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-INTRODUCCION -thanks for your letter/email -it was great to hear from you -i,m writing to tell you

-how's going? -hello -dear -thanks for your email -sorry for not writing earlier -PARA TERMINAR -write me soon, and tell me all your news -best whises -regards -i'm looking forward to hearing from you -keep in touch -take care -see you soon -tell me something as soon as posible -i hope to hear from you soon -please give my regards to your family -anyway/well, that all for now -anyway i must stop writing now CONECTORES: -furthermore: ademas -however: sin embargo -nevertheless: no obstante

-on the/other hand -although, though: aunque -in spite of: a pesar de -in fact: the hecho -actually: en realidad --------moreover, in addition: ademas -in addition to: ademas de -besides: ademas -a part from that: a parte de eso -----tal como: such as -for instance/ example: por ejemplo -en otras palabras. in other words -----a causa de eso: because of that -por esta razon: for this reason - es la razon por la que: that's why -como resultado de: as a result of -so: asi q , por eso -----

- more or less: mas o menos -al menos: at least -basically,especially,aboveall, in particular

----to sum up in conclusion on the whole: en general in short -----first of all -next, then. luego -after that -while -in the meantime: mientras tanto -finally -in the end

FRASES: -to tell you the truth -you are more than welcome -of course not -in my point of view - as well: tambien -nevertheles i know you are very interested in doing the same as me. -i applied for -a friend of mine -as far as i'm concerned -they provide you.. -i like all kinds of

-i encourage you to sing up -don't hesitate to get in touch with me -it will be a pleasure for me to join in this -i,m looking forware to hearing from you -i feel like going to... -once more, i,m really sorry -i was thinking of going - are you coming to my city? -it sounds great! -i can you up if you want to i'll so you arround i'll take you to a typical restaurant i have done my exams i can't wait to go do you thinkyou will be able to show me arround it's depend on my mood steal sth from sbdy.

Mrs Sara Fisher Manager 18 St. James Avenue Bournemouth HB3 4LN 4th October 2004

Our ref: US / HK 1082 Your ref: SP / T

Dear Mrs Fisher,

Your order

We are pleased to acknowledge your order no. 202 dated 1st October 2001. Your order is already dealt with. We will inform you when the consignment is ready for delivery.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.

We thank you for your custom and again look forward to being of service to you in the future. Yours sincerely,

M Warrens (Mr) Enc

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