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E-K University

Introduction Gift of 1997 Be Healthy E-K-University School of Universal Energy How the Body Works Energy Cleaner Just Relax Alignment Techniques Without a License Body Signals The University Body Meridians Conference Magnetic Electric Force Bee Sting Keelynet Conference Enjoy Life Long Road Sad Human Race Healthy Body Fountain of Youth Good Samaritan The Energy Cleaner Usage Instructions Jesus - Energy Cleaner? Testimonials Research & Studies Where's Lee? Updates Last Page Energy News (1 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

U.S. Patent # 6,016,450

Lee Crocks


E-K University

The Center for Universal Energy would like to express the following disclaimer: This book is based on the theories of universal energy found in countless books, videos and journals. It also explores methods that may be used to access and utilize universal energy for personal benefit. 1. We do not guarantee, suggest or imply that you will get similar result or the amount of time things may occur. You need to use your own best judgment. 2. This book is not proven fact; it is one of many theories being explored. This book is to be used for educational recreation only. 3. No formal studies have been conducted using the Energy Cleaner in conjunction with any disease process. 4. We do not diagnosis or prescribe treatment for illness and or disease. 5. We do not have physicians on staff and do not provide them as a service of the Center. 6. No health-care professional are on duty during your stay. 7. We do not provide treatment, healings or produce cures. 8. Most importantly The Center does not in any way take the place of a trained licensed care of a physician!
Thank you (2 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University




The life giving energy of all living bodies is electric. You must learn to use the universal energy of the human body to its fullest to enjoy the fruits of the Fountain of Youth. You can transfer it from one live body to another live body by connecting them together with a small electric wire to use their energy to jumpstart the energy in the other body that has broken down and got sick, and recharge their battery to be healthy, happy, and young.

*THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH* (3 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University



Universal energy powers and controls the whole universe. The sun is the control center. The human body is one unit of the universe. It is powered and controlled by universal energy. Come to the school and learn how the body works; how to control and use the universal energy of the body to clean the old sludge that gets stuck in the cells, causing the body to slow down, get sick, and die. The brain controls the body and keeps it clean and healthy as long as the energy channels are clean and open from the brain to the cells. When they get plugged up the energy from the brain gets weak and slow down. The cells do the same. They get tired, feel old, start (4 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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hurting, and fill up with sludge, get sick and start to die. Learn how to control and use the universal energy to clean the energy channels, jumpstart the cell to working, to be healthy-happy-and young. The Lord made it so easy to do, any nut can do it even you. Come and let us show you how to do it. Have fun, be healthy-happy-and young. Its free.

Learn how to use it at:

"School of Universal Energy"

Here at The School we offer our visitors the opportunity of bathing in our beautiful bathroom suite we call the Fountain of Youth. Bathing in water that is energized by Universal Energy can lead to many health benefits. (5 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

You may feel younger and have increased vitality to enjoy your life more. Your skin can blossom with radiance when you clean your body of the toxins that create an aged appearance. Eagles Lodge has 30-bed accommodation. There is no charge for accommodation it is free, come to us and learn how to be healthy and stay young. All we ask is for you to stay, with or without a caregiver and or partner, long enough so that your body is clear. We also promise you that we will not ask you to buy anything.

School of Universal Energy

At the

Eagles Lodge
19425 Twp. Rd. 297 Caldwell, Ohio 43724

For more information email: or: Phone 740-783-0021 (6 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

The Fountain of Youth!

Does it exist?
Creation. provided mankind with a body to serve all its needs and purposes on Earth. The human body is similar to a car in that it needs to be maintained correctly if you wish it to perform at its best. Nature provides us with many ways of maintaining the body using simple natural ways. You cannot improve on Natures ways simply by trying to sophisticate its methods. The medical profession, who generally claim to have answers to most illnesss through drugs, surgery etc, does not hold all the answers to illness, as it does not yet understand all of the functions and ways of the body that are needed for the body to repair itself. Here at The School we teach you about (7 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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the subtle Universal Energy that the body uses to cleanse toxins from cells; maintain and repair itself, thus delaying the aging process. Bathing in water stimulated by the Energy Cleaner using Universal Energy has many benefits for the body. The human body can live to a much longer age than is generally accepted by most people. There are, in this world today, people such as the Hunza, Azerbaijanis and other indigenous peoples that live in close harmony with natures subtle energy ways and they live to 120-140 years of age! Why not visit Eagles Lodge and attend the School of Universal Energy and learn how you can help your body and mind rejuvenate using Universal Energy.

