NCPAG SG Second Semester Registration Guidelines

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Page 1: Registration Dates Page 2: Payment Options and Details Page 3: Location Map of the Payment Center (UP

THEATER) Page 4: Rules at the Payment Center Page 5: Map of the Main Lobby (UP THEATER) Page 6: Seat Plan at the Payment Center (UP THEATER) Page 7: Map of the stage (UP THEATER)

Page 9: Registration Flow Chart (What and Where)

Page 11: Enlistment Centers of RGEP Subjects Page 12: Enlistment of PE Subjects

Page 14: STFAP Concerns Page 15: Reminders from the CPAGE Page 16: Enrollment is EASY

Registration will only be for three (3) days:

Day 1: November 5, 2012 (Monday) E-prerog and payment schedule for freshmen, graduating, varsity, and graduate students only. Day 2: November 6, 2012 (Tuesday) E-prerog and payment schedule for UP Diliman students (undergraduates and graduates) Day 3: November 7, 2012 (Wednesday) E-prerog and payment schedule for all students including cross-registrants, nondegree, and special students.

Registration and processing is at CPAGE, at the NCPAG ATRIUM. Registration starts at 8:30am.

Students can pay through: OPTION 1: The Payment Center at the UP THEATER The Payment Center is open from 7am up to 4pm only and is located at the UP Theater along Osmea Avenue (Academic Oval) in between Abelardo Hall (College of Music) and UP Film Center. (Map in page 3) OPTION 2: Landbank or Development Bank of the Philippines Payment can be made at any Landbank of the Philippines and Development Bank of the Philippines branches nationwide during 5-7 November 2012. IMPORTANT - After payment, have this validated at the Payment Center.

Landbank Account Number: 1462-2220-48 Development Bank of the Philippines Account Number: 0455-0244-58-030

The Payment Center open from 7am up to 4pm only

located at the UP Theater along Osmea Avenue (Academic Oval) in between Abelardo Hall (College of Music) and UP Film Center

Take note of the following rules regarding entry to the Payment Center:
UP DILIMAN STUDENTS: "No UP ID, NO ENTRY" at the Payment Center. Students without UP ID must secure a temporary ID at the office of the University Registrar. (Note: The temporary ID is for payment purposes only at the Payment Center)

Strictly "NO FOOD AND DRINKS ALLOWED" inside the Payment Center.
All bags will be inspected at the Entrance of the Payment Center. Payers are highly encouraged to bring EXACT AMOUNT to avoid delays and inconveniences. Payers are enjoined to strictly follow the "SEAT PLAN" inside the Payment Center to facilitate smooth operation of payment and to avoid any untoward incident. (Seat plan in page 6)

The "SEAT PLAN" inside the Payment Center

Please be informed that the 2nd Semester Registration for PE subjects on November 5, 6, & 7 2012 will be limited to students who have already enlisted in at least fifteen (15) academic units or who are tagged as "Graduating" as reflected on their Form 5As.
Students who are under-loaded will be accommodated by CHK faculty via pre-rogative enlistment only after Nov. 7. This is being done to lessen the number of students who come back to the gym to change the PE course they initially enrolled in due to conflicts with academic subjects they enrol in after coming from PE enlistment.

Lines are segregated according to time slots;

Booth 1 & 2: 7:00am-8:00am, 8:00am-9:00am, 9:00am-10:00am Booth 3 & 4: 10:00am-11:00am, 11:00am-12:00nn, 12:00nn-1:00pm Booth 5 & 6: 1:00pm-2:00pm, 2:00pm-3:00pm, 3:00pm-4:00pm Booth 7 & 8: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Monday classes, Saturday classes If you already have the minimum number of units required to enlist a PE class, line up at the booth number of your preferred time schedule.

STFAP Brackets and STFAP-related Ineligibilities (as of October 18, 2012) Updated in CRS
The final STFAP Brackets (Batches 1-4) have been uploaded to the CRS site. Kindly login to check that your bracket information is correct. Your STFAP bracket (if granted during Batches 1-4) will apply for the whole academic year 2012-2013. If you were reassigned to a higher bracket, make sure to settle your underassessment (if any) before the registration period. If you were reassigned to a lower STFAP bracket, you can apply for a refund by inquiring at the OSSS.

The final status of ineligibilities regarding STFAP Bracket requirements have also been uploaded.
Students who belong to the following categories should have their ineligibilities cleared now: Students in Bracket A Students who have passed the STFAP requirements during the semester If your status is still ineligible BUT you belong to Bracket A or you have submitted the requirements for other brackets for this academic year, kindly contact the OSSS office to have your ineligibility cleared.

Enrollment is relatively easy specially if youve used this guide Awareness, they say, is the first key Understand that there are only NINE (9) steps and steps 4-7 are in a one stop shop And in every step, RAs are there to assist you, answer your questions And give you a warm smile YES, there will always be lines, from advising to payment But Remember: GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT, so patience, my friend, patience Its also expected that there will be lines so why not bring a book to read, or a game to play? Or Better yet, strike a conversation talk about your sem break Bring water too and maybe even food, as sometimes enrollment lasts for a day or two. To avoid hassle, bring the exact payment as well. Have you heard, payment center is at the UP Theatre. Not at the OUR or ISSI. Good thing we can still pay at the banks DPB or Land Bank Enrollment is relatively easy, specially if we keep our heads cool. Remember that big R as well. Tuck it your pocket and bring it with you. Every student will go through the same enrollment process, and that includes me and you.

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