Vidya Arth

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BusinessWeek criticizes the Indian curriculum, saying it revolves around rote learning and ExpressIndia suggests that students are focused on cramming

The Nalanda University was the oldest university-system of education in the world . The Indian school education system has repeatedly churned out intellectuals who are both feared and respected globally. The architects of this system are stalwarts in their own right too leaving no stone unturned in their quest to design an infallible education framework. Howsoever great their efforts might be, the Indian education system has always been criticized for promoting rote learners and blind curriculum abiders rather than independent and creative thinkers. The onus is therefore on you, who are ever so close to the system, besides being the storehub of novel and extremely potential ideas to revolutionize the system as we know it.


Note: The themes are just some of the features that we feel every education system should incorporate. These are just guidelines to help you. You are free to think like an unconventional thinker and come up with great innovations. So do not limit yourselves to these problem statements. The problem statement that you attempt, therefore could be a combination of the given ones or an entirely new one. Remember that the aim of your solution should always be to encourage the childs creative urge and not limit his independent thinking.

Holistic Learning:

By holistic learning, we mean somehow identifying the true talents of a child, and subsequently nurturing them. The idea is to ensure that he does not get deprived of what he might otherwise enjoy learning. We have come a long way from ancient times when the education system comprised of the trivium (including grammar, logic and rhetoric) and the quadrivium (including geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music) which represented the seven liberal arts of classical study. The Industrial Revolution and further developments have shifted the focus of education to more towards what sells ultimately breaking the balance of the holistic nature that every development plan of a child should involve. We might have produced a string of intellectuals but we have failed to raise as many artists, singers, dancers etc.

Examples: A few boards also encourage students to choose an optional course from a range that includes economics, music and cookery. Such options could be increased, and the possibilities of substituting the more traditional disciplines with these options could also be considered.

Practical Learning:

The education system is also criticized for giving more weightage to theoretical rather than practical knowledge.Theory is essential, but its actual applications are not only important for a student to grasp the subject better but to also get a taste of whats out there in the world.The proportion of practical learning is a contentious issue and therefore proper justifications are necessary to put forward a claim.

Examples: The Montessori approach used in many schools developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori rests on putting children in a structural, rigged environment and letting them learn. It has been appreciated for being practical but criticized as well. There is the Steiner/Waldorf method which bases itself on evolution and has its pros and cons too. The gradual inclusion of vocationally oriented skills as a part of exposure to work could be an important step in the direction.

The evaluation pattern of a history lesson can be modified to include questions/assessment styles that do not test his cramming capacities but also his political decision making prowess. An adaptive and dynamic question paper can be one option that is best able to evaluate the child at what he is being tested at.

Avoiding enforcement of stereotypes:

The system is often criticized for reinforcing stereotypes about preferences, choices and capabilities of different groups. Charges have been alleged, some being speculative like the controversial one of attempted saffronization and Macaulayism of the curriculum. This is your chance to propose unbiased perspectives. Feel free to bring up changes, otherwise controversial and politically difficult to implement.

Examples: Proportion of mythological education in our curriculum, even sex education etc.

Student Participation:

Ideally, the goal of increasing participation is not to have every student participate in the same way or at the same rate. Instead, it is to create an environment in which all participants have the opportunity to learn and in which the class explores issues and ideas in depth, from a variety of viewpoints. Some students will raise their voices more than others; this variation is a result of differences in learning preferences as well as differences in personalities. The goal is to create conditions that enable students of various learning preferences and personalities to contribute and in doing so develop their skill set.

Examples: Learning can be promoted through online videos and even social networking, One can promote group activities which will result in exchange of ideas among students.

Balanced competition:

Competition is the inside drive that motivates a person to always become better than he/she has ever been before, or to be better or dominate the other person. Students who are more competitive are likely to have been more involved in different activities and think independently. But at the same time it is being argued that too much of competitiveness has caused a negative impact on a childs mind. Now the children are not able to think on a broader level. They move on the path of masses, trying to move ahead of the herd. A recent research shows that because of this only, most of the students in India go for engineering or medical professions. The objective is to balance the competitiveness among the students so that they can be motivated to excel in life.

Examples: Different types of evaluation process that will balance the competitive spirit.


So as to suggest a model on a particular theme, one has to propose changes in the following fields:

Curriculum : The curriculum that is normally followed in most boards of our country is very well thought of and is inspired by the National Curriculum Framework, a 150-page bible written by people of proven caliber. But, there are gaps waiting to be found, less in the framework but more so in its implementation across the followed curricula. It might be because of the ever-so dynamic age that we live in,that the curriculum architects may not have thought of it from the angle the people who have to learn it think from.