Remember.. You are no older than you feel! You Dont Have To Remain Sick. (8 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

You Dont Have To Get Old Before Your Time! Be Healthy-HappyYoung

People abuse their bodies in many different ways in this world. Nutritional deficiencies, accumulation of chemical toxins, emotional stress and lack of quality sleep are just a few abuses. Eventually the body starts to break down and become unhealthy, as the electrical impulses that travel along the meridians become weakened and eventually blocked. The results are fatigue, sickness and ageing before your time.


When you begin to get aches and pains and start slowing down, conventional medical practitioners tell you that it is simply because you are getting older. How wrong they are! The body is simply filling up with toxins. You become weak and feel tired all the time because the cells are (9 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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being starved of nutrition and are not being cleaned out efficiently, leaving toxic sludge within the walls of the cells. Try using an Energy Cleaner and stimulating pad at night and detect the difference that Universal Energy makes, for you. My 87-year-old mother-in-law had become run down. She couldn't walk without help or a cane. She complained and was irritable because of the pain and couldnt sleep well. She said it was because she was getting old. My wife brought her home and we put a stimulating pad on her bed with an Energy Cleaner under the bed so she didnt see it. The first week she was relaxed and slept like a child. By the end of the week, she got up to go to the bathroom and got a drink without any help and quit complaining of having pain. She says the air is better here and can breathe better! She has more strength and is eating much better. Two weeks later she went outside for a walk and sat on the porch. She talks with everyone and goes for a car ride every time that she is invited. She is jolly to be with and says that this sure is good air here! She takes no pills and doesnt have any pain. (10 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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If you want to stay around to help your grandchildren reach their goals in life, dont be a grumpy couch potato. That is no fun and they dont want you around. Use an Energy Cleaner and sleep on it. Be young so you can keep up with the grandchildren. They will love to have you as much as you do them and enjoy the things they do. You arent old, you have just been here longer then they have! You know things that they dont. Stay healthy. Live long. Have fun. Now we can help you change that! At The School we show you how to clean these meridian pathways and allow the Universal Energy to flow correctly once more, beginning the natural healing process that allows the body to regain and maintain health and vitality. As long as there is life and a will to live, there is hope for all. Many say I am too old, or I am too sick, or I cant be helped this is un-true; we can all help ourselves with a little guidance from others. (11 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

Here at The School, many have arrived saying that were told by the medical profession that they have little time to live, some a week or less, yet they have walked out of Eagles Lodge within days with a clean body. Some people may require a longer dedicated period to cleanse if the cellular toxic poisons are long established. Patience, persistence and consistency achieve results.

Lee Crock's view of how Universal Energy influences mankind, plants, animals and weather.

All plants, animals and the atmosphere are made up of groups of cells. The bodys cells (12 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

function by being signaled with a charge of Universal Energy from their local control centers, the meridians. Positive North Pole and Negative South When Pole describe the universal energy effects of our world, similarly as the sun is the control center for our Solar System. The human body is made up of groups of cells and produces a Universal Energy field of around 4 DC volts. The brain is the control center that operates the body. Firstly by sending a signal of negative polarity Universal Energy to the cells, causing the cells to assimilate nutrients and then sends a signal of positive polarity. Universal Energy which causes the cells to expel toxic waste and prepares the cells ready to take in further cellular nutrients. This process maintains a healthy body. Universal Energy is a DC electric current with a smooth flow. When the body becomes toxic through poor foods, water, pollutants or stress the pathways of the signaling system to and from the meridians and the cells can become weak or blocked. As this happens, the cells cease to function correctly, swelling with high toxic burden, they then die and a tumor may eventually be formed. This can happen to any group of cells within the body. The (13 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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medical profession gives names to these failures such as cancers, degenerative diseases etc. Pharmaceutical drugs, surgery or radiation cannot clean the cells, nerves or meridians and their pathways, of the poisonous toxins that have developed in the cells from normal functions of daily living. Medical procedures are financially hard when serious disease strikes. At The School we can show you how to reopen these energy pathways to regain healthy cell groups. The techniques that are used are simple and can be very effective. Come and stay with us at Eagles Lodge for as long as you need, we make no charge for this service to is free!

