The Best of Barackward

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#Barackward: Some Staffers Had A Word To Describe The Moments When He Seemed Unable Or Unwilling To Connect: Barackward, A Combination Of Barack And Awkward. (Jodi Kantor, The Obamas, 2012) Obama Is Sometimes Regarded As Too Dreamy, Off In The Clouds, Aloof From The Tug And Pull Of Political Life. Obamas campaign seems unambitious and uninspired for a man who won the presidency four years ago by promising hope and change. Obama was not insincere in 2008; he is the sort of man who dreams of a better world. Indeed, he is sometimes regarded as too dreamy, off in the clouds, aloof from the tug and pull of political life. (Glenn Thrush, Obamas Last Stand, 2012) Obama Really Doesnt Like People Former Obama Aide Neera Tanden: Obama Really Doesnt Like People. The truth is, Obama doesnt call anyone, and hes not close to almost anyone. Its stunning that hes in politics, because he really doesnt like people. My analogy is that its like becoming Bill Gates without liking computers. (John
Heilemann, Bill & Hillary Forever, New York, 10/14/12)

Obamas Reliance On Michelle As A Barometer Of Public Opinion Shows How Removed He Was From The American People, His Own Solitary Nature Exacerbated By The Loneliness Of The Presidency. With the presidents isolation increasing, with his own solitary nature exacerbated by the loneliness of the presidency, Michelles feel for the emotional element of an argument, for what most Americans cared about, was more essential than ever. But she lived in the White House now; she had only a little more contact with everyday people than her husband. The fact that he was still relying on her as a barometer of public opinion was evidence of just how removed he was from it. (Jodi Kantor, The Obamas, 2012, p. 115-116)

A 2008 Obama Campaign Aide: Weve Finally Kind Of Figured Out That He Is Happier When We Can Keep Some Of These People The Hell Away From Him. And not only that: With the sheer number of people he had to greet, the worshipping crowds became less ego gratifying and more of a burden. Finally, on the third day, at a high school in Clinton, a police officer threw one of Obamas young traveling aides a roll of police tape and told him, Keep it and use it, son. After that, aides started cordoning off the crowds to give Obama some breathing room. Weve finally kind of figured out that he is happier when we can keep some of these people the hell away from him, one aide said. Obama, feeling remorseful about this, apologized to audiences that he could not stay longer, sign autographs and meet each of them. (David Mendell, Obama: From Promise To Power, 2007, p. 292) Obamas Arrogant Side Humility Was One Sport The President Wasnt Especially Competitive In. He was also selfdeprecating, a rarity in Obamas world. Humility was one sport the president wasnt especially competitive in. (Glenn Thrush, Obamas Last Stand, 2012) After An Individual Apparently Fainted At An Event, Obama Said, Dont Worry Folks Do This All The Time At My Events. OBAMA: It looks like somebody might have fainted up here. Have we got some of the EMS, somebody. Dont worry about -- folks do this all the time in my meetings. Youve always got to eat before you stand for a long time. Thats a little tip. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At Daimler Factory, Mount
Holly, NC, 3/7/12)

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Obama Rates Himself As The Fourth Best President In Modern History. OBAMA: The issue here is not going to be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president -- with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln -- just in terms of what we've gotten done in modern

history. But, you know, but when it comes to the economy, we've got a lot more work to do. And we're going to keep on at it. (CBS News 60 Minutes, 12/9/11) Click To Watch

Obama Thinks He Knows About Judaism More Than Any Other President. Obama also stressed he probably knows about Judaism more than any other president, because he read about it - and wondered how come no one asks Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner or Senate minority leader Mitch McConnel about their support to Israel. (Natasha Mozgovaya, Obama Awards Rock Icon Bob Dylan Highest Presidential
Honor, Haaretz, 5/30/12)

Obamas Movie Idea Obama Pitched A Movie Idea To Harvey Weinstein. Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein says he recently got a pitch from his pal in the White House, President Barack Obama. The president sent me a book the other day and said, Why don't you make this into a movie? Weinstein told British newspaper The Times in an interview published last week. (Caitlin McDevitt, Obama Sends Movie Tips to Harvey Weinstein, Politicos Click, 3/6/12) Weinstein: I Sent Him An E-Mail Back Saying He Was The Most Overqualified Book Scout I've Ever Had. I can't tell you [the title, but] it was a spy novel. I sent him an e-mail back saying he was the most overqualified book scout I've ever had. Weinstein, a big supporter of the president, has been actively involved in fundraising for his re-election campaign. (Caitlin McDevitt,
Obama Sends Movie Tips to Harvey Weinstein, Politicos Click, 3/6/12)

Sports Obama Referred To The Miami Heat As The Miami Heats. Unfazed by a partisan spat sparked by his comment on former Red Sox player Kevin Youkilis, President Obama tonight again opined on a professional sports team, publicly praising the NBA champion Miami Heat at a campaign fundraiser in the city. The only problem this time was that Obama mispronounced the name of the team referring to it as the Miami Heats in an apparent slip of the tongue. At the top of his remarks at the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami Beach, Obama said his public recognition of dignitaries and special guests would be incomplete if I did not congratulate the city of Miami for having the world champion Miami Heats here in town. (Devin
Dwyer, Obama Hails The Miami Heats, ABC News, 6/26/12)

