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E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

D1.Identification of theoretical concepts of e-commerce.

What is E-commerce? The high rate of growth of business carried over Internet has made it synonymous with the whole phenomenon of E-commerce. Electronic commerce is the new term for existing activities being done in new ways. As long as communication networks have been available, they have been used to their fullest capability by entrepreneurs to create business opportunities. Most prominently, the meteoric rise of the Internet and the World Wide Web has accelerated the transformation of global commerce, allowing for instantaneous, inexpensive contacts among sellers, buyers, investors, advertisers, and financers throughout the world. The rapid integration of the Internet and other telecommunications based functions nearly into every sphere of business is what has given rise to the recent international focus on the new world of Electronic commerce.

Understanding the concepts

Electronic commerce is a much broader term encompassing not only EDI but also other forms of communication such as E-mail and Electronic bulletin boards. EDI was primarily developed for high volume exchange of commercial documents in standardized electronic format over an electronic public network between the automated business processes of trading partners History of Internet Internet stands for Interconnected Networks. It is viewed as a prototype of the I-way and, is the closes we have been able to reach the standards of the ideal I-way proposed for e-commerce. Presently a group of worldwide information highways, Internet was started in 1965 as an experimental network with funding from the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defense. Since then this network has grown from a handful of universities and research institutes, to several thousand connections in over hundred countries. With more and more organizations trying to get access to Internet to see what was all about this 'information revolution', the purpose of Internet evolved through different stages. Several discipline specific networks were established during 1980-1985, such as CSNET and MILNET. CSNET catered to the communication and information requirements of computer science researchers all over the world. MILNET took over the defense and military traffic from ARPANET. The National Science Foundation (NSF) took over the academic and research network from ARPANET and created NSFNET in 1987, which was later christened as the Internet. The period 1985-1990 witnessed major developments in the field of Page 1 of 39 MUTHAIB SHAREEF/DIT 10

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Diploma In Information Technology

scientific research and Internet connectivity became an essential tool for this progress. After the success of Internet mail, IBM and MCI took over the management of NSFNET. The US Government prohibited commercial use of NSFNET, so. a commercial backbone was also run parallel to the NSFNET. This comprised of several private ISPs.

Types of Ecommerce E-commerce is not merely selling a T-shirt over the World Wide Web. It is much more than that and includes communication activities among trading organizations and within them. The prevailing E-commerce activities have been divided into 3 major categories: 1 Business to Consumer E-commerce Business to consumer ecommerce is growing as consumers experiment with making purchases online. Some sources say that the popularity of purchasing over the Internet is growing rapidly as consumers find out there are many advantages to shopping online. Most sites provide shoppers with a stress free way to buy products without the hassle of driving in traffic or of standing in long lines. Other advantages include cheaper prices, easy ways to pay, and fast delivery. Business ecommerce solution helps businesses to create a presence on the Internet while reducing their operating costs and gaining consumer confidence with quality sites that make shopping experiences easy and fun. E-customers want a secure transaction, clear product information, competitive prices, quick processing, and an easy to use exchange and return policy. Building a web store is dependent upon having a quality website that provides the consumer with an enjoyable experience with easy navigation and quick downloads of pages. Pages that are overloaded with advertisements are not popular with customers. Business to consumer ecommerce provides easy to understand products and services so the customer can clearly see what is available and can understand the process of selecting items and checking out. The sites that offer in-stock inventory counts and estimates of delivery dates are known for better customer service than those who do not. "But thou shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure salt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD Thy God gives thee." (Deuteronomy 25:15) The Lord wants His people to conduct business with honesty and provide customer service with integrity. Popular products and services that consumer's can readily find on the Internet include apparel, books, music, toys, flowers, airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, office supplies, videos, computer software, and food. A business ecommerce solution that includes popular products and services has a good chance to do well online. Pricing the products competitively could mean the difference in making a sale or not making a sale. The online shopper can easily compare sites in the effort of finding the best price so this makes it extremely important for prices to be competitive with other businesses that carry the same types of products. Selling on the Internet allows the small business to have a way to have a presence and compete with big companies. Business to consumer ecommerce can be very profitable for small business owners Page 2 of 39 MUTHAIB SHAREEF/DIT 10

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Diploma In Information Technology

especially when they have a quality website that is easy to navigate with quick download speeds. Selling online is different from selling at location. Selling at location makes it easier to sell products and answer questions concerning customers. Online selling means trying to anticipate ahead of time any questions or concerns the customer might have and being sure that he or she can readily find the answers. When customers are trying to find answers, they can easily become discouraged and may go to a competitor's site instead. Be sure there are multiple ways that an interested customer can find out information. Every website should have a home page, frequently answered questions page, easily found product pages, finding a store location page, customer service contact information, and any other pages or links that will make shopping easier. A well designed website is probably the most important aspect of selling online. A business ecommerce solution worth considering is to have a professional web designer to help with setting up web pages and a web store. Choosing a domain name and web address is the first part of the process with designing a profitable website. After choosing a domain name registration ensures that no one else can use it. Some businesses have found it useful to choose many variations of the domain name to help draw customers to their site. An online product catalog should be designed to make it easy for a customer to find the product of choice. The graphic representation of the product is very important. Since customers can not see the products in real life the graphic representation must be as real to life as possible with the capability of zooming in on the details. Business to consumer ecommerce means designing an online product catalog that is a wealth of information. In addition, download of graphics should be a quick as possible because online shoppers can get impatient if the download time to see each product is delayed. Smaller graphics are best but should have the capability of being able to zoom in on them. Smaller graphics will load faster than larger ones and more items can be placed on each page if they are initially smaller. A profitable web store will include an ordering system that allows the customer to place items for purchase in a shopping cart. The shopping cart should have the capability of making changes to the items ordered including being able to delete an item. The shopping experience of a business ecommerce solution will allow the customer to easily navigate to the place where checking out is possible. The checkout should include the preference of payment and shipping along with the accessibility of using coupons or promotions. Most online shoppers prefer to use a credit card for payment. Setting up a merchant account is necessary for any business who wants to really be successful. Of course the site must be secure with a secure server so that customers will feel that their information is safe when they enter it. For the customer's who will not feel secure giving out their personal information or credit card information over the web every checkout should include the option of allowing the customer to call in their information over the phone.


