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Volume 18, Issue 12 November 2012

Glyndon Lutheran Church Harvest Supper WHEN: Wednesday, November 7th TIME: 5:00-7:00 MENU: Fried Chicken + Corn + Lefse/Rolls + Mashed Potatoes + Cranberries + Pickles + Apple & Pumpkin Pies Tickets: $10.00 Adults $5.00 Ages 6-12 Preschool FREE
Its not too late! Pre-Fundraising for the Harvest Supper has begun! Pick up your envelope at GLC. The funds we receive will help us to buy food for the Harvest Supper. GLC Women of ELCA is having a Quilt Raffle for Pathways Bible Camp! Buy a ticket from one of our WELCA ladies. $2.00 each/or 3 for $5.00 Sign Up to Volunteer! We still need to fill some hour-long shifts. If you havent signed up yet, call Lois in the office 498-2368.

Glyndon Lutheran Church


Esther and Mary Circle Christmas Bake Sale

On Sunday, Dec. 16th, the two Womens Circles of Glyndon Lutheran will once again host a Christmas Bake Sale! Benefits go towards purchasing a new window for our Church! All are invited to contribute to the bake sale and certainly to shop! The bake sale will take place after the Childrens Program/Worship and during the Pancake Breakfast for the Summer Trip.

Inside this issue:

Living the Story Over Coffee Council Minutes From the Mailbox Servant Schedule WELCA Information Church Calendar Quilters Report Youth Events Income and Expense Memorials Prayers and Birthdays 2 3-4 5 6-7

8-9 10 11

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happy. In this day and age, and in this blessed and abundant country, we have more than we could ever want, and yet we are found to be in need. Many of us suffer with something more commonly known as Affluenza in which we have more than we know what to do with and yet feel that we do not have enough. We buy things to make ourselves feel better, only to learn that we cannot buy happiness. Affluenza is a serious disease among us. It causes anxiety and jealousy. Everything is amazing and no one is happy. Walter Brueggemann, Old Testament Scholar, says that gratitude is the opposite of anxiety. Anxiety is what forces us to accumulate more and to worry about what we already have. Anxiety brings jealousy and worry if we are keeping up with our neighbors.

Living the Story with Pastor Jeni

few years ago, the comedian Louis CK went on a late night TV show and diagnosed the majority of our malaise: everything is amazing and no one is Gratitude helps us to see a God who is faithful beyond what we possess in our hands. In gratitude we share what has already been given to us, not just because we are giving to a good cause that needs it, but because we need it. We need to give for our own sanity, for our own well-being. There are many ways to give. When we give in church, we give with a force that stretches beyond ourselves with a church that reaches around the world. We do great things together. In fighting off jealousy, keep in mind another gem from same comedians TV show. There was a scene where he was faced with divvying up leftover fruit after making smoothies. He pierced a piece of mango and handed it over to his oldest daughter. His youngest daughter told him it was unfair. His response? Lifes not fair, sometimes you will get more than you deserve and sometimes you wont, but the only time you look into your neighbors bowl is to make sure they have enough food in it. In gratitude and grace, Pastor Jeni

or the past 6 years I have gone Black Friday shopping with my friends. I love buying presents for my family and friends, thinking, contemplating, asking and searching for that perfect gift that would be special for the recipient; the gift that would show the recipient that I thought of them and care about them. One of my favorite Faith Practices is giving. And in this month of giving thanks and the season when people are out in full force buying gifts, I think that it is important to look at this practice. When people put giving and the church together, there is often a negative connotation. In the Message translation of the Bible one of the more famous passages about giving offers a different way of looking at giving, and I invite you to expand your image of giving beyond money while reading 2 Corinthians 9:7-8,

Over Coffee with Kris

I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. God is generous and blesses us abundantly. Everything we have belongs to God. Jesus tells us to give with our heart, spirit and possessions. Often times in our world today, we are taught that fulfillment comes from getting more, consuming more, and centering out lives on ourselves. Yet, Jesus teaches us to give everything to others. In this season of giving, I invite you to think about giving in a different way; whether you do something special for someone, or give something different or unexpected. I would love to hear the stories of how this goes for you. Blessings on the rest of your day, Kris Johnson

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Council Minutes

Council Meeting-October 24th, 2012

Members Present: Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, Joan Stenerson, Kris Johnson, Pastor Jeni, Carrie Smith, Esther Ellingson, Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Prayer and GLC Mission Statement Secretarys Report & Treasures Report: Read and passed

Pastors Report:

Pastoral Acts and Visitation Preached and Presided Sept. 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, Oct. 3, 14, 17, 21, 24 Presided Only on Oct. 10th (Thanks Kris for Preaching on 10/7 and 10/10) Baptized Stella Fortier on Sept. 23rd Picked hymns for worship and wrote the "Prayer of the Day" prayers each week Worked with Kris to write the Prayers of the People a couple of weeks I made 4 home visits I visited Eventide 3+ times, visiting 5 different people. I had one Baptismal Visit at a family's home in Barnesville. I visited with the quilters on Stewardship Workday. I had lunch with Ruth Discher, our former organist on 10/15. I attended Esther Circle at Darlene Sandals House on 10/18. Faith Formation and Youth Im involved in Faith Formation for: Pre-K through 4 - Sun. Morning (Play Guitar and Sing), 5-6th Grade - Wed. Afternoons (Teach), 7-8th Grade - Wed. Nights (Teach), 9th Grade - Lunch and Conversations. I've been making weekly videos for the 7th and 8th graders to watch at home to help them learn the catechism. I picked up garbage with some of our 7th and 8th Grade Students for a Congregational Servant Event. I attended the Stock Supper on 9/30. I attended 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball games in Barnesville. Wider Church I attended Fair Hills, NWMN Synod Fall Theological Retreat. We engaged joy and hope. I attended the Ordination and Installation of Pastor Holly Johnson (Project F-M). I attended and participated in a Theology Pub hosted by The Project F-M. I attended the Installation of Pastor Colin Grangaard at Our Savior's Lutheran in Barnesville. I spoke to a class at the Seminary on our practices around baptism and faith formation. I attended a dinner with and a public lecture by Mark Hanson, Presiding Bishop of the ELCA at Concordia College on 10/16. I've been writing a blog series on the 30% of Under 30 year olds who have no religious affiliation. I attended a meeting for the First Call Theological Education Weekend, which will be 1/11-1/13, 2013. I've continued to participate in the Synod's Annual Appeal Campaign. I attended the science and faith presentation at Trinity Lutheran Church on 10/21 Technically Speaking I've been maintaining the website, participating in our Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest presence. I brought Kriss computer in for a serious, though under warranty, repair. Other I am grateful for a few days of vacation to celebrate Colin's Grandma's 90th Birthday with family in Minneapolis. I've been creating the Table Talks that we use each week.

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Council Minutes, cont.

Family Ministers Report:
Attended the NWMN Theological Retreat at Fair Hills, 09/16-09/18 Attended ELCA World Hunger meetings 09/18 & 09/25 Planned and executed the Youth Stock Supper for the National Youth Gathering 09/30 Week of 10/01 Varsity Cross Country meet in Hawley, Homecoming Coronation, JV football game, B squad, JV and Varsity Volleyball games, and Homecoming football game. On 10/08 I attended an 8th grade volleyball and a 9th grade volleyball games. 10/22 attended the Sr. High Band and Choir concert. 10/02 attended Stewardship Work Day [assisted with Quilt packing on 10/15] Led worship and preached 10/07, preached 10/10 10/14 went to the Synod Event Re-thinking Stewardship and led a workshop on ELCA World Hunger Attended Esther Circle at Darlene Sandals Planned and then had to cancel the Haunted Corn Maze 10/18 due to the weather Continue to work on Faith formation for 3 year olds 9th grade with Pastor Jeni and Lois, including Education openings for Sun. mornings & Wed. evenings, lunch with the 9th graders, after school on Wed. for the 5th & 6th graders and Wed. evenings for the 7th & 8th graders. Contract, facility, planning and publicity meetings for 100 Wells Concert Tour [including a National Gathering Reunion dinner] Contract, facility, planning and publicity meetings for this years Synod Youth Gatherings Organizing and doing highway clean up. Cleaned bathrooms and shampooed carpets upstairs.

Topics of Discussion
Budget: Information was passed out to be reviewed and discussed at the next council meeting. Teams: We are looking to recreate teams to help make decisions and for guidance in the following areas of GLC: Stewardship, Evangelism/Hospitality, Properties and Faith Formation. Descriptions of each area will be forthcoming and then we will ask for 3-5 volunteers to serve on each team. We are hoping to keep physical meetings at a minimum and use technology as a way to communicate the needs of each of these areas. Harvest Supper: Council had discussion on ways to help make this event run as smooth as possible. We are hoping that this will continue to be an event where all members of our church work together to provide a way of bringing area people together for fellowship while creating a profit for various areas in our church. Youth Room: a. Tables: Four tables were bought out of the youth account for faith formation classes that are meeting upstairs. b. Doors: There is a need for doors with locks on them at both entrances to the upstairs area. Additional Topics: Kris requested to be gone for a family mission trip to Haiti in June. Cindy made a motion to approve this leave. Carrie seconded. Motion passed. We are looking into money to help defray the costs for families who have youth attending camps, retreats and trips. Closed With the Lords Prayer Next council meeting will be held on Wednesday November 14 at 8:10 pm

