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Upcoming AmSoc events: Nov 6th - Election Night BBQ Nov 10th - Angel Party Nov 25th - Thanksgiving Nov 27th - Happy Hour Dec 7th - EggNog Party

Monthly Newsletter November 2012

FUMCAD - Make a Difference

By Mark Abrams, AmSoc Member AmSoc members are caring, charitable people who through their donations and the AmSoc activities they attend help transform the lives of the children and youth served by the 10 NGOs supported by AmSoc. It seems like nearly every day that AmSoc Community Action Committee (CAC) Volunteer Coordinator Silvana Mooney ( receives an email or call from an AmSoc member asking How can I help? Where can I volunteer, donate clothes, toys and all those wonderful things we no longer use? Id love to sponsor a kid for the Christmas Angel Party that AmSoc lovingly organizes every year for 220 children-in-need. What else can I do? How about donating a chunk of your income taxes that youll have to pay anyway to qualifying AmSoc supported NGOs? Its easy to do and will cost you nothing. If you are an Ex-Pat working in Brazil, a local hire or even a corporate tax payer, you can contribute part of your Brazilian Federal Income Taxes directly to the registered charity of your choice and receive full credit for the contribution toward your annual income tax payment. What is this program called? FUMCAD Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescents. It was established in 1990 and allows individuals and companies to contribute to social programs that have been registered and approved by the So Paulo Municipal Government. How much can I contribute? Individual tax payers can direct up to 6% of the amount of the Federal Income

The Lifestyle Issue

Affordable Luxury
Page 10: On a budget but dont want to miss out on luxurious experiences? Our staff writer explores options to experience So Paulo for less.

Page 12: Travel without having to pay outrageous amounts for airfares... our guide to daytrips from So Paulo.

Taxes they owe to a registered, qualifying charity. Corporations may contribute 1% of their income tax bills (in addition to any other tax incentive programs they already contribute to, such as Lei Rouanet and Lei do Esporte). Are there any restrictions? Yes, the individual tax payer must be an officially registered employee (CLT) and the corporation must be on the Full Tax Calculation Basis (Lucro Real basis). In fact, consultants and entrepreneurs on a presumed income basis (Lucro Presumido) will not receive a tax credit for FUMCAD contributions made. Which AmSoc Supported Charities have registered projects that I can contribute to? Associao Criana Brasil; Associao Maria Helen Drexel; Associao Vida Jovem; Gotas de Flor com Amor; Projeto Sol; and, Vivenda da Criana Each of these projects help children and youth by offering residential, educational or cultural programs. How do I make my contribution? Access the So Paulo Municipal Government site: (www.Prefeitura. SP.Gov.Br/forms/frmentidades.aspx) and type in the name of the charity youd like to contribute to. For example in the (continued on page 6)

Page 16: Maureens tips on putting back in what the big city takes out.

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Presidents Corner
We have two new Board members - please welcome Suzana Sheffield and Luis Barros to the Board of Governors. You will soon be receiving this years Directory. By Joe Sherman, AmSoc president The painting on the cover is by artist Martins de Porangaba, a well known Brazilian painter. His real name is Jose Carlos Martins but in 1981 he adopted the name Martins de Porangaba in honor of the city where he was born and he is commonly referred to as Porangaba. My wife, Connie, contacted him and he has kindly donated the painting to the American Society. It is on display in our office, together with other donated artwork from previous years - we have an excellent collection. The consulate is hosting an election night on Nov 6th thus enabling the members of AMSOC who are interested to follow the presidential elections. This year the Marine Ball will be on November 9 at the Circulo Militar in Paraiso, a much larger venue than last year. This is a very enjoyable evening in honor of the Marine Corps. The Angel Party will be on November 10, a fantastic event coordinated by our Community Action Committee. There will be about 230 children receiving gifts and supplies with a total value of about R$70.000; so about 230 supporters contributing R$300 per child. If you include all the sponsor donations, for example the venue, food, drinks and entertainment, this is a major event in terms of volunteerism and charitable contributions. Please see the CAC News column on how you can still contribute! Congratulations to Eileen Tasso and the entire Community Action Committee. This year our Thanksgiving celebration will be on Sunday November 25th. A secular service with wonderful music, followed by traditional turkey sandwiches and refreshments, including wine, will be held at the Fellowship Church. It will be after Thanksgiving as there is a Brazilian holiday on November 20th. Mark your calendars as we continue our tradition of celebrating American holidays. Our Christmas party will held in a private home on Friday, December 7. Abraos, Joe

CAC News
Angel Party on November 10th
The thirteenth annual American Society Angel Party is just around the corner, on November 10 at Chapel School. Party planning is under control but financial help would still be appreciated in several areas: We still need back-up sponsors because we have new kids arriving as old kids leave. You can help by agreeing to sponsor one of our last children or being placed on the waiting list to be a super shopper (lots of shopping in a short time). You can also contribute R$350 so we can do the shopping for you. Other donations would be spent covering the costs of buses for the children, the show, extra refreshments and prizes for the games. Please consider helping in this way. To do so, write Sue Banman Sileci at We usually have 120 volunteers on the day of the party and those spots have been filled. However, if youd like to come to the party to meet the child you sponsored or see what its about, dont hesitate to contact our volunteer coordinator, Silvana Mooney at (Security regulations at Chapel School require that we know in advance who is coming. Please let Silvana know.) Thank you for all your help so far and we look forward to a great party on November 10.

About Forum

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

A special thank you to the staff from the US Consulate and Graded School who donated to the Gotas de Flor families affected by the favela fire. We took over 5 SUVs fully loaded with clothes, bedding and toys. They were very appreciated and desperately needed.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155 email the editor:



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome to Our New Members

Welcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support! Last Name JU KAPOOR PAIVA PALMAKA POLANCO RADLEY-KINGSLEY Name Angela Amy Carlos Roberto lvaro Miguel B. Dahlia Anand MEHTA Sueli Renata Tania Elizabeth Loaiza Spouse Membership Single Membership Family Membership Family Patron Membership Family Patron Membership Family Patron Membership Family Membership Geniatech Tecnologia Microsoft Mary Kay do Brasil Company UCLA Political Science Department Nationality American American Brazilian Brazilian/American American American

US Consul General Dennis Hankins in conjunction with the American Society of Sao Paulo, cordially invites you to

Calling all readers

The Forum welcomes members tips, recommendations and suggestions. If you have additional suggestions to the ones covered in our theme articles, or even some without the current theme in mind, please feel free to send them to the editor or post them on the AmSoc facebook page

An Election Night BBQ

November 6 2012 8pm until Midnight Consulate General of the United States R. Henri Dunant 780 Chacara St. Antonio Join us to watch the coverage in true American Style. Sign up now! Space is limited and guest list will be closed when the limit is reached! Please arrive with a photo ID RSVP: or 11 5182 2074 Dress: casual



