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Michigan Halloween

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Whos Ready for Halloween?

Seems like holidays are getting crunched together more and more every year. Our local Walmart has put out Halloween costumes across from the checkout lanes and there is Christmas merchandise in the Gardening Center. Something just doesnt feel right about that. But, oh well. The Michigan Halloween site has been filling up with a lot of pictures of scary locales from around the world. I think that the picture of the rows upon rows of crosses was pretty creep, but some of the photos of castles were pretty scary too. Which of the posted photos were your favorite? After I reviewed some of the photos on the page, I started to think about some of the places that I would never want to be in at night. Cemeteries, for example, are okay in daylight but I wouldnt want to be in one at night, even if I had the brightest flashlight. There would just be something truly creepy about being there. Basements sometime creep me out. If I remember right, I used to be a little skittish about going into our basement alone when I was a kid. What are some places that scare you? Its also the time when kids begin thinking about the costumes they want to wear for Halloween. Our daughter has lost interest in trick-or-treating, and in the middle school they dont hold Halloween parties with costumes, but our son will most likely be wearing a costume to school and participating in the districts parade down main street. One thing that has struck me when Ive watched the kids parade around town in their costumes is that you could basically separate them into three categories. You can tell which kids are wearing costumes that are homemade, purchased from the store, or maybe they made their own costume at the last moment without a lot of help from their parents. What type of costume did you wear when you participated in Halloween as a child? What do you usually do for your child, if youre a parent? Growing up, I think that I almost always wore a homemade costume. In my earlier elementary school years, I remember dressing up as R2D2, Raggedy Andy (my sister was Anne), and then later a pirate, a spaceman, etc. The only costume Ive purchased as an adult was the CTU outfit I mail ordered from Meijers one year. When I combined that with a holster I picked up at the local sporting store, and a toy pistol I bought at Halloween USA, it became a pretty cool costume. Ive actually worn it for a few years. I hope that youre enjoying the Michigan Halloween fan page. Or, if you havent checked it out yet I hope that you will take a look and like the page. As we get closer to Halloween, I hope to post pictures of jack-o-lanterns, and information about local haunted houses or activities that are being planned in the area. For example, I know that there is a house here in Shepherd which sets up a Haunted Warehouse, there is the Haunted Yard in Mount Pleasant, and weve taken the kids to the special skating event at the local Skating Rink during the last few years. If youve heard of an upcoming Halloween event, or are planning an event you would like to have announced, please post the information on the fan page or email me at Thanks!

Michigan Halloween

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