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Type 0 - Zero conditional If clause If + Present tense If you freeze water

Always truth situation Main clause Present tense it turns into ice.

Type I - First conditional If clause If + Present tense If it rains today, If it rains today, I'll stay at home. Si llueve hoy, me quedar en casa. If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow. Si est ocupado ahora, regresar maana. If I have time, I'll visit my parents this afternoon. Si tengo tiempo, visitar a mis padres esta tarde. If it is warm tomorrow, we'll go to the beach. Si est caluroso maana, iremos a la playa. If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes. Si est fro, debes usar ropa abrigada. If he doesn't do his homework, he can not go to the party. Si l no hace su tarea, no puede ir a la fiesta. If she doesn't call you, you can call her. Si ella no te llama, t puedes llamarla. If you work hard, you may become a millonaire someday. Si trabajas duro, puede que te conviertas en un millonario algn da. If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man. Si gastas ms de lo que ganas, te convertirs en un hombre pobre. If they don't invite you, you must not go. Si ellos no te invitan, no debes ir. If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus. Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro autobus. If you pay now, you'll get a discount. Si pagas ahora, obtendrs un descuento. If they don't want to go out, they can stay home. Si no quieren salir, se pueden quedar en casa. If you drink too much, you'll get drunk. Si bebes demasiado, te emborrachars. Type III - Third conditional If clause If + Past Perfect tense If I had won the lottery, If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world. Si yo hubiera ganado la lotera, habra viajado por todo el mundo. If I had seen him, I would have told him about you. Si lo hubiese visto, le habra contado acerca de ti. If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand. Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habra levantado mi mano. If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her. Si ella hubiese venido el sbado, la habra visto. If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time. Si ellos hubiesen salido ms temprano, habran llegado a tiempo. If you had gone to Brazil, you would have had lots of fun. Si tu hubieses ido a Brasil, habras tenido mucha diversin. If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you. Si no hubiese estado tan ocupado, te podra haber ayudado. If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here. Si tu me hubieses telefoneado, habra sabido que estabas aqu. If they had invited us, we would have accepted at once. Si ellos nos hubiesen invitado, habramos aceptado de inmediato. If she had explained me the problem, I would have understood it. Si ella me hubiese explicado el problema, lo habra entendido. If I hadn't forgotten his number, I would have phoned him. Si no hubiese olvidado su nmero, lo habra llamado. If it hadn't rained, we would have gone fishing. Si no hubiese llovido, habramos ido a pescar. If my sister had been here, she would have enjoyed this. Si mi hermana hubiese estado aqu, habra disfrutado esto. If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today. Si no hubiesen tomado tanto anoche, no se habran sentido enfermos hoy. If he had worked more, he could have saved more money. Si l hubiese trabajado ms, podra haver ahorrado ms dinero.

If you freeze water, it turns into ice. Si congelas el agua, se convierte en hielo. If I work too much, I get tired. Si trabajo demasiado, me canso. If I have time, I usually go to the movies. Si tengo tiempo, generalmente voy al cine. If she eats hamburgers, she gets an allergy. Si ella come hamburguesas, le da alergia. If they come here, they always bring a present. Si ellos vienen aqu, siempre traen un regalo. If she doesn't know the answer, she keeps silent. Si ella no sabe la respuesta, se mantiene en silencio. If we don't go out on Saturdays, we rent a video and stay home. Si no salimos los sbados, alquilamos un video y nos quedamos en casa.

Type II - Second conditional If clause If + Past Simple If I won the lottery,

Hipotetic situation Main clause would / could / might + verb I would travel around the world.