E-Commerce Assignment 1 2 Business to Business E-commerce

Diploma In Information Technology

Business-to-business (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are businessto-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G). B2B (Business to Business) Branding is a term used in marketing. The volume of B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions is much higher than the volume of B2C transactions. The primary reason for this is that in a typical supply chain there will be many B2B transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one B2C transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. For example, an automobile manufacturer makes several B2B transactions such as buying tires, glass for windscreens, and rubber hoses for its vehicles. The final transaction, a finished vehicle sold to the consumer, is a single (B2C) transaction. B2B is also used in the context of communication and collaboration. Many businesses are now using social media to connect with their consumers (B2C); however, they are now using similar tools within the business so employees can connect with one another. When communication is taking place amongst employees, this can be referred to as "B2B" communication. The terms B2B and B2C are short forms for Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C). Both describe the nature and selling process of goods and services. While B2B products and services are sold from one company to another, B2C products are sold from a company to the end user. While almost any B2C product or service could also be a B2B product, very few B2B products or services will be used by consumers. For example, toilet paper, a typical B2C product, can be seen as a B2B product if it is bought in larger quantities by a hotel for their restrooms and guestrooms. However, few people will buy an excavator for their private use. Most B2B products are purchased by companies to be used in their own manufacturing, producing goods and services to be sold on. The value added product can then be either sold to yet another company; or to the consumer. Any consumer product would have gone through numerous value-add processes before it is being purchased by the final user. Numerous suppliers from various industries would have contributed to the finished product. For instance, a can of soft drink will require different companies to provide the can, water, sugar, other ingredients, label-printing, packaging, transportation and paint for the printing. The can itself is made from aluminum that needs to be processed and extracted. Only the very last transaction in the sales/ purchase chain is a true B2C relationship. In terms of perceived risks, a b2b product is commonly viewed to possess higher perceived risks compared to b2c products due to the value of each transaction: e.g. buying a machinery can cost $2Million compared to a tube of toothpaste which would cost just $2. However in reality, risks levels in terms of duty-of-care, can be fairly similar depending on the nature of the product. A faulty machine similar to a contaminated tube of toothpaste can bring grave harm to its respective users. However, because of the quantum of purchase, buyers of b2b products tend to place more focus on the evaluation and selection process.


E-Commerce Assignment 1 3 Business to Employee E-commerce

Diploma In Information Technology

Online shopping is very popular these days. Due to quick availability of the products and services via internet makes business fast with curiosity of new products in less time. Customer experience a virtual shopping with latest websites and new technologies. The customer is a person who buys the products and services from a specified company. This is an era of information technology and media communication, which finally bridged the gaps between shoppers and Shoppe. More and more people in their daily life uses computer. This enables them to select different products with different pricing. Thinking on the behavior of the customer companies is trying their latest products. B2E (Business to Employee) is the type of Ecommerce which means that business companies concentrate on their own employees rather than market dependency. It is also known as intranet. This means the basic focus of business on the employees rather than other consumers. It is a kind of portal available for everyone within the organization. For the benefits of employees, these portals are designed in such a way that it not only full fills the questionnaire of employees and even solve the tedious obstacles. Business to Employee provides all the necessary details that would be generated in his mind. Therefore, this portal will ultimately help the employee to interact with the necessity availability. Employee can use this portal as internet. Therefore, it is a safer way to extract even personal information. Which way customer goes nobody knows? So lets concentrate on E-commerce to know more about e2c? Any transaction of business through internet is regarded as E-commerce. It is also called electronic commerce. Different types of E-commerce in which B2E is already expressed above. *Business-to-Business is a form of E-commerce in which companies doing business with each other in such a way that manufacturers sells to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers and from retailers to customer in this way sequence in going on . Pricing depends upon the quality and quantity of product with negotiable with order prospects. *Business-to-Consumer is a form of E-commerce that makes a quick decision while making which products or services are purchased from a firm or company. This is transaction between organizations to a customer. This selling frequently happened through catalogs, e-shops and other marketing tools. *Consumer-to-Consumer is a form of E-commerce in which third party involvement to make sales that involves the electronically facilitated transactions between consumers. *G2G (Government-to-Government) *G2B (Government-to-Business)


E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

D2/C1 .Selection of suitable business organization with e-commerce implementation.

About ibay Maldives

ibay Maldives is a registered business, and currently manages the most popular local trade website It is the Maldives Online Market enabling people to trade in new and used items. It also provides listing of real estate, jobs and services. Items can be listed as simple classifieds listings or as auctions. It is the largest and most popular online marketplace in the country. In 2010 ibay received the MNCCI IT Award in recognition of its efforts to develop Commerce and Industry of Maldives through use and introduction of Information, Communication Technology. Why advertise on is consistently listed among the three most popular local website in Maldives. (, and more than 90,000 daily page views and more than 9,000 visits per day 2.7 million page views per month more than 20,000 registered users and 10,000 listings manage your ads online. Change your banners anytime you want, online check your ad stats online, real-time (impressions & clicks. Flash ads should have click tag to track clicks)

On (Maldives) the E-commerce concepts which are practiced are C2C E-commerce.
What is C2C e-commerce?

Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce or C2C is simply commerce between private individuals or consumers. This type of e-commerce is characterized by the growth of electronic marketplaces and online auctions, particularly in vertical industries where firms/businesses can bid for what they want from among multiple suppliers.16 It perhaps has the greatest potential for developing new markets. This type of e-commerce comes in at least three forms: Auctions facilitated at a portal, such as eBay, which allows online real-time bidding on items being sold in the Web;


E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

peer-to-peer systems, such as the Napster model (a protocol for sharing files between users used by chat forums similar to IRC) and other file exchange and later money exchange models;

classified ads at portal sites such as Excite Classifieds and wanted (an interactive, online marketplace where buyers and sellers can negotiate and which features Buyer Leads & Want Ads). Consumer-to-business (C2B) transactions involve reverse auctions, which empower the consumer to drive transactions. A concrete example of this when competing airlines gives a traveler best travel and ticket offers in response to the travelers post that she wants to fly from New York to San Francisco.

