Your Momentum Blueprint: Workbook

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What you have in your hands is a supplementary learning guide
to help you build, keep and multiply your momentum in the right

What I want to tell you is to never stop! Continuously and

consistently apply all the principles that youve learned from me
and what you are soon about to discover.

This is what momentum is all about. Its that energy and drive
that keeps you pushing and pushing forward. It stops you from becoming disenchanted,
frustrated and ready to quit. Momentum can deliver to you success on a platter by making
sure you stay on track.

So join me again, hopefully not for the last time, as we journey once more in selfdiscovery. You know the drill by now: dont let those priceless insights get away; take
the time to log them down on paper! And as you formulate your conclusions, look back
on all youve learned so far and integrate them into a meaningful whole.

Aim to build an unstoppable force of personal and business growth, expansion and
multiplication. You can do it; youve already proven you can! Now all you need to do is
to sustain your energy and keep moving forward.


Stephen Pierce

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I will persist until I succeed.

This line is taken from Og Magdinos The Greatest
Salesman in the World. Its a simple line with just one key term:
And yet, while this affirmation is easy to remember during
times of inspiration, its hard to recall during moments of doubt. The business world can
be a challenging world; certainly as often as youd hear words like success and
abundance, youd hear discouragement like cutting your losses and damage control.
There is always a reason to persist. Always. If you followed everything I have
advised you throughout the various training materials Ive given you, any adversity
coming your way would not be so overwhelming. This is the beauty of what we are
doing. By investing in our personal and business growth first, we sow the seeds that can
propel us forward. Our meaning, our mind, our marketing and our mentors make us
strong --- and we can rely on them all during moments of difficulty.
You have inside you an unstoppable force of personal and business growth,
expansion and multiplication. Your success is not limited to accomplishing your
immediate goals--- what a great and inspiring thought. You can create new goals, aim for
bigger and higher things. And you can reach them all.
This workbook will focus on the following topics:
Your Momentum can Work for You
Align your Momentum with your Goals
The Fine Art of Coiling the Spring
Our Momentum is Linked to Our Happiness
I will also give you some integration exercises to help you wrap up the entire
program. It is my desire that you graduate from this program filled with zest and
Are you ready? Lets get started.

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Your Momentum can Work for You

From the audio presentation, we learned that:
Momentum is the force that we build from our
feelings, thoughts, actions and plans for the future.
It adds impetus to our passion, desire and energy
---it is your constant force of movement
Once built, momentum can work for you even as you sleep.
It can grow at a rate dependent upon your concerted efforts, desire and dedication.
Have faith that momentum continues to build as you move towards your goals.
The key is to keep your momentum constantly alive through effort.
Always resist the temptation to let up!

Activity 1: My Sources of Momentum

Everything that we invest in our work, whether its tangible like
customer relations or intangible like a positive thought, is never wasted. Think
of it as like throwing rocks in the sea. Regardless of how small your rocks are,
they will cause a ripple. They matter. And eventually the results of your
efforts will spill back to you.
This is because the universe operates on a cause-and-effect principle. Once you
act, therell be a reaction. And since we are all part of only one system, any change we
put in the world will come back to us. After solid persistence, all our efforts will
accumulate in value, and everything will pay off.
Imagine several people walking around the world, each one doing their own
business. All this movement creates a greater whole: lots of great business energy! And
you are free to tap into all this already existing movements; you dont have to build
everything from scratch! Just be part of that busy world and the business will come to
To start off, lets take the opportunity to become more aware of our sources of
momentum. What initial steps are we taking right now that will build in energy in the
succeeding days?
Think of them in four categories: feelings (e.g. your excitement), thoughts (e.g.
great advertising ideas), actions (e.g. installing site diagnostics software) and plans (e.g.
translating the website into several languages in the next month). But dont feel limited
by these categories; come up with ALL the sources of momentum that is in your life right
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In the boxes provided, write down the top 6 elements in your life right now that
contributes to your momentum. Be as specific as you can. Challenge yourself to look
across the many different resources that you have whether they are within you (e.g. your
perseverance) or in your environment (e.g. a creative team).


