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Rev. Stan Moody, Ph.D.

1434 Ohio St., Unit 44 Bangor, ME 04401 207/607-3055

October 24, 2012 Rev. Bob Carlson: Con Man by Day and Social Terrorist by Night? In his Oct 10 column, What will be the legacy of our abuse?, Dr. Eric Steele bemoans the failure of community leaders to exhibit the courage of their consciences, collaborate with those taken in by bigger than life Rev. Bob Carlson and put in place safeguards against a future charismatic leader running away from his or her own pathologies. I will not be surprised, he wrote, if the one-year anniversary of his exposure and subsequent suicide passes quietly, because our prevailing community response to the events has been relative silence. That silence is stunning when compared to the dimensions of this travesty of our trust. The scope of Rev. Bobs footprint in the Bangor area is now legendary. We are left with a sense that far too many public leaders for whom his assistance enhanced their agendas are reeling from self-doubt and scurrying for cover. It is too easy for any of us to stand in judgment of those who were so taken in by Rev. Bobs artistry and deftness that they now doubt their own ability to offer anything of substance to the discussion. Yet, courage most often springs from our fears and weaknesses. If ever there were a time for courage, it is now before the stage is again set for another charismatic predator. Rev. Bob can be likened to a warrior on a mission. He was not unlike any of us in pursuit of the American Dream of prosperity and success. He cut a swath from law enforcement to corrections; from scouting to college campuses; from politics to preaching, forever conquering obstacles in his path toward his version of making a difference. Among those obstacles laid down by his sword were the pesky details of credentials necessary to qualify for the perches from which he ruled. All the while, Bob was dragging along a cadre of defenseless victims whose lives and those of their families will never be the same. They are victims twice over once by being groomed and violated by a person in power and again by knowing that our social service agencies, our universities, our politicians, our churches and law enforcement turned a blind eye or, worse, never once suspected and perhaps never will rise to the defense of the shattered lives he left behind. Lost in this tragedy seems to be that we extended to him the platform from which he conducted his dastardly deeds. The most shattering message left with the victims and their families is that no one ever officially reported these violations of trust. Dr. Steele pleads with the leaders of our public service institutions charged with the care of our children to get to the work of answering (their) questions. He calls on them us to lead where they perhaps once too easily followed: Ideally, they should share what they will be doing differently in the future to protect our children in their charge and help all of us learn what we should be doing differently. He raises the matter of the 104 page Maine State Police report far more a redacted collection of interviews and press reports than an investigation. Yet, it ironically is within those 104

pages of random conjecture and media digging that we find the core of destruction left in Rev. Bobs wake: Life is a gift from God, and what people do with their life is their gift backMost people do not have the wealth of experience that I do. Its all about building relationships and communities. I can honestly say that I am just having fun, and its a blessing to be part of this community (BDN 10/25/2011). Child pornography was seized by police; Bob Carlson was aware of the complaint and requested to see the evidence for research he was conducting; Carlson was not permitted to view the images; this request was rather upsetting to the Detective (MSP report SP11-084951.1, p. 2). (A) provided information regarding Carlson touching (B) inappropriately when (B) was a teenager. Carlsons vehicle had been located on the Penobscot Narrows BridgeCarlson was driving a company vehicle; he apparently had an appointment with the CEO of a company on the 13th (p.4). Female caller reported that her life was in danger; provided information that she felt that (C) might have been part of a larger child sexual cult; advised that the last time her life was threatened, she was 17 years old and that she is now in her 50s (p.4). Alleged to have sexually abused a young boy several years ago; now a grown man; they still have a secret relationshipCarlson said to have helped him with apartments, travel, rehabilitation and trouble with the law (p.3). Writer touched by the sex scandal prayed that Bobs family would find the strength to endureIs this an investigation as advertised, or just a bad game of clue? (BDN letter, 12/7/2011, p.5). One day, during the summer months (2004/2005) (D) left for lunch break, bought a sandwich and drove to a public park; was in the park for about 30-45 minutes and saw Rev. Carlson drive out from behind a school; a young boy (9 or 10) in the passenger seatBob noticed (D) as he drove out; it was always weird after that (Bob) would look at (D) with an uncomfortable look (p.64). Previous official at Husson College knew about the abuse allegations regarding two new students; one student went to the President Bill Beardsley. Bill was approached by a third party re: abuse to the second student. Abuse to both victims occurred before the age of 18. President Beardsley brought the allegations to Bobs attention; Bob resigned (p.64). (F) said (G) worked with Bobs sexual abuse victims; other staff members were working with victims as wellBob was part of staff meeting discussionsEventually the administration told Bob that he was no longer welcome at the facility (p.65). (F) advised that monetary control or influence was part of Bobs control over some of the victims; Bob would look out for the less fortunate in the communityIn some cases people would receive benefit settlements; Bob would create an account in his name and be the only one to have access to it (p.65). Tony (Beardsley) said Bill (Beardsley) was concerned about information getting to the media; explained that if there was an active criminal investigation, one in which someone would be charged, that Bill would talk. Tony said that was not the case with this investigation, so he has advised Bill not to talk (pp 65. 66).