There is little information on the relative size of global C2C e-commerce. However, C2C figures of popular C2C sites such as eBay and Napster indicate that this market is quite large. These sites produce millions of dollars in sales every day.

How ibay works. (Maldives) provides basic listing of products and services on this site free of charge. Only products & services sold in Maldives by users residing in Maldives can be listed on this site. You can list as many products and services as you need provided they are legal in Maldives. You also need to ensure you have the right to sell these items and you have them available for sale. Please do not list items you do not have, or do not intend to sell. Below is a partial list of prohibited items: -Intoxicants of any nature including alcoholic beverages and drugs - Tobacco products - Dating and adult services - Pornographic material, nudity, and products and materials that is obscene or adult in nature - Listings that contain text and images that are offensive to users - Prescription drugs and devices - Supplements that make misleading treatment claims - Referral ads - Easy money making "get rich" and pyramid schemes - Stolen, counterfeit and pirated goods (eg. copy movies and software) - Non-original products labeled as Original - Other classifieds and online shopping sites - Currency

E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

-Used cosmetics and clothing

You should not list duplicate listings either in the same or different categories. Items can be relisted earliest every 7 days after deleting the first one. Repeatedly listing the same item before that may result in your listing being marked as spam and not approved. We reserve the right not to approve listings from such users and disable all already approved listings. Submitting same listings under multiple accounts is not allowed. Your username should not contain vulgar, abusive or offensive words. An account once registered, cannot be deleted. It can be deactivated on customer request. Only one account per mobile number is allowed. If your registered mobile number changes, you have inform us to update the number on your ibay user account. If it is not updated, we reserve the right to disable the account or edit the mobile number field of your ibay account. Accounts should only be registered for own use. Selling items under an existing brand/trade name is not allowed unless you are the owner of the brand/trade name. If such violations happen, we will transfer the account ownership to the rightful owner.

Buyers and sellers can use the site for the purpose of buying and selling. Buyers should contact sellers and ensure and agree on all terms of trade, including delivery and payment options. We cannot be held liable for any loss or damage arising from transactions related to listings on this site. We reserve the right to reject any listings which we deem inappropriate to be published on this site. If we deem a listing to be unrealistic, we deserve the right to reject it. Listings should not contain misleading pictures and description. We may edit them if they are deemed misleading. We shall not be liable for any indirect, or consequential loss of whatever nature arising out of or in connection with your use of the website (including without limitation, any such loss arising out of or in connection with any sale or purchase of goods/services listed on this site). You agree to indemnify us against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of any breach of these Terms of Service by you. We may terminate your use of the website immediately if we consider that you have breached these Terms of Service.

E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

We take sale of stolen goods on ibay seriously. We will provide our full support to investigating authorities on such cases. This will include, but not limited to, information we have about the seller (email, phone number, ip address etc).

Users should not place orders and place feedback/rating on products listed under their accounts through accounts owned by them or related users for the purpose of increasing feedback score and rating. If any such actions come to our notice, the accounts will be suspended immediately.

For advertisement banners, we require the design not to be too contrasting against ibay site design. We reserve the right reject banners based on design or content.


By Placing an item on auction, you agree: to sell it only to the highest bidder if there is a winning bid for the auction (i.e. highest bid exceeds your Reserve Price) as long as the bid winner complies with your posted terms not to sell it outside of the auctioning system not to withdraw the item before the auction closes not to place bids on your own items, either by yourself or through others to increase the price with no intention of buying

By placing a bid on an auction, you agree: to purchase the item at the bid price should your bid becomes the winning bid, and as long as the Seller complies with the posted terms that you understand all terms of trade for the item and agree to it

Failure to comply with our Terms of Use will result in your account being suspended. These terms are updated constantly and may change without notice.


E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

C2 .Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.

The invention of faster internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted in a new commerce arena Ecommerce. Ecommerce offered many advantages to companies and customers but it also caused many problems.


Faster buying/selling procedure, as well as easy to find products. Buying/selling 24/7. More reach to customers, there is no theoretical geographic limitations. Low operational costs and better quality of services. No need of physical company set-ups. Easy to start and manage a business. Customers can easily select products from different providers without moving around physically.


Any one, good or bad, can easily start a business. And there are many bad sites which eat up customers money. There is no guarantee of product quality. Mechanical failures can cause unpredictable effects on the total processes. As there is minimum chance of direct customer to company interactions, customer loyalty is always on a check. There are many hackers who look for opportunities, and thus an ecommerce site, service, payment gateways; all are always prone to attack.

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E-Commerce Assignment 1 Customer Protection and Privacy Statement

Diploma In Information Technology

*Every single Customers or Every single Sellers Personal information are highly protected. We respect your privacy. All the information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned. Any information you give us will be held with the utmost care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to. If you have any questions, please Contact. This Privacy Statement is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect and use the personal information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site and our products and services.

What Information Do We Collect? When you visit our web site you may provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected on an individual basis and web site use information collected on an aggregate basis as you and others browse our web site. Personal Information You Choose to Provide/Registration Information You will provide us information about yourself when you register to be a member of this site

Email & IP Information. If you choose to correspond with us through email, we may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses. When you register, submit a listing or renew a listing, your IP address is recorded.

Web Site Use Information

Similar to other commercial Web sites, our Web site utilizes a standard technology called "cookies" and Web server logs to collect information about how our Web site is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed and time spent at our Web site.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide Us?

Generally, we use personal information for purposes of administering and expanding our business activities, providing customer service and making available other products and services to our customers and prospective customers. Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about important changes to our web site, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. You may notify us at any time if you do not wish to receive these offers by Contacting.

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Diploma In Information Technology

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a Web site, that site's computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each Web site can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a Web site to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. How Do We Use Information We Collect from Cookies?

