very difficult for us to massively expanding its worldwide
Many companies continually throw remain low-key because we are server infrastructure to support
marketing hype at their members. excited about the changes we create growth well into the future. The
They make big promises about new and want to share them with our expandability of our systems ensures
innovations, even though, as so often Members. For example, in 2012, we Smart Media a rock-solid technology
is the case, the company does not focused on a new era and delivered foundation.
have the resources to deliver on those major innovations within the Home
promises. In the world of technology, Page Pays system that Members never Programming Team
inexperienced leaders will typically expected and were never promised. Fifteen new Programmers are working
find themselves over-promising and Creation of a mobile-friendly diligently on a “secret” Smart Media
under-delivering. The challenges of environment is on the horizon, project. This will result in a much
consistently delivering high quality but while we have yet to reveal more powerful Home Page Pays. Free
results are insurmountable to them. our biggest updates, we can share Members will dramatically increase
some very important operational their number of hours on Home Page
Smart Media takes the opposite improvements. Pays due to this innovation and Paid
approach by committing huge Members will reap the benefits. We
resources to major projects, Member Support will strategically unveil this and other
developing them in silence until Smart Media has strengthened its secret projects when they are ready to
just the right moment to release an ability to respond expeditiously to be released.
announcement. Members’ support questions. The
Smart Media programming team Administrative Assistants
Many of the largest and best run enhanced the support interface We have added Administrative
companies in the world, such and improved the entire support Assistants to our support team who
as Apple and many top Internet system. Additionally, we are training are working on many aspects of Smart
companies, tend to keep very additional support personnel. The net Media with certain Leaders and our
quiet about their progress until the result of these changes is shortened Creative Design and Programming
moment they release a major update. response times and improved Teams. They have become a very
solution effectiveness. Support valuable asset to our team.
Why do they do this? Because they Administrators have improved
are realistic. This is a proven formula tools, technologies and systems to In Summary
for top technology companies. expedite the needs of our Members. Smart Media is a technology company
Leading technology companies This includes an evolved priority and with an opportunity for the masses.
realise the damaging effects of complexity evaluation system that We will never stop expanding and
prematurely marketing themselves. will shorten the speed to solution by getting better.
as much as 1,000%.
The distinction may seem small at Server Expansion
first, but it Is incredibly important and Due to the rapid growth of our
foundational to our success. The value Member database, Smart Media is page
to Members comes first. 27
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Will People Think



Less of Me?

The Wrong Company can hurt your reputation...

The Right Company can make people love you

Here’s How To Tell Them Apart

The Direct Sales industry is a 38 Billion dollar industry with over 900,000 businesses. So why does such a
successful industry struggle so hard at keeping new participants? What scares so many people away who
could benefit from participating? With most companies, people have paralysing fears that are at the root of the
problem. Of course, everyone wants to be liked and loved, but some people think that the direct sales model
will make others think badly of them. Many people are afraid to approach family and friends because they fear
that it will make them uncomfortable and that those people will avoid them and think less of them.

They might think within the Direct Sales model:

1. I must try to get them to buy products every time I see them.
2. I must try to pressure them into joining the business.
3. I must always talk about my direct sales opportunity at social settings.
4. Will they see me as a salesperson? Do they cringe when they see me?
5. I must try to schedule social meetings and then discuss business.
6. Will they question my motivation?

Individuals who are currently frozen with these fears can overcome them
by finding a company with attributes and benefits that instead create:
1. The ability to give away high value products to anyone, with no cost to them or me.
2. Products that would provide continuing excitement and value every day, still at no cost.
3. No pressure on the people I have shared these gifts with to join the business.
4. The ability for me not to have to personally sell to people who ask about an income opportunity.
5. The ability for the people who get these free gifts to share them with others, just like they can on
Facebook, Twitter and some of the other most popular sites in the world.
6. The excitment of knowing that when these people share your gift with others it will automatically
expand your network of happy prospects.

People who are frozen by“What will everyone think of me?”, but who still want to enjoy the huge benefits
page (income, fellowship, lifestyle) of Direct Sales, can use the guidelines above to find the companies that will
28 bring them revenue as well as fun, happiness and respect.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Smart Media Values

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

Social Responsibility & Code of Conduct
he Smart Media code of conduct philosophy
true freedom without responsibility and you
can’t have greatness without social responsibility.
T is growing a company with quality ethical
standards. We comply with the laws and regulations
Our goal is to build a business that reflects and of each country in which we do business. We always
enables the social values that we believe in. We aim to compete fairly and honestly, observing all
have a social responsibility to be aware of what applicable anti-trust and competition laws. Just as
is happening in the world and contributing importantly, we aim far above current laws in terms
to charitable causes and organisations for the of quality of product and ethical standards.
betterment of society at large; to improve our own
conditions and those of people around us.

hrough dedication to its social values and

In that respect, Smart Media will give 1% of the
revenue from all Banner Ad Impressions to the T advocacy towards higher social values for all
companies, Smart Media is working to make the
world’s top Charitable Organisations. We will
focus on organisations that help people to feed industry a better place. This includes exposing
themselves; a major step towards a solution to unethical practices being carried out by companies
the food problem. We will also contribute to or individuals and acting as a scam buster in helping
organisations that focus on education. Additionally, to keep the industry clean.
1% of the revenue from all Smart Media Video Ads
mart Media believes that ethical companies
will go to the world’s top Charitable Organisations.
S attract ethical leaders and, with innovation and a
solid foundation in technology, leads to a company
W e endorse the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. We work hard to help the environment
and to be one of the greenest companies on earth.
designed to stand the test of time.

