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Shanti Ananda English Medium Upper Primary School Newsletter 6/2010

School area diagram designed by Horst Wagner

This very beautiful school area diagram illustrates the status of our momentary planning. planning You can nicely see the arrangement of the octagon shaped class rooms within a left turning spiral form (Mother Nature selected for her creatures this version mostly). An administration building - in an octagon shape as well - and a multipurpose hall (not yet defined concerning the shape) as well as octagonal small guest houses complete our buildings. In the western part of the area (right side of the plan) three wind wheels (Savonius rotors?) are planned to be arranged, eventually in combination with solar elements. Our area is very windy; so we should use this sustainable energy for the production of own electricity. The selling of home made electricity could become an income source for the school. A small path around the school area is surrounded by trees. Vegetables and grains are planned to be grown up; as well we like some perma culture. This plan is not yet definitive because teachers and students are participating in the planning; may be some changes might take place later on

Group discussion about the school area plan

Once in the month we arrange a Nature Day for the planning and activation of the area. new school area Teachers and the elder students of the 5th and the 6th class participate in this event together. On the Nature Day in August the school area plan was distributed as a copy and coloured by the participants; later they discussed in small groups. Everybody presented the nicely coloured plan to the meeting; questions, doubts and new points of view were forwarded. In the afternoon teachers, project manager, coordinator and I went to the new school area. With the help of a measurement tape the centre of the spiral where the class rooms should be built around was found; we buried a Sree Yantram on a copper plate (a very powerful energetic symbol) in the ground and celebrated a pooja (spiritual ritual). Mother Earth answered with a heavy rain fall which was accepted by us as a confirmation for our activities. positive activities Interestingly rain had fallen in Mudigubba two times within the last weeks the first time when Botida (Florian Meyer) had found the place for our bore well and the second time on this special occasion

Place in a kinder garden in Auroville (Tamil Nadu)

Very soon the centre of the spiral mentioned above might look similar to this place: a big tree is planned to be planted here; and a Saraswathi temple should join (Saraswathi is the goddess of education and of arts).

Taking measurement on the new school area

These measurement activities took place within the creativity periods in the afternoon. afternoon Activities like these will be extended when we shift to the new area. But already now the students are busy with the planning intensively; on Independence Day on August 15th for example a painting competition was held for the colouring of the main gate design. Here you can have a look to the very beautiful results:

Creative students ideas concerning the coloration of the main gate

The main gate with a star tetrahedron in the centre (Merkhaba) was designed by Horst Wagner on the base of the number 9. This number is a special one; for example the result of a multiplication with any number will always be a 9 again. This number is symbol of completion as well; some people call it a divine number. The Merkhaba our light/ energy body is consisting of two tetrahedrons fit into each others; the main gate of the school area is presenting it as a combination of two triangles. You can find some information about the Merkhaba and the holy geometry in the book The flower of life of Drunvalo Melchizedek and on:

The Merkhaba is the centre of the Main Gate

The fabrication of the gate takes more time than for a normal gate because all the 9. elements base on the number 9 That means a most detailed work - sometimes with millimetres For the welding of the centre part only, the Merkhaba, our welder needed two days. At the beginning he did not feel like doing this difficult work; and he rejected this job. After intensive encouragement by Chandra Mohan at least he confirmed and the result is very presentable

The gate work shows progress

shape; The pillars for fixing the main gate will be in an octagon shape because of this all the stones need a suitable size. Every stone has to be cut by hand requiring a most accurate work. It was very difficult to find a craft man working as precisely as needed. Happily coordinator Chandra Mohan found this stone cutter he is handicapped satisfying our wishes. But of course it takes some time

Our stone cutter doing his job

In the Sustainable Living Centre ( which is spreading valuable information concerning sustainable energy in Puttaparthy and the surroundings for some time a poster of the Shanti Ananda E. M. School is located informing about our activities and presenting our actual planning. It is designed to inspire exchange of technologies as well; and it might bring some new donors. Mario, the leader of the centre, promised that we can use the brick machine for our buildings. With this tool the fabrication of clay bricks (including 5% cement) will be very easy; 40 different forms can be produced. (

Information poster in the Sustainable Living Centre, Puttaparthy

We are well known as a model school meanwhile giving a good example to other well. schools as well Our students learn with head, heart and hands with education in human values as the core. Besides the subjects Telugu (language in Andhra Pradesh), Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science we teach painting, handicrafts, games, computer work, stories and theatre playing and as well the classical Indian disciplines yoga, meditation and singing Bhajans. The quality of our teachings is improved continuously by regular and intensive teacher trainings; team work is very important for us; regular special meetings are standard. Mediation and training of skills to treat the earth with responsibility and love takes an increasing place. Our special is an eco sustainable arrangement with education in human values in combination with three languages (English as focus) and a broad creativity

spectrum including classical Indian disciplines. This special combination at the Shanti Anantapur Ananda E. M. School is unique in the whole Anantapur district.

Did the Sree Yantram cause the rain?

I want to request you very heartily for more donations. Our nature school in development later will have some income when it is completed. But in moment urgently we need more regular incoming funds to cover our increasing expenditures. A better education needs more funds; better qualified teachers request more money. Please give me information concerning persons and institutions which might be well. interested to support our very special school project as well Thank you very much! With cordial greetings from South India, Yours, Helga Shanti Frndt

Donation Accounts
Prabath Rural Development Society Syndicate Bank, Puttaparthy Branch Puttaparthy 515134, A. P., India A/c. No.: 31322200012524 Concerning: Mudigubba

Persons in India can give their donation to the Shanti Ananda Education Society.
Shanti Ananda Education Society Geetha Nagar, Mudigubba 515511 Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank Branch Mudigubba Account No. 7880

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