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27-09-2012 Surgical Unit-II

Station 1)
a) What is your diagnosis? b) Give three possible pressure symptoms on surrounding structure by this neck swelling. c) Which surgical procedure will you perform?

Station 2) a) Identify the following item. b) Is it absorbable or non-absorbable? c) Write one commonest use of it.

Station 03

Station 04

a) Identify this tube. b) In which surgical procedure it is used. c) How you manage it post operatively.

Station 05

Station 6

Station 07

Station 08

Station 09

Station 10


Station 1 Key

Station 03 KEY

Station 04 Key

Station 05 KEY

Station 06 KEY

Station 07 KEY

Station 07 KEY

Station 09 KEY

Station 10 KEY

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