Aside from this top 6, what are our other sources of momentum that, while not as
powerful, are also significant? List them down below.
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How does it feel to know that you have significant things invested towards the success of
your business? Does this knowledge fill you with excitement or with anxiety? How can
you tell?
If your feeling is positive, how can you use this positivity to add more momentum to your
efforts? If your feeling is negative, what is the source of this negative feeling? What then
can you do to manage this negative feeling and transform it to an investment for success?
Are there relationships among your sources of momentum? Which ones do you think also
sustain each other? How can you ensure that they always do?

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The great thing about momentum is that it is not static. It has the ability to grow
and snowball into bigger and better things.
Consider this example. What if one ordinary day you met with a customer who
has a complaint about your product? Then and there you have at least two choices: quit
because of the negativity or take advantage of the opportunity.
What can come from you choosing the latter? What if for, five minutes, you
actively listen to your customers concerns, show your sincere regret for his bad
experience and offer to solve his problem? Will your five minutes of effort be a waste of
The answer is a resounding no! This customer could get so impressed with how
well you attended to his complaint; he decides to tell his friends about his experience!
What if one of those friends met another person who needs a product like yours? What if,
recalling how highly his officemate spoke of you, this friend ends up recommending you?
From a simple five minute courtesy, youve gained a new client!
This is not counting yet other possible benefits. By entertaining your clients
complaint courteously, you gained insight on something that needs improving in your
product. You get an Ah-ha experience and you decide to innovate. Your changes could
make your product more sellable! In the end you end up earning more again.
So dont disregard the little things! Momentum can build and build!

Activity 2: Momentum Can Snowball

This time well take a look at how our momentum can build and
grow. It may be a small effort when we did it, but for all we know, it can
spark a productive chain reaction!
I want you to go back to all the sources of momentum that you listed in activity 1
and pick four. Pick one thats a feeling, another thats a thought, one thats action and one
thats a plan.
Using clustering, trace how these four little investments can snowball into
something great--- even with minimal effort, even while youre asleep! Create a possible
chain of events that would lead to your success. Let your imagination run free and think
best case scenario. After all, the best things always happen as long as we think theyre
So what do we do? Clustering is creating networks of thoughts through arrows
and circles. Each circle represents a thought or idea and the arrow represents the direction
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of the thinking process. For as long as your thought keep branching out, you can add
more and more clusters.
Whats great about this activity is that it can help expand your understanding and
appreciation of your efforts. When bad moments come, you know that youre still on the
way to your destination. Youll find the motivation to keep going.
Lets have an example. If we were to create a cluster using the example we gave
earlier, the one about graciously entertaining a complaining customer, it will look like

customer tells

you change

customer feels

graciously reply to
a customer

you learn about

the problem



you train others

in your team
you learn people
skills that work

Now, this cluster example is by no means complete. As long as you can come up
with more possible ways your momentum can result into concrete benefit, write them
down. Let each thought spark one more idea.
And dont worry about making it neat. The point is not to produce an exhibitworthy presentation but to expand your awareness!

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The following are spaces for your momentum clusters.
(space for momentum cluster )

(space for momentum cluster 2)

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(space for momentum cluster 3)


(space for momentum cluster 4)


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Describe how it feels to see so many possible ways your effort can bear fruit. What did it
mean to you to expand your awareness this way?
Which of your sources of initial momentum seem to have the greatest effects? Which
requires the least supervision and yet is filled with pay-offs? How can you maximize
these investments for your success?
Which has least impact? What could be the reason why it doesnt have as much
momentum as the others? What can you do to increase your pay-offs from this

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Activity 3: Keeping Your Momentum Alive
All of the things that you placed in your clusters are just mere
possibilities. We are being optimistic here and imagining best-case-scenarios.
To put it in perspective, we really have no way to telling whether a satisfied
customer will go on and tell others about you. Maybe he will, maybe he
wont. We are just hoping.
But then, who ever said that momentum is just about hoping for the best? Its
good to maintain a positive attitude but it is better to fuel your momentum with lots of
effort. Remember that like fanning flames in a fireplace, you need to keep your
momentum alive.
How about you go back to your clusters and look for more ways you can ensure
that the best case scenario will happen. For instance, if you want a satisfied customer to
rave about you, how about giving incentives for referrals? Harness the power of building
from what you start.
To assist you in this process, complete the following table. Think of ten best case
scenarios that came about from the clustering exercise that you made and list them down
on column 1. When youre done, reflect on the many ways you can keep your initial
momentum going.
An example is provided for your reference.
Best Case Scenario

Example: That my satisfied

customers will spread the

What I Can Do to
Fuel This Momentum
Start a referral incentive



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Action Plan

Study various referral

incentive programs and see
which fits my company best.

