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The Inheritance of loss Oh, Grandfather more lizard than human. Dog more human than dog.

P 44
Do you find this a hilarious novel or a conflicting novel teaching us about the morals in todays India. Find out yourself by going through the tasks about the themes, characters, motifs and setting.

Loss of identity as a result of colonialism and the way it goes about from generation to generation as a sense of loss.

Task A Find two examples of how the judge lost his identity and got a sense of loss. B Find two examples of how Biju lost his identity and felt at a loss.

C Fill in the two balloons stating you are for and against the message of the writer.

oppressed Task

Binary opposition

The oppressor and the

We all encounter new challenges in life. So does Biju in America. Citation p 180- p 181 Former slaves and natives Everything run by white people. Business was business. Your bread might as well be left unbuttered were the butter to be spread so thin. The fittest one wins and gets the butter. A B C D What was the biggest challenge for Biju? Explain whether he coped and find a quotation to prove your opinion. Who helped Biju ? Who were his opponent(s)?



One day he found footprints on the toilet seat- she was squatting on it, she was squatting on it- he could barely contain his outrage. p 230 Task I A Picture the character: who lost his temper about who ?

B Task II

Explain the reason why this person lost his temper.

Best days of my life, he said. Remember? Punting by Kings, trinity, what a view, my God, and then what was it? Ah yes, Corpus Christi p 274 A B C B Picture who is talking here to the judge. Find a picture of punting? What is the setting in this quotation ? Explain whether the judge thinks differently about the time shared ?

Characters in the Inheritance of loss

Task A Try to picture the most important characters in the story. Do not forget to use bits of dialogue, sound effects and descriptions.

The judge

the cook

Biju, the cooks son

Mutt, the dog

Sai Mistry


B Which character can you connect with? Explain.

Motifs in the Inheritance of loss

Task Explain what the role is of the following motifs in the story:

a. Powder puff

b. The green card

c. National geographic

Setting in The Inheritance of loss Setting, the time and place of a story, and the mood, the atmosphere, usually work together to create a special effect. The sensory details of a place the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and physical sensations- may contribute to the mood. A place can feel oppressive or terrifying depending on what you see around you. (Ms Ceballos, janae.ceballos@wuhsd.k12.ca.us ) Task Fill in the sensory details and the mood for the following two places Place the town of Kalimpong on the Indian side of the Himalaya in 1986

Sensory details :



New York


Sensory details :



Powder puff http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vowstoryshop.nl/2366-5827large/poederdons-met-strik-mub016.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vowstoryshop.nl/labelleza/poederdons-met-strikmub016_p2366.html&h=480&w=400&sz=40&tbnid=Mo7IUoRfnufhZM:&tbnh=95& tbnw=79&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpoederdons%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo %3Du&zoom=1&q=poederdons&usg=__mrC5h7wJkP3uA10NSFjNfVecZQ=&docid=e_9J2e6bns6xM&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=IeGQULH9LMHJ0AWs04GoCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCwQ9Q EwAg&dur=451

National Geographic http://shop.nationalgeographic.com/ngs/product/magazines/national-geographicmagazine/national-geographic-magazine-u.s.-delivery

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