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Cabinet reshuffling: growing crisis in the Awami League rule The Bangladesh government reshuffled its cabinet and

expanded the number of ministers by seven to 50 on Saturday. This is an face saving attempt to reinforce the government mechanism, under sagging popularity amidst scams and corruptions. The reshuffle was done when it was just 15 months for the next general election, and it was the fourth reshuffle. The first cabinet after coming to office in January 2009 consisted of only 31 ministers. Internal divisions within the 14 party Awami League lead coalition is emerging. One of the key ministers, Sahara Khatun has been changed from home ministry to Post and Telecommunications. The New Age September 17, editorial reported an indirect admission of the prime minister about the governmental failure in keeping law and order. In place was appointed Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, who is considered an administrator. Prime Ministers offer for a minister for senior parliament member (MP) Tofail Ahmed on Thursday was turned down. "At this moment, I am not ready either mentally, politically and socially for assuming the responsibility," said Tofail explaining the reason for his unwillingness. He had been Industries and Commerce Minister in 1996-2001 Hasina administration. Another MP who turned down offer is Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon, who is keen to keep some distance from the government. On the refusal of the above members The editorial of the Financial Express September 17, reported Clearly, cabinet reshuffle when only a little over a year of this government's term remains is an indication that all is not well on the administration front.. The fragile nature of the government is shown with the newly inducted ministers. Of the seven new, five are lesser-known figures as they are either local level leaders or relatively new in politics, who were elected in 2008 election, The Daily Star reported. One of them Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir is considered a bureaucrat-turned politician, who is said to have obtained permission to set up a commercial bank earlier this year. Another new minister Abdul Hyee, reported by The Daily Star, had been engaged in irregularities in sending people abroad, and that his passport was seized by Airport authorities when another person was trying to go abroad by using it. While the immediate reason behind reshuffle was eruption of $ 4.3 billion (Taka 3,606crore) loan scam involving Hall-Mark Group and five other companies, the government has been under fire for a series of scandals involving ministers, prime ministers advisers bureaucrats and party cronies- such scandals are allegations of corruption in share market, Padma Bridge project, quick rental power, etc,. While the finance Minister Abdul Muhith, came forward to defend the loan scam saying that sum of public money embezzled was petty, he criticised the media for revealing the

embezzlement and said that the banking sector has been exposed to difficulties by this. But, when he had to face criticism from the AL MPs, he had to apologise for his remarks. On the developing situation, he said, once One cannot always act according to his wish. Expressing dissatisfaction of governments handling financial matters, the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry president AK Azad demanded immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the responsible persons of Hallmark Group .. and Sonali Bank officials involved in the loan scam. Today the business community has been suffering due to such massive banking scandal . The government had to let former information and communications technology minister Syed Abul Hossain resigne recently and Prime Minister's economic affairs adviser Dr Mashiur Rahman was sent on leave, under the pressure of World Bank over allegation of corruption of Padma Bridge project important infrastructure bridge- while Tanjim Ahmad Sohel Taj resigned as minister of state for home affairs claiming personal ground. Under this situation it is the so-called pseudo lefts 11 parties such as Workers Party , Communist Kendra , Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal that have aligned with the ruling AL coalition, that are trying to vaporise discontent of masses under the capitalist class. They are going to stage a protest rally on 19 September under 12 major failures of the government that include price-hike of electricity, Hallmark group scam, continuation of extra-judicial killings and oppression of the national minorities, calling other left and democratic political parties and organizations. Very strategy of this alliance is to advocate masses to push the corrupt ruling coalition for corrections, preventing them taking an independent class action. Vindicating this, Menon, told journalist when asked why they are still in such a ruling coalition, Menon said, "We strongly feel the need for this alliance (14-party) to prevent the BNP-Jamaat alliance from making a comeback to power. We're still pressing the top leadership of our alliance to make the combine functional. Otherwise, unity of non-communal democratic forces will come under threat". Unabated struggles by every sector of workers, students and university teachers are growing. Tens of thousands of garment workers in a main industrial area, at Narayanganj, 20 kilometres south of the capital Dhaka clashed with the police on Sunday demanding the reduction of working hours. Nearly a two month strike by teachers of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and students, just ended last Saturday. These all underscore growing discontent of the workers for the deteriorating social conditions. The ruling coalition government, breaching election promise, continued extrajudicial killings by law enforcers, particularly para military Rapid Action Battalion, against opposition parties and workers who struggle, some times killing them. The RAB always use its code word crossfire. While the government carried out this despite condemnation

by human right organizations, the former home minister Sahara Khatun justified these atrocities. Extrajudicial killings have claimed 196 lives since January 2010. The governments repression of workers is to maintain the cheapest wages, in order to turn Bangladesh into an industrial hub in the region. Despite desperate effort by the ruling government it has failed to do so in many fronts that has worried the capitalists. , A research under "State of Cities: Urban Governance in Dhaka", carried out by the Institute of Governance Studies, Brac University, has uncovered the government has failed to achieve this create an industrial hub-due to a lack of proper planning, corruption and political patronage. Despite boasting of solving electricity power crisis- a requirement of infrastructure- this industry has wasted subsidies in power sector. Rather than planning cost effective thermal power generation, the government exploited power shortage to purchase from rental power plants which have wasted more than 80 per cent of the subsidy for the power sector in July 2012. The lucrative industry is blamed to have hands of political cronies. Bulk power price was increased four times and retail price five times since February 2011 upto now. Indicating the decline of investments, world investment report, 2012 of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said fresh foreign direct investment 'declined' by 16 per cent to $431.8 million in 2011, which was $520 million in the previous year. Indicating deteriorating business environment The Daily Star editorial September 7, reported Bangladesh recorded a steep fall of 10 points to 118 out of 144 countries in the Global Competitiveness Index 2012-13. The study has been done by World Economic Forum based on a survey of 14,000 industrialists and business leaders. The government has failed to sign the Teesta water-sharing agreement with India due to opposition by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee despite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Dhaka last year. The crisis in Europe and US Bangladeshs major garment importers with 57 percent and 23 percent respectively has a serious affect. According to Export Promotion Bureau, apparel exports to the US in last fiscal year ending in June 2011-12 was $ 4.553 billion or drop by 1.7 percent, during the same period of the previous fiscal year. Exports to Europe began falling since March. Dhaka's attempt to get drop of the 17 percent tax for its apparel products in US, so far has been unsuccessful. Under this situation the main right-wing opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) BNP and the Islamic fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami is trying to capitalise the situation. BNP leader Khalida Zia gave the ultimatum on March 12 rally, to restore the non-party caretaker system before June 10, or otherwise to bring down the government, but later to backtrack under imperialist and local capitalist class pressure. But, it could not yet rally behind it the masses who hit a blow in the national election in 2008.

The USA is trying to align Bangladesh into its camp against China that has increased trade with Bangladesh recently. While the USA is using duty free access for Bangladesh garments into the USA market to tame Bangladesh, it is reinforcing military ties the country. An eight-member team of the US Navy led by Commander of the US 7th Fleet met Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral ZU Ahmed on Sunday and exchanged views on the issues related to bilateral interests. They have discussed joint exercises between the two navies. The US commander said We are more interested to assist Bangladesh army and navy to enhance their ability to protect its maritime resources from pirates, protect country form terrorist attack and co-operate during natural disasters,".

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