Obama Received A Smattering Of What Sounded Like Boos After Jabbing At The Red Sox At A Boston Fundraiser. President Barack Obama playfully jabbed at Boston Red Sox fans during a Beantown fundraiser Monday night, thanking them for sending infielder Kevin Youkilis to his beloved Chicago White Sox. Perhaps it was too soon for the Red Sox faithful to laugh about the just-completed trade, and some in the crowd jabbed back, with a smattering of what sounded like boos. The president appeared unfazed by the response, as he chuckled and added, Im just saying. Hes going to have to change the color of his sox. (Colleen McCain Nelson, Obama Booed Over Red Sox Joke. Or Maybe Yooked, The Wall Street Journals
Washington Wire, 6/26/12)

Reporters In The Room Said Obama Was Booed, As Did The White House Transcript And Obama Himself. (Aaron Blake, President Obama Booed Over Red Sox Joke, The Washington Posts The Fix, 6/26/12)

Obama Played Basketball With Former NBA Players, Harlem Globetrotters And Kids Attending The White House Easter Egg Hunt Using A Ball With His Face On It. Using a special basketball festooned with his own image, President Obama shot some hoop today with former NBA players, Harlem Globetrotters and kids attending the White House Easter Egg Hunt. (Jake Tapper, Hoopster In Chief Has Own Image On
Ball, ABC News Political Punch, 4/09/12)

The Balls With Obamas Face Were Brought By The NBA Players Who Came To The Event. The balls with the presidential face were brought for by the NBA players who came to the event, White House officials said. (Jake Tapper, Hoopster In Chief Has Own Image On Ball, ABC News Political Punch, 4/09/12)

Pro Golfer Rory McIlroy Offered To Help Obama Improve His Golf Swing. Pro golfer Rory McIlroy, who attended the state dinner on Wednesday, has offered to help President Obama improve his golf game. Unbelievable experience at the White House last night! Big thanks to @BarackObama for the invite! We'll get that golf swing sorted soon! he tweeted on Thursday. (Cariltin McDevitt, McIlroy To Obama: Lets Work
On Your Game, Politicos Click, 3/16/12)

Obamas Poor Taste In Gifts The British Press Took Offense To Obamas Gift Of A Collection Of DVDs To Prime Minster Gordon Brown One, Brown Is Nearly Blind, Two, The DVDs Wont Play In British Players. Later, on a state visit to London, Obama presented Prime Minister Gordon Brown with a series of DVDs -- not taking into account Brown's failing eyesight or the fact that the DVDs were not compatible with British DVD players.
(Kayvan Farzaneh, Andrew Swift and Peter Williams, All The Presidents' Friends, Foreign Policy, 3/29/10)

When Obama Visited England, He Gave The Queen An IPod. Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 United States visit to Richmond, Jamestown and Williamsburg in Virginia. (Toby Harden, Barack Obamas Gift
For The Queen: An youre your Majesty, The Telegraph (UK), 4/1/09)

Etiquette Experts Criticized Obamas Gift. For me, the iPod only works if he has some catchy reason why he gave it as a gift, said Anna Post of the Emily Post Institute. Otherwise it feels like somebody at the White House pulled the lever and an iPod is what popped up. And if it was just pulled out of the blue, you run the risk of the Oh, how nice, reaction from people which is the polite gloss of, What on earth am I going to do with this? (Nia-Malika Henderson, Did Obamas iPod Gift Make The
Cut?, Politico, 4/1/09)

In 2005, Obama Gave Hillary Clinton A Picture Of His Family. At one point Obama gave her a gift: a photograph of him, Michelle, and their two daughters, Sasha and Malia. (John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, Game
Change, 2010, p. 25)

Obamas Awkward Behavior Toward Other Leaders Obama Told A Woman Marco Rubio Might Get His Ass Kicked. I dont know. It could happen, the woman said with a laugh. Obamas smile widened. Eyes twinkled and narrowed. The president craned in even closer, hand on her shoulder Obamas characteristic gesture of playful confrontation as his retinue of Secret Service agents scanned the area and aides fidgeted over their folders and schedule sheets. Well, he said, chuckling. Tell your boy to watch it. He might get his ass kicked. (Glenn Thrush, Obamas
Last Stand, 2012)

Obama Tucked David Cameron Into Bed. British Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday revealed he was tucked up in bed by US President Barack Obama during the pair's recent trip on Air Force One. The two leaders were repeatedly seen back-slapping and sharing jokes during Cameron's recent US visit, but now it appears the friendship was sealed when the president offered Cameron the use of his personal quarters. It was 4 o'clock UK time so he (Obama) said 'David, why don't you use my bed and put your feet up,' so I duly did, he told members of his constituency in Witney, south England. (Cameron Tucked In Bed By
Obama During US Trip, AFP, 3/20/12)

Obamas Insults To Vegas Obama: You Can't Get Corporate Jets -- You Can't Go Take A Trip To Las Vegas Or Go Down To The Super Bowl On The Taxpayers' Dime. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At Town Hall , Elkhart, IN, 2/9/09) Obama In 2010: You Dont Blow A Bunch Of Cash On Vegas When Youre Trying To Save For College. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At Town Hall, Nashua, NH, 2/2/10)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): The President Needs To Lay Off Las Vegas And Stop Making It The Poster Child For Where People Shouldnt Be Spending Their Money. REID: I just spoke to the White House and told them that while the president is correct that people saving for college

need to be fiscally responsible, the president needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldnt be spending their money. To truly reenergize our economy, we need people to travel to Las Vegas. I would much rather tourists and business travelers spend their money in Las Vegas than spend it overseas. (Obama Responds To Harry Reid Criticism, Las Vegas Sun, 2/2/10)

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