Day1 - OOAD & UML - PPT (Compatibility Mode)

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General Introduction
Object Oriented Software Development

General Introduction
Software Design

General Introduction
Object-Oriented Analysis 1/2

General Introduction
Object-Oriented Analysis 2/2

General Introduction
OMT & UML (OMT turned into UML)

General Introduction
What is UML?





Business Modeling


General Introduction
OMT Stages & Models
p l h d n j b f o e u r s c i a t S Analysis - Model of real-world situation - What ? System Design - Overall architecture (sub-systems) Object Design - Refinement of Design - Algorithms/data structures to implement each class Implementation - Translation of object classes and relationships to a particular object-oriented language e m i t System ) m r g i d e a t s (

m y h f c e p s a l r t n o C ) m r g a i d t c e j b o ( l d o M t c e j b O l e d o M c i m a n y D ) s m r g i w o l f t a d (

i m o f s n r e u l v t a D e d M l a o i t c n u F

General Introduction
OO Analysis & Design Steps

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
What is an object?

Class Modeling

Abstract info

Class Modeling
Domain Analysis
Natural Language

Problem Domain

Class Modeling
Classes Identifying 1/2

instantiate instantiate instantiate

Class Modeling
Classes Identifying 2/2

Class Modeling
Classes, Attributes & Operations

ball football baseball

radius, weight air pressure liveness


catch, throw pass, kick, hand-off hit, pitch, ta

Class Modeling

visibility name : type-expression = initial-value {property-string}

Class Modeling

name(parameter-list) return-type-expression

Class Modeling
Object Model Notation
Class Name
InstanceVariable1 InstanceVariable2: type
Method1() Method2(arguments) return type

Classes are represented as rectangles; The class name is at the top, followed by attributes (instance variables) and methods (operations) Depending on context some information can be hidden such as types or method arguments

(Class Name)
InstanceVariable1 = value InstanceVariable2: type
Method1() Method2(arguments) return type

Objects are represented as rounded rectangles; The objects name is its classname surrounded by parentheses Instance variables can display the values that they have been assigned; pointer types will often point (not shown) to the object being referenced

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
Access modifiers

Class Modeling
Information Hiding

Class Modeling
Class Diagram

Class diagrams show the classes of the system, their interrelationships (including inheritance, aggregation, and association), and the operations and attributes of the classes. Inheritance
Relations Associations Aggregation

Attributes Operations

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
OMT Inheritance Notation
Generalization Superclass Class Attributes Operations Ball Radius, Weight Throw, Catch

Subclasses Football air pressure pass, kick, hand-off Baseball liveness hit, pitch, tag Basketball air pressure , dimples shoot, dribble, pass


Class Modeling
Multiple & Multilevel Inheritance

Class Modeling
Advantages of Inheritance

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
Associations & Cardinality
Class1 Exactly One (default) Zero or more Optional (zero or one) One or more Numerically specified * Association Name Class2 Class Class

0..1 Class 1.. * Class 1..5,8 Class

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
OMT Aggregation Notation




Class Modeling
Multilevel Aggregation



System box









Class Modeling
Abstract class 1/2

Class Modeling
Abstract class 2/2

animal *p = new animal();

public: pure virtual void init(); float time = round(((float) distance)/speed,2); cout<<It runs "<<distance<<miles in <<time<<hour. <<endl; return time; pure virtual void show() ;

animal p;

Class Modeling

Class Modeling
Polymorphism - Overloading

Class Modeling
Polymorphism - Overriding

Class Modeling
Polymorphism Example 1/2

public: virtual void init() }

float time = round(((float) distance)/speed,2); cout<<It runs "<<distance<<miles in <<time<<hour. <<endl; return time; virtual void show() {}

Class Modeling
Polymorphism Example 2/2

} {

Dynamic Modeling

Dynamic Modeling
Dynamic Model Diagrams

Dynamic Modeling
Events & Scenarios

Dynamic Modeling
Event classes & attributes

Dynamic Modeling
An example scenario

Dynamic Modeling
OMT Event Trace Notation

select method of payment select credit insert card slide card through reader select grade select premium pump on


Credit Corp

verify account return approved

display unit cost, total cost, gallons dispensed pump gas update display with total cost, gallons dispensed charge total cost to account

Dynamic Modeling
Event Trace Example
caller lifts receiver dial tone begins dials (2) dial tone ends dials (7) dials (7) dials (6) ringing tone phone rings answers phone phones connected connection broken caller hangs up phones connected callee hangs up connection broken

Phone line


Dynamic Modeling
Event Trace ~ Sequence Diagram
Object: Class

Message Operations Lifeline

Dynamic Modeling
States & Transitions

Dynamic Modeling
State Machine Diagram

Functional Modeling
Hierarchical DFD

Functional Modeling
DFD Example: Office Supply
Employee DB verification Web Server input stream name/ password employee AccountDB verification account number order

validate employee

validate order

response (receipt)

Product DB verification order item validated order

Order DB order info order

process order

finalize order

response (receipt)

Add Operations to the Object Model

OMT: Four Phases

OMT: Four phases

1. System Design

OMT: Four phases

2. Object Design

OMT: Four phases

3. Detailed Design 1/2

OMT: Four phases

3. Detailed Design 2/2

OMT: Four phases

4. Implementation 1/2

OMT: Four phases

4. Implementation 2/2

OMT: Four Phases

Modularity Mechanisms

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