AmSoc Board Bio - John Kennedy

I was born in Chung-Hua, Taiwan, the son of a US Foreign Service Officer. I am the oldest in a family of three very athletic boys, where my mother and father greatly encouraged sports and outdoors activities. My parents come from centuries old New England families, whereby we three boys followed their educational advice and foot-steps by going to a traditional New England boarding school. However, of my first thirteen years, eleven were spent living overseas within the US diplomatic community, travelling and living about Southeast Asia, in countries such as Thailand, Burma, Laos, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Taiwan a second time. In fact, I attribute this overseas upbringing combined with parents that encouraged independence and self-supervision as the key to defining my character. In one example, nearly every day after my 3rd and 4th grade classes at the Vientiane American School (which ended at noon due to the extreme year-around heat), I would ride my pony (bareback) to one of my several American friends with whom also had ponies, and then go exploring the many villages and alleys, and even army camps in the outskirts of Vientiane, the capital of Laos. One day after a second attempted coup dtat by Vietcong sympathizers, my friends and I rummaged through a bombed-out Royalist Army Generals compound and took away live ammunition, army medals, uniforms, etc. But my dad made us give it all back. From this perspective my childhood was quite atypical from most kids growing up. However, like most kids my age we played sports wherever and belonged to city teams and even country clubs and their teams. Sports would always spillover into neighborhood pick-up games too, where I remember usually being the neighborhood organizer for pick-up football, basketball and baseball games. Upon graduating from Union College in upstate New York in 1979, I went back to the Washington, DC area where I interviewed and accepted a position as a Research Assistant in the International Finance Division of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, commonly referred to as the Fed or Central Bank. After two years of econometric modeling that projected US economic indicators, I decided to go to NYU Business School where I graduated two years later with an MBA in international business and finance. It was at NYU where I first came in touch with Brazil, for I was accepted into their International Management Program which sent me to study one semester at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1983. Of course I lived two blocks from the beach, where I spent most of my time surfing and playing foot-volley. In a short time I had developed my first love and appreciation for Brazil! I did manage to graduate with my MBA that June, and immediately accepted a Management Consulting position at Peat Marwick Mitchell (now KPMG) in New York City. Incidentally, it was during those two years that I lead the KPMG softball team to successive city championships in the NYC Corporate Softball League. Being young and ambitious, I soon followed a headhunter`s lead and took a position with Columbia Pictures as Finance Manager of Special Projects reporting to the office of the CEO, Fay Vincente, who a few years later became Commissioner of (Major League) Baseball. However I found the motion pictures industry to be conflicted with misconceptions, so I again followed a head-hunters lead and took a position with Morgan Stanley, doing special projects for the office of the Management Committee, but with hopes of transitioning out and into the glamorous world of investment banking. Over a year later the Stock Market Crash of 1987 put a freeze on hiring within the firm, but being professionally impatient, I soon found what I desired, a position as a Vice President in the Merchant Banking Group of a leading Wall Street firm. D.H. Blair specialized in micro-cap IPOs, or public venture capital because bankers would raise equity capital in IPOs on NASDAQ for high-risk, emerging-growth companies. After six years of commuting from CT to Wall Street, I needed a change of scenery; after all, I had never lived or worked more than 2 years consecutively in one place my whole life! So in January 1994 I took a temporary leave of absence from D.H. Blair and moved to Brazil where I would assist a billionaire client of mine open their investment office in Sao Paulo. Those were adventurous yet challenging times as an investor because hyper-inflation was still a daily lifestyle obstacle and Brazil was recovering from a Presidential scandal in its newly elected democracy. I became marveled at Brazil entering into a new economic phase with the Plano Real, which stopped inflation dead in its tracks, while the country adjusted to its new economic environment ever so cautiously. Then it dawned on me that Brazil would be virgin territory to do private equity, and with very little competition. So I decided not to rejoin the cut-throat Wall Street investment banking scene, instead, I accepted an adventurous yet pioneering position with a Brazilian bank to build their international investment banking area to serve their small and mid-sized corporate clients. So in January of 1995 I began what has turned-out to be my permanent residence and career in Brazil, focused on assisting Brazilian companies raise either debt or equity capital in the global investment marketplace. Those initial years were challenging too because the global investment community was buffeted many currency crises: Russia in 1997, then the Asian Tigers in 1998, and lastly Brazil in 1999. Nevertheless, I did manage to structure and close several pioneering investment banking transactions for Brazilian small caps. However, the years after the 1999 devaluation of the Brazilian Real were even more difficult, because the Real depreciated to BR$4 to US$1, which meant no corporation in Brazil could raise US dollar capital in the global investment marketplace. At that point I seriously thought about leaving Brazil. However, my



The American Society of So Paulo

AmSoc Sports
passion for living in Brazil overcame my senses, so I opened my own firm in 1999, Kennedy Partners Corp., and got married to a Brazilian. At first my partners and I raised a small amount of capital and it wasnt until years later, when the global markets returned for Brazil did we raise capital in the global markets for our merchant banking activities with Brazilian companies. Even though my career in Brazil has been like a roller-coaster ride, with many ups and downs, I would never trade my merchant banking business today for anywhere else. Im here for the long haul! My life in Brazil would not be complete unless I had the American Society as an outlet, which I joined in 1995. Whether on the sporting fields or in the social events AmSoc regularly runs, I continue to share rewarding moments with many interesting people from all walks of life. And as an AmSoc Board Member, which I have Chaired the Athletics Committee for 7 years, I have dedicated my efforts to organizing a calendar of regular sporting events throughout the year, including awards and ceremonies. Over these years our annual flag football tournament, called the Abacaxi Bowl, has increasingly become a must-play-in event, even for Brazilian teams. Our major golf tournament features the American Society facing-off against the St. Andrews Society (the Scots) in what has become a serious match play golf event, with the winning team taking home the Munro Cup. And this year I assumed the Head of AmSocs Little League where I can spend quality time with my daughter while building our program into one similar as in the U.S., where teams of soccer and baseball not only train on Saturdays but play competitive games against other club teams. So in all, I guess I could adopt that old Eddie Murphy baseball line from Saturday Night days: Brazil has been very, very good to me!

Softball - AmSoc Annual Championship

AmSoc hosted their annual softball championship on October 6 and 7 at the CBBS sporting complex CT Yakult, in Ibuina. Six teams participated with over 80 players in total. Games on Saturday the 6th comprised of each team randomly playing two of the six teams. Their scores were used to determine the seeds for Sundays Finals. After the first round on Saturday, the Chapel School team were in first place. However, on Sunday, Chapel fell to the Cougars and the Amsoc team, with the Cougars then beating AmSoc in the finals for the 2 consecutive year. Ed Rajah of the Cougars won his second tournament MVP award and Kevin Smith of Amsoc won the Homerun King award, marked by his 3 HRs in the Semi-final game against Chapel.