If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. Si ganara la lotera, viajara por todo el mundo. If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro. Si yo estuviese en Brasil, ira a Ro de Janeiro. If I were you, I would buy that car. Si yo fuese t, comprara ese auto. If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this. Si l estuviese en mi lugar, no hara esto. If I had more money, I would buy a nice apartment. Si yo tuviese ms dinero, me comprara un lindo apartamento. If she had more time, she would travel more often. Si ella tuviera ms tiempo, viajara ms a menudo. If it were not raining, we could go out. Si no estuviese lloviendo, podramos salir. If we didn't have to work today, we could have a picnic. Si no tuvisemos que trabajar hoy, podramos tener un picnic. If they won the lottery, they wouldn't work any more. Si ellos ganaran la lotera, no trabajaran ms. If I saw her, I would ask her out. Si la viera, la invitara a salir. If you went to Brazil, you wouldn't want to come back. Si fueras a Brazil, no querras regresar. If they spoke Spanish, we would understand them. Si ellos hablasen espaol, los entenderamos. If he didn't live by the river, he couldn't go fishing. Si el no viviera cerca del ro, no podra ir a pescar. If I didn't want to go, I would tell you. Si no quisiera ir, te lo dira. If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries. Si ellos trabajaran para esa compaa, podran tener mejores sueldos. If she wrote a book, it would be a best-seller. Si ella escribiese un libro, sera un best-seller.

Utilizamos el condicional formado con wish y pasado simple para expresar un deseo sobre una situacin irreal: I wish I were rich (though I am not). Wish + Past simple Se usa para expresar un deseo sobre una situacin irreal I wish I were rich (but I am not) Yo deseo/ojal que fuera rico (pero no lo soy) I wish I could fly. Ojal pudiera volar. I wish I spoke English more fluently. Ojal hablara ingls ms fludamente. I wish I lived in a house near the beach Ojal viviera en una casa cerca de la playa. I wish I knew how to dance Tango. Ojal supiera bailar tango. I wish it were not so cold today. Ojal no estuviera tan fro hoy. I wish I had more money. Ojal tuviera ms dinero. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. Ojal no tuviera que trabajar maana. I wish I had a better job Ojal tuviera un trabajo mejor.

El condicional formado con wish y el pasado perfecto expresa deseos el pasado: "I wish I had learned English when I was younger" Wish + Past Perfect Se usa para expresar un deseo frustrado sobre el pasado I wish I had learned English when I was younger. Ojal hubiera aprendido ingls cuando era ms joven. I wish I had stayed at the party. Ojal me hubiera quedado en la fiesta. I wish I hadn't seen Mark and Lucy together! Deseara no haber visto a Mark y a Lucy juntos! I wish I had listened to you. Ojal te hubiera escuchado. I wish I had brought my camera! Ojal hubiera trado mi cmara! I wish I hadn't drunk so much beer last night. Deseara no haber tomado tanta cerveza anoche. I wish I had studied more for this test! Ojal hubiera estudiado ms para esta prueba! I wish I had asked Penny to stay... Ojal le hubiera pedido a Penny que se quedara...

Ciertas palabras nos permiten expresar condiciones: unless, if, provided, providing that, in case: You won't pass the exam unless you study harder Expresamos desagrado o irritacin formando el condicional con wish seguido de would: I wish you would stop making that noise Wish + Would Se usa para expresar desagrado o irritacin sobre algo que pasa y que probablemente no se pueda remediar I wish you would stop making that noise. Ojal dejaras de hacer ese ruido. I wish they would stop fighting. Ojal dejaran de pelear. I wish you would just shut up! Ojal te callaras! I wish Tom wouldn't snore so much... Ojal Tom no roncara tanto... I wish that dog would stop barking! Ojal ese perro dejara de ladrar! I wish this computer would stop crashing. Ojal esta computadora dejara de colgarse. I wish my neighbor would turn that awful music down. Ojal mi vecino bajara esa msica horrible. I wish this phone would stop ringing! Ojal este telfono dejara de sonar! Unless - a menos que Unless we book now, we won't find a place to stay. A menos que reservemos ya, no vamos a encontrar lugar donde alojarnos. John's wife will leave him, unless he pays more attention to her. La mujer de John lo va a dejar, a menos que l le preste ms atencin. Provided/ing (that) - siempre y cuando You can go to Spain, provided that you get good grades at school. Puedes ir a Espaa, siempre y cuando saques buenas notas en la escuela. Provided/ing he doesn't misbehave, Paul won't be expelled from our school. Siempre y cuando no se porte mal, Paul no ser expulsado de nuestra escuela. As long as - siempre y cuando I'll help you with Biology, as long as you help me with French. Yo te ayudo con biologa, siempre y cuando t me ayudes con francs. Dan will come as long as he finishes early at the office. Dan va a venir siempre y cuando termine temprano en la oficina. However/No matter how, Whoever, Whichever Grandpa will never hear you, however loud you talk. El abuelo no te va a escuchar nunca, por ms fuerte que hables. No matter how fast I run, I can never beat Jordan. No importa cuan rpido corra, nunca le puedo ganar a Jordan. Whoever comes to see me, tell them I'm not home. Quienquiera que venga, dile que no estoy en casa. Whichever way you choose, I'll go with you. Sea cual sea el camino que elijas, yo ir contigo.

