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The Next Step

Well, we nished our nal training at Mission Training International and it was AWESOME! We went through a program called SPLICE, Spiritual Personal Lifestyle Interpersonal Cultural Endurance, where we were with missionaries from 19 different agencies, going to 19 different countries. In SPLICE we studied Healthy Resilient Families, Incarnational Life & Ministry, Handling Conicts, Stress Management (they say that missionary stress is 3x more than that of an inner city police ofcer), Who we are under stress, Embracing Rest, Moral Purity, Grief & Loss, Issues with Missionary Kids & so much more. We endured several simulations, one of which was a terrorist attack & we were put in a small hot box (about 6x8x5 1/2 high) with 20 other people for over an hour. This was a good exercise in that it makes you

techniques for learning sounds that are used in other languages. There are 44 sounds in the English language, which is a very small amount compared to the rest of the languages of the world.We know that what we learned during PILAT will be invaluable in learning Spanish. This time at MTI was fantastic. Spending time

with missionaries who are experiencing many of plan ahead for different things that could happen. It the same obstacles and concerns we are was doesn't have to be a terrorist attack, it could be a extremely helpful and afrming. We talked about plan for a re or so on. This session got us in the budgets, agencies, fears, joys & a lot more. We feel right mindset for being in the eld. that our budget is right in line with a lot of other The kids had a program similar to ours which they really enjoyed also. They were a big hit & we were considered a healthy family. The next training we had was PILAT, Program In Language Acquisition Techniques. This program worked our brains & our mouths. We were taught drills & budgets, The Mission Society is where we need to be and most importantly what we are feeling during this time of transition is normal. Many THANKS to the staff at MTI!

Love God, love people. Serve God, serve people.

Katie playing at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado during our training at MTI

Tim and Jennifer

Daniel and Matthew with David, their SPLICE teacher at MTI

Crunch Time!
Our goal is to leave for language school at the end of the year! All we need is a few more pledges & were condent God will provide them. Theres so much we have to get done, and itll be a very stressful two months, so if yall could pray for us wed greatly appreciate it. Pray we can sell our home (or nd a tting person to rent), pray that we remain patient with each other (were going to be very tired and might get a little cranky), and pray that our remaining funds come in quickly. We could also use prayer in preparing for language school. Basically, we need a lot of prayer. If you have not already partnered with us please prayerfully consider to do so. To make a pledge of any amount or increase your current pledge go to: people/goshorn.

Departure to language school by late December and smooth transition Prayer for our friends/family we will be leaving and healthy goodbyes The selling or renting of our home Monthly nancial support Guidance through homeschooling during this busy time


You can give tax deductible one time, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual donation for any number of years. For information on how to give nancial support online please visit: or or you can mail your tax deductible gift to: The Mission Society at PO Box 922637 Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA Designate gifts: Goshorn Support 5/540

Phone: 859-635-8157 E-Mail: Skype: tim.jen.goshorn Website:

Monthly Financial Standings:

So we dont look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we x our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. -2 Corinthians 4:18
Katie and her MTI teacher, Darci

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Start

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