AmSoc Softball Championship - 2012 Team Cougars AmSoc Chapel GM Athleticos SMAB USC Patriots W 5 3 3 3 2 0 L 0 3 3 2 3 5



Make a Difference in So Paulo: Direct Your Brazilian Income Taxes to a Great Cause
By Mark Abrams, AMSOC Member window that asks Pesquisar por: click on entidade. Then under descrio: type in the name of the entity. If you inserted for example, Associao Vida Jovem under descrio and clicked Pesquisar, 2 project names would appear. By clicking on each of the projects youll see the project description. Once you choose the one where you would like to make a contribution, you then click on Efetuar Doao (Make a Donation). A form to be filled in by the donor will then pop up. Once the donation is made online, you must print out and keep both the donation receipt and an additional document certifying that the donation was made in the name of a specific organization. Next April, when tax filing season comes around, you will be able to indicate on your tax return that you made a donation to that particular charity and the amount of your donation will be deducted from the amount of tax you owe. Do these contributions really make a difference? You bet. Today it is becoming more and more difficult to raise donations for charities. Even for serious charities with audited financials and active boards. Most large charities now depend on FUMCAD for a significant amount of the required funding for their programs. But the contributions are not automatic; the tax payer must choose the charity and make a directed contribution. By when do I have to make my contribution? The contribution can be made at any time, preferably by year-end. For the first time this past April, tax payers were allowed to contribute in April for the tax year (2011) that was being filed. We believe this will continue in 2013 as well. What if I need help? Go the AmSoc site (www. and click on Community Assistance and then on Charities. There you will find the contact names and telephone numbers for the charities themselves and also an English speaker for each entity who can help orient you. What about the smaller Charities that dont have FUMCAD projects? You can make donations to the AmSoc Community Action Committee and designate one of the smaller charities (Casa Liminar, Lar Tia Edna, Mission ABBA, SPACE). Although you will not be using your tax payment, your funds could very well be matched by AmSoc doubling the impact of your contribution! Check with the AmSoc office on the possibility of a Matching Contribution! resulted in so many successes like Lenilton, who was one of the youth to attend the AmSoc Christmas Angel Party; Alex; and, Murilo. Drexel has also helped many children become adopted by other families, both in Brazil and abroad. Just this year alone, 24 of their 60 children were either reunited with their families of origin or adopted by other caring families. To the professionals at Drexel and these children, this number represents a huge success and a great motivation for continuing this critical work that has only been possible through the support of extremely valuable partners such as the American Society. Drexel General Manager, Roberta Lund expressed her gratitude for AmSocs support. Access the site: for more information about the programs and their new FUMCAD project, Construindo Novas Fronteiras. Roberta may be reached at 11-5044-9023 or 2609-7432 or by email: robertalund@ Associao Vida Jovem Vida Jovems social worker met 17-year old Joo at a favela halfway house program intended to rehabilitate petty criminals. Upon learning of Vida Jovems FUMCAD-funded professional courses, Joo became intrigued by Web Design. He knew he needed to help support his mother, a maid, and his 3 siblings, yet he never thought he could achieve more than toiling as a day laborer on construction sites. His sparsely furnished home, located near Vida Jovem, consisted of a shack built on squatter property. When Joo began the 20 hour a week course at Vida Jovem, he exhibited aggressive behavior toward the Vida Jovem professionals and colleagues in an apparent attempt to mask his insecurities. And, early in the program, Joos life once again became complicated. He took on a

Your Income Taxes at Work Check out the Successes

Better to give a hand-up rather than a hand-out, is an expression we often hear when it comes to charity. Take a look at how the following NGOs are helping to permanently change the lives of children and youth served through their programs. Each offers a success story that illustrates what they do. Help them continue their work through a contribution of your Brazilian income taxes. Associao Maria Helen Drexel Thanks to the support of many individuals and corporations, last years FUMCAD project My Family, My Life generated numerous benefits for Drexels children. The primary objective was to reconnect the children and adolescents who reside in their homes with their biological families, and by so doing, return them to their communities of origin. This effort



The American Society of So Paulo

tile installation job in Santos causing him to miss a week of classes. At the same time his family was evicted from their illegal home. A Vida Jovem staff member went looking for him and discovering what had happened, helped the family get reestablished. Because of the sincere interest shown, Joo became more trusting and confident. He began participating in additional activities including taking on a leadership role in peer group sessions; he helped with conflict resolution and made sure that his outside work would not interfere with his afternoon Web Design classes and high school at night. Following conclusion of his 6-month Web Design course in August, Joo has taken on part-time administrative jobs and signed up for the Alcoa Institute-sponsored Junior Achievement program at Vida Jovem. He meets regularly with a Banco Societe Generale professional as part of the Vida Jovem mentoring program. Joo is a different person today with an entirely new outlook on life. He now values his education and no longer sees himself as a victim but rather someone who has the power to create his own destiny. Access the Vida Jovem site: to read about other youth who have been helped by this NGO, or contact Mark Abrams (99123-7254, marksabrams@ Please contribute to Vida Jovems FUMCAD project De Olho no Futuro and help transform the lives of other deserving youth like Joo. Associao Criana Brasil Criana Brasil began two new projects this year: 1) Viajando no Mundo das Letras which focuses on improving the level of Portuguese communication skills of the 240 children served at their two Community Centers - this project allows Criana Brasil to hire a Portuguese teacher; and, 2) Orientao e Acompanhamento ao Adolescente which is a project that counts on the support of a nurse and psychologist who work with the 80 teens Criana Brasil has in its Centers. These professionals address pertinent topics for this special age group. Criana Brasil has had numerous successes with its children over the past 25 years. For more information about Criana Brasil, access its site: or contact Ana Lcia V. Lima, General Manager at 11-3297-0630. Gotas de Flor com Amor Gotas focuses on young children, adolescents and their families living in high-risk favelas and cortios in Brooklin and Campo Belo. As a result of funding from the FUMCAD program, it has seen numerous cases of inspiring success. Ana Carolina, for example, entered Gotas when she was 8 years old, a shy, quiet child. Her mother, a drug addict, had left her and she was being raised by her grandmother. At Gotas, Ana grew and developed an open, engaging personality. She learned to love to read and relate to people. Today, Ana is sixteen, finishing high school and working as an intern at Banco ABC. On Saturdays, she volunteers at Gotas as a receptionist. Next on her list: university and future career choices! Ana Carolina benefited from various FUMCAD projects. Today, Gotas is seeking donations for three major FUMCAD projects: 1) Gotas de Valores Humanos - developing the self-esteem and cultural horizons of children through activities such as dance, music and choir; 2) Gotas de Sade na Comunidade supporting health initiatives for the childrens families and community; and 3) Gotas Reciclando para a Vida - preparing adolescents to enter the job market. Please contribute to these projects and check out their website-www. or contact Michelle Maldonado, 11-5049-2274 and by email: or Projeto Sol - Centro de Orientao e Educao Juventude Carla is ten. She is a very talented little girl who lives in a very small shack with her family of eight. However she came to Projeto Sol without being able to read or write, so she never went far in school. She was automatically passed from one grade to the next. When the FUMCAD project paid for the complete renovation of our library, Carla was enthralled with it. For her it was the most magical space ever- colorful and comfortable chairs, brand new computers and most of all, hundreds and hundreds of books - all sizes, shapes and colors and most of all wonderful stories. First the teacher read to her, then she began deciphering words, sentences and finally she could pick out the books she wanted to read and she began to write her own stories and even wrote poetry. Every day the two hundred children and adolescents of Projeto Sol can tell their individual stories of how they entered into the enchanting world of books. For more information about Projeto Sol, access the site: or call 11-5668-9494 to speak with Sister Angela ( about their new FUMCAD projects.

