Psychological Report

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A Psychological Report

I. Demographic Profile Name: Kuting Morales Address: Parada City Religion: Roman Catholic Gender: Male Age: 17 years old Place of Birth: VC Height: 48ft Weight: 40kgs. Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Date of Birth: Nov. 17, 1995 Date of Interview: September 24, 2012 Date of Testing: Sacks Sentence Completion Test: October 13, 2012 Color Test: October 21, 2012

II. Reason for Referral The Client was suffering from depression and anxiety caused by his longing for a mother. His stealing habit and use of drugs are also the factors of this referral.

III. Relevant Background Information The Client was born in City, in November 17, 1995. He is fourth among the eight siblings of Mr. X and Mrs. Y. Clients father is age 42 a tricycle driver, while his mother is 41, working on a laundry shop. The clients parents are both and speaks . Sad to say, Mr.X and Mrs.Y are now separated and have new partners in life.

The clients earliest memory was while watching TV in the sala, his parents had a fight due to financial problems that leads to separation. After that he has been cared of by his grandmother. The client narrated his memories of the past and told the clinician about the events in his life. The client remembered that he rather not to study because he was bullied in school. Aside from that he dont have enough allowance to buy school projects and materials. He wasnt able to graduate in elementary also because of the same reason. According to him, he has been rehab to DSWD center for a couple of days to undergo treatment and help. At present, he stays in his step mother and currently helping his father by being a pedicab driver so they could provide their needs.

IV. Assessment Result and Impression After completing clients background based on the gathered information. Sacks Sentence Completion Test and Color Test were given and utilized for further assessment of the clients case. SSCT results showed that the clients love and care for his family is strong yet he longs for a mothers love. This is the reason why he have negative attitude towards women and believe that all women are irresponsible. Client also wants their family to be together again. The test also showed that he is able to establish meaningful relations hip with others. Based on his friends, he is a loyal friend, timid and a good friend. When it comes to his self, hes still optimistic regarding about his future. The client wants to pursue his studies and to become a famous dancer someday. Below is the Color Test result of the client. Your Desired Objectives The client seeks comfort in sensuousness, friend, and love to weave his dreams and desires around this notion. A taste for the voluptuous and a wish to be immersed in a world of luxurious delights is what is foremost on his mind. He is definitely not satisfied with the present situation and feels that he certainly do not deserve this. It is an insult to his capabilities, and this feeling will lead him to revolt against the personal injustice meted out to him. The client tends to shield himself from anything confrontative or even depressing.

Your Existing Situation He feels neglected as a person, and in need of love, warmth and a sense of security. He also realizes that this would also serve to minimize all the problems. Unfortunately, he was unable to exert the right kind of effort to achieve these objectives. our Characteristics Under Restraint The clients own craving for emotional independence prevents him from getting too involved in the relationship. He have this overwhelming desire to be appreciated for the efforts and feel that there is a definite lack of recognition and this is what hurts him the most emotionally. He also feels that present circumstances are forcing his hand, and any close relationship that he gets into leaves him with an emotional vacuum. Your Rejected Characteristics The client have a dilemma on his hands. He had initially hoped for a lot out of life, but with passage of time, found out that in a real life situation, he have to let go of many things and all he wishes for. This leads to suppressed anxiety and resultant mental stress. Your Actual Problem He tend to shy away if others criticize him and avoid getting into conflicts. Presently, The client needs for a stable and secure environment and also needs to relax. Strangely however, he is critical of others and quite difficult to please.

V. Summary and Recommendation The client is aware of his maladaptive behavior and is willing to ask for help. There is a good chance of positive change on his behavior because the client learns how to deal his problems of self-image. The client can lead a normal and productive life in the future. But parents should give attention to the mother-son relationship of the client. His mother should be reminded about her influence to change clients opinions on women. The purpose of this psychological testing was to provide assistance for the Client as well as to his parents on what they can do to help him. Recommendation for the Clients future plans are as follows:

a. The client should get professional help coming from a clinical psychologist b. The client should seek therapy especially family therapy to address his negative feeling towards his mother. c. The clients family should show and feel their love and affection.

Respectfully submitted, ________________________________ JOY AIMEE M. CHANG Examiner ________________________ PROF. CEFERINO CAMAY Supervisor

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