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From the mailbag Dear Jeni Grangaard and the congregation of Glyndon Lutheran, We want to deeply thank you for your support and contribution towards our need for cereal and grains. All of us here were moved by your support. The donation will go to great use on our end and has the potential to help many of our rural families. We have noticed a large increase in families visiting the food pantry so your help comes at a great time of need. Thank you very much. From: REACH Dear Ladies, Thank you so much for the beautiful quilts. Thank you for your labor of love. The ladies will be blessed by them. We hope you have a wonderful Fall and a Happy Thanksgiving & Christmas. Thanks a bunch. God Bless you! From: The Perry Center Dear Friends, Thank you for the quilts that you donated to The Salvation Army of Fargo-Moorhead. Your donation is very much appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. It is only because of the support of friends like you that we are able to provide for the various needs of those who come through our doors for assistance. Thank you so much for your support. From: The Salvation Army Dear Quilting Ladies, On behalf of the clients and staff at Red River Recovery Center, I would like to thank you so very much for your gifts of the wonderful quilts. Clients that receive the quilt have completed their programming at RRRC and are ready to move into the community and begin their life free of alcohol and drugs. Many of the clients have expressed to staff that receiving the quilt gives them a stronger desire to continuing their journey. Having the quilt to hold and remember their long road and how far they have come brings many of the clients to tears. Thanks again for your gifts of HOPE. From: RRRC Dear Glyndon Lutheran Church, Thank you for your generous donation of 6 quilts. Kindness and compassion like yours enabled us to provide warm shelter to over 70 men this year. From: FM Dorothy Day House of Hospitality, Inc. Dear Glyndon Lutheran Church, Thank you for the wonderful and warm quilts. All six will be put to good use. Blessings from Churches United

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Stewardship Workday

November 6, 2012
Server: Geri Hanson

Esther Circle
November 15 at 1:00 p.m. Hostess: Joan Stenerson Bible Study: Joan Stenerson

Mary Circle
November 20 at 7:30 p.m. Hostess: Loraine Langseth Bible Study: Lois Muhle



Servant Schedule for November

Altar Guild: Sheri Schumann Sunday, November 4th Acolytes: Cayla Olson & Alyssa Landsem Reader: Don Lein Ushers: Steeler Senskes Family Coffee Servers: Steven Taves Family Communion Assistant: Deb Tollefson Sunday, November 11th Acolytes: Megan Meyers& Hailey Knutsons Family Reader: Communion Assistants: Esther Ellingson & Pam Rudolf Ushers: Alissa Rolls Family Coffee Servers: Alissa Rolls Family Sunday, November 18th Acolytes: Jaiden Cutler& Jacob Arends Reader: Cary Anderson Communion Assistants: Cary & Britta Anderson Ushers: Hannah Gieseke & Libbie Bonnets Family Coffee Servers: Paige Gieseke & Jordyn Fischers Family Sunday, November 25th Acolytes: Dillon Brendan & Cody Tollefson Reader: Heidi Dally Communion Assistants: Deb & Jamie Langseth Ushers: Cameron Ashs Family Coffee Servers: Alex Dallys Family
4 5

9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation



9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation



9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation



9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation Volunteers still needed, sign up in the office if you can lend a hand! or 218-498-2368.

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November 2012
Tue Wed




9:00 Stewardship Workday

12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 5-7 HARVEST SUPPER No Worship or Faith Formation Classes

10 Elementary Day at Camp Emmaus 4th-5th grade






12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 3:30 Faith Formation 5-6 5:30 Meal 6:15 Worship & Tangled Blue 7:00 Faith Formation PK-4 7:00 Faith Formation 7-8
20 21

1:00 Esther Circle

Middle School Youth Gathering in Alexandria!