As you shop on our Web site, the site uses its cookies to differentiate you from other shoppers so your shopping cart is only available to you. In some cases, we also use cookies to prevent you from seeing unnecessary advertisements or requiring you to log in more than is necessary for security. Cookies, in conjunction with our Web server's log files, allow us to calculate the aggregate number of people visiting our Web site and which parts of the site are most popular. This helps us gather feedback in order to constantly improve our Web site and better serve our customers. Cookies do not allow us to about you and we do not generally store any personal information that you provided to us in your cookies. anther any personal information about you and we do not generally store any personal information. Sharing Information with Third Parties

Your information will only be shared to the extent it's necessary to provide the service you requested for. As we develop our business, we may buy or sell assets or business offerings. Customer, email, and visitor information is generally one of the transferred business assets in these types of transactions. We may also transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, or any dissolution. Where fraudulent use is reported relating to a listing on this website, we will provide necessary information we have to the investigating authorities.

Notice of New Services and Changes

Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about important changes to our Web site, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable.

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E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Why settle for second best?
Percept ant's EDI solutions are ground-breaking as theyre fully-managed on your behalf and hosted. This means you simple connect to our EDI cloud to begin offering next generation EDI facilities to your customers or trading community and we will take care of all the heavy lifting. Our fully-managed service includes all promotional work, community management, message translation, testing, integration, validation and day-to-day running. Leaving you to focus on your business, confident your customers or trading partners are receiving the highest-quality service.

Next generation & fully-managed solutions

At the core of our EDI service lies iHUB, a fully-managed, secure, robust, open and scalable EDI hub, designed for Enterprise Software Vendors, Consultancies and Vertical Market Trading communities looking to establish an EDI hub for a single customer or establish a complete e-commerce network of trading partners. Complementing iHUB is Percept ant B2B Express, again a fully-managed EDI service, pre-configured with literally hundreds of messaging formats to enable single trading partners to quickly and cost effectively establish EDI with companies including Wal*Mart, Sun, Tesco, ASDA, Morrison's, John Lewis and J Sainsbury as well as many leading organizations across Retail, Manufacturing, Construction, Government, Logistics, Leisure and Electronics. Both iHUB and Percept ant B2B Express are on-demand, fully managed solutions, which alleviate the need for any software to be installed by any trading partner. In addition, based on a fixed fee and timescale basis Percept ant will also take care of all EDI message translation and mapping work. Percept ant B2B Express A fully managed, preconfigured on-demand EDI service designed for suppliers whose customers demand that trading takes place electronically. This solution is tightly integrated in the core back office system, which allows Enterprise Software Vendors, Consultancies and Vertical Market Trading communities to quickly roll-out solutions to all of their customers or trading community. Percept ant iHUB - A fully managed, on-demand, scalable and open EDI hub designed for suppliers or customers looking to build a complete trading community. Again tightly integrated in to core back office systems, this solution allows customers of Software Vendors and Consultancies or Heads of Supply Chains to implement a solution that carries none of the limitations usually associated with traditional EDI hubs.

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Benefits of EDI Over Manual Processing Electronically processing order, shipment and invoicing information provides cost-saving benefits to our customers. At Cummins Filtration, we have designed our systems to maximize the benefit of EDI to our customers. These benefits include:

Increased transfer speed for order, shipment and invoicing Improved data integrity by reducing manual data-entry errors, discrepancies and misinterpretations Reduced cost of placing orders, receiving shipments and processing invoices Reduced lead times, fulfillment cycles and inventory levels

If you are interested in implementing EDI processes with Cummins Filtration, please contact the

Customer in your region for the name and phone number of the EDI coordinator.

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Diploma In Information Technology

More About EDI EDI is the electronic transfer of business data conforming to a recognized standard; each business document is defined by a transaction set within the standard. Cummins Filtration supports the standards defined by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and by the United Nations

Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT). We have implemented the primary transaction sets within each standard. Electronic communication of data files is supported through interconnected value-added networks (VAN).

Automatic Order Integration (AOI)

Cummins Filtration offers the ability for customers to send purchase orders via email as an alternative to traditional EDI. Customers can send a standard email, or an email with an attached file in varying formats such as an excel file, text file, pdf file, etc. We have the capability of automatically entering these email orders into our order management system. This process provides timely and accurate order entry while eliminating data entry errors or discrepancies.

More About AOI

AOI is the electronic transfer of purchase orders by email without the use of a VAN (Value-added network). Orders can be sent as a standard email or as an email with an attachment. Cummins Filtration supports many different attachment formats such as .xls, .pdf, .txt, .doc. After an initial mapping setup, these orders are automatically translated and entered into our order management system.

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E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

What is E-Banking?

e-banking is defined as the automated delivery of new and traditional banking products and services directly to customers through electronic, interactive communication channels. Ebanking includes the systems that enable financial institution customers, individuals or businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products and services through a public or private network, including the Internet. Customers access ebanking services using an intelligent electronic device, such as a personal computer (PC), personal digital assistant (PDA), automated teller machine (ATM), kiosk, or Touch Tone telephone. While the risks and controls are similar for the various e-banking access channels, this booklet focuses specifically on Internet-based services due to the Internet's widely accessible public network. Accordingly, this booklet begins with a discussion of the two primary types of Internet websites: informational and transactional. Internet banking is used widely by masses, and has numerous benefits to offer. Nowadays, all banks provide online banking facility to their customers as an added advantage. Gone are the days, when one had to transact with a bank which was only in his local limits. Online banking has opened the doors for all customers, to operate beyond boundaries. Nowadays, people are so busy in their work lives, that they don't even have time to go to the bank for conducting their banking transactions. Internet banking enable people to carry out most of their banking transactions using a safe website, which is operated by their respective banks. It provides many features and functions to their customers, and enables them to view their account balance, transfer money from their account to another account (be it in their respective bank or any other bank), view their account summary, etc. In this procedure, many financial transactions can be carried out by simply utilizing a computer with an Internet connection. The necessary things that a person needs for using online banking are, an active bank account with balance in it for transactions, debit or a credit card number, customer's user ID, bank account number, the Internet banking PIN number, and a PC with
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Diploma In Information Technology

access to the web. People using Internet banking are certainly benefited by the online services their respective banks are providing them with. The primary reason why it is so famous and mostly used is that, customers are allowed to bank at non-working hours. Banks create their banking interfaces and websites in a viewable and user-friendly manner, which enable customers to conduct their financial transactions with ease. If they are stuck in any process while performing their online transactions, banks have another helpful facility that is 'phone banking', wherein customers can call the bank's toll-free number and get assistance in completing their transactions. Electronic bill payment, viewing and downloading financial records, and money transfers are some of the general transactions which the customers generally carry out. All online banking services, provided by some banks, are free of cost.

