DrLAZINHist XL 170C - IssuesGlobal

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Olga Lazin

Lecturer: Olga M. Lazin, Ph.D. UCLA Extension

E-mail: olazin@ucla.edu Winter 2007
Wednesdays January 8-March 26,
6:30-9:30pm, 12 mtgs

The Many Faces of Globalization since 1492

History XL 170C

This course is designed to give students the depth and breadth necessary
to understand the process of globalization that is now influencing all Latin
American and Eastern European countries without exception. The concept
will be defined at the outset as used by various major scholars and
developed through analysis of its historical stages (starting with the 1500s)
and components as presented in the course outline.
Globalization of Latin music will be also discussed.

Two guest speakers have agreed to give one lecture each:

Alejandro Pelayo Rangel, Cultural Attaché of Mexico in Los Angeles

“The Los Angeles-Mexico Connection in the Global Market Place”

Professor Steven J. Loza, on Ethnomusicology, “Indigenous Peoples in

Mexico, and the Connection to the Global Market.”

Required Readings will contrast

(a) the pre-1989 negative view that Globalization is led by U.S.

“imperialism” (as seen in selections from Edward H. Berman, The Influence
of Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations on American Policy: The
Ideology of Philanthropy, 1983), and

(b) the post-1989 positive view that Globalization involves the

emergence of networking which is based upon a new, international civil
society as well as upon global business (as seen in selections from Sandra
Braman and Annabelle Shreberny-Mohhamadi, Globalization,
Communication and Transnational Civil Society, 1996).

Two articles representing the post-1989 positive view will help

student fathom the breadth of world change:

Richard Rosecrance, “The Rise of the Virtual State” (1996), and

Olga M. Lazin, “NAFTA and the European Union Compared” (1995).
Olga Lazin

Rosecrance and Lazin show how the role of the state has declined in
the face of globalizing world trade blocs, which have helped citizens to
organize internationally as statist social safety nets have declined. Students
are invited to bring in articles that compare the positive and negative views
of globalization.
Selections representing pessimism will be taken from two recent
critiques of Globalization:

Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations (1996)

(optional), and
Dani Roderik’s Has Globalization Gone Too Far? (1997)
(required). ISBN 0-88132-241-5 (paper)

These authors (influenced by pre-1989 thinking) speak to the concerns of

many important analysts.

Student discussion in class will focus on the above reading and upon each
student’s weekly reading in current newspapers and magazines.

Course Requirements and Project:

Students are required to write a paper and a Final project.

Students will bring to each class and distribute two articles that they see as
contributing to the understanding of globalization and/or the raising of
questions about the problems created by globalization.


1. Class Participation (15%) This includes both verbal contributions

and active listening in class discussions. Students are expected to
come to class ready to discuss the readings.

2. Midterm Exam (25%) This exam will be comprised of both short

answer and essay questions. Blue books are required.

3. Final Project (25%) Students will compile their weekly clippings in

a booklet about which they will write a 3-4 page paper analyzing the
extent to which the clippings help us to understand and/or question
the course outline.

4. Final Exam (35%) The final exam will be comprised of both short
answer and essay questions. Bring Blue Book.
Olga Lazin

Course Outline:


January 8 Introduction to the Course.

History of Globalization: LA as film /the
entertainment capital of the world.
Guest Speaker: Alejandro Pelayo Rangel, Cultural
Attaché of Mexico in Los
Angeles, on “World Film and Global Markets.”
Read: Handout

January 15 NAFTA and the European Union Compared

Reading: Chapter 3 in Dani Roderick, Tensions Between Trade

and Domestic Social Arrangements,” pp. 29 to 48, and Article

January 22 Integration of Eastern European countries into the world

economy. Cultural issues.
Reading: Dani Roderik’s Has Globalization Gone Too Far?
(1997), Chapter 1, “Introduction”, p. 1 to 10.

January 29 Guest Speaker: James W. Wilkie, Professor of History and Co-

Chair, Latin American Studies, UCLA, on “Cycles of State Power
Vs Globalization: The powerful State 1430-1930, Anti-Statism
from 1830 to 1930, Statism from
1929 to 1989, and Anti-Statism Since 1989.”

Reading: Dani Roderik’s Has Globalization Gone Too Far?

(1997), Chapter 2.

February 5 The Rise of the Virtual State,” 1966.

The European Union as Blueprint for FTAs.

Reading: Handout (SALA)

February 12 PAPER DUE

Olga Lazin

Guest Speaker: Professor Steven J. Loza, on

Ethnomusicology, and “Indigenous Peoples in Mexico and
the Connection to the Global Market.”

February 19 MIDTERM

February 26 Rise of Regionalism in Latin America and Eastern


Reading: Handouts HEC Index

March 5 Preparation for the Final

Reading: handouts & Roderik’s Chapter 4.

March 12: The Anti-Globalization Movements: A History

Reading: Handouts and Roderik’s Chapter 5, “The Role

of International Institutions,” p. 81 to 85.


March 26 The Seattle Movement and Conclusion

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