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2010 2012


Consulate Corner: Celebrating Veterans Day

By Paul Graddon, American Consulate The armistice to end World War I, known as the war to end all wars, was signed on November 11, 1918. Beginning the next year, the United States government designated November 11 as a day of remembrance, originally focused on the veterans of World War I and then expanded to include all those men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. It is therefore on this day that the United States honors her more than 22 million living veterans. Regardless of whether they saw combat at the Battle of Choson Reservoir in Korea, served as a logistician in Operation Iraqi Freedom in the Persian Gulf, or faithfully trained for a conflict not fought in a near or faraway land, my fellow veterans and I share a bond of selfless sacrifice to our nation. Many of my brothers and sisters in arms have been put in harms way and some have given their life in defense of our country. Public or private, big or small, an expression of thanks for their sacrifice is fitting on this day. As recognition for their service, the United States government has authorized a number of special programs and privileges that collectively are known as veterans benefits. These benefits can include burial benefits, death pension for surviving spouses and unmarried children, dependency and indemnity compensation, disability compensation, educational assistance, insurance, pensions, vocational rehabilitation, employment assistance, and medical care to name a few. I have personally and gratefully used some of these benefits myself. Each benefit, of course, carries specific eligibility requirements and living outside the United States may preclude you from receiving some benefits. As an American veteran overseas, it may seem difficult to obtain information about these benefits and then to apply for those you may be eligible to receive. Fortunately, the Veterans Affairs (VA) web page has detailed information on all these benefits at and there is even an on-line application form you can fill out. In addition to the information available on the VA web page, the U.S. Consulate General So Paulos American Citizen Services Unit stands ready to assist you in obtaining information and facilitating the receipt of benefits. The best way to reach them is by e-mail at: SoPauloACS@state. gov. To the readers of this column who have not served in the military, please take time this month to thank your friends and family who have. For the veterans reading this, I offer my heartfelt gratitude for your service and encourage you to take some time this month to look into your veterans benefits - youve earned them!


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The American Society of So Paulo

Upcoming Events
Christmas Spirit? In 90 degree heat? We dont think so.
Dont worry, we know what it is like to be in Brazil at Christmas timeno snow, no family, expensive presents you could get at Target for 1/10th of the price, Skinny Papai Noel instead of chubby, pink cheeked Santa Claus. Eating Christmas dinner at midnight on Christmas Eve. So, let us help you get into the mood! Meet all old friends and make new ones at the American Society Egg Nog Celebration. Christmas spirit guaranteed! An elegant private home, beautiful decorations, Christmas music, traditional food, drinks flowing, Egg Nog and lovely people. Come and share this Holiday Cheer with us. AMERICAN SOCIETY ANNUAL EGG NOG PARTY When: Friday December 7, 2012 7:30pm -10:30pm Cost: R$50 AmSoc members R$80 Non-members Maximum number: 100, so send us your reservation now. Where: ADDRESS FURNISHED UPON RESERVATION. Contact: AMSOC office at 5182-2074

Happy Hour at Cerverjaria Nacional

When: Tuesday, November 27, at 8:00 p.m. Where: Av. Pedroso de Morais, 604 Pinheiros, So Paulo, SP So Paulos only microbrewery will be the venue for our next AmSoc Happy Hour. Cervejaria Nacional produces 5000 liters of beer per month and serves its five home-brewed varieties in three environments: the brewery on the first floor, the bar on the second, and the restaurant on the third. Enjoy Thanksgiving-themed food in the restaurant and, in the bar, live music by Rodrigo Haddad and The Pure Country Band. Cover charge in the bar area: R$ 12. br

Thanksgiving event on November 25th

by David Warren What does Thanksgiving mean to you? According to many movies and TV shows it seems everybody has a problem about going home for Thanksgiving. I dont remember my Thanksgivings being that way at all. My Thanksgivings seemed to always be way too short. There wasnt enough time to enjoy my family and all the great food. My mom was a great cook and taught my sisters very well and gave me some of her recipies. A few years ago I arranged a Thanksgiving trip to Parati, RJ with friends from the American Society, a total of four families. We had turkey with all the trimmings at a great restaurant that went overboard to treat us. We had so much fun and it was truly a Thanksgiving to remember and there arent enough of them. I hope this year we can show you again, what Thanksgiving is all about. The all new Thanksgiving Service at Fellowship Community Church (FCC) will be held on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 25 November. FCC is located at Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 Bela Vista, just 2 blocks from Av. Paulista at the Brigadeiro Metro Station, with plenty of discounted parking across the street. The service will start at 6 pm and will have the U.S. Presidents Proclamation read by the American Consul General Dennis Hankins, plenty of wonderful music by the famous international Fellowship Community Church Choir lead by Marilyn Mangels and much more. Pastor Gavin Aitken will say a few appropriate words of thanksgiving. This is a new format and will be less formal than in the past After the service, there will be the traditional turkey sandwiches served, hopefully with cranberry sauce, sweet ice tea, sodas and wine, followed with the sweet home made brownies and cookies, provided by many of you.

Fellowship Community Church Choir will present its annual Christmas concert
The Fellowship Community Church Choir will present its annual Christmas concert on Sunday morning December 9 at 10:30 A.M. The cantata - Journey of Hope, written by Camp Kirkland and Tom Fettke, is a beautiful contemporary work, including familiar Christmas carols - but with a modern beat. Marilyn Mangels directs the choir, accompanied by Sergio de Souza at the organ. It is fun to sing, and even more fun to hear. Come and begin your Christmas celebrations with us! Fellowship Community Church is located on Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 and there is a parking lot within the same block.