Lees story of his realization of Universal Energy.

I understand that when you have read (14 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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this website many of you may disbelieve this information because our ways and methods of approaching healing are new to you. Eight years ago I would not have believed it either. In 1994 I received a hard blow to the head. With the damage caused to my brain, I should have died. But Creation saved me for some reason. Months later when I awoke from a coma, I came to realize what great effects the electric field of Universal Energy in the body had on the pain and swelling of the damaged cells. That time became the moment when my search to give that knowledge to others began. When you control the Universal Energy and direct it to the damaged, swollen and painful cells, within a short space of time the swelling and pain can be removed. The body heals and becomes healthy. With the help of my wife, within two months I was out going and having fun. I now sleep on a stimulating pad and Energy Cleaner that I have developed to help myself and others. (15 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University


Over the years of working and researching with the Energy Cleaner and Universal Energy I have found that nine D batteries producing 4.5 volt is the closest match to the human body electrical energy field, with a booster battery connected to the system, to allow it to run at its full capacity of operation. It takes nine D batteries to produce the amps to operate the body electrics at optimum capacity. When you connect it to a large stimulating pad placed over a body, and have helpers placing their hands on the pad you create a strong signal that stimulates the cells in the body and that produces a faster cleaning effect. In order to have a strong Universal Energy signal, the body requires correct amount of minerals, particularly Potassium and Sodium. You need clean open meridians and their pathways to carry signals from the brain to (16 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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the problem area so as to detect and repair them. Sickness occurs when there is a blockage or stoppage in this function. Pharmaceutical drugs cannot repair this system. By using the Energy Cleaner you assist Universal Energy to flow again. This allows the immune system to once again function correctly in protecting and vitalizing your body. Since 1997 many thousands of those people who have come here for help, and have benefited from using these protocols for ailments ranging from Cancers, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and many other dis-eases that conventional medicine has failed to treat successfully. The use of Universal Energy is not something new. Throughout the ages, Great Teachers of Mankind, such as Jesus taught its usage to many. It is now time to bring back that knowledge to all people!


* EDK UNIVERSITY * (17 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

PO Box 313 Williamstown, W. Va. 26187. School of Universal Energy Dean. Ed Krack.
For more information email: or: Phone 740-783-0021

The Lord gave us the knowledge of how the body works, why it brakes down, gets sick, what causes the cells to swell up, get toxic, poison, die, rot and kill the body. How to jumpstart the cell, clean the poison out and start working to clean out the toxic (18 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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poison to be Healthy - Happy - and Young. There has been 11 thousand come from all 50 states and 10 foreign countries. It has worked on all of them. It never fails. That is the way the Lord made the body to work. It always works. We do know how the body works and how to clean the toxic waste out of the body. We feel the Lord expects us to teach the world how to clean the body of the toxic poison to be Healthy - Happy - and -Young. The school is operated in the name of the Lord, for the love and grace of God, to be healthy happy - and - Young. Come one come all to learn to use the gift of God. The Lord gave every thing to the world that man needs to be healthy - happy - and - young. It is so easy to be healthy and happy when you are wise and use the gifts the Lord gave to man. When they use it as it is meant to be used for mans use, it works every time. When you try to use his gifts wrong and defy Mother Natures way it wont work, you cant run water up hill. Come and learn how Jesus taught the apostles to clean the sick, to be Healthy Happy - Young and live pain free 100 years. ITS FREE. (19 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University

