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ENS3.6 Explains how various beliefs and practices CUS3.

4 Examines how cultures change through interactions with other cultures and the influence the ways in which people interact with, environment. change and value their environment. identifies the impact that the environment can have on any culture compares cultural change in Australia with cultural change in other nations examines how cultural diversity causes cultural change, including conflict explores cultural change in their own country of origin or in a country of interest. examines factors that may give rise to different views about the care of places, eg economic circumstances, evaluates alternative views about the use of natural and built environments, eg economic versus examines how natural, cultural, religious, historical, economic and political factors can influence peoples examines issues associated with differing values about natural and built environments, using a variety of sources, identifies the influence of technology on cultural change, eg television, Internet, satellite, shortwave radio, fax recognises examples of stereotyping, sexism and racism examines cultures within another nation

James Melika Skye Ben Henry Sophie Shevy Will Ben Dylan Emma Heidi Jackson Andrew Dougal Harrison Joe Kara Maddison Matt

Additional Comments Little work achieved without massive assis Little work achieved without massive assis Little work achieved without massive assis

Independent, good presentation, lacked d Independent, good presentation, lacked d Independent, group work 50/50 split, dep Independent, good presentation,group wo Independent, good presentation, lacked d

Independent, great presentation, depth o N/A Independent, great presentation, lacked d Independent, good presentation,group wo Little work achieved without massive assis

Independent, good presentation,group wo Independent, good presentation,group wo Independent, good presentation,group wo Little work achieved without massive assis Independent, group work 50/50 split, dep Independent, great presentation, depth o Independent, good presentation,group wo

Travis Wyatt

Independent, good presentation,group wo Independent, good presentation,group wo

Comments k achieved without massive assistance k achieved without massive assistance k achieved without massive assistance

ent, good presentation, lacked depth of research ent, good presentation, lacked depth of research ent, group work 50/50 split, depth of research ent, good presentation,group work 40/60 (heidi), depth of research ent, good presentation, lacked depth of research

ent, great presentation, depth of reasearch

ent, great presentation, lacked depth of reasearch, cooked ent, good presentation,group work 60/40 (Shevy), depth of research k achieved without massive assistance

ent, good presentation,group work 50/50 (Wyatt), depth of research, Minecraft village lacked features & link to project ent, good presentation,group work 35/65 (Matt), depth of research Dougal away at RU ent, good presentation,group work 50/50 (Wyatt), depth of research, Blog posts not all own work k achieved without massive assistance ent, group work 50/50 split, depth of research ent, great presentation, depth of reasearch ent, good presentation,group work 35/65 (Matt), depth of research Dougal away at RU

ent, good presentation,group work 50/50 (Wyatt), depth of research, Blog posts not all own work ent, good presentation,group work 50/50 (Wyatt), depth of research, Minecraft village lacked features & link to project

James Melika Skye OUTCOMES

Stage 2
WS2.9 Drafts, revises, proofreads and publishes wellstructured texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and written language features.

Ben Henry Sophie Shevy Will

Ben Dylan Emma Heidi Jackson

WS2.10 Produces texts clearly, effectively and accurately using the sentence structure, grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type. WS2.12 Uses joined letters when writing in NSW Foundation Style and demonstrates basic desktop publishing skills on the computer. WS2.13 Discusses how own texts are adjusted to relate to different readers, how they develop the subject matter and how they serve a wide variety of purposes. WS2.14 Discusses how own texts have been structured to achieve their purpose and the grammatical features characteristic of the various text types used.

Stage 3
WS3.9 Produces a wide range of well-structured and well-presented literary and factual texts for a wide variety of purposes and audiences using increasingly challenging topics, ideas, issues and written language features. WS3.10 Uses knowledge of structure, grammar and punctuation to edit own writing. WS3.11 Spells most common words accurately and uses a range of strategies to spell unfamiliar words. WS3.12 Produces texts in a fluent and legible style and uses computer technology to present these effectively in variety of ways. WS3.13 Critically analyses own texts in terms of how well they have been written, how effectively they present the subject matter and how they influence the reader. WS3.14 Critically evaluates how own texts have been structured to achieve their purposes and discusses ways of related grammatical features and conventions of written language to shape readers and viewers understanding of texts.

Dougal Harrison Joe Kara Maddison Matt Travis Wyatt


Additional Comments writes about familiar and unfamiliar experiences uses other narrative texts as models for aspects of writing such as organisation, layout, illustrations uses different types of nouns in narrative and enhances their meaning with adjectives and phrases to develop the noun group sequences ideas in narratives effectively uses quoted and reported speech writes alternative resolutions for the same complication. writes narratives that consider the interests and needs of potential readers experiments with usual structure uses a range of types of verbs, noun group.

James Melika Skye Ben Henry Sophie Shevy Will Ben Dylan Emma Heidi Jackson Andrew Dougal Harrison Joe Kara Maddison Matt Travis Wyatt

James Melika Skye

Ben Henry Sophie Shevy Will

Ben Dylan Emma Heidi Jackson

computers are machines that store and process information people use different technologies to organise and communicate infor-mation in different ways production technologies have changed over time materials and resources are used to produce goods and commodities there are benefits and problems as-sociated with human changes to the physical environment. Students will: show that designing and making can lead to the need for investiga-tions identify the forms and components used in the production of a design relate planning and evaluating to each stage of designing and making explain that technology can be used to help people justify the selection of processes, tools, equipment, materials, prod-ucts and software to meet the re-quirements of the understand that the use of tools, equipment, software etc requires the development of specific skills show that technology can enable people to gain access to, organise and use, information. both aesthetic and functional fac-tors need to be considered when people make changes to their envi-ronments information can be represented in a number of different forms, includ-ing graphics, sounds and texts technologies continually offer new ways of creating and sending messages Knowledge and Understanding there are various forms of energy systems are designed to provide par-ticular services environments on Earth have been affected by technology.

Andrew Dougal Harrison Joe

Kara Maddison Matt Travis Wyatt

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