When a customer views the bank's website, there are many options available, but to execute those transactions, he would obligatorily need to log into his virtual account. Without logging in, he won't be allowed to carry out any kind of the transactions. Initially, when he opens an account with the bank, the bank gives a welcome kit which contains important documents that include the checkbook; a document on which the customer's user ID, online banking password, phone banking password, and account number is embedded. The kit also contains some other confidential data, the credit or debit card, and the card details. The website will prompt the user to enter the necessary details like the Internet banking password and account number, and then will display his account information. In this stage, he can carry out all functions that are available on the website.

With regards to the password authentication and encryption, high security is maintained, as there is a chance of hackers getting unauthorized access to the customer's account and performing malpractices. However, banks keep their online security systems up-to-date to prevent such scenarios. Moreover, banks also suggest their customers to keep on changing passwords periodically. They also implement some security measures like using unique login IDs, transaction codes, using two passwords, security tokens which generate automatically changing passwords, etc.

The Internet banking facilities provided by banks differ from bank to bank, and country to country. To know all online banking services and processes, one has to thoroughly refer to the guides which were made available in the welcome kit. Moreover, proper care has to be taken regarding the confidential documents as, Internet banking frauds are on an increase
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E-Commerce Assignment 1

Diploma In Information Technology

Banks have always been an integral part of social life since 1400 and it is a commercial building and over-the-counter committed. In the past, you can withdrawals or deposits without a line and sign the letter asks the narrator to do. Sometimes when you withdraw money from your bank account during the day, is close to the bank you have the job, so it cannot come in time. Also the time factor in a revolutionary online banking and ATMs have a credit card, ATM machines, where you used a debit card and the keys to the details of the difference of money. However, it is not always online, and sometimes they even use all their money! Advantages of Internet Banking Currently, banks embraced technological innovation, give people a more convenient way to bank. Online banking offers an alternative way for people who use the services of the bank if the bank the day or the whole weekend was closed, and even want to take a full leave. This is one of the functions of online banking, this license is for individual events are pasting, or may be registered in the ATM, credit cards and debit cards the banks Web site and Internet-based banking services and the sale would not have to date closed banks will be completed. For example, people who have to do some online store in Panama.

All transactions on a daily basis Other transactions, which are influenced to use online banking fees in addition to the ability to transfer funds and credit cards and pay for your electricity bill with the auto pay You too. Online banking is easy and really a superior way to do transactions. Employers may also be their own employees with online banking, which is a much more personal than the current individual envelopes. In addition, a comfortable, Internet Banking, you can check your account activity on a regular basis, or perhaps a statement that does not need to call or visit the collection. This is a very useful online shop owners are required to confirm deposits to acquire its own bank accounts for payment for goods or services of their online store. Online shopping has become easier to use such a bank. Accessibility Another advantage of online banking easier. You can rely on a bank account anywhere in the world, as long as you make your own laptop (safety) and use a secure Internet connection. You can also use a bank account in just a mobile phone functionality of the World Wide Web. In principle, all the World Wide Web can be attached to give you the benefit of online banking services at no additional cost. On the other hand, will benefit from banks, online banking, because it is cost-effective service delivery found that they need more staff to current customers and to take account of the depositor is a key-person data, errors are more likely to meet, and thus more efficient.

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24 hours / day Finally, help-desk services are constantly in Internet banking, particularly in the large financial institutions is the source of their offshore customer support. If you have ever had disputes over transactions, you can always send a letter by e-mail or telephone and will help them to help you. This does not mean that the narrator is unprofitable, the bank-desk support, but if you want to report the dispute, it will certainly take longer, if it is to make the bank actually due to other than in the autumn on the command line, you lose any time to wait many opportunities before they can check their own problems . I live in Panama, because I was the Bank of Panama.

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Marketing and Promotion & ibay rules and regulations.

We provide basic listing of products and services on this site free of charge. Only products & services sold in Maldives by users residing in Maldives can be listed on this site. You can list as many products and services as you need provided they are legal in Maldives. You also need to ensure you have the right to sell these items and you have them available for sale. Please do not list items you do not have, or do not intend to sell. Below is a partial list of prohibited items: - Intoxicants of any nature including alcoholic beverages and drugs - Tobacco products - Dating and adult services - Pornographic material, nudity, and products and materials that are obscene or adult in nature - Listings that contain text and images that are offensive to users - Prescription drugs and devices - Supplements that make misleading treatment claims - Referral ads - Easy money making "get rich" and pyramid schemes - Stolen, counterfeit and pirated goods (eg. copy movies and software) - Non-original products labeled as Original - Other classifieds and online shopping sites - Currency - Used cosmetics and clothing rightful owner. Buyers and sellers can use the site for the purpose of buying and selling. Buyers should contact sellers and ensure and agree on all terms of trade, including delivery and payment options. We cannot be held liable for any loss or damage arising from transactions related to listings on this site. We reserve the right to reject any listings which we deem inappropriate to be published on this site. If we deem a listing to be unrealistic, we deserve the right to reject it.
Listings should not contain misleading pictures and description. We may edit them if they are deemed misleading. We shall not be liable for any indirect, or consequential loss of whatever nature arising out of or in connection with your use of the website (including without limitation, any such loss arising out of or in connection with any sale or purchase of goods/services listed on this site). You agree to indemnify us against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of any breach of these Terms of Service by you. We may terminate your use of the website immediately if we consider that you have breached these Terms of Service. We take sale of stolen goods on ibay seriously. We will provide our full support to investigating authorities on such cases. This will include, but not limited to, information we have about the seller (email, phone number, ip address etc).

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Users should not place orders and place feedback/rating on products listed under their accounts through accounts owned by them or related users for the purpose of increasing feedback score and rating. If any such actions come to our notice, the accounts will be suspended immediately. For advertisement banners, we require the design not to be too contrasting against ibay site design. We reserve the right reject banners based on design or content.