The medical profession has developed a pill to kill the germs that make the body sick. A pill to numb the brain to kill the pain when the body brakes down, so you wont know you are sick and a pill for everything else so they claim. When the body signals get blocked and a group of cells quit working there is no pill to jump-start them into working. You must use Universal Energy to jump-start them and get them working again. Then the body will get well and be healthy. If you take a pill to numb the brain so you dont know you are sick, the cell gets toxic and dies. The next cell gets affected and gets toxic and dies. If they are not jump-started to clean them of the poison, it keeps spreading until the body dies. As long as there is life and the will to live you can jump-start the cells to clean the toxic poison out and the body will get well and be healthy again. It works every time. The Lord made the body to work that way and it never fails. It takes time because the Lord made the body that way. It brakes down slowly and it heals slowly, but it is easy. Like all the Lords gifts it is FREE. Electrolysis in D.C. current will break down heavy metals into molecules and the (20 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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positive charge will carry the molecules a long distance and deposit them into its pure form at the negative charge. That is why you find gold-silver-platinum-copper and lead in the stalagmites in the cracks and crevices of the hard rock of the earth where the universal energy has been collecting it together for millions of years. That is why people with arthritis that wear copper bracelets, the bodys electrodes collect the molecules of copper from it and the positive charge carry them to where the negative charge where the immune system has been trying to stop pain where calcium crystals have been cutting the cells and deposit the copper molecules over the sharp edge making them smooth so not to hurt. The body is no healthier than the environment that we live in. The electrolysis in the universal energy will collect the heavy metals and chemicals that the body is exposed to and the positive charge will carry it to the negative charge and dispose them there in the lungs-liverkidneys-brain-glands and the energy channels leading from the brain to the cells, shutting them down. The body is in big trouble. You must clean the toxic (21 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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elements from the body by reversing the energy electric signals from the cells back to the brain and discharging it out of the body through the urine.

Health Maintenance of the Human Body

Keeping the signal channels to the brain open when the control center loses connection to a working part, that part stops as the signal channel gets plugged. The signal gets weak and that part slows down and gets weak causing failure in the body when it stops that part is dead. The body cannot live with part of it being dead; the whole body dies. Keep the energy channels open to the brain by using the universal energy from your body, with your hand while watching TV or laying in bed. Its free. Live two to three hundred years like in the bible. Your body does not wear out. If the energy channels dont plug up you wont break down and get sick. If you dont get sick you wont die. The Lord made the body to last and gave each human body all the tools to maintain it with and made it so (22 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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easy to do any nut can do it, even you. Just try it and see how good you feel when you dont get sick. If you keep the body clean you dont even get the sniffles. All you need to do is place both hands wide open flat on your chest within 2 inches of your clothes. Move both hands down your right side cross over your lower belly, come up your left side, cross over and go down your right side, slowly taking 4 seconds per circle, making 8 circles. Then lay your hand right over your lungheart area. That will make connection with the cells and run the signal back to the brain, opening up the meridian, which is the energy channel to the brain. Doing that once a week for 15 minutes over each area; moving the hands from one area then on to the next: (1) the heart-lungs area, (2) then the liver-kidneys, (3) then the lower abdomen-colon-male organs, female organs, and (4) then the head. That would take one hour once a week. You would never break down and get sick. What a wonderful world we live in. To stay and play with our great-grandchildren, you cant have any more fun than that. If you did you couldnt stand it. (23 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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We all want to go to heaven but we dont have to be in such a hurry, as the humans are now. I am sure there is still room up there when we do get there. And if we stay long enough we will amount to something and have a good report card to turn in. Who knows, we might get a front seat then. I sure am going to stay and find out, for helping people is the most rewarding and satisfying thing I ever did. I always knew the Lord takes care of dumb people and I qualified. He found something I could do and understand how to do it. And it is going to take another 75 years to get it down and he wont take me until I get the job done that he gave me to do. So come and see me and I will be here for a long time. You dont have to be in a hurry to die to get to heaven. It wont get full. We can still get in when we go and we will have our report card clean and full when we turn it in. I am going to stay here and work on a front seat when I go.

BUILD YOUR OWN FOR LESS THAN $10.00 (No batteries Use your own (24 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University


1 piece aluminum screen wire, 3 ft. wide or wider, 9 ft. long 1 piece aluminum screen wire, 2 ft. square 1 piece aluminum screen wire, 1 ft. square 3 pieces 18 gage, single strand electric wire, 7 ft. long