Teaching Strategy : The general education imparting techniques are largely dictated by the viewpoint and experience of the staff, classroom organization, number of students, type of curriculum material, and availability of enrichment materials. An ideal educational approach should be based on sense control, discipline of the mind, and respect of authority but ultimately on nurturing the childs creative capacities. The idea should be to curtail his misgivings but not his freedom. Innovations are invited, both technological and otherwise which would overcome the existing gaps in the present system. The emphasis should be to make the transmission more effective and easily perceivable by students.

Evaluation : According to Wikipedia, evaluation is defined as a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. The evaluation approach in the Indian education system is one criticized for not being spaced out properly and having an emphasis on theoretical rather than a practical knowledge base. There is a lot of scope for ingenuity, ideological and technological innovations in the way a child is evaluated based on what he has learnt in the classroom.

Report submission: The following points must be included and clearly highlighted in the report: Title Abstract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Objectives Usefulness for the students Present models for tackling the problem (if any) Due comparison b/w the old and proposed (if any) Applications(Detailed)

Background Statement of Problem 1. Succinct definition of problem (follows from material in the background section) Research 1. Present methods of tackling the problem in the current national curriculum, teaching strategies and evaluation process (if any) 2. Proposed Solution in curriculum, teaching strategy and evaluation process 3. Alternate solutions/approaches 4. Novelty of Approach: How is your solution better than existing model addressing the same problem set.

Results 1. Actual findings, significant output of surveys, tests and analysis (Must be readable) 2. Include problems encountered, believability of results, accuracy estimates 3. Pros and Cons of your model 4. Utility of your model

Application 1. Your idea as a solution to the problem 2. Additional things your model can achieve

Any other specific details


General Rules

1. The competition is open to all college students, research scholars. 2. Every team has to register online on our website for the competition. A registration number will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references. 3. A team can register at any point of time before 4th November, 2012 and can submit final abstract. However, only those abstracts that are submitted before 9th September, 2012 would be considered for mentorship. 4. All teams will have to submit the final project report along with videos of their prototype (if any) before 25th November, 2012. 5. The decision of judges shall be treated as final and binding on all. 6. Note that at any point of time the latest information will be that which is on the site. The information provided in the pdf downloaded earlier may not be the latest. However, registered participants will be informed through mail about any changes on the site. For International Participants All international participants will have to register before 4th November 2012, and will have to submit the complete report along with video prototype before 25th November 2012.

Certificate Policy Those teams that are shortlisted for the final round and give a final presentation about their work during Techfest 2013 will be awarded a Certificate of Participation. The top entries from this event will be provided with Certificate of Excellence.

Team Specifications The participating entries must be in a team of a maximum of 4 [four] people. If the participating team feels that their idea requires more participants, they can forward their request, with suitable reasons, to us with the subject "Vidyaarth team number increase".

Judging Vidyaarth will be judged by a panel of experts based on the following criteria: 1. Novelty of thought 2. Implementability of the proposed solution 3. Advancement of the proposed model in comparison to the existing one 4. Technological innovations involved in development of the idea 5. Technical feasibility of the prototype 6. Cost efficiency (if relevant) In case of any dispute, decision of the organizers or Judges will final and binding on all.


Abstract Stage

9th September, 2012

To be considered for mentorship, participants have to register and submit their abstract before 9th September in the specified format Mentors will be allotted to the shortlisted participants on 24th September. Participants will have to submit the first progress report of their project before 14th October. The second project report has to be sent before 4th November. The final documentation be submitted before 25th November, 2012. Last date for registration of open entries as well as international participants. However, the final report along with the video of prototype (if any) can be submitted till 25th November.

Mentorship Stage

24th September, 2012 - 25th November, 2012

Registration Deadline for open entries

4th November, 2012

Project Report

25th November, Final project report along with the video of 2012 prototype (if any) has to be submitted before 25th November. Upto 2nd January, 2013 Shortlisted participants are to improve upon the working model/ prototype of their project and prepare a presentation for the final round.

Improvisation Stage

Final 23rd December, Participants have to submit the final video of Presentation and 2012 prototype and presentation to be displayed during the festival before 23rd December. Video submission Presentation Stage 3rd-5th January, 2013 Final presentation along with a demonstration of the working model/ prototype if any.


The National Curriculum Framework:

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