Affordable Luxury in So Paulo

By Ernest White II, Staff Writer For many people, the city of So Paulo is synonymous with luxuryor at the very least, costliness. With the city ranking amongst the worlds most expensive and prices for everything from food to clothing to entertainment increasing by the day, its often difficult for expat and Brazilian professionals alike to maintain the type of urbane lifestyle that you would expect to have in a worldclass cityone of delicious and varied restaurant meals, weekend escapes to nearby beaches and country hamlets, spa treatments and workout regimens, concerts and nightlife. In So Paulo, all of that takes a much larger bite out of the disposable income than even in perennial heavyweights like London and New York, a challenge exacerbated by the throngs of well-heeled paulistanos dropping cash like water on $200 steaks, $300 gym memberships, $2000 outfits, cars that cost as much as some houses in the States, and The New York Times infamous $35 martini. But that doesnt mean that luxury is completely out of reach for the rest of us working stiffs. A few times a year, at least, the citys upmarket restaurants and haute couture fashion mavens make bits and pieces of the good life just that much more accessible, and group buying websites now bring affordable luxury into every home. And while there are free cultural offerings and inexpensive flea and farmers markets aplenty in So Paulo, its the upper echelon of consumption thats the harder nut to crack. But well help you try. For economical epicureans, the increasingly popular So Paulo Restaurant Week lets you sample the goodies at some of the citys most exclusive eateries at cut-rate prices. Fall and spring editions (March and August) mean seasonal variety amongst the offerings, and the event has even spread to other cities, including Rio, Salvador, and Braslia. With hundreds of participating restaurants, be sure to sample some of the best, including Killa (Rua Padre Chico 324, Pompia, tel. 98551-8511, and Suri (Rua Mateus Grou 488, Pinheiros, tel. 3034-1763, for for the citys most mouth-watering Brazilian food. Call ahead to make sure the deals arent lunch-only, and Master Card Platinum holders can access the Restaurant Week menu a week before the general public. Fashionistas looking for their fair share of the wares paraded during one of the two So Paulo Fashion Week events might not find the current modes on saleat a discount, anywaybut a good many of Brazils biggest names in fashion hold annual and semi-annual bazars, where still-chic styles that debuted a couple of seasons ago are sold at the designers studios at steep discounts from the original and often lofty sticker prices. British Vogue-dubbed high-glam Brazilian designer Reinaldo Loureno (boutique at Rua Bela Cintra 2167, Jardim Paulista, tel. 3085-8150, www.reinaldolourenco. com, also at Shopping Cidade Jardim) - ex-husband of designer Glria Coelho and father of designer Pedro Lourenoits in the blood - just recently held his four-day bazar last month, offering up to 90 percent off on items from previous collections. Selections included sporty regatta dresses originally priced at R$1,298 going for R$260, an airy crepe romaine gown marked down from R$2,732 to R$546, and a sleeveless V-neck crepe romaine dress reduced from R$1,626 to R$326. Coelho herself held a bazar in August (boutique at Rua Bela Cintra 2173, Jardim Paulista, tel. 30856671,, also at Shopping Iguatemi and Morumbi Shopping), clearing out over 1,100 innovative, upscale garments and accessories from nearly 20 years worth of runway shows. Youthful couturier Andr Lima (boutique at Rua Doutor Cardoso de Melo 474, tel. 3849-3444,

ceviche and Peruvian delights, Ob (Rua Melo Alves 205, Jardim Paulista, tel. 3086-4774, www.obarestaurante. for amazing Asian-Latin fusion cuisine, Tandoor (Rua Doutor Rafael de Barros 408, Paraso, tel. 38859470, for sweet and spicy Indian dishes, 348 Parilla Portea (Rua Bahia 364, Higienpolis, tel. 4306-0348 and Rua Comendador Miguel Calfat 348, Itaim Bibi, tel. 3849-0348) for juicy steaks, Hideki (Rua dos Pinheiros 70, Pinheiros, tel. 3086-0685, br) for expertly prepared sushi, Vicolo Nostro (Rua Jataituba 29, Brooklin, tel. 5561-5287, www.vicolonostro. and Vinheria Percussi (Rua Cnego Eugnio Leite 523, Pinheiros, tel. 3088-4920, www.vinheriapercussi. for flavorful Italian cooking, and Capim Santo (Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo 471, Jardim Paulista, tel. 3068-8486, br) and Tordesilhas (Rua Bela Cintra 465, Consolao, tel. 3107-7444, www.




The American Society of So Paulo

Vila Olmpia,, whose upbringing in the equatorial burg of Belm influences the vibrant colors and tropical feel of his designs, released a series of winter collection ball gowns from his inventory in September. A striking floor-length floral print gown dropped from R$4,738 to R$800, while a chic yellow silk wrap-dress went from R$2,254 to R$500. Keep an eye out for upcoming Christmas season bazars from Loureno, ready-to-wear favorite Juliana Jabour (boutique at Rua Professor Azevedo Amaral 97, Jardim Paulista, tel. 3081-3235, br, also at Shopping Ptio Higienpolis), and extravagant highfashion designer Lino Villaventura (boutique at Rua Bela Cintra 1938, Jardim Paulista, tel. 3083-4019, www. One of the easiest ways to save a little cash on the biggest variety of upscale goods and services in the city is through group buying websites, which allow customers to take advantage of discounted meals, spa packages, trips, electronics, and innumerable other items by virtue of the sheer number of people interested in the deals. By far the most popular is, which offers deals in various cities throughout Brazil as well as breaking down offers into the various geographical sections of So Paulo. The more interesting items recently included a R$1,046 discount on a package of 10 laser hair removal sessions at Espao Laser (13 locations throughout the city, www., 50 percent off a cake-making class at Santo Bolo (Rua Bruxelas 64, Sumar, tel. 3675-1464,, 75 percent off facial treatments at Studio 77 (Rua Doutor Silvio Dante Bertacchi 77, Morumbi, tel. 3742-8565), and a brand new Sony PlayStation 3 Slim 250GB game system for R$949, which at a 32 percent discount clocks in at a a mere R$100 shy of the US price for the same item. Rival site has featured even more exciting deals such as a 7-day, 6-night excursion to Orlando with air, hotel, and rental car for R1,699 (plus an additional R$308 in taxes and fees); two nights accommodation for two, including breakfast , at the Pousada Centro Histrico (Rua da Lapa 11, Paraty, tel. 24-3371-2349) in quaint, romantic Paraty for a measly R$199, a 50 percent discount; or a full-on five-hour-long barbecue for 60 people hosted at your house by Disk Espetos (tel. 4461-1324, 4316-4447, athletic clubs in the city, some of which offer sharp discounts for expats living in So Paulo. The So Paulo Athletic Club (Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto 119, Higienpolis, tel. 3217-5944, and Avenida Atlntica 1448, Santo Amaro, tel. 5686-2220, clubespac.wordpress. com), Yacht Club Paulista (Estrada do Itupu 1077, Chcara Vista Alegre, tel. 5514-6912,, Guarapiranga Golf & Country Club (Avenida do Jaceguava, Parelheiros, tel. 7416-7637, www.guarapirangagolf., and the Hebraica So Paulo (Rua Hungria 1000, Jardim Paulistano, tel. 3818-8800, www. br) provide facilities for swimming, tennis, basketball, and even rowing and golf at the Yacht Club and Guarapiranga respectively. Available discounts change frequently, so its best to consult the clubs directly. If youre willing to hold out for that special week of sales or have the drive to ferret out the amazing deals to be had around the city, you can indeed have a little luxury in your life for less.

