Company Policy

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LICY: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of Key Software Services Pvt. Ltd. mail system and make users aware of what Keyss deems as acceptable and unacceptable use of its m.Keyss reserves the right to amend this policy at its discretion. In case of amendments, users will d appropriately.

SKS: Email is a business communication tool and users are obliged to use this tool in a ,effective and lawful manner. Although by its nature email seems to be less formal than other written tion, the same laws apply. Therefore, it is important that users are aware of the legal risks of e-mail:

ou send emails with any libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks, you and Keyss n be held liable. ou forward emails with any libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks, you and yss can be held liable. ou unlawfully forward confidential information, you and Keyss can be held liable. ou unlawfully forward or copy messages without permission, you and Keyss can be held liable for pyright infringement. ou send an attachment that contains a virus, you and Keyss can be held liable. By following the delines in this policy, the email user can minimize the legal risks involved in the use of e-mail. If any er disregards the rules set out in this Email Policy, the user will be fully liable and Keyss will associate itself from the user as far as legally possible.

EQUIREMENTS: The following rules are required by law and are to be strictly adhered to: It is strictly o send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks. If you e-mail of this nature, you must promptly notify your supervisor.

not forward a message without acquiring permission from the sender first. not send unsolicited email messages. not forge or attempt to forge email messages. not send email messages using another persons' email account. not copy a message or attachment belonging to another user without permission of the originator. not disguise or attempt to disguise your identity when sending mail.

NCE: Employees are expected to arrive at work before they are scheduled to start and be at their n productively engaged in Keyss business by the scheduled start time. KEYSS views attendance as most important aspect of your job performance review. All unapproved absences will be noted in the personnel file. Excessive absences, including Sick Leave, will result in disciplinary action, up to and rmination.

OMPANY PROPERTY: KEYSS will provide you with the necessary equipment to do your job. None pment should be used for personal use, nor removed from the physical boundaries of KEYSS approved and your job specifically necessitates use of company equipment outside the physical EYSS. It is prohibited to install any other programs to a company computer without the written of the department head. These prohibited programs include, but are not limited to, games, online creen savers, Messenger, etc. The copying of programs installed on the company computers is not ess you are distinctively directed to do so in writing by your Department Head. The telephone lines at

st remain open for business calls and to service our customers. Employees are requested to any personal calls - incoming and outgoing - with the exception of emergency calls. No long lls are to be made on company phones which are not strictly business related.

OURS AND REPORTING *WORKDAY The normal workday is eight (9) hours, with 45 hours being a k week. While you are generally expected to work the number of hours stated above, KEYSS does ee that you will actually work that many hours in any given day or week (or to be paid for such hours t work that many hours). Overtime work is only performed when necessary and approved in advance partment head. You are expected to work necessary overtime when requested to do so. KEYSSrecognizes the follwing Holidays:

w Year Day public Day i ksha Bandhan ependence Day ndhi Jayanti shera wali ristmas

tal Earned Leaves 18 in a year. Total Casual Leaves 6 in a year. For earned leaves you have to itten, at least 10 days in advance. You can avail only one casual leave at a time (Not two e leaves) uninformed leaves shall be treated as absent. Two(2) late arrivals (unless approved by Department Head) will be treated as half day leave. Any employee that is out on sick leave longer ys must return to work with a doctor's certificate stating the nature of the illness and the employee's turn to duty. If an employee is unable to work due to illness, the employee must notify his immediate as soon as possible after the onset of the illness, and certainly by the time the employee was to ork. It is not permissible to be gainfully employed elsewhere while out on sick leave. Any employee ll be considered to have voluntarily quit without notice and to not be in good standing at the time of

MENT AT KEYSS: During your first six months of employment, you are a probationary employee. This ws company to monitor and for assessing a mutual fit. Merely completing your probationary with r specified time period does not automatically qualify you to a de facto permanent status. Your o permanent status will be based on your performance review to be done after the successful of your probationary period. Again, you are at-will employee and may terminate your employment at st as the company may terminate you at any time, with or without cause or notice.

TION OF EMPLOYEE: Either party, with two month's written notice, may terminate the employee's t with KEYSS unless restricted so with employment bond. Upon leaving, the employee must return nts, data, equipment and property belonging to the company. This includes any work or research ing employment with KEYSS whether in written, machine- readable or any other form. KEYSS will mployment in accordance with provisions in the employment contract. Under any of the following ces, KEYSS may terminate employment without notice or pay in lieu of notice when an Employee serious breach of the labour discipline including:

cessive absenteeism xual harassment oss misconduct ethical Conduct a theft

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