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1. Use this checklist to ensure that you have the right people, processes, and technology to implement a solid Social Media Program. 2. This template has been built in Excel. You are encouraged to customize the checklist by adding additional tasks where necessary.

3. Tasks are grouped into the following categories: Research, Competitors, Customers, Business Case, Governance & Support, Techn

4. Allocate an "Owner", "Due Date" and "Status" for each of the tasks outlined in the "Implementation Checklist" tab to ensure that n

Social Media Implementation Checklist

plement a solid Social Media Program.

ing additional tasks where necessary.

ss Case, Governance & Support, Technology, Scheduling, Implementation and Metrics.

entation Checklist" tab to ensure that nothing is overlooked as you create a Social Media Program.

Social Media Implementation Checklist Description of Tasks Research

Use the "Top Social Media Sites Database" to gain a better understanding of when to use over 70 of the top social media sites Conduct an internal audit of existing online channels (Website, Blogs, Groups, etc.) Use the "Social Media Readiness Assessment" to determine if you are ready to start a Social Media program Review current online marketing/communication activities and identify GAPs in your "Marketing Communications Plan" for the upcoming year Benchmark Current Efforts (ex. Postings...Good vs. Bad, Successful vs. Disaster) - Internal & External Environment Identify Internal Stakeholders and Main Contributors (Departments, Personnel, etc.) for existing Social Media efforts Identify External (3rd Party) Thought Leaders & Conversation Drivers (Industry, Topic & Market Specific) Jim Sally Bob Jessica Mike Jim Jordan 1-Feb-11 2-Feb-11 3-Feb-11 4-Feb-11 5-Feb-11 6-Feb-11 8-Feb-11


Due Date

Completed Completed Overdue At Risk At Risk Overdue On Hold

Visit your competitors web properties and conduct a review/audit based on their interaction in the online space Set up Google Alerts to get email updates on the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic Use the "Social Media Competitor Tracking Tool" to monitor your competitors based on Topic Posts, Followers, Interactions, etc. Conduct a Market/Industry analysis to gain a better understand of how social media is being used in your space Bob Jim Bob Bob 1-Mar-11 7-Feb-11 1-Mar-11 1-Mar-11

On Track Overdue On Track At Risk

Use the "Social Media Survey Template" to identify opportunities and get a better understanding of how your customers are using social media Conduct additional research (focus groups, product feedback, etc.) to gain insight into customer interactions and experience Create "customer profiles" to identify "early adopters" and who to approach using new channels Bob Sally Mike 1-Mar-11 1-Mar-11 1-Mar-11

On Track On Hold On Track

Business Case
Objectives & KPIs have been documented using the "Social Media Strategy Scorecard" A competitive evaluation has been formalized, documented and presented to key stakeholders Project Scope is well defined and documented Social Media "Use Cases" have been evaluated, documented and an action plan has been created A Business Impact Analysis, ROI Calculation, Cost-Benefit Analysis has been conducted Project Schedule has been created (Phased Approach if necessary) Channel selection and decision making criterion have been explained and communicated to key stakeholders Use the "Social Media Prioritization Tool" to select the best social media channels for your business Resource requirements (including contributors) have been selected and allocated to ensure project success Risks and Contingency Plans have been created, documented, reviewed and approved Use the "Social Media Business Case Template" to organize your research, make recommendations and to formalize your case for Social Media Use the "Social Media Channel Map" to formalize and present your action plan for implementation and to obtain approval Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jun-11

On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track

Governance & Support

Senior Management buy-in and sign-off has been obtained and documented Business Case has been formally approved Use the "Social Media Policy & Guidelines" to create reasonable guidelines for online behavior by employees & contractors who use Social Media The Employee Manual has been updated to include Social Media policies Provide Social Media Training to employees & contractors Jordan Jordan Mike Bob Bob 1-Jul-11 1-Jul-11 1-Aug-11 1-Aug-11 1-Aug-11

On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track

Update "Terms of Use Policy" on all corporate websites, blogs and intranets



On Track

Conduct an IT audit of infrastructure, bandwidth, and systems to insure a smooth integration A dedicated staff member has been allocated to work as a liaison between Marketing and IT "Buy-in" has been obtained from the IT department and roles have been formalized Jim Jim Jim 1-Sep-11 1-Sep-11 1-Sep-11

On Track On Track On Track

Use the "Social Media Manager Job Description" to formalize the role of the Social Media Program Manager and/or to hire a specialist Content Research has been conducted and a detailed list of relevant conversations (postings, tweets, etc.) has been created Use the "Social Media Posting Schedule" to outline dates, times, topics, contributors and keywords Social Media activities have been added into the overall Marketing Communications Calendar & Plan (opportunity for integration have been identified) Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11

On Track On Track On Track On Track

Create a "Facebook Page" and begin a dialogue with your audience Create a "Thought Leaders Blog" and begin email marketing to relevant lists Open Twitter Account and Send first "Tweet" Create a YouTube Channel and post product videos on YouTube Create a Flickr account and add most recent event pictures Request that employees create LinkedIn profiles and ask them to join your LinkedIn Community Add non-proprietary Whitepapers, Research, and Technical documents to Docstoc Add non- proprietary sales presentations and research to Slideshare Download Tweetdeck to streamline the content distribution and update process Review social content to ensure a distributed content program (email to friend, re-tweet, Digg, Reddit, ShareThis, etc.) is in place and functioning properly Jim Sally Jordan Mike Bob Jim Jim Bob Jordan Jordan 1-Nov-11 1-Dec-11 1-Dec-11 1-Nov-11 1-Dec-11 1-Dec-11 1-Nov-11 1-Dec-11 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11

On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track On Track

Audit Tracking and Analytics Tools for each Social Media channel selected (Google Analytics, Wordpress Admin Analytics, etc.) Use the customizable "Social Media Metrics Dashboard" to track pre-determined KPIs Formalize your reporting structure and share metrics with all stakeholders involved Based on the results of your Social Media program, continually refine and improve your Social Media efforts Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11 1-Nov-11

On Track On Track On Track On Track

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