By Placing an item on auction, you agree: to sell it only to the highest bidder if there is a winning bid for the auction (i.e. highest bid exceeds your Reserve Price) as long as the bid winner complies with your posted terms not to sell it outside of the auctioning system not to withdraw the item before the auction closes not to place bids on your own items, either by yourself or through others to increase the price with no intention of buying By placing a bid on an auction, you agree: to purchase the item at the bid price should your bid becomes the winning bid, and as long as the Seller complies with the posted terms that you understand all terms of trade for the item and agree to it

Failure to comply with our Terms of Use will result in your account being suspended. These terms are updated constantly and may change without notice.

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How ibay works. With ibay, you can establish yourself as a trusted online business. With the correct approach, whether you are a small shop or are a home business, you can become a well establish name online . Follow these simple steps:

Provide accurate and enough product information: Buyers need to know as much information about your product without having to contact you. Give details buyers need. State the price. Include Photos: Use actual photo of the product which are clear. If there are defects, show them clearly. Be true in the description: If the item is used, state that. If it has faults or problems, mention that. Do not lie about the product. Buyers will like you for being honest. Sell through Fixed Price / Auction: Selling through Fixed Price / Auction formats enables trade transactions through ibay. With this you can show Sales History for the product, and have Buyer Feedback & Rating about you. Buyer Feedback and Rating is very important to develop your Seller Profile. Have one listing for each product: Do not list the same items repeatedly. Have one listing and update the Quantity as needed. This way, you can build good Sales History and Feedback for the product (when sold through Fixed Price (Buy Now) selling format. A Buyer is more likely to go for a product that has a good Sales History and Feedback than one which does not have or have few sales. Respond to customer requests quickly: Customers may contact you through phone, Private Messages and through Listing Message Board. Whatever the method, respond quickly and provide the information Buyers need. Buyers appreciate your quick replies. Do not publish a contact number that is switched-off or out of service. Check your emails and Private Messages regularly. Payment & Delivery Methods: When selling through Fixed Price / Auction, provide as many methods for Payment & Delivery as possible. Provide great customer service: Talk politely with Buyers. Thank them for their business. Acknowledge payment. Arrange quick delivery. Be professional. Keep Available Products: Do not keep Sold Out and Out of Stock items listed. Mark then as Sold Out or Disable those listings. You can enable them once stocks are available. Buyers prefer to know availability without having to contact you. Get ID-Verified: Getting ID-Verified is an additional level of trust for the Buyer.

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Once account is activated and SMS-Verified as explained here, login to ibay. Go to My ibay (top right corner of homepage). Go toad Listing under My Selling Activities on the left. 1. Select Category First you will be required to select the category for your listing. Click the most appropriate category. Click the See sample listing slink at the bottom to see sample listings for the selected category. Selecting incorrect categories may delay approval. When the final category is selected, Next button will appear. Click Next to continue.

2. Enter Product Information

Location: This is the island the item is in. By default, it is the Location defined in your profile. Title: Give a short descriptive title. Do not just state "iphone for sale", "car for sale" or "apartment for rent". More appropriate titles would be "Brand New iphone 4S 64GB", "Used Toyota Corolla for Sale", or "2-Bedroom Apartment for Rent". Description: Give more details about the product. State any defects in the product. Describe the condition.

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Other Category Specific Fields: Depending on the Category, you will be asked to provide additional info. Eg. For mobile phones, you have to enter Brand & Model. For Digital Camera, enter Brand, Pixel Size and Camera Type. Make sure you complete these extra fields.

YouTube Video: You can include a YouTube video in your listing by entering the video ID in this field. Do not enter the video URL, only the ID.


Select a Selling Format There are three Selling Formats for items for Sale. They are Classifieds, Auction & Fixed Price. A Classified listing is a normal classifieds listing. In an Auction listing, users can bid on your item and for Fixed Price, Buyers can use Buy Now to buy those items.

4. Upload Images Photos of your product helps a great deal in selling your item. Include clear photos of the actual item.

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5. Submit Listing Clicking Submit will save your listing if all required fields are completed. It may take some time to upload images. If listing is successful, you will see the page below. If you remain on the create listing page even after submitting, you have some required fields not completed. Check

and submit again. All new listings will have to be checked and approved by us. It will not take long for this. Please make sure you have fully completed the listing process.

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Selling Formats
Classifieds The default listing format on ibay is Classifieds. If you want to keep things simple and list the item as classified ad, select this format. Visitors will see your listing and contact you on phone or messaging to arrange terms of trade, delivery and payment. You will have to select Duration, enter Price and Quantity. Auction With Auction, buyer can bid on your items. When you select Auction as a Selling Format in Add Listing, you will see the below fields to be filled.

Auction Duration: number of days you want to run the auction Opening Bid: opening bid amount. You can also leave this at 0 Min. allowed bid increment: minimum bid increment when placing bids Reserve Price: Price to which bids must reach in order for the bid to be a winning bid. If no bids meet the reserve price, the auction will close with no winning bidder. Buy Now Price: If you enter a price here, buyers can use Buy Now feature to place an order for thisitem. If left blank, Buy Now wont be shown for this listing. Fixed Price With Fixed Price you can allow buyers to use Buy Now to place orders. The Quantity you enter will be used to keep track of available stock. When you select Fixed Price as a Selling Format in Add Listing, you will see the below fields to be filled.

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With Auction and Fixed Price Selling Formats, you will be required to enter Delivery Methods, Payment Methods and Return Policy. To add Delivery Methods for the item, select a Delivery Method and applicable Delivery Zone/s, enter a Rate and click Add. The Rate you enter is per Item. You cannot select a Delivery Method for a Delivery Zone for which ibay Admin has not enabled that Delivery Method. See Delivery Methods below for a list of Delivery Methods and supported islands.

See Delivery Zones below for help of creating Delivery Zones. Tick the Payment Methods buyer can use to pay for this item. If you have selected Payments Methods in Accepted Payment Methods (under My Selling Activities menu), those methods will be automatically selected. You can still Edit them here. If ibay Admin has enabled surcharges on Payment Methods, you can state the additional fixed charge and % charge buyers have to pay if they select the Payment Method.

