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Name: ________________( ) Class: P.

6 ( )

- What is your father / mother good at? - Do your parents help you with your homework? - What do you think about your father / mother? About Friends: - Tell me about your friends. - Who is your best friend? About the Secondary School: - Why do you want to study in our school? - How did you get here today? - Who came here with you today? - Why did you choose an English speaking (EMI) school? - Is this your parents decision or yours? What do you know about our school?

P6 Interview Skills Handout

Some example questions
Give full and About Yourself: - Introduce yourself complete What is your name? answers try to Which school do you come give at least 2-3 from? Where is it? sentences for Where do you live? each answer What hobbies do you have? - Describe some of your likes and dislikes. What does your father / mother / brother do? Do you do any housework at home? Do you have any siblings / brothers or sisters? What do you like to eat? When is your birthday? - When do you get up / go to bed? - Would you be scared if you had to perform on the stage? - What do you want to be in the future? - Have your read Pride and Prejudice / Harry Potter? What is the book about? What is the most impressive part in the book? - What sports do you like to play? - What other countries have you visited? - Which parks have you been to? What did you do there?
About School and Study: - What is your favourite subject / Which subject do you like best? Why? (e.g. Music) Do you know how to play the piano? What kind of music do you like? Why do you like music? Which song do you like best? - Who is your favourite teacher in school? / Tell me something about your teacher. - How do you get to school? - Have you taken part in any competitions / English activities? Have you got any prizes in the competition? (e.g. Speech Festival / Penmanship Competition / Writing Competition / Basketball / Football Match) - What do you do in your English / P.E. / music lesson? - Which subject are you good at? - What kind of extra-curricular activities do you participate in / take part in? About Spare Time Activities: - What do you like to do in summer? - Do you play any musical instruments? - Tell me about your favourite activity. - Do you play computer games? MSN? How often do you play computer games? - Have you been to Ocean Park / Disneyland? - Do you have a computer at home? How often do you use it? What do you use it for? - Which books do you like to read? About Family: - Talk about your family. - What does your father / mother look like?

TOP 6 subjects:
2. Yourself. Why you want to go to this secondary school. Interests and hobbies School and studies. Family and friends. The future.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Others: - When did you last go abroad / travelling? Were Write down some ideas for there any scenic spots? these subjects. Make sure you Which country do you like? have a lot of things to talk - Why is it important to be polite? - What would you do if you saw a little girl crying in the street / someone shoplifting in a supermarket? - Please read this. (Then ask questions about the passage / Student chooses one topic from the passage to develop) - Picture description. (e.g. What day is it today? What is the weather like today? / Students are shown pictures of different places and are asked questions about the places.) - Do you have any pets? Why do you keep a pet? Tell me about your pet. - What else do you want to tell me? - Do you want to ask me any questions? Group interview questions: - Listen to your group members talking. Then ask them some questions about what they say or read. - Discuss these passages (e.g. talk about how you will cope with some specific problems) - What do you do if you are absent from school? (Or other imaginative situations) - Do you watch any English TV programmes? Which channel / what kind of programmes do you watch? - What do you do on Sundays? Critical thinking: - What would you do if you had $1million? - If you were the chief executive of Hong Kong, what would you do? - What do you think makes a good teacher? - What would you do if you saw a girl stealing sweets in a shop? - School finishes early and you have 6 hours to spare. What will you do? -What would you do if you found $2000 on the street? - Why is English important?

Tips / advice / suggestions

Listen carefully and always speak English. You can say: o I do not understand o I dont know o Please can you repeat the question Use eye contact. Try to answer in 2-3 complete sentences. Sit up properly. Dont be shy. Be confident! Speak slowly and clearly. Relax, dont panic. Remember the question words (Where? Why? How? When? How many? Who?) And listen to what tense you should be answering in (past, present or future?)

to know. For example, What extra-curricular activities are there?. Be sure to visit the website of the school or go to an Open Day. Describing a picture Revise prepositions of place. What do you see? What is happening? Why is it happening? Have you been to this place? Where was the picture taken? What will happen next? Describe the picture who/what/where/how/why? It is better to give four sentences with a few mistakes than one sentence with perfect grammar Describing a person Who are they? Where are they from? What do they do? How? Why? How old are they? Why are they famous? What do they look like? Do you like them? How to improve your English every day Watch English TV (ATV World, TVB Pearl) and listen to English radio (RTHK Radio 3). Read English books, magazines, websites and newspapers. Practice your English with your family and friends aim for one hour per day. Practice talking about yourself and your interests. Learn some good adjectives and revise your vocabulary by looking back at your work and textbooks. Talk to your English teachers. Dont panic or worry, if you are confident and think you will do well, you will do well!

Introduce yourself You will be asked some basic questions about yourself and your life and school and home. Examples:
Your name Age Where you live Family members Hobbies Sports Likes and dislikes Your personality

Think about your Voice Tone Intonation Manners Body language Giving a full and complete answer it is better to say too much than not enough! Do you have any questions? Show that you are interested in the school by thinking about some things you would like

Most importantly
Relax, dont worry and be positive!

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