It must be a metal screen that conducts electric. It is a bug-fly screen for in doors and windows to let air flow through but keep the bugs out. It is made in (25 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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aluminum, galvanized steel, copper, and stainless steel. They all will work but the aluminum is the softest, which is why we use it. It is a .011 fine wire with 16 wires per inch, both ways. INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the insulation off of 2 inches of each end of the 3 pieces of electric wire, making all 3 screen wires connected. Then place the 9-foot screen wire on the bed, tucking 1 foot under the mattress on each end, to hold it in place. Then install the bed sheet on top. Then the sick person lies down in bed. Then place the 2-foot square screen on top of the person where the problem is in the body. Then place the 1-foot square screen wire on a table or stand. Step 1. Then any person 3 years old or older sets down and places their hands over the 1 foot square screen wire on the table, with palms wide open, flat over the wire screen within 2 inches of it. Then move hands, both together in a counterclockwise circle over the screen, slowly, keeping the palms of the hands over the screen at all times, slowly taking 4 seconds (26 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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per circle. Do that 8 times then lay the hands down on top of the screen wire. You are feeling warmth in the hands and sending your Positive Polarity Universal Energy to the person on the screen wire in bed and they are feeling warmth as your positive energy makes contact with their negative energy, causing their cells to contract and discharge the sludge in the cell causing the problem. Now you need a clock you can watch so you can switch polarity every 15 minutes. At the end of 15 minutes the warmth will cool down and stop, meaning the cells have emptied out and used up all the negative energy and charged up with positive energy. Then there is no more to do for those cells until they are refilled up and recharged up with negative energy. You must switch polarity to negative to signal the cell to expand and fill up with new nourishment, so the first person is done and gets up. Step 2. The second person sets down and places their hand over the screen wire with the palms of their hands spread wide open and flat over the screen, and move their hands in a clock-wise circle within 2 inches of the screen, slowly taking 4 (27 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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seconds per circle. Do this 8 times around and lay their hands down on the screen wire and they will feel a little cool, since they will be sending their negative universal energy and it will be a little cool. When their cells expand and fill up and recharge with negative universal energy in 15 minutes the cell will all be refilled and charged up, ready to be emptied out again. Keep repeating this cleansing of the cells and that is the only way the Lord made the body to be cleansed and it is mother natures way of jumpstarting the cells when they have broke down and quit working. It is time consuming but your loved ones are worth the time it takes. In a few hours they should start to feel better. When you get tired dont quit, just change people and keep going. It will clean the body and they will be healthy. If you got an ENERGY CLEANER and hooked it up to the screen on the table, you cannot tell any difference between it and using your hands. One is just as good as the other. One is just as powerful as the other and will jumpstart the cells just the same. You cannot tell any difference, (28 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

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which one is furnishing the universal energy. It is the same voltage and the same flavor energy the Lord used in all his creation. Never use any other kind of electric energy on the human body. That can hurt you. It is not universal energy as God used. Universal energy can do the same for your pets and animals. Be wise. It is your body. Keep it clean and it will last for a long time. To speed up the cleaning of the cells, by having other people to place their hands on top of the 2 ft. square piece of screen on top of the person, the cleaner will coordinate the energy and make the signal to the cells that much stronger and the cell will respond to the stronger signal and empty and fill that much more vigorous, and clean the cells that much faster. Put as many hands on the wire that you can. It is that many times faster cleaning the cells. The hand-operated energy cleaner is just as good as the machine energy cleaner but it doesnt get tired. It does cost more. It will last a long time and you can hook 5 stimulating pads, for multiple people, up to it at one time and stay clean. (29 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]

E-K University (30 of 30) [03/06/2004 8:32:37]



