Series of EventS Leading To Oil Strike

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Sequence of Events– Oil Sectors officers’ Wage Hike

S. No. Date Event Outcome

1 Jan ‘06 Demand for 50% DA Merger w.e.f. NIL
01.01.2005 inline with Central Govt.
2 May ‘06 Call for Direct Agitation from 29.05.2006 Strike postponed with
intervention of Ministry-
Verbal Assurance- NO
3 Sept’06 Strike Call on 05.09.06 Called off on Assurance
by Hon’ble
Primeminister to give
Special Dispensation to
Oil Sector as well 50%
DA Merger w.e.f.
01.01.05 – Nothing
Done Again
4 30.11.06 Pay Revision Committee by Justice MJ Rao
5 Studied Conducted by SCOPE and Oil
companies through M/s Merecer Consultants
and M/s Hewitt Associates respectively.
6 16.04.07 Presentation by OSOA to Justice MJ Rao
7 30.05.08 Submission of Recommendation by Justice MJ
Rao Committee
8 28.08.08 Letter to MOP&NG to expedite the pay No Response from
revision process and a hearing to put forth our Ministry
9 03.09.08 Request for meeting with Hon’ble Minister of No Response from
State for Heavy Industries and Public Ministry
Enterprises, for appraising him about the
grievances of Oil Sector Officers.
10 19.09.08 Again Requested Hon’ble Minister MOP&NG No Response from
for hearing Ministry
11 19.09.08 Met Sh. R. Bandhopadhyay, Secretary DPE
for submission of our report on pay
12 24.09.08 Met Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture,
Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
who wrote a letter to Hon’ble Minister
MOP&NG on that day itself.
13. 29.09.08 OSOA Issued strike Notice for Strike from
14 Committee of Secretaries (COS) within one
month with only two meetings firm up their
recommendations with drastic basic changes
in the PRC report. This very adversely affects
most of the oil Cos. who were categorized as
A+ category in PRC report.
15 15.10.08 Dialogue with Addl. Secretary MOP&NG and Strike deferred till
Addl. Secretary F&A-MOP&NG - No 18.11.08
concrete proposal.
16 17.11.08 OSOA decided to continue agitation against OSOA again withdraws
the report w.e.f 18.11.08. But after a very firm and defers it till
assurance from Hon’ble Ministers of Heavy 02.12.08.
Industries and Public Enterprises and
MOP&NG that all the demands will be taken
in cabinet on 20.11.08.
17 20.11.08 The cabinet approves the representation of OSOA felt pained and
COS without any amendments in total betrayal cheated.
to the assurances given by the two ministers.
18 29.11.08 The agitation from 02.12.08 was withdrawn in Agitation withdrawn.
view of Mumbai Terrorist attack .
19 05.12.08 Committee of Director(HR) of Oil PSUs sent The call for agitation
their recommendation to MOP&NG, which was again given for
did not get any favorable response from the 07.01.09, if the demands
ministry. are not met by 31.12.08.
20 No action by MOP&NG to resolve the issue,
instead threats received for the strike action.
06.01.09 Expected a call from Ministry so that issues Forced oil executives to
can be discussed and matter can be settled start strike from
amicably. No call for talks from the ministry. 07.01.09.
07.01.09 The government without making effort to Strike Continued
initiate dialogue process to resolve the issues
imposed ESMA & disciplinary actions were
inflicted. However, in the evening, Honorable
Sh. Murli Deora did make efforts to open the
dialogue process but deployment of heavy
police deployment at the meeting place scared
us away and no dialogues could take place.
08.01.09 With our own initiative we tried to open The Hon’ble Minister
dialogues with Oil CMDs with a view to end instead of assuring,
the strike. This resulted in a meeting with stated that he will get a
them at about 1200 hrs at IOCL office Noida mandate from Hon’ble
but unfortunately when we were about to Prime Minister on
reach a settlement, police raided the place and 09.01.2009.
we had to rush out without reaching any
conclusion. Meanwhile we continued
dialogues with CMDs and Hon’ble MOP&NG
which resulted in a meeting at IOC Colony at
Noida, where we again requested for
resolution of at least a few if not all points for
an honorable settlement.
09.01.09 Right from the morning, we tried to contact Strike Called Off.
Hon’ble Minister MOP&NG in vain. When it
became clear that government is not in favor
of bringing about any solution, and the public
had started facing hardships we decided to call
off the strike on our own in the after noon,
however we had no means to convey the same
to the authorities till about 5 p.m. when we
could get in touch with CMDs and then with
the Hon’ble Minister MOP&NG.
We had no intention of causing discomfort to the public & had ensured that all our Retail
Outlets & LPG godowns are topped up before commencing our agitation on 07.01.09. Our
outlets have enough tankage to tide over minimum five days but probably the signals
regarding downward price revision deterred the dealers/distributors from storing product to
capacity despite our instructions & intentions.

The oil company officers have been faithfully serving this country in hail & storm. We have
ensured that energy needs of the public & industry are taken care of without any disruption.
The brightest minds of this country are serving the Oil Sector & are fully committed to the
nation. The biggest testimony of our loyalty could be witnessed during the Kargil war where
our officers stood with our soldiers on the frontline ensuring uninterrupted supply of fuel.
Even during the Mumbai terror strike regardless of personal safety our officers were out day
and night only to see that the common public is not further put to inconvenience.
We man stations from Leh to Port Blair in extreme adverse conditions only to see that the
public needs are fulfilled. The officers working offshore on the rigs do not get to see the faces
of their family for months together. There are hardly 10% of the officers who get to sit in air
conditioned rooms contrary to what was portrayed by the Media.

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