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Best Case Scenario

What I Can Do to
Fuel This Momentum









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Action Plan

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Align your Momentum with your Goals

From the audio presentation, we learned that:
Momentum is developed when you
continually set more and higher goals for yourself.
Dont diversify to the point you lose sight of your goals.

Activity 4: Setting More and Higher Goals

You can do anything!
Right now you are likely on start-up stage; future growth and
expansion may be far from your mind. Maybe youve adapted a lets-see-if-this-worksfirst attitude. Maybe youre too busy setting up to think that far ahead. Maybe you are
feeling anxious that the recession will result in an economic slack and business may turn
bad any minute. Or maybe you just dont like the idea of more work! In any case, you
might be feeling that now is not the time to think big.
But more and higher goals are the logical conclusion of our momentum. If
something is building and building, it has to build towards a particular direction---up!
Many businesses in the past years had been great start-ups, and yet they shriveled
and died. Not through lack of effort but because they had chosen to remain static. Their
target goals ten years ago are still their target goals now! But if you want to build the
momentum for success, create more goals and create higher goals. If you develop the
attitude of taking your business on a higher level everyday, your success will come to you
in no time.
Reflect on the following questions for a moment. Visualize your answers in
specifics. Connect to the feeling that your mental images provide.
a) What is your biggest dream for your business?
b) What is your biggest dream for yourself?
c) How do you see everything five years from now? How about ten years from
d) If you are a business mogul the likes of Trump and Rockefeller, on what
product range/ service range would you build your empire?
e) When can you say that you are at the topmost of our game?

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Done? From your exercise of reflection and visualization, complete the following
Write down ten different ways your current business can grow. This could mean
becoming the best in your field; this could also mean that our business can expand.
Expansion can be in the areas of sales volume, market territories or product/ service
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________
Next, think of the ways you can diversify. Aside from making your current business(es)
grow, youd want to venture out in other areas as well. In what other business field do
you see yourself going?
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________

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8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________
Lastly, write down ten non-business-related goals that you have for yourself. These goals
can be in the area personal growth or relational enrichment.
For example, one of your goals could be to become one of the respected leaderinnovators in my field. It can also be to gain enough financial freedom that I can spend
at least three days full-time at home with my family. Or maybe your goal is to be able to
begin a foundation that would cater to a social need that resonates with you the most.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________
Among the goals that you have written down, which ones already have the investment of
momentum? How do your present efforts help you move towards these goals?

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Among the goals that you have written down, which ones dont yet have the investment
of momentum? What else can you decide to do right now, or in succeeding days, so that
your momentum can move in these directions that you want to go to?
Create a timeline for your goals. Divide your goals into three distinct phases:
Phase 1 represents goals you would like to accomplish for the next year. Phase 2
represents goals you want to accomplish in the next 2-5 years. Phase 3 represents the
goals that you want to accomplish in the next 6-10 years.

(within 1 year)

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(within 5 years)


(within 10 years)

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Complete the following sentences that will illustrate how your momentum can build as
you move through one phase to another. Be as specific as you can. Here is the format:
After I (accomplish goal) I will have (momentum) which can help me (accomplish bigger
Here is an example:
After I learn firsthand the secrets of viral marketing as I apply it to my how to articles
site (phase 1 goal), I will have the knowledge and experience which can help me start a
how to videos site (phase 2 goal).

After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________

which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.
After I ______________________________, I will have ________________________
which can help me ______________________________________________.

