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Measure J

Measure J needs to be defeated. This

has been covered here on Beverly Hills
Weekly before, but now it is election
time. Metro must be stopped. The only
reason Metro wants more money will
be to support its own greed, self interest
and financial gain. Metro has a history
of doing that and even after they made
promises to the voters the last time, Metro
went and turned their backs on them. We
have already given Metro a blank check
because of Measure R in 2008. We have
not seen the advances in transportation
since then, and there is no reason to think
that Metro will keep its word and focus
on doing what is right. Wake up and look
at Metro for what it is and the progress it
has not made. The only tunnels and roads
that Metro is interested in are the ones
that lead to their own banks. Believe me,
Metro is not interested in our community
or you. To give them even more money
and another 30 years to 2069 would be
insane and is the same as putting a rope
around our own necks. We all know what
Metro wants to do in Beverly Hills. Do
you really want to support their efforts
and agendas both now and in the future?
That is exactly what you will do if you
vote yes on Measure J. I care about the
future of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.
I also care and worry about what our
children and grandchildren will have to
deal with in the years to come. The years
leading to 2069 are too far ahead for us
to be spending money on something that
others will eventually have to pay for.
That would be unfair and wrong. Dont
act the way Metro wants you to. Do the
right thing. Vote no on Measure J.
George Vreeland Hill
Beverly Hills
Page 2 Beverly Hills Weekly
You can write us at:
140 South Beverly Drive #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
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Beverly Hills
Issue 682 October 25 - October 31, 2012
rudy cole
Food and politics Page 6
briefs City Council adopts resolution to not
take a position in support of Measure J Page 3
cover story pages 8-9
briefs Specialty Surgery Center wins
appeal hearing on 2-1 vote Page 3
Beverly Hills
First Lady
Dr. Connie Brien discusses
politics, family and life in
Beverly Hills
Inside Beverly HillsBHTV10
Inside Beverly Hills, moderated by columnist Rudy Cole, will next air on Nov. 1 at
6 p.m. about former mayors; Nov. 1 at 9:30 p.m. about BHFD Paramedics; Nov. 2 at
7 p.m. about City government; Nov. 2 at 10 p.m. about Beverly Hills Theatre Guild;
Nov. 5 at 4 p.m. about the BHUSD Board; Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. and Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m.
about an update of Roxbury; Nov. 5 at 8 p.m., Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. and Nov. 7 at 3:30 p.m.
about Active Adults; Nov. 6 at 3:30 p.m. about Public Safety; and Nov. 7 at 8 p.m.
about BHEF.
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Issue 683 November 1 - November 8, 2012
Beverly Hills Weekly Inc.
Founded: October 7, 1999
Published Thursdays
Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles
Publisher & CEO
Josh E. Gross
Andrea Aldana
Sports Editor
Steven Herbert
Contributing Editor
Rudy Cole
Advertising Representatives
Tiffany Majdipour
Saba Ayinehsazian
Chloe Majdipour
Legal Advertising
Mike Saghian
Eiman Matian
140 South Beverly Drive #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
310.887.0788 phone
310.887.0789 fax
CNPA Member
All staff can be reached at:
first name
Unsolicited materials will not be returned.
2012 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc.
1 year
are available.
Sent via US Mail
$75 payable in
Adjudicated as a
newspaper of gen-
eral circulation for the
County of Los Angeles.
Case # BS065841 of the
Los Angeles Superior
Court, on November 30,
Beverly Hills
Lease negotiations ongoing
between Beverly Hills
hardware store and City
After fearing closure, Pioneer Hardware,
the only hardware store in Beverly Hills, may
soon reach an agreement with the City.
The City-owned building leased to Pioneer
Hardware in 1988 was intended for stores that
were meant to provide services to the com-
munity who would not be able to afford the
market rate.
The hardware store and each of the other
stores in the City-owned parking structure are
there for one purpose: to provide what they
called convenience commercial stores, said
former mayor Joe Tilem who opened the store
with his late brother. That meant that the kind
of stores that they wanted there were stores
people in Beverly Hills needed to function

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