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An English word can be divided into three parts: a prefix, a stem, and a suffix. Pre- means 'before.

A prefix, therefore, is what comes before the stem. Consider, as an example, the prefixde- (meaning 'reduce' or 'reverse') in a word like demagnetize (meaning 'to deprive of magnetism'). A suffix is what is attached to the end of the stem. Consider, as an example, the suffix -er (meaning 'someone who') in programm er ('a person who programmes'). Suffixes change the word from one part of speech to another. For example, -ly added to the adjective quick gives the adverb quickly. Prefixes, on the other hand, usually change the meaning of the word. For example, un- changes a word to the negative. unmagnetizable means 'not capable of being magnetized'. Let us now consider some prefixes, their usual meanings, and how they change the meanings of English words.

Part 1: prefixes

Negative & positive unnonindisre-

Size semiminimicro-

Location intersupertransexextraperi-

Time & order preanteforepost-

Number monobihexoctmulti-

Study these tables. Try and find additional examples using your dictionary:

1. Negative and positive prefixes:

Prefix Negative: uninimilirnonmismaldisdisantideunderPositive: reoverMeaning not not not not not not connected with bad, wrong bad, wrong opposite feeling opposite action against reduce, reverse too little do again too much Examples Unmagnetized ncomplete mpossible llegal irregular, irrelevant non-programmable Misdirect Malfunction Disagree Disconnect antiglare, antistatic demagnetize, decode Underestimate Reorganize Overload

2. Prefixes of size:
Prefix semiequiminimicromacromegaMeaning half, partly Equal Small very small large, great large, great Examples semiconductor equidistant minicomputer microcomputer, microscopic macroeconomics megabyte

3. Prefixes of location:
Prefix intersupertransexextrasubinfraperiMeaning between, among Over Across Out Beyond Under Below Around Examples interface, interactive supersonic transmit, transfer exclude, extrinsic extraordinary subschema, subtraction infra-red peripheral, periscope

4. Prefixes of time and order:

Prefix antepreprimepostretroMeaning Before Before First After Backward Examples antecedent prefix, preceding, precedent primary, primitive postdated, post-natal retrograde, retroactive

5. Prefixes of numbers:
Prefix semimonobitriquadpentahexsept(em)octdecmultiMeaning Half One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Ten Many Examples semicircle monochromatic binary triangle quadruple pentagon hexadecimal September octal decimal multiplexor, multicoloured

Back to top 6. Other prefixes:

Prefix proautococonMeaning before, in advance, forward self together with together with Examples programme, progress, procreation automatic co-ordinate, co-operate connect

Exercises using prefixes:1|2|3|4

Part 2: suffixes
We have already seen how prefixes can change the meaning of a word. Let us now consider some suffixes, their usual meanings, and how they change the meanings of English words:

Nouns -ance -ence -or -er -ist Verbs -ize -ate -fy -en -ify Adjectives -able -ible -less -ic -ical -ish -ive Adverbs -ly

Study these tables. Try and find additional examples using your dictionary:

1. Noun-forming suffixes:
Suffix -ance -ence -er, -or -ist, -yst -ian -tion, -ation -ness -ion -ing -ment -ity -ism -dom -ship Meaning state quality of a person who a thing which a person who pertaining to the act of condition of action/state activity state, action state, quality condition/state domain/condition condition/state Examples performance independence programmer, operator, biographer compiler, accumulator, processor, calculator analyst, typist electrician compilation readiness, cleanliness, happiness conversion multiplexing measurement, requirement electricity magnetism freedom relationship, partnership

2. Verb-forming suffixes:
Suffix -ize/-ise -ate -ify -en to make Meaning Examples computerize automate, activate, calculate simplify harden, widen, lengthen, shorten

3. Adverb-forming suffix:
Suffix -ly Meaning in the manner of Examples electronically, logically, comparably, slowly, quickly, automatically, carefully

4. Adjective-forming suffixes:
Suffix -al -ar -ic -ical -able -ble -ous -ful -less -ish -ed -ive capable of being like, full of characterized by without like having the quality of having the quality of Meaning Examples computational, logical circular, rectangular, cellular, regular magnetic, automatic electrical comparable divisible dangerous, insiduous, miraculous helpful, careful careless, meaningless yellowish computed, processed interactive

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