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Activity 5: Keeping our goals focused.
Even from the third audio, Your Marketing, Ive already advised
you not to diversify too much when it comes to our business efforts. In
this program, I would like to reiterate this advice.
Exploring and expanding to new territories are always great ideas --- indeed many
successful entrepreneurs place their eggs on more than one basket. But you dont want to
diversify too much that you dilute your momentum. Fields where there are areas of
overlap, or at least transfer of leanings, make better business goals.
Let us now try to see if your goals are focused or are you at risk of diversifying
too much. Go back to the list of 30 goals that you made in Activity 4, particularly the
second set of ten: areas where you can diversify. Study these goals. Are logical
extensions of one another? Can they be sustained by the same momentum?
For this activity, I want you to group together all of your business goals in terms
of their relationship to one another. At most I want you to just come up with just three
distinct groups--- no more. These three are your main 3 areas of focus. Use the three
circles below to represent these three groups.
If there are goals that cannot be categorized in any of these three main groups,
write them in the space provided.
Goals not categorized:


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Which business interests go together? What makes you say that they go together?
Are there areas of overlap between your business interests? If yes, what are these areas?
If no, is there a common ground that you can find to help bridge the differences?
What are the ways for you to be able to maintain focus when managing diverse interests?
How do you think you can your sustain momentum in each one?



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The Fine Art of Coiling the Spring

From the audio presentation, we learned that:
To expect your momentum to instantly be ready to be released
is not realistic. You must coil up the spring.
The more effort you put into carefully coiling the spring of your momentum, the more
potential energy will be stored up and be ready when the spring is finally released.
Do not be overly preoccupied with the future that youre inattentive toward the
present where learning and growth take place.
Building teamwork and pride in your product or service is all that is needed for them
to coil the spring for you, so to speak, and build that future momentum.
Employ and search for resources that are abundantly available.
Activity 6: The Bane of Our Impatience
The problem with many first-time entrepreneurs is that they expect
instant and dramatic results from their efforts. This is why get rich quick
schemes are so popular.
What they fail to see is that momentum takes time to build. You have to practice
patience and frustration tolerance if you want to see big results. If you give up easily,
youll never know if you had quit just when success is right around the corner! And if
you are so eager that you pounce prematurely, you might preempt your business
readiness to take on big challenges.
In the audio, I asked you to envision some of the things that youve done where
you had been too impatient for the results. Take time now to document your responses
here. Doing so can help you find an experience that you can tap into during moment
when you feel impatient.
Describe the last time when you had been impatient. What happened? What were the
consequences of your impatience on you? On the situation?

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What were the thoughts that were going through your mind the whole time you were
being impatient. List three below.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
What were the feelings that you had before you acted in impatience? What were the
feelings that you had while you acted in impatience? How about afterwards?








Afterwards: _________________



What significant insight did you learn from this experience?


Activity 7: Waiting Productively.

Just because you have to wait for your momentum to bear fruit
doesnt mean that you have to be waiting idly. Waiting can be productive; in
fact, it is a season in itself wherein you can learn and improve. If you know
how to wait productively, your pay-offs can get even more satisfying once
they finally arrived.
What are the ways in which we can wait productively? In the audio I shared with
you three best ways.
One, you have to take advantage of learning opportunities that come your way.
Everything is a learning opportunity, even the minor details of everyday. Pay attention to
what new information and new insight you can get simply by observing yourself, your
staff and your customers. Keep an open mind.

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Second, invest in your team. Your investment is not just in money but in people
as well. While waiting for your momentum to take off, take the time getting to know your
staff. Look for their strengths and find ways to maximize their strength. Train them in the
skills that theyd need to navigate the business well. More importantly, instill in them
values relating to the integrity of your work.
Lastly, tap into the resources that are abundant around you. The internet is a
repository of many technical support materials for a great variety of business concerns.
Take advantage of them! Theyre free! While waiting, research and capability building
are good options.
Let us try to see now how well you wait.
Do you see lessons in every opportunity?
Name three lessons you learned in the last three days.
What are the learning opportunities that can be found in your everyday routine? Name
three that you can count on everyday.
In your personal assessment, what are the attitudes that you need to develop further in
order to be open to everyday learning opportunities? Name five and provide a concrete
action plan to develop them further.

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Do you see invest on your team?
On a scale of 1 to 5, with five as the highest, rate your team in terms of the following
characteristics. Put a check mark on the appropriate column

Pride in the product/ service that you are selling.

Pride in their work.
Premium on quality customer care.
Technical skills needed to accomplish the job.
Communication skills.
Teamwork with other staff members.
Faith in their own abilities.
Expression of their own personal meaning
What kind of team culture are you looking for? In what way do you model this desired
team culture?
In what areas are your staff particularly strong in? To what do you attribute this success?
What are your teams areas for improvement? What are the things that you can do to
target these improvements?