with all the meat, seasonings, sauces, sides, and 30 liters of beer included for only R$979, half-off the going rate. American-based site most recently featured half-off tickets to the concert of Brazilian chanteuse Maria Rita for R$44; an entire home security system from Lince Sistemas e Segurana (Rua Madre Luisa dos Anjos 331, tel. 2509-9979, www.linceconsult., including cameras that display live images of your property to you via the internet, for R$1,599, a 50 percent savings; and two exhilarating laps around the earthen race track in Caapava with five-time truck rally champion Jean Azevedo in the official truck of the Mitsubishi L200 Rally dos Sertes for only R$740, also a 50 percent discount. To save time, check out group buying aggregators such as,, and which all list deals from the individual sites listed above, along with dozens of others. If youre looking for a bit of a respite from the interminable bustle of the city, try one of the many established




By Melissa Harkin, AmSoc member Whenever we think about vacation, the State of So Paulo usually doesnt come to our minds as a top destination. We, Brazilians and foreigners alike, managed to make this the most economically important region in Latin America; therefore, So Paulo means business! But the State of So Paulo is not just that. In addition to thousands of cultural attractions, So Paulo also offers the best options for tourism. Bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, the coast of the state has 622 kilometers of beaches of various types and sizes and also hosts some of the most important preserved natural areas of the planet, such as the Juria-Itatins Ecological Station and the Cardoso Island, in Logamar. Separating the coastal area from the rest of the State, Serra do Mar, in the middle of the Atlantic forest, was a big hurdle to overcome in past centuries; but today, this gateway to the countryside of the state is the focus of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve and other organizations seeking to preserve this ecosystem that has been reduced to 5% of its original length in Brazil. Towards the countryside, visitors will find ranches, rural tourism, eco-cities with European climate, waterfalls, caves, rivers, mountains, mineral springs, natural parks, historic buildings from the XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries, Jesuit architecture churches, and archaeological sites. There are just so many options that its hard to choose. Its even hard to get started on research. But fear no more! This article is here to help you find a terrific weekend getaway, which offers endless possibilities (relaxation, adventure, culture, education, history, etc.) for all ages, family sizes, and pockets. Here are some of the best places to visit in the State of So Paulo: guas de Lindia Definitely one of my favorite places to visit in the countryside. Famous for its many medicinal water springs, guas de Lindia has a remarkable tourist activity and is part of Circuito das guas. Only 165 km from So Paulo, this town offers many options; nature activities, adventure sports, and rural tourism. With a population of 17.266 habitants, the citys economy is based on tourism. There are 1.500 apartments and 25 hotels with the capacity to host 5.000 guests per day, which gives the city great potential to host events and conventions. It already hosts around 10 large congresses and conventions per year. Each of these may gather around 4 thousand participants. Vacance Hotel (www.vacancehotel. is a big part of my childhood memories, since I spent countless family vacations there and, therefore, is my hotel and resort suggestion to anyone who wishes to visit this lovely town. Located in a natural reserve near the mountains, this is considered one of the most complete resorts in Brazil. Vacance Hotel perfectly integrates nature, leisure, comfort and services. Tourists visiting the city can enjoy immersion or foam baths, Scottish shower, and massages; and they can also drink the different medicinal waters available. The waters of the city are also the main attraction of Thermas Regional de guas de Lindia. The pools, slides and dinosaur replicas definitely entertain visitors. If you wish to mix fun and education during your visit and see experiments that demonstrate the laws of physics, Tecnorama the science museum of the State of So Paulo is the place to go. Out of the 250 attractions, the tilted home (35 degrees of inclination) with optical illusions and the giant kaleidoscope really stand out. Barra Bonita Seeing a clean and navigable Tiet river is undoubtedly the best surprise in store by visiting Barra Bonita. Anyone who knows the paulistano stretch of the river now polluted, smelly and with constant flooding can hardly believe that just 302 km from So Paulo it is possible to go boating at Tiet, feed the fish and see herons flying over the region. One of the oldest and best known




The American Society of So Paulo

tours of the city depends on the river to exist: the Barra Bonita Sluice. To bridge the gaps caused by the dams that generate power, a sluice, which is nothing more than a water elevator, was built. The process causes the vessels to overcome a gap of 26 meters downstream (lower level of the dam) to upstream (higher level of the dam), and vice versa. The tour lasts about three hours and can be done on board of the San Marino, San Rafael or San Diego boats. On weekends the boats usually make two trips per day, from 9:30am to 12:30pm and from 1pm to 4pm. The tour costs R$28 per person and includes a simple lunch. Drinks and desserts are charged separately. Reservations can be made by calling 0/xx/14 / 641-2422. And take my word for it: When visiting Barra Bonita, stay at Hotel Estncia Barra Bonita (www. Great food, great place, and great fun! It Distant 103 km from So Paulo, It was founded in 1610, has a respectable repertoire of imperial architecture, went through the flags, sugar-cane, and coffee cycles, and is now the largest of the eight municipalities of the Roteiro dos Bandeirantes. With 150 thousand inhabitants, the city has good infrastructure and a nice historical downtown. It is surrounded by farms opened to tourists, and one of the best farms to visit is Fazenda do Chocolate (www., remnant of the 18th century, which also offers trails and horseback riding. Built in 1850 and renovated in 1967, the two-story house of the family of Carlos and Jos Vasconcelos de Almeida Prado houses the Republican museum Conveno de It. It has a collection of furniture and paintings which recount the Republican unrest occurred in 1873. Regimento Deodoro, a building from 1867, sheltered Colgio So Lus until 1917, when the institution was transferred to Avenida Paulista, in So Paulo. Since 1918, the property hosts an Army facility. The Imperial House, from 1881, hosted members of the Orleans e Bragana clan (Brazilian imperial family) in 1884. A terrific place to stay is Hotel Dois Santos Lodge Resort (www.doissantos., in Porto Feliz. Joanpolis Youll never believe this, but Joanpolis is the Brazilian capital of... well...werewolves! It all began in 1983, when folklorist Maria do Rosrio de Souza Tavares de Lima realized that the city had a huge amount of stories about werewolves and decided to further investigate the matter. She decided to prepare a thesis that would lead her to be a member of the Brazilian Association of Folklore, which has Mario de Andrade as one of its founders, and would eventually result in the book Werewolf: Haunt and Reality. Founded on Nestled in a valley in the foothills of the Mantiqueira mountain range, this simple and welcoming city is located 115 km from the state capital and has just over 10,000 inhabitants. Gentle and friendly people, chariots wondering around town, the bandstand, the old pharmacy (So Joo) with its centennial shelves in good condition, the beautiful school building that takes its name from one of its founders, and everything else that characterizes any little country town is here. It was enough to make the werewolf become the most attractive thing about the city. Conversations about werewolves are constant in bars and squares. Nice miniatures and T-shirts of the fearful creature found in any store of the city. And you can even drink some of the werewolf repellent in the bakery located in the main square. . And the best place for tourists to learn about the myth is at Casa do Arteso, where local artisans display their work, made almost entirely from recycled/recyclable materials - bark, leaves and trunks of fallen trees found in the woods. For tourists who are not satisfied with only the werewolf tales and wish a more intimate encounter with the beast, the Pousada e Eco Resort Monteleone (www., situated on the banks of the Jacare-Jaguari dam, offers the werewolf trail. Try, if you dare! Melissa Harkin runs a translation company called Melissa Harkin Translations. Visit her site at www. or contact her at (1198428-8714). Special DISCOUNTS for AMSOC members!