Naturally, we have an advantage as our products are

digital and we are investing in solar and wind power Judy in Phoenix is thrilled to have found
something that fits so well with her values.
in order to power our servers and infrastructure.
“I believe Smart Media is in alignment
with my values. When I saw this, I was so
e will create specific ways that easily enable
W our community of global members to be part
of positive social change. This includes both Free and
excited that I couldn’t sleep well. My mind
kept on thinking about all the different
people to help out there in the world.”
Paid Members using their e-Wallet funds to support
certain charities, if they so choose.
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place
2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1 Issue 1


You never know what is around the corner!

and I would like to share a story with you. W hen everyone started using the Internet and
business opportunities sprung up online,
we all went through another apprenticeship and a

T oo many times I have heard people say that they

were burned when trying to make money from
business opportunities and they won’t try again. It
completely new learning curve. Business
opportunities came and went. In fact, over time, I
have learned so much more from the failures than
then amazes me when they say they have only tried from the successes, which is why I jumped at the
with two or three companies. It is like they had the opportunity to join Smart Media as it met all my
dream but because it didn’t happen for them, they criteria that I look for in a company!
gave up. Did they ever look
at the reasons they may already knew the company
not have succeeded? Many
people will join a company
I owner, David Martin, and was
aware that he and his team of
and expect miracles to world-class programmers and
happen overnight, even if designers developed security
they do absolutely nothing. software for the banking
Others really make the effort industry. I knew he was
but lack experience. creative and innovative, that
he was working on something
hen I first started
W looking at alternative
incomes as a single mum
very special and had the
funds to see it through to
completion; although never
over 2 decades ago, I was in my wildest dreams did I
definitely in the second expect we would be blessed
group. I was very hard with what we are now
working but initially lacked any support and without seeing come to fruition. It has me pinching myself
the luxury of the Internet, found myself going wondering if this is all for real… Well, yes it is, and
through a lengthy apprenticeship with one company without a doubt, joining Smart Media was the best
after another collapsing on me. However, attracted decision I have ever made!
by the vision of residual income, I just knew I should
never give up; one day it would happen for me and
for friends I was making along the way. In those days
I had no idea what criteria to look for in a company
I also love the fact that Smart Media is a technology
company with a CEO who has chosen to share
its wealth with the world through cause-based
and would have a go at anything. marketing and educate the world with our free
educational libraries and educational games.
hen I found a terrific mentor and a couple of
T years later we joined a company that became our
vehicle to enormous success. I had proved to myself O ur diverse line of instantly deliverable virtual
products offers exceptional value to a
that it really COULD happen if you didn’t give up on marketplace of 2 Billion+ people, because we really
the dream! do have something for everyone who has access to
the Internet. It is hard to imagine a marketplace like
hen I hear people saying they were “burned”, I

W smile to myself and am so blessed that giving
up never even entered my mind!
that… and the timing could not be better before we
become a household name!
Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

T he company provides a simple system that

2nd Quarter, 2012, Volume 1

includes free online marketing tools to create a
large duplicating network.
Sallie from New Zealand had been excited about

W hat is also exciting for me is what I am seeing

happen for people who have never before
seen success in this industry. Here is just one of many
other opportunities in the past but says, “I can
assure you, this beats them all. I can’t express
my gratitude enough to the person who shared
stories I could share with you. It is about a long-time Smart Media with me. Initially, it sounded too
good to be true, however, my gut instinct caused
friend of mine, who just happens to share my name,
me to check it out further… then ‘the light bulb
Carol. I am sure Carol won’t mind if I share her Smart
went on’! Even my husband, who had seen
Media success story. me struggling in the past with other ventures,
was intrigued. It is such a clever concept that is

E ver since I have known Carol, she has tried many

business opportunities but was never able to
achieve an income from them. That was until Smart
structured to benefit everyone and is so different
from anything I have been associated with in the
past. We agree that Smart Media has been the
Media came into her life. She is like a different person best business decision I have ever made and I
have no doubt that at last my goals will be met!”
and what seemed hard or impossible before, now
comes easily to her. She is earning hundreds of
dollars daily with new Free and Paid Members joining
her team. People who would never listen before are
joining her in Smart Media. She has team members Stephen from Australia I have a powerful inner
sense and know that Smart Media will become a
who are achieving success. What’s more, she is
household name and Home Page Pays will be the
having so much fun! What a difference it can make
most popular social community on the Internet.
when you have something like Home Page Pays to All of my past successes were my apprentiship
give away. leading me to Smart Media and our CEO David
Martin. No other company that I have reviewed
magine the buzz it gives me that I shared Smart
Media with Carol and she is finally realising her
or investigated comes close to what we have
with Smart Media.

Imagine if Carol had given up on those dreams

because all those other things she tried had not
worked. Instead, she trusted me and had enough
Brian from Australia believes that what Smart
Media CEO, David Martin, and his team have
faith to give it another try. Now she has the chance to created is destined to become the greatest
create a lifestyle for herself that before seemed out of online free member program ever, by introducing
reach. a new dimension to the way of communicating,
learning and playing online, with everyone a
his is what I love about what I do and I know winner. He says, “Smart Media, through Home
T that I have found a rock-solid home with Smart
Media. We offer so much value and for anyone
Page Pays, is already providing people from
all around the world with an opportunity to
change their financial future. By simply giving
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Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

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Working to Make the World a Better Place TM




Smart Media
Working to Make the World a Better Place

Derek Weller

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