22 23 24

7:30 Mary Circle

No Worship or Faith Formation Classes

Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

27 28 29 30

12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 3:30 Faith Formation 5-6 5:30 Meal 6:15 Worship 7:00 Faith Formation PK-4 7:00 Faith Formation 7-8


Quilters Report
The Quilters of Glyndon Lutheran once again made and gave away over 100 quilts this year! The total at the end of the day was 122 quilts. Wonderful work! The quilts were blessed in worship on Sunday, October 14th and were packed and sent to: 6 Salvation Army 6 Churches United 6 Red River Recovery 6 Dorothy Day House 6 New Life Center 6 YWCA 6 Red Cross 6 The Cooper House 6 The Perry Center 6 Sisters Path 6 The Share House 6 Gladys Ray Shelter 6 MS LSA House 44 LWR Praise God from whom all blessings flow! If you are interested in becoming a quilter, you are welcome to join on the first Tuesday of the month. It is a fun time of fellowship and service.

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Upcoming Youth Events

Camp Emmaus for 4th - 6th graders
You had fun at last years Pathways Elementary Conference Gathering and want to go back, or you heard about all the fun and want to go this yearHERE IS YOUR CHANCE! Who: All 4th 6th graders When: Saturday, November 10th We will leave the church at 11:45 (eat lunch ahead of time) and will return by 7:30 pm Where: Camp Emmaus in Menahga, MN Cost: $15 (includes transportation, registration, dinner, snacks and fun!) Why: To meet other people from our area and have a GREAT TIME at camp with a day filled with all the best of camp! How: Get a registration form from Kris bulletin board and turn it into Kris by Sunday, November 4th along with the money.

2012 Middle School (6th-8th grade) Synod Youth Gathering Imitators!

Synod Youth Gathering at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria, MN Friday, November 16th Saturday, November 17th Total Cost is $115 (includes transportation, lodging, gathering, and meals) Payment and registration due by Sunday, November 4th. Get the needed forms from Kris bulletin board.

Christmas Caroling for All Ages!!!

Sunday, December 9th at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at Pizza Ranch. Please wear festive clothes and bring money for lunch.

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Income and Expense

Income Expenses Net Income $ $ $ 19,903.57 30,555.98

September 2012


Funds Available (as of October 24 2012) General Fund Designated Funds: Food Pantry Sunday School Memorials Missions Adult Education Mission Possible Bucket Youth Bible Camp Properties Team Improvements Miscellaneous $ 1854.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 501.41 90.25 60.00 33.00 92.45 70.00 210.00 200.00 Tables 613.98 Windows 15.00 $ 2026.00

Unpaid Bills for October

Salaries (31st) (includes staff, organist, custodian) Fed. Withholding MN Withholding Augsburg Fortress Kris Supplies $ 4,000 (approx.) $ 732 (approx.) $ 138 (approx.) $ 580.00 $ 147.10

General Fund In memory of Sandy Waters, from Lowell & Mary Larson In memory of Todd Singer, from Kelli Fuchs Quilters In memory of Sandy Waters, from Lowell & Mary Larson

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Prayers, Birthdays and Notes

Please keep Trisha Baker (Afghanistan), Kally Anderson (United States) and Tyler Payla (returned from Kuwait) in your prayers as they serve their country.
Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in trials and temptations; give courage to face perils that surround them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Eternal rest, grant, O Lord, and light perpetual shine. Todd Singer

[our extended family]

Betsy Anderson, Pelican Rapids MN Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive Margaret Kingren, Eventide Orville Muhle, Eventide Lloyd Olson, Emmanuel Assisted Living Detroit Lakes LeRoy Muhle, Elim in Fargo

November Birthdays
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 Debra Langseth, Rita Leach, Tyler Nelson Evan Arends, Jessica Madson, Nona Palya, Lisa Rietsema Monna Lou Leach, Robert Karppinen Mahlon Karppinen Patricia Fischer Taylor Bjerke, Katherina Leach, Alvina Lein Erica Nelson John Kowalski Beverly Baker, Kaleb Knutson, Barbara Messerschmidt, Kari Myhre Casey Leach, Carrie Smith Catherine Karppinen Karan Ambuehl, Jack Browning Renee Hanson Tracy Kuehl Adam Fisher, Glenn Kuehl Drake Barbee, Ian Blair, Kyle Roelofs, Kenadi Scheidecker 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jacob Kinnen, Nicholas Kinnen, Kelsey Nygaard Jeffery Cummings, Justin Miller, Sherry Senske Breck McCreary Nickolas Pender Patrick Kemmer, Patrick Mehrer Jaeda Pederson Steve Ash Leslie Erickson, Meghann Norrbom, Dalton Roll Cary Anderson Dylan Berry, Daniel Butze Baylie Narum

Happy Birthday!

Glyn don L u the r a n C hur ch

414 Parke Ave PO Box 38 Glyndon, MN 56547

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Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church, nurturing the faith of all generations.

Worship with us... Sundays at 9 a.m. Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m.

Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-4 p.m. Wednesdays 10-4 p.m.

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