H ousing
TriplexApartment for Rent by Graded School Apt. w/650m2, 4 large suites each w/ built-in closets.Fireplace living w/ separate dinning and lunch rms. Ample apt w/ central air, all marble and hardwood floors, xtra large Jacuzzi + private sauna, large party rmgreat for home theatre and entertainment. 4 garage spots and great bldg amenities. Av. G.Gronchi 4822, next to Graded. Rental R$12,000/mo.Call Andrew at 982020008 or Vila Nova Conceio So Paulos best place to live. Near Ibirapuera Park. Modern building, with all Sports facilities, heated swimming pool, gym, play room, barbecue, multi purpose sports court. Three bedrooms (1 suite), living room with terrace, complete kitchen,maids bedroom and bath, big service area, two parking spaces. Fully furnished,with all appliances. Call Ana Beatriz or Eliane Phone (011) 3849.7085 or (011) 99626-6229-mail to: anabeatriz@caboverde. Penthome - Jardins 3 BDRM (1 SUITE) 3 BATHS OFFICE 2 GARAGES LARGE BALCONY LOTS OF SUN Unique floor plan-Wooden floor-CabinetsWooden Deck-Jacuzzi-Huge Skyline-Marble Counters-Planned Kitchen-In-Unit Laundry 267 sqm-Rent: R$9.500 - CAM: R$ 1.700 Property Tax: R$350. Monthly. Will be plain painted by owner, according to tenant preferences. Contact Gilberto, br, Mobile: 999 740 499 House for Rent in Jardins Great location (near Av. Faria Lima, Shop. Iguatemi). Fully renovated. Ready to move in. 4 bedrooms (2 suites). 3 bathrooms. Office. Living room. Dining room. Family room with fireplace. Outdoor churrasco and wood burning pizza oven. Play area. Utility room. Alarm system. 330sqm / 3,500sqf. Partially furnished or unfurnished. Contact Marcus at 55 11 96698 8896 / Excellent location Apartment for rent Apt 163m2, 3 suites + 1 bedroom, closet, balcony, great kitchen, large hydromassage, 3 garage, maids suite. Common area w/ heated pool, BBQ, sports court, party lounge, playground, sauna. Near the best American and bilingual Translation Specialists Over 10 years translating solutions in U.S. cities such as California, Houston and Chicago, So PAULO TRADUES has had projects with the best companies in Brazil and the world. Solutions in English, Spanish, Portuguese in engineering, legal, med. and many other areas. Free quote: Please visit us at: saopaulotraducoes Portuguese for foreigners The objective of the course is to teach Portuguese by means of a dynamic method, that enables foreign learners to learn not only the language, but the culture of Brazil. The course is divided in stages and, by the end of them, the student is able to speak, read, listen and write in Portuguese. The course is adapted to the students needs and purposes. Phone: 11-971404474(Thais) Qualified Learning Specialist Success in school leads to success in life. Areas of expertise include in-home support for academics, behavior modification, and intenschools (800m Graded), hospitals (Einstein and S Luiz), B Marx Park, Shopping Jd Sul. Very quiet street. R$4500/mo. Carol 98420-2723 / Orlando 98420-2732 / carolpellegrino@yahoo. Interiors Rental Furniture Quality and refined furniture rental for your home away from home. We offer great variety! A complete line of appliances, kitchen devices and linen & towels. Complements such as rugs, lamps and decor items. or sive preparation for SSAT, PSAT, SAT, TOEFL, TOIEC, IGCSE, and IB Diploma Programme. References furnished upon request. Dr. Wendy M. Smith can be reached at: 3885.7256 [office] or 99236.5267 [mobile]. Personal Trainer I will come to your home, office, or workout facility and create an exercise/fitness program tailored to your health concerns, fitness goals, and schedule. For adults and children, individuals or groups. Sessions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. For more information please contact Daniela Franco at (11) 99739-6191 or Argos Dog Kennel Traveling? What about your dog? Argos Kennel Hotel could be his second home in the country. Food, water, and shelter with lots of love and personal care. No lonely kennel for him, but our home and the freedom of a spacious garden. Fetch and carry service. English and French spoken. Call Jean or Christiane at (11) 4661-1430 or (11) 97434-2430 or send an e-mail to Jean. Embu Guau, SP. American-Licensed Counselor. Dawn Morelli, MSW, LCSW. I am an American with USA training and licensing. My expertise includes; mood, anxiety, cultural issues, relationship and family concerns, self esteem, trauma, and personal growth. I have strong skills in assessment/evaluation which allow to identify the best and most effective treatment. I work with individuals, families and children. 98963-2871 or American-Licensed Expat Psychologist Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers skilled psychotherapy for children and adults. He also provides complete diagnostic evaluations in English for children with academic or behavioral difficulties, featuring individualized recommendations for school and home. For more information, contact Dr. Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 99669-8057 or visit American-Licensed Psychotherapist In this busy and ever-changing world, people often feel stressed and overwhelmed with no place to turn. Psychotherapy/ counseling can provide a safe place to receive professional guidance and support. Brief or longer-term therapy offered depending on your needs, goals and expectations. Services: individual, couples, child/adolescent. Certified to conduct Adoption Home Study for American Citizens.

