What Does It Take To Be An Excellent Teacher

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by Nurulhana bt Hussain
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

The Mediocre Teacher tells The Good Teacher explains The Superior Teacher demonstrates The Excellent Teacher inspires.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com


Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Clarify Intention

become a teacher? - Interest / childhood dream? - forced to / last resort?


do you expect to gain in return of becoming a teacher?

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Lets recall
Teachers who had touched my heart and made all the difference. Who? When? How?
Anyone? Only one? Many? None?
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Well folks, what comes around goes around

Was I a good student before? Have I been a good student all this while? Have I made my teachers happy? Have I made my teachers feel uneasy towards my behaviour? Was I rude? Was I inconsiderate towards my teachers feelings?

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

What does it take?

It takes a person who is willing to fill many roles for a little pay; who knows all of the negatives of the profession and loves the job and the kids regardless!
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

So, what does it take?



Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Passion for the Job

Love teaching and working with children. Love helping the kids develop their knowledge and thinking skills. Love working in the school environment. Willing to sacrifice time and energy to help teach the students.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Subject Matter
Psychology applied to teaching Learning styles and multiple intelligences Learning Theories
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Subject Matter
Proficient and fluent. Able to prepare lessons well. A Able to give clear instructions Able to deliver lessons effectively and meaningfully.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Students remember
10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 80% 95%

of of of of of of of

what what what what what what what

they they they they they they they

read hear see see and hear talk over with others use and do in real life teach to others

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Psychology applied to teaching

Able to make students listen. Able to identify whether problem occurs lies on the teacher or the students. Able to see and develop students strength. Able to ignore or acknowledge a positive or negative behavior when necessary.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences

Learning Styles Auditory Visual Kinesthetic

Multiple Intelligences

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Learning Theories


Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Able to apply the knowledge effectively. Able to cater for different types of learners. Able to communicate clearly & accurately. Able to assess students learning. Able to evaluate whether the students achievements are as a result of my lessons. Able to identify students interests and needs.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Able to anticipate/identify problems and come up with solutions on the spot. Able to extemporize Able to diagnose and prescribe. Able to manage students behaviour. Able to offer good advice.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Sense of humour
Able to be pleasantly humourous at suitable times. Able to make and take jokes.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Punctual. Prepared for lessons. Mark students exercise books frequently. Be fair to each student (no prejudice). Be a role-model. Dedicated and committed.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Honour and Respect

Oneself The profession Students Fellow teachers Administrators Education system General workers Students parents
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Useful Tips
First impression is very important. Create teachers presence and be confident. Make the students like you first, then they will definitely like your lessons. Walk into the classroom with an openmind. Get to know the students and memorize their names.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Other Useful Tips

Dont move too much while teaching. You need to anchor students attention by standing at one spot. It will be helpful if you could write the objectives of the days lesson on the board before you start the lesson. Write step by step instructions on the board if your lesson involves some processes to be done by the students.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

More Useful Tips

Project your voice. Always give clear instructions first before you assign the students to work in groups. It is all right to admit to your students that you do not know the answers to the questions they ask. Tell them you will get back to them once you have checked the answers. Make sure you keep your words. Recap what the students have learnt at the end of the lesson.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Lets read what students say.

Student A I think the qualities of a GOOD teacher are those that can teach well and give students time to learn. I think that they should also be able to listen and understand questions that the students ask.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Student B
Some qualities of a good teacher are making sure that their students have fun in class as well as involving themselves with students and connecting with them in a personal level so they understand the way their students think.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Student C
The quality of a good teacher depends on the way that a student prefers the teacher. For example, one student might prefer a teacher that doesnt kid around and is serious. I prefer a teacher that doesnt sound like a text book, and is easy to get along with. To me a good teacher has more commitment to the students academic needs than punishments for the lack thereof.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Student D
The quality of a good teacher depends on the type of students the teacher has. If the teacher has bad students, I would expect the qualities to differ from the good students. If a teacher has bad students, her work would be much harder and complicated which in turn, would make it more complicated for the students to learn.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Common Problems

Situation 1 You are given a classroom which has a group of boys who refuse to learn and a group of girls who would want to learn. Suggest ways to handle the class and make the boys listen to your lesson.
Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Common Problems

Situation 2 While teaching you notice that two students at the back are talking to each other and a student at a front row is reading a novel.

Suggest ways to handle the situation.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Common Problems

Situation 3 A student asks you the definition of a word during lesson which you do not know. Another student correct your pronunciation. How would you react to such situation?

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Common Problems

Situation 4 You find that a students behaviour (attention seeker) is annoying. He is loud and talks a lot. Even his friends find it difficult to tolerate his behavior especially when he tries to show off.

What would you do to help shape the students behaviour?

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

Things To Ponder
Watch Watch Watch Watch

your your your your

thoughts, they become your words. words, they become your actions. actions, they become your habits. habits, they become your character.

If you want happiness for a lifetime, learn to love what you do.

Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com



Nurulhana Hussain http://elt.nurulhana.com

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