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Do you tap the free resources that are around you?
Take a moment to browse online for different free resource sites related to your learning
needs, as well as your business needs. You do not have to read the resources now, or
download the free software, just expose yourself to how much is out there. When youre
done, bookmark the links on the spaces provided below.
Top 5 topics that you could use free data for:
Top 3 free programs I can use to improve my business:
A list of websites that I should visit:
Sites Name

What Its About

Sites URL

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Target Date
to Read/
Visit site

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Our Momentum Is Linked to Our Happiness

From the audio presentation, we learned that:
We are all entitled to be happy and secure.
God has endowed us with the right to find this happiness
and security through the tools and talents He has given us.
We are also obliged to help one another achieve happiness and security
by whatever means we have at our disposal. There are so many people in this world
who are impoverished, without hope, and in need of some sort of help.
Helping to build His kingdom on earth with peace and happiness
for all His children is the ultimate duty of us all.

Activity 8: Our Quest for Happiness and Security

Weve so far discussed momentum only through the lens of the
dynamics of our businesses. But momentum is more than that. Our
momentum can help us find our way to personal fulfillment. It relates
strongly to our personal meaning as we discussed in the first part of this
audio set.
Our momentum signifies the best use of the talents, skills and abilities that were
given to us. These are the things that make us unique, the things that resonate with our
very person. The greater the momentum that you build in your life, the more
opportunities there are for you to connect with the person that you were meant to be.
It also helps you connect with your sacred duties and mission in life. In the first
audio I shared with you that personal meaning can only come if we use our resources for
unselfish gain. If we can help connect other less fortunate people to their own happiness
and security, we ourselves will find our own happiness and security.
In the audiotape I asked you to envision yourself as swimming beneath the ocean,
feeling lost and alone in the murky waters. And yet despite this challenge, you manage to
find your light. This light told you that you have the power to do anything that you
want if you believe in yourself and believe in the power that God has bestowed to you.
This visualization exercise is a great way to center ourselves again to our personal
meaning and purpose. In itself its a great source of momentum. It will open your mind to
a greater awareness of what everything that we have been doing since the beginning of
this program is really for.

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I invite you now to document the insights that you had as you went through this
visualization exercise. Specifically, what did the light at the end of journey tell you? If
you can internalize the lights presence right now, what would he be telling you?
Using the space provided for you below, compose a letter from the light to
yourself. Make it direct and personal. Tap into the feelings that the visualization
experience had given you. This can be a personal affirmation letter for you.

The Lights Message to Me:


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We now come to the end of our five-program journey. It is my hope that I have
set you on your way to great success and possibilities. Weve discussed so many things
and reflected on so many ideas. At this point, Id like to connect with you, and ask you
how you are, now that youve come so far.
I asked you these questions in the audio but as Ive emphasized several times, it is
always sensible to log our insights and responses on paper. Documenting them helps
instill them in our minds a little deeper and gives us reference points for our future
learning journeys.
So for our integration, consider the following questions.
How do you feel at this point that you are nearly finished with the entire five-part audio
set? Do you feel motivated somewhat, inspired somewhat, confused somewhat, or hardly
What part or parts did you find the most interesting or memorable? Did the visualization
experience affect you and do you think it will remain with you for a while, and how long
do you think it might, if it does?
Did you find a correlation between this segment and the other segments? Can you think
of one or two things that stand out in your mind when it comes to the lessons or examples
that were read to you? Can you be specific?
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Do you think you will seek more specific ways to increase your chances for success due
to the inspiration you were exposed to and the elements that were covered as topics of
each of the segments? If so, how will you seek them? Would you consider the
information I offer on my web sites?

An End Note: Do Not Fear to Succeed!

Believe in yourself and believe in the enormous power and depth of your spirit.
You are not designed to be mediocre. You are meant to succeed and you should do
nothing else but go to the destination reserved for you!
Before I end this series, I want you to answer one final question: are you ready to
succeed? Many people say they are and yet they are crippled by fears of being great.
Before I let you go, reflect on the following questions:
What are the fears that keep you from getting all the way to the top?
How can you release this fear?

Thank you for staying with me!

I wish you the best in everything that you do!
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