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determine if the control and experimental groups are likely to be different from each other because of the single variable that is different between the two groups. This provides an objective way to accept or reject a hypothesis.

Chapter 1
Concept Checks
Figure 1.4 It benets humans in many different ways. Discoveries in biology are important in the elds of medicine, research, agriculture, biotechnology, and many other disciplines. Most of the medicines we take were developed by biologists. Figure 1.6 It would be at the population level. Figure 1.8 In monkeys, the tail has been modied to grasp onto things, such as tree branches. In skunks, the tail is modied with a bright stripe; the tail can stick up and act as a warning signal to potential predators. In cattle, the tail has long hairs and is used to swat insects. Many more examples are possible. Figure 1.9 Natural selection is the process that causes evolution to happen. Figure 1.11 A tree of life suggests that all living organisms evolved from a single ancestor by vertical evolution with mutation. A web of life assumes that both vertical evolution with mutation and horizontal gene transfer were important mechanisms in the evolution of new species. Figure 1.13 Taxonomy helps us to appreciate the unity and diversity of life. Organisms that are closely related evolutionarily are placed in smaller groups. Figure 1.14 The genome stores the information to make an organisms proteins. In and of itself, the genome is merely DNA. The traits of cells and organisms are largely determined by the structures and functions of the hundreds or thousands of different proteins they make. Figure 1.17 Discovery-based science does not require a preconceived hypothesis in order to carry out an experiment. Figure 1.18 A researcher can compare the results in the experimental group and control group to determine if a single variable is causing a particular outcome in the experimental group. Figure 1.19 After the CF gene was identied by discovery-based science, researchers realized that the CF gene was similar to other genes that encoded proteins that were already known to be transporters. This provided an important clue that the CF gene also encodes a transporter protein.

Test Yourself
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. a 10. b

Conceptual Questions
1. Cells and organizationAll living organisms consist of cells; organisms maintain an internal order that is separated from the environment. Energy use and metabolismAll living organisms acquire energy from the environment and use that energy to maintain their internal order. An organisms chemical reactions are collectively known as metabolism. Response to environmental changesLiving organisms respond to environmental changes. These responses are adaptations. Regulation and homeostasisLiving organisms maintain relatively stable internal conditions, homeostasis. Growth and developmentGrowth produces more or larger cells; development produces organisms with a dened set of characteristics. ReproductionTo sustain life, organisms must produce others like themselves; the genetic material maintains continuity over the generations. Biological evolutionPopulations of organisms change over the course of many generations. 2. The unity among different species occurs because modern species have evolved from a group of related ancestors. Some of the traits in those ancestors are also found in modern species and thereby unites them. The diversity is due to the variety of environments on the Earth. Each species has evolved to occupy its own unique environment. For every species, many traits are evolutionary adaptations to survival in a specic environment. For this reason, evolution also promotes diversity. 3. Domains and kingdoms are very diverse, being composed of hundreds of thousands or even millions of different species. The least-diverse groups are genera and species. A species is composed of just one type of organism, and a genus is typically composed of several or several dozen different species, though some genera are quite large.


Feature Investigation Questions

1. In discovery-based science, a researcher does not need to have a preconceived hypothesis. Experimentation is conducted in the hope that it may have practical applications or may provide new information that will lead to a hypothesis. By comparison, hypothesis testing occurs when a researcher forms a hypothesis that makes certain predictions. Experiments are conducted to see if those predictions are correct. In this way, the hypothesis may be accepted or rejected. 2. This strategy may be described as a ve-stage process: 1. Observations are made regarding natural phenomena. 2. These observations lead to a hypothesis that tries to explain the phenomena. A useful hypothesis is one that is testable because it makes specic predictions. 3. Experimentation is conducted to determine if the predictions are correct. 4. The data from the experiment are analyzed. 5. The hypothesis is accepted or rejected. 3. In an ideal experiment, the control and experimental groups differ by only one factor. Biologists apply statistical analyses to their data to

Chapter 2
Concept Checks
Figure 2.4 An energy shell is a region outside the nucleus of an atom occupied by electrons of a given energy level. More than one orbital can be found within an electron shell. An orbital may be spherical or dumbbell-shaped and contains up to two electrons. Figure 2.9 The octet rule states that atoms are stable when they have eight electrons in their outermost shell. Oxygen has six electrons in its outer shell. When two oxygen atoms share two pairs of electrons, each atom has eight electrons in its outer shell, at least part of the time. Figure 2.11 Strand separation requires energy, because the DNA strands are held together by a large number of hydrogen bonds. Although each hydrogen bond is weak, collectively the vast number of such bonds in a molecule of DNA adds up to a considerable strength. Figure 2.17 The oil would be in the center of the soap micelles. Figure 2.19 Due to the colligative properties of water, the solutes in blood lower its freezing point. Human blood, for example, freezes at a temperature that is about half a degree Celsius lower than that of pure water.


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Figure 2.21 It is 10 6 M. Because [H ][OH ] always equals 10 10 8 M (i.e., pH 8.0), then [OH ] must be 10 6 M.



M, if [H ]

oil. Thus, the phospholipids would form a layer at the interface between the water and oil. Figure 3.15 71; one less than the number of amino acids in the polypeptide Figure 3.19 If the primary structure of Protein 1 were altered in some way, this would, in turn, most likely alter the secondary and tertiary structures of Protein 1. Therefore, it is possible that the precise t between Proteins 1 and 2 would be lost and that the two proteins would lose the ability to interact. Figure 3.24 Yes. The opposite strand must be the mirror image of the rst strand, because pairs can form only between A and T, and G and C. For instance, if a portion of the rst strand is AATGCA, the opposite strand along that region would be TTACGT.