The Energy Cleaner stimulates the universal energy of a living body. It uses 9 D-cell batteries to power the signal of the Universal Energy that the living body operates on. The printed circuit board alters the polarity of the signal the same way the brain does to operate the body. Getting The Stimulator Ready for Use: 1. Remove the 4 screws on the corners of the face of the stimulator. 2. Remove the face and install 9 D-cell batteries with the base of the battery on the spring and put 3 batteries in each of the battery holders. 3. Replace the front and screw the 4 screws back into place until just snug. 4. The little red light will start to blink every 8 seconds, when this happens the machine is ready for use. The batteries should last 2-3 years, as long as the light blinks the batteries are good. Using the Energy Cleaner 1. Use the copper cloth pad included and attach it to an 18 gauge single strand electric wire. 2. The other end should have an electrical connector that will fit over the brass hook on the front of the Energy Cleaner. 3. Now place the screen wire over the area you wish to stimulate. This will cause the cells of the body to work with the stimulator. The cells will cycle with the signal from the stimulator. The same as if it were a signal from the brain. 4. After a length of time of the cells working with the stimulator, the cells will rid themselves of all toxic waste and rebuild them back to normal healthy cells. At that point, it is just as it originally was, a healthy body again. 5. The bed stimulation pad is 54" wide and 9' long. Tuck 6" under the mattress at the head of the bed. Roll the copper cloth down. Tuck 6" under the mattress at the foot of the bed, and then install the bed sheet on top of the copper pad. Hook the lead wire on the brass hook on the energy cleaner. Go to bed as always. The cleaner will work while you sleep. It will make you get up and go to the bathroom every two hours. Drink all the water you feel comfortable with, for you can not wash dishes in a dry sink. That is the way the body cleans the waste from the cells, by filling them up and emptying them out. Cleaning the waste out is the only way the body has of getting rid of any waste. The blood and cells is filtered out by the kidneys and out through the urine. If you want to monitor what junk you have stuck in you, catch your urine in a clean glass and hold it up to a light and look through it. You won't believe the amount of waste it has and the odor it might have. The stimulator will clean your body up.

If the body is injured or overstressed enough to cause damage, the brain will signal the body's defense system. It is sent to protect the cells that are damaged. To keep the body from breaking down, it deposits calcium in them to protect them and after awhile if the liquid calcium has not been discharged from the cell, it will become hard and crystallized. When those cells are moved (1 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:32:55]


and then hard crystals move around inside the cell and hurt. Jump start the signal and discharge the crystals out of the cells and it is gone. The people with rheumatism have been known to see miracles. In just minutes those crystals will discharge as little sand crystals out of the cells and be gone with no more pain. They have been known to jump up, clap their hands, praise the Lord and start to dance around, then go home and never hurt again.

The virus is a germ that has the ability to camouflage itself so that the body wont recognize it as a foreign enemy and allows it to enter inside the cells where it breeds and multiplies and the toxic waste they give off makes you sick. The body's defense army cant get to them because it hides inside the cells and doesnt come out. Those cells must be jump started into discharging the substance in them that brings the virus out into the blood stream where the bodys army can fight it. The stimulator empties the cells of all fluid and germs. The germs are then sent out into the blood stream, so if the blood has something in it to kill the germs you will be germ free in 2 hours. Some people drink colloidal silver water before they use the stimulator. They get rid of the virus they have. Flue, colds and AIDS are viruses. All viruses work the same and they need something in the blood stream to kill the virus germ.

If you keep bruising a group of cells and if you dont have enough sense to quit, the body's army will crust it with liquid calcium to protect it. It gets hard and crystallizes. The pain the crystals cause will get your attention. You are going to have to jump start those cells and get the crystals discharged out of them and clean it up to get it to quit hurting.


The strength of the organ is just as strong as the signal the brain sends to make them work. When the meridians get blocked and short out the group of cells connected with that meridian, they lose signal contact with the brain and they are in big trouble and start to break down. It depends on where they are as to which organ they effect. Anytime the body develops a problem with no reason known by man, it is usually a problem with the signal system of the body. The brain will care for the body if the signal system is working well. When it breaks down that is a problem just like your car when it gets a short or broken wire, you can get it fixed, the same is true with the body. Be wise, dont take a drug to numb the brain to kill the symptoms so it dont hurt to die. That is suicide and not a medical problem that causes you to die.


Tumor is always in soft tissue, never in the hard muscle. The reason is, the hard muscle works a lot, all the time, so there are many signals sent from the brain to each cell on a regular basis. This keeps the meridians open for the Universal Energy so that the Universal Energy can flow. The soft tissue has no moving work to perform so the brain doesnt signal the cells to do anything, (2 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:32:55]


only to empty and refill to stay healthy. Since the meridians dont have any signals to carry very often, they are much more likely to become plugged and shorted out, and the signal to the brain doesnt return to them to empty the old used sludge and to refill with new nourishment. The old used energy gets stuck in these cells and becomes stale. This begins to become toxic and causes these cells to swell and become more toxic. This toxin creates a hard lump that begins to fill with toxic poison and kill the cells. The cells start to rot and really give off toxic poison. They just continue to poison cell after cell until it becomes cancer. If left and not treated this will continue until it kills the body. There is no drug in the world that can give the cells the signal to start to empty the toxic poison out and be healthy cells again. Jump-start tumor cells to discharge the toxic poison in them and reload with new nourishment so they may become healthy normal cells again. Using universal energy and your hands is the only way. The Lord made the body to work this way and he gave every being the tools and equipment to use for that purpose. Therefore when the body has a break down, you can get it working again. It depends on how long a break down has been left go, and how big and dead the group of cells have become. This will determine how long you have to use the Universal Energy to get the meridians to open up so the brain can take over and keep the reconditioned cells going.


