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How to achieve success as a


Stylists Workbook

About Me
James G. Morrison travels far and wide to share business insights and his passion for style. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, James began his career as a hairdresser at the age of fifteen. He went on to work in London, and moved to America in 1984 as co-founder of multi-million dollar manufacturing and salon company TONI&GUY/TIGI USA.

Jamess love for public speaking and the pursuit of balance motivated him to capture his philosophies in his first published work, The Alphabet of Balance. In addition, he has spent years on the road sharing The Beauty of Balance, a seminar that inspires people to play an active role in achieving balance in their lives. James also co-created, produced and directed the groundbreaking documentary film, One Life Project, featured in the Newport Beach Film Festival. James now travels the world, for James Morrison Coaching, sharing his passion for style and business savvy with professionals like you!

Be a Winner.

how to achieve success as a stylist

What items do you need to have in order to really bring your A-Game to the salon where you work?

2. What does your Dream Salon look like? Describe it in detail here.


What can you do to align your vision with reality?


What obstacles prevent you from making changes?

Goal Setting
5. What is your Core Purpose why do you do what you do?


What are your Core Values? What characteristics are most important in your life?


What sets you apart from other stylists? What makes you unique?

8. How do clients perceive your own personal brand?


How do clients perceive the salons brand? Is this cohesive with the way they perceive your brand?

Your Mission
10. Whats your mission as a stylist and in life? What are you all about?

Your Vision
11. Where do you see your life going? Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years? Five-Year Vision:

Ten-Year Vision:

There are many people who think they want to be matadors, only to find themselves in the ring with two thousand pounds of bull bearing down on them, and then discover that what they really wanted was to wear tight pants and hear the crowd roar.

Your Career Path

12. What actions are you taking to make your dreams come true?


List your top goals: Artistic, Leadership, Financial, Personal, and more.






How can you be a better stylist? List ways you can lead by example, accountability, results, recognition, consistency and growth.


How can contribute more? List ways in which you can make more of a contribution to your salon.


How are you going to hold yourself accountable for your actions and results?

Being a Team Player

17. How can you be a winning hairdresser?


What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?


What do you need to bring to the table?

Your Action Plan:

Artistic Goals:


To do by: Leadership Goals:


To do by:

Your Action Plan:

Financial Goals:


To do by: Personal Goals:


To do by:


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Add me to your mailing list.

Name: Salon Name: Email Address: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Phone:

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t h a n k yo u ! p l e a s e r e t u r n t h i s f o r m to ja m e s o r a sta f f m e m b e r .

James wants your feedback!

s ca l e : a = e xc e l l e n t b = a b ov e av e rag e c = av e rag e d = b e low av e r ag e

p l e as e ch eck ap p r op r i ate rating

Please rate the presentation, overall: Rate the overall usefulness of the information: Rate the level of learning you experienced: Rate the information quality of the handouts: Rate the presenter:

What specific things did you like about the presentation and the information presented?

Was the information applicable to your life? How will you incorporate it into your business?

What specific improvements would you make?

t h a n k yo u ! p l e a s e r e t u r n t h i s f o r m to ja m e s o r a sta f f m e m b e r .


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