Feature Investigation Questions

1. Scientists were aware that atoms contained charged particles. Many believed that the positive charges and mass were evenly distributed throughout the atom. 2. Rutherford was testing the hypothesis that atoms are composed of positive charges evenly distributed throughout the atom. Based on this model of the structure of the atom, alpha particles, which are positively charged nuclei of helium atoms, should be deected as they pass through the foil, due to the presence of positive charges spread throughout the gold foil. 3. Instead of detecting slight deection of most alpha particles as they passed through the gold foil, the majority, 98%, of the alpha particles passed directly through the gold foil without deection. A much smaller percentage either deected or bounced back from the gold foil. Rutherford suggested that since most of the alpha particles passed unimpeded through the gold foil, most of the volume of atoms is empty space. Rutherford also proposed that the bouncing back of some of the alpha particles indicated that most of the positively charged particles were concentrated in a compact area. These results were counter to the hypothesized model.

Feature Investigation Questions

1. Many scientists assumed that protein folding was directed by some cellular factor, meaning some other molecule in the cytoplasm, and therefore, protein folding could not occur spontaneously. Others assumed that protein folding was determined somehow by the ribosome, because this organelle is primarily responsible for synthesizing proteins. 2. Annsen was testing the hypothesis that the information necessary for determining the three-dimensional shape of a protein is contained within the protein itself. In other words, the chemical characteristics of the amino acids that make up a protein will determine the three-dimensional shape. 3. The urea disrupts hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions that are necessary for protein folding. The mercaptoethanol disrupted the SiS bonds that also form between certain amino acids of the same polypeptide chains. Both substances essentially allow the polypeptide chain to unfold, disrupting the three-dimensional shape. Annsen removed the urea and mercaptoethanol from the protein solution by size-exclusion chromatography. After removing the urea and mercaptoethanol, Annsen discovered that the protein refolded into its proper three-dimensional shape and became functional again. This was important because the solution contained only the protein and lacked any other cellular material that could possibly assist in protein folding. This demonstrated that the protein could refold into the functional conformation.

Test Yourself
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. e 6. e 7. e 8. c 9. e 10. b

Conceptual Questions
1. Covalent bonds are bonds in which atoms share electrons. A hydrogen bond is a weak polar covalent bond that forms when a hydrogen atom from one polar molecule becomes electrically attracted to an electronegative atom. A nonpolar covalent bond is one between two atoms of similar electronegativities, such as two carbon atoms. The van der Waal forces are temporary, weak bonds, resulting from random electrical forces generated by the changing distributions of electrons in the outer shells of nearby atoms. The strong attraction between two oppositely charged atoms forms an ionic bond. 2. Hydrophobic: Water-fearingmolecules that are not attracted to water molecules. Hydrophilic: Water-lovinggenerally, ions and molecules that contain polar covalent bonds will dissolve in water and are said to be hydrophilic. 3. Within limits, bonds within molecules can rotate and thereby change the shape of a molecule. This is important because it is the shape of a molecule that determines, in part, the ability of that molecule to interact with other molecules. Also, when two molecules do interact through such forces as hydrogen bonds, the shape of one or both molecules may change as a consequence. The change in shape is often part of the mechanism by which signals are sent within and between cells.

Test Yourself
1. b 2. b 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. b

Conceptual Questions
1. Isomers are two structures with an identical molecular formula but with different structures and arrangements of atoms within the molecule. There are two major types of isomers: structural and stereoisomers. Because many chemical reactions in biology depend upon the actions of enzymes, which are often highly specic for the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule, one isomer of a pair may have biological functions, and the other may not. 2. a. Carbohydratesenergy storage and structural support b. Lipidsenergy storage and components of cellular membranes c. Proteinsmany functions, including enzymes, defense, transport, structure, contraction d. Nucleic acidsinformation storage, gene expression 3. Saturated fatty acids are saturated with hydrogen and have only single (CiC) bonds, whereas unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double (CwC) bonds. The double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids alters their shape, resulting in a kink in the structure. Saturated fatty acids are unkinked and are better able to stack tightly together. Fats containing saturated fatty acids have a higher melting point than those containing mostly unsaturated fatty acids; consequently, saturated fats tend to be solids at room temperatures, and unsaturated fatty acids are usually liquids at room temperature.

Chapter 3
Concept Checks
Figure 3.1 Due to the fact that he had earlier puried urea from urine and then formed urea crystals, he already knew what urea crystals looked like. As seen in this gure, they are quite distinctive looking. Therefore, when he reacted ammonia and cyanic acid and got a compound that formed crystals, the distinctive look of the crystals made him realize that he had synthesized urea. Figure 3.6 One reason is that the binding of a molecule to an enzyme depends on the spatial arrangements of the atoms in that molecule. Enantiomers have different spatial relationships that are mirror images of each other. Therefore, one may bind very tightly to an enzyme while the other may not be recognized at all. Figure 3.7 Recall from Figure 3.5 that the reverse of a dehydration reaction is called a hydrolysis reaction, in which a molecule of water is added to the molecule being broken down, resulting in the formation of monomers. Figure 3.11 Hydrogenation is adding hydrogens to double-bonded carbon atoms, changing them from unsaturated to saturated. This causes them to be solid at room temperature. Figure 3.12 The phospholipids would be oriented such that their polar regions dissolved in the water layer and the nonpolar regions dissolved in the

Chapter 4
Concept Checks
Figure 4.1 You would use transmission electron microscopy. The other methods do not have good enough resolution. Figure 4.3 The primary advantage is that it gives an image of the 3-D surface of a material.


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