After the tests and examinations they give you a big name for the symptoms and if they cant explain why you got it and dont know how to cure it, you dont have a medical problem. If they want to treat the symptoms by giving you a drug to numb the brain to kill the symptoms and pain, you have went to the wrong place. You have went to Dr. Jack Kvorkian's place; that is suicide. So be wise. A good medical doctor knows a medical problem and knows what causes you to be sick and knows what to do to cure it. Unforetunately, doctors are only taught how to numb the pain by killing the messenger, which is the pain that is telling you that you have a problem. Quacks practice so be wise; know a quack from a real healer.


When you are sleeping on the stimulating pads at night, it will increase the amount of fluid you will need and the amount you will discharge. You will have to get up about every 2 hours and will be so dry that you cant spit and will need about 10 oz. of fluid. If you dont eat something to get your saliva glands to running, you will still have a dry mouth. If you eat 2 grapes or a slice of orange, a chunk of pineapple or a slice of peach or something juicy, the acid from the juice of the fruit will get your salvia glands running. Then drink a glass of water. It will quench your thirst for another 2 hours and you will go to the bathroom each time you get up. That is the only way the body has to clean the waste out of the cells. The waste clinging in the cells is what causes 90% of the bodys breakdown. It starts a little bit at a time and you have to get it cleaned out or you will (3 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:32:55]


do like all the people have done for centuries, break down, get sick and die young. And the family says, "what a shame, he was such a good person. I am going to miss him." Get an energy cleaner and clean up the body and live on and have fun and enjoy your family. Save them a fight trying to divide up what you left. You own that much to your family. Stay a while longer (4 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:32:55]



In any person that is healthy and happy, there is a feeling of having their spirit upbeat. They have control of their life and have all the fun they can stand. That is what the Lord expects from all of us. The Lord puts us here with so much ability and the instructions to go forth with what he has given us and do the best we can. He himself will judge us later on by what we do with our lives. You are expected to be wise and take care of what he has given you to use in this life. So take care of it the right way. When a meridian gets blocked and shorts out, it loses connection to the brain and the surrounding cells slow down. Then you are in trouble. The cells dont function properly and become toxic and poison the body. When all the meridians are clear and all parts of the body have a good signal connection to the brain, you are healthy, happy and alert of all things around you and you are having all the fun you can stand. Most people are not aware that it doesnt fix itself. When something goes wrong, you have to jumpstart it to make it work again. The Lord also included those tools inside the package he gave you and anyone can do it.


First, you must be happy with yourself, the gift the Lord gave you, the best person you know. When you get up in the morning, look in the mirror. You are looking at the best friend you have. Smile at your friend, your friend will smile back at you. Be wise, anything worth doing is worth doing right. Be proud of what you do for others, the world will respect you for it. Pay attention to your warning system. When you have a pain, stimulate the area to get rid of it. Dont ignore it by taking a pill to numb the brain. Be able to laugh at yourself, the world will laugh with you. Laugh to be wise. Take care of yourself and treat your body as well as you do your car. When your car breaks down, you stop and fix it before you drive on. When your body breaks down and hurts, stop and stimulate it and get it to working again so the body can heal the break down before you go on. The body you have is the only one you will ever have, its made to last. It doesnt wear out, so take care of it and be happy. Its your life, have fun.