(H) had been with Bob shortly before Bob jumped off the bridge; met with Bob so Bob could buy (H) some bath-salts (p.66). My brother came clean to the family a couple of years ago about what interviewee described as an ongoing sexual relationship he had with CarlsonBob had been part of his life since he was 12 years oldEveryone in the family knew It was disgusting to see Beloved on the front page of the BDNI wanted take a big magic marker and write pedophile Back when he was a pastor at Orrington, who would have listened? I know of no reason that there should be (an investigation). Hes never spoken of anything to me. I was a close, personal friendHe was a man of enormous integrity and caring, and I think thats how all of us will remember him, no matter if anything comes up Due to the ongoing Maine State Police investigation, Husson University has no comment (BDN 11/14/2011, p.77) (Sheriff) Richardson said Carlson would come into the control room (at the Penobscot County Jail) with young boys at 2, 3 or 4 oclock in the morning; very uncomfortable; just a very odd situation (BDN, 11/15/2011, p. 78). Another relative a woman from Alton said Carlson put forward a very caring public face. I know people will believe what they want, but we know the truthThis has brought all the pain to the forefront and once again it makes us feel helpless. Carlson was in law enforcement, he was a minister, and he had everyone thinking he was the second coming of Christ (BDN, 11/15/2011, p. 79). Hopefully, God will help bring some sort of relief or justice to people in this situation. (BDN. 11/15/2011, p.82). We as a church (East Orrington Congregational Church) will continue to work together to bring about healing, hope, peace, love and forgiveness. We recognize our own frailties as humans and that our true strength comes only as we trust fully in God (BDN, 11/17/2011, p. 85). He was larger than life. He was always ready with a joke and a hug. His death leaves a void in community service that will take 1,000 people to fill. I, for one, plan to step up and do my part I appreciate all the concerns and negative energy that surrounds all this, but I think there isnt any of us who doesnt have a little dark place on us, and there isnt any of us who is going to get out of here alive The church is made up of your neighbors, so we all hurt the same way, but you cant mask the good because of the bad, and you cant mask the bad because of the good (BDN, 11/18/2011, p. 87). Investigator for Penobscot County District observed that Carlson used to come to dispatch (1970s) at 1 or 2 in the morning with two young boys. One was blonde and about 16 years old; the other was about 14 and had dark hairCarlson was living in one part of his house, and kids were living in another part; did not think that Roberts wife was living there at the time; not sure if these were the same kids he brought into dispatch or notCarlson never discussed his background; never revealed anything about himself (pp.92, 93). Retired BPD officer started noticing Bob Carlsons vehicle parking in the dark areas of a parking lot for an hour or so and then leave. He thought that this was very

strange that Carlson would be there several nights a week; this went on for 8 o 9 months; always parked in the darkest areasOne time Carlson had a young child with himSpoke with BPD about this; BPD discussed putting up surveillance cameras in the area but decided not to because Carlson always parked in the darkest areas; they felt that they would not be able to get any useable pictures (p.93). Carlson would always show up to police calls and insert himself where he was not needed; had a history of gravitating toward people with political power (p.94). Carlson lived on the lake; kids allegedly would go to his home and party; there may have been some marijuana involved, but mostly alcohol (p.95) Rev. Bob explained that he was providing counseling to (J); the conversation was heated at times; it is obvious that the Rev. was covering for (J) (p.96). About a month before Bob Carlson died, a conversation between two inmates was heard; one said Rev. Bob was being investigated and that he was paying someone to keep quiet. Carlson had done weddings for several members of the family of the person reporting the incident (p.97).

What emerges is a modern day Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde model citizen by day and social terrorist by night. While those contributing to the order of society for the greater good of the most vulnerable among us retreated to their nests, Rev. Bob went into high gear, criminally victimizing those for whom his colleagues by day devoted their lives to healing. Two courses of action emerge either to lick our wounds and hope this all goes away or to join forces to provide safeguards against future such blind trust and naivet. The real Bob Carlson conned both the upstanding and the defenseless into his confidence. In his death, did he exit laughing?

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