Returns Policy tells potential buyers how and whether you handle returns.

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Why Use Fixed Price / Auction Selling Formats Orders placed through Auction & Fixed Price enables Buyers and Sellers to rate and provide feedback about each other. If you want to build your seller profile and reputation, this is the recommended Selling Format. Delivery Zones As a Seller, you can create upto four Delivery Zones to meet your requirement. Generally, a Delivery Zone is a group of islands to which you have a Delivery Method at the same price. One island cannot be in more than one Delivery Zone.

Creating a Delivery Zone Click Delivery Zones under My Selling Activities menu. Enter a Delivery Zone name and click Add New.

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Click Click to Edit/View to add island for that location. Add the required islands to the Zone and click Done when finished.

Example on Creating Delivery Zone Lets say you are a Seller in Male. You can deliver to any location in Male. In this case you can create a Delivery Zone called My Island and add Male to it. When adding a product, you can enabe:

Delivery by Seller delivery method to My Island zone.

This will allow: 1. Buyers from Male to add Delivery by Seller delivery method when ordering that product.

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Diploma In Information Technology

Now, lets say there are 10 islands to where FastPost is available (FastPost is not yet a Delivery Method on ibay). You can create a second Zone with these 10 islands, say Other Island by Post. When adding a product, you can enable:

Delivery by Seller delivery method to My Island zone FastPost delivery method to Other Island by Post and My Island (since My Island is also supported by FastPost). This will allow: 1. Buyers from Male to add Delivery by Seller or FastPost delivery method when ordering the product. 2. Buyer from islands in Other Island by Post to select FastPost as a delivery method when ordering the product.

Lastly, you can create a Zone called Rest of Country that includes all the other islands. When adding a product, you can enable:

Delivery by Seller delivery method to My Island FastPost delivery method to Other Island by Post and My Island (since My Island is also supported by FastPost). Buyer to Pickup delivery method for zones My Island, Other Island by Post and Rest of Country. This will allow: 1. Buyers from Male to add Delivery by Seller, FastPost or Buyer to Pickup delivery method when ordering the product. 2. Buyer from islands in Other Island by Post to select FastPost or Buyer to Pickup delivery method when ordering the product. 3. Buyer from all other islands to select only Buyer to Pickup delivery method when ordering the product.

At the moment we have two Delivery Methods: Buyer to Pickup (buyer has to come to the Seller tp pickup the goods) and Doorstep Delivery by Seller (Seller will deliver the goods to the Buyer's address).

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Payment Methods Go to Accepted Payment Methods under My Selling Activities menu. Tick those methods you prefer. The selected methods will automatically be selected when you add Auction and Fixed Price listings. You can still select other methods at the time of adding a listing even if you have not ticked them under Accepted Payment Methods.

The Fixed Surcharge is a fixed amount that is added to the Order total if the Payment Method is slected by buyer at the time of checkout. The Surcharge (%) is applied on the total for the item. You can only apply surcharges on Payment Methods enabled by ibay Admin to add surcharges. At the moment, there are two Payment Methods, Cash on Delivery and Bank Transfer / Deposit. If a Buyer selects Bank Transfer / Deposit as Payment Method, you will need to provide your bank details to the Buyer.

Delivery Methods Available Now The following delivery methods are currently defined on ibay for Sellers to enable for their products. We will be adding additional Delivery Methods later. Buyer to Pickup ----------------> Available to all island Doorstep Delivery by Seller ---> Available to all island When adding a listing, you will not be able to add a Delivery Method to a zone that has an island not supported by the Delivery Method.

Managing Orders An Order is created:

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Diploma In Information Technology

when an Auction ends with a sucessful bid. The Order is created automatically on behalf of the Buyer When a Buyer uses Buy Now to place an Order

The process for Orders created through Buy Now is shown below:

For Orders coming through Auction win, Buyer will need to Update Delivery/Payment Methods before you Accept.

Once an order has been placed or created for an item, it will appear under My Selling Activities >> My Sales. There will be a tab for each of the above actions required from you. The Orders pending your action are shown under My Sales >> Pending My Action tab. Awaiting Action from Buyer shows Order for which Buyer has to take some actions. Your Actions will be notified to Buyer by Email and Private Messaging. Buyer Actions will be notified to you similarly.

Accept : This shows orders pending your acceptance. Once order has been placed by buyer, you would need to Accept it or Deline.
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Confirm Payment Receipt: This Action is required for manual payments. Once a buyer has paid, you will be required to confirm it has been received. For Online Payment Methods, this is automatic. Deliver : Once payment is received, Deliver action is required to mark the item as been Delivered. There is an option to print a Delivery Note, if needed. Whenever you take any of the actions above, you will be asked to enter remarks/notes. This will be visible to the Buyer and we recommend you entering remarks that are relevant so that order can be tracked easily. Give Feedback: You can provide the Feedback about the Buyer. You can also use the Feedback menu under My ibay.

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Payment procedures of ibay.

Ad Slot

Dimensions (Pixel) 728 x 90 200 x 200 200 x 200 300 x 760 160 x 300 336 x 280 728 x 160 300 x 250

Monthly Price Rf 8,000 Rf 2,000 Rf 2,000 Rf 4,500 Rf 1,500 Rf 3,000 Rf 4,000 Rf 3,000

Weekly Price Rf 2,600 Rf 650 Rf 650 Rf 1,500 Rf 500 Rf 1,000 Rf 1,300

Appears on

No. of Rotating Banners 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Available Slots

Homepage Leaderboard Homepage Small Rectangle 1 Homepage Small Rectangle 2 Homepage Large Skyscrapper Homepage Small Skyscrapper Homepage Large Rectangle Latest Page Rectangle Listing Page Medium Rectangle 1 Listing Page Medium Rectangle 2 My Account Page

All pages (except Help & Shop) All pages (except Help & Shop) All pages (except Help & Shop) Homepage Homepage Homepage Latest page


Rf 1,000 When a user views any listing Rf 950 When a user views any listing Login page.

300 x 250

Rf 2,800

728 x 160

Rf 2,500

Rf 850

If default styles are selected all the users can get to register and to add listing in ibay for free.