S ervices
Math and Science Tutor Currently teacher at School St. Francis. 25+ years of experience. Tutors Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Science for all levels, including but not limited to the IB, IGCSE, SAT, ACT, AP and Brazilian vestibular. Elementary and middle school students are also welcome (all subjects). Call Fernando Knijnik at (11) 99134-6700. Former Chapel and Graded teacher.




Contact: Pamela Wax, MSW/LCSW at 99656-2106 or send an e-mail to Located in Moema. Piano and Keyboard Classes Beginning music classes for piano or keyboard. special method for children four years or older, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Classes in portuguese or English. Contact Suely Azevedo 984565365. Years of successful experience! Class in your house in Morumbi or south area.

The American Society of So Paulo

Real English Native english teachers needed (with or without experience) to work in a quickly growing english school in the zona sul of So Paulo. Please contact us. REAL ENGLISH, (11) 56313794 or

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A classified of up to 350 characters costs R$60 for AmSoc members and R$80 for non-members. To place a classified please call (11) 5182-2074 from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., or send an e-mail to AmSoc1@

A Note to Our Readers

November 2012
05 Monday

Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at

Important Dates: 2 FInaDos (Br), 15 repuBlIcs Day (Br), 24 thanksgIvIng (us)

Scottish Country Dancing Club

1st Monday of every month in the Brazilian British Centre in Pinheiros (R. Ferreira de Arajo, 741). At 8pm. Dancing the traditional Scottish reels is an important and enjoyable part of the Societys events. In order to help newcomers learn the basic steps and encourage the more adventurous to learn new ones, St. Andrew Society organizes a meeting of the Scottish Country Dancing Club (SCDC). Tickets on sale daily from 11:00-13:00 in the Cafeteria at the U.S. Consulate The Ball is going to be held at Crculo Militar De So Paulo. Cocktail hour will start at nine followed by the ceremony. The Consulate general will be the guest speaker and a General is coming in from the states to be the guest of honor. For dinner you have a choice of Filet or a vegetarian pasta. Then to top off the night there is going to be music and dancing. The cost is $200 for the entire ball, all proceeds go to the ball. If you want to get tickets and do not have access to the Consulate contact Staff Sergeant Cody Wilson at WilsonCL2@ They can set up a time for a Marine to meet up with anyone that wants to go. The ceremony is to usher in the 237th birthday of the United States Marine Corp so it is a great time to learn the history of one of the most respected fighting forces in the world. Any further questions please feel free to contact Grant Greer at or Staff Sergeant Wilson. See CAC News on page 2 15/11:11h00, 15h00, 19h00 (Thursday). 16/11: 15h00,20h00 (Friday). At Via Funchal. The Russian Ice Stars, a group that includes some of the greatest Olympic figure skaters in the world, will perform the consecrated fable Snow White, a breathtaking spectacle of choreography and theater on ice. Snow White On Ice is an innovative experience in terms of entertainment and show that the devoted British company Wild Rose, creator of the concept of theatrical shows on ice for 20 years, will perform in So Paulo. See page 9 See page 9 At So Fernando Golf Club - Cotia. Event for members of the St Andrew Society and members of the So Fernando Golf Club. A limited number of green fees, at concessionary rates (tbc), will be available for non SFGC members. Full details and how to register will be posted closer to the time of the event at



Marine Corps Ball

10 15 & 16

Saturday Thursday & Friday

Xmas Angel Party Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs On Ice

25 27 30

Sunday Tuesday Friday

Thanksgiving Celebration at Fellowship Church Happy Hour at Cervejaria Nacional 2012 St Andrew Society of So Paulo Golf Quaich (St Andrews Day)

Place a Classified




Find Your Refuge

By Maureen Kennedy Alves, AmSoc member I have always felt that when it comes to city living, Im a little bit like Donny and Marie (I know I am dating myself here); that is to say, as some of you may remember, Im a little bit country. Im a little bit rock and roll. I love city life with all its great restaurants to eat at, museums to visit, people to meet, parties to attend there is never a lack of things to do. But theres another part of me, the country part, that sometimes finds the energy, or pulse, of a city a little bit overwhelming. Now having moved here from New York, the city that never sleeps, I couldnt imagine that So Paulo, or any other city, would have half the energy that I was used to (If youve ever walked the streets of Midtown at lunchtime on a weekday, youll know what Im talking about). But for some reason, I find that So Paulo has more, at least for me. Im not sure what it is, though lately I have been thinking that its the number of automobiles. While I used to feel the energy of all those New Yorkers on the sidewalk, here I feel the energy of all those countless cars on the road. This, lets call it car energy, seems to wear me down a little more than the energy of Manhattan. I discovered that in order to cope, I had to find ways to decharge the stress. And by that, I mean more than just going for a run or getting on the elliptical machine. I knew I needed to find calming peaceful places in the city where I could recenter myself where I could find a little bit of country in the great big rock and roll that is So Paulo. Of course, going to the beach for the weekend, or just getting out of town for the day, are the most obvious escapes. But if you find yourself here in the city and needing a refuge, a way to quiet yourself and get away from the buzz, below are some go-to remedies that dont cost a fortune. Walking through the Botanical Garden on a weekday The Botanical Garden, or Jardim Botnico, is an oasis of calm. Sure, Parque Ibirapuera is wonderful, but walking through the Botanical Garden really makes you feel like youre getting away from it all. Its 360,000 square meters (thats 88 acres to you and me) of lush and verdant land. And I promise you wont hear one car while youre there. If orchids are your thing, know that there will be an exhibition November 9th through November 11th. The park is open every day, except Mondays, from 9 am to 5 pm. Tickets are just R$5. Avenida Miguel Stfano, 3031 php. Sipping tea at Made by Nina I discovered Made by Nina, a little cafe in Moema, when looking at nursery schools for my son. What first caught my attention was the little wooden bench outside the front door, so reminiscent of bakeries and cafes back in New York. To my delight, the charm didnt end there. Inside, the caf has French-inspired dcor with brocade wallpaper and a charming chandelier. There are only a few tables so its never crowded and the tea, all organic, is served the proper way in teapots, not bags. And if you like sweets, the chocolate cupcakes are beyond delicious. Avenida Juruc, 433

Taking a class at YogaFlow If you want to mix a little sweat with your serenity, YogaFlow is the place to go. I love this studio its on a quiet residential street in Vila Nova Conceio, so you begin to feel the calm even before walking through the door. Maybe its the lighting, the big windows, or the view of the beautiful trees, but each time I take a class here, I forget that I am actually in a city. Rua Dina, 100

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