Real or possible situation Main clause will / can / may / must + verb I'll stay at home

en casa. ome back tomorrow. gresar maana. y parents this afternoon. a mis padres esta tarde. we'll go to the beach. iremos a la playa. ar warm clothes. pa abrigada. ework, he can not go to the party. puede ir a la fiesta. ou can call her. des llamarla. ay become a millonaire someday. ue te conviertas en un millonario algn da. you earn, you'll become a poor man. anas, te convertirs en un hombre pobre. you must not go.

miss our bus. eremos nuestro autobus. t a discount. s un descuento. out, they can stay home. eden quedar en casa. ou'll get drunk. mborrachars. Hipotetic siuation, Yesterday Main clause would/could/might + have + past participle I would have traveled around the world.

I would have traveled around the world. otera, habra viajado por todo el mundo. d have told him about you. ra contado acerca de ti. er, I would have raised my hand. uesta, habra levantado mi mano. day, I would have seen her. bado, la habra visto. hey would have arrived on time. s temprano, habran llegado a tiempo. , you would have had lots of fun. , habras tenido mucha diversin. I could have helped you. ocupado, te podra haber ayudado. would have known you were here. eado, habra sabido que estabas aqu. e would have accepted at once. tado, habramos aceptado de inmediato. the problem, I would have understood it. do el problema, lo habra entendido. number, I would have phoned him. nmero, lo habra llamado. ould have gone fishing. ramos ido a pescar. re, she would have enjoyed this. stado aqu, habra disfrutado esto. much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today. anto anoche, no se habran sentido enfermos hoy. he could have saved more money. s, podra haver ahorrado ms dinero.

on wish y el pasado perfecto expresa deseos arned English when I was younger"

deseo frustrado sobre el pasado

sh when I was younger. ingls cuando era ms joven.

do en la fiesta. and Lucy together! a Mark y a Lucy juntos!

much beer last night. do tanta cerveza anoche. for this test! ms para esta prueba!

a Penny que se quedara...

en expresar condiciones: unless, if, provided, ou won't pass the exam unless you study harder

e won't find a place to stay. ya, no vamos a encontrar lugar donde alojarnos. m, unless he pays more attention to her. dejar, a menos que l le preste ms atencin.

mpre y cuando vided that you get good grades at school. pre y cuando saques buenas notas en la escuela. misbehave, Paul won't be expelled from our school. porte mal, Paul no ser expulsado de nuestra escuela.

, as long as you help me with French. siempre y cuando t me ayudes con francs. he finishes early at the office. cuando termine temprano en la oficina.

w, Whoever, Whichever you, however loud you talk. char nunca, por ms fuerte que hables. , I can never beat Jordan. orra, nunca le puedo ganar a Jordan. me, tell them I'm not home. dile que no estoy en casa. ose, I'll go with you. e elijas, yo ir contigo.

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