Discount available for multiple slots and payment period. Ad formats: jpg, gif, png, swf (flash) Maximum animation length: 15 seconds (no sound) Maximum file size: 150 - 200 KB (recommended: below 100KB)

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Diploma In Information Technology

Benefits of E-commerce.
E commerce - in other words, business transactions on the Web where all it takes is a click of your mouse button and a flick of your fingers and you are on your way to being the proud owner of anything under the sun - is expected to boom beyond known limits in near future. Why are we seeing such an interest in online business transactions? The reason is....... the several e-commerce benefits which is enjoyed by both customers and merchants at the same time, a real win-win situation. Here's a summary of e-commerce benefits for you to view and consider. The market for a Web based business is not bound by any geographical constraints. This means lesser or NIL growth inhibitors due to various restrictions existing in different geographical regions. The transaction costs go down tremendously in a well set up site. The company saves on the costs of the people needed to interact with the customers, demonstrate the wares time and again, and take orders. All this gets automated online. Better, more inviting, convenient and comprehensive presentation of goods is conducive to greater sales. For instance, if you are at Amazon, you can take a look at what other people who ordered a book also purchased. Facilities such as being able to compare costs of several stores at the same time, keep a tab on your selections, the flexibility of being able to add, remove, and even come back later to carry on choosing instead of closing the deal in one online session itself are quite convenient to a customer. The Web business can be integrated into the regular business cycle and give customers more information than ever before. For instance, customers at Dell can see exactly at what stage their order is, at any given point of time. Improved customer interaction, at practically no cost, is a big asset to the company. Keeping clients happy has now become much more economical for the companies through their websites. By putting information on frequently asked questions on their website, organizations are saving costs by reducing the number of customer service representatives. Eventually which means that, the benefits of saved costs will be passed on to the customers -- lowering costs at the other end of connection, too?

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More convenient and easy business to business or "B2B" e-commerce where companies buy from each other. For instance, a garment wholesaler may sell to a chain of retail shops, or an automobile manufacturer may shop around for thousands of car parts from suppliers online. Small and large firms alike have the opportunity to set-up and conduct business on the internet. The barriers to entry to the e-commerce are miniscule. An inexpensive advertising medium for organizations, it allows organizations an opportunity for publicizing their products and services at minimal cost. Helps expand into new markets by virtue of its global reach. Open your product and services to a new customer base and to maintain a leading edge technology position and image in the market place and against your competitors. All these e-commerce benefits are being gradually recognized the world over. Most of the businesses, big or small, are now setting up bases on the internet to reap the benefits of this golden era of e-commerce.

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Diploma In Information Technology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Business

As the internet is growing and increasing on a daily basis and computers being in every home the ability to buy and sell directly online has become the internet's number one commodity. People from all countries, cities within Canada, the USA and the rest of the world are buying and selling online. People love shopping but a lot people do not have time to go to a shopping mall, they do not have time to waste driving to and from stores. Online buying and selling is the way to start freeing up more time to do other things with families and friends. The advantages of buying online are that it is quick, prices are usually lower priced, descriptions and comments can be seen by past customers. There is a large number of people buying online and if they are all satisfied you will be too. The advantage of buying online can be that you are not physically able to touch the product and it usually takes a few days for delivery. The advantages of selling online is that you are able to reach a large audience, you are able to sell multiple items at low costs without having a store and at times without even having a product or service. The disadvantages of selling online is that your customers may find lower prices at other competitors, the internet is a large place and you have to carve out a niche market for you and your online products and services.
Internet business Advantages

* Can be very cheap start up costs (domain $8, hosting $10) when compared to other business such as owning a shop, for example a pizza takeaway has to buy ovens, ingredients etc.. * You can run your business from anywhere * Low overheads (hosting and maybe staff costs) * The internet is still a open market, lots of opportunities for new business models exist. * If you get it right you can have super fast growth. For example YouTube was only started in Feb 2005 and was sold for $1.65 billion in October 2006. It only took them 21 months to grow to be worth 1.65 billion which is amazing. Internet business disadvantages

* Low barriers to entry which means that it is easy for someone to set up a website and compete with you * Business models can easily be copied, look at YouTube and how many copies of their site exist. * Can take a bit of time to train yourself, for example if you were to start a sandwich shop you can pretty much start making sandwiches without much trouble whereas to make a website you need a bit of knowledge and skill * Spam you can spend a lot of your time dealing with spam emails and sales people telephoning you trying to sell you directory listings.

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The Internet is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives. Thousands of companies, large and small, are racing to set up online stores. Companies that have retail outlets j u s t down the street from where we live now offer specials and coupons online. Brand-new online-only companies operate with no physical storefronts and little or no inventory and pass much of the savings on to us. And stores all over the world are just a click away. This project will become very applicable in the developing e-business environment in Maldives . With advancements in technology and internet in the country, there are boundless opportunities for the development of E -commerce.

Our Project w h i c h i s a c o m p l e t e o n l i n e s t o r e f o r t h e p r o d u c t a n d s e r v i c e s informationonthe b u s i n e s s h o u s e s , d e a l s w i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f E - c o m m e r c e a n d w e b - b a s e d applications made to make peoples life easier and more efficient before going for shopping. S i m p l y , t h i s P o r t a l w i l l b e u s e f u l f o r t h o s e b u s i n e s s h o u s e s t h a t d o n o t w a n t t h e hassles of developing different sites and to those people who want more information about the products and services that are currently in the market.

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Articles C h e n , L . ( 2 0 0 0 ) . E n t i c i n g O n l i n e C o n s u m e r s : A T e c h n o l o g y A c c e p t a n c e Pers pective Research- in-Progress. ACM Proceedings, SIGCPR . Diwakar, H., Marathe, M. (2000). The architecture of a one-stop web-window-shop. Books Wagner, R., Daniels, K., Griffin, G., Haddad, C. and Nasr, J. (1997) JavaScript Unleashed . SAMS Net. The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design By Craig G r a n n e l l MySql(My SQL Reference Manual for version 5.0.1-alpha) Websites: for online customer behavior. for definition of Data Flow Diagram.

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