Last night I received a phone call asking me if I would listen to a recording of the president of an association. I said yes, and it was a detailed speech on their efforts to protect for the unborn. When they came back on the line and asked for my thoughts my reply was, I am a full pledged dedicated member to the effort of the right to life for all the unborn and the elderly. They are all endangered species. They can give them a pill to abort the unborn or to numb the brain of the (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:33:14]


elderly and let them die with about the same amount of concern for them. I have raised a family and am very proud of all of them. That is the only thing I will leave on the earth. Now I am enjoying all of my grandchildren and am very proud of them and waiting on the great grand children, which are very dear to me. How anyone can turn their back on a life and look in a mirror and see anything but the devil, when they got rid of a life so it will not interfere with their desires. The almighty dollar is their whole goal with no concern to them about the right of others that cant fight for themselves. Energy healing is free to repair the body of the elderly and let them live on. This would be next to heaven as it is for me now. I am going to stay and work another 70 years and amount to something and be a superstar after all, teaching energy healing. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:33:14]



Life Force Alignment Technique by definition is the alternative alignment of the seven chakras and extended energy systems. Yes all living creatures have an energy field. It generates approximately 1.4 volts of energy at all times. It can be felt with your hands, seen with a skilled eye or photographed with a special camera. This energy has been spoken of since ancient times in many different cultures and ways. Now that we have reached the new millennium and are what was our future, it becomes ironic that the past speaks to us about unlocking a healthier future. By understanding and caring for our energy field on a regular basis, with the use of energy clearing and balancing, this has been a tension reduction technique for the past 25,000 years. No one religion or culture can say its teachings is unto them. You have human hands. Clear and balance your energy for 1 hour, its time consuming and taxing. The Life Force Alignment Unit can run all day and night or as you sit in the chair or sleep in bed. Convenience is at your fingertips. Energy stimulation is Mother Natures way of working, all living things are made up of cells. Plants, animals, and human beings are made up of cells loaded with negatively charged food that nourishes the cells to grow and multiply. When Mother Nature charges the area of the cell with positive charge, it causes an electrical action of using up the negative charge of the cells. This gives off heat, which is the body heat that keeps the body warm as the used energy is given off in the air around the body. This causes the cells to discharge all used food waste that is in the cells. The empty cell now has a positive magnetic electric charge. When a negative charge comes around, the negative charge is the controlling force and uses up the positive charge in our cells and the body becomes negative again causing the cells to load up with food nutrition. The cells grow and multiply this way. When the cells break down and become toxic, that is when Lee Crocks method jump starts the cells and starts the cells to do the same cycling and become healthy again. You can tell a lot about the condition of the body by looking at the Aura. If it is a good solid green with blue edges and all 7 Chakras are bright and shining like a flashlight, that means all the meridians are open and connected to the nerve entering the spinal column leading to the brain. The chakra is the connecting point where all the meridians connect to the nerve where it enters the spinal column leading to the brain.

Aura Chakra View Your Aura Report (1 of 5) [03/06/2004 8:33:49]


BLUE GREEN communicative, social, loving, caring

This aura picture was taken of a healthy-happy-wise person. It is green with a blue edge with all 7 charkas shining, meaning all parts are working and healthy. It is the magnetic electric field that all live bodies have, the used electric being discharged making the halo that you see. (2 of 5) [03/06/2004 8:33:49]


Energy Centers of the Body Seven Chakras (3 of 5) [03/06/2004 8:33:49]


The 7 Chakras are the nerve centers where the meridians from the surrounding cells come together and hook to the nerves entering the spinal column to the brain.

Universal Energy from Jesus' Body (4 of 5) [03/06/2004 8:33:49]


Jesus was an energy healer. (5 of 5) [03/06/2004 8:33:49]



The signal system the Lord gave to every human being is electrical. It is called universal energy or the magnetic energy field for different reasons. The Lord gave the very same electrical system to every living plant and animal, so that everything has it and it is universal among all living things. It is the magnetic energy field surrounding every living thing that infrared sensors can pick up and take a picture of. It is an electric field surrounding every living thing. It is used energy. The body discharges it to get rid of it because you cannot store used electricity. The used discharged energy hangs around the body (its source) and dissipates into the air and then disappears. The body makes its own electric. Each cell is one cell in the great battery of the body. The case around the cell is loaded with potassium, the inside with sodium fluid. When you mix sodium and potassium you get a flow of DC current as the two minerals react with each other and use each other up in the reaction. The byproduct is electricity, the same as your car battery when acid and lead are mixed. Any function of the body must send a signal to that part of the body to function. For Example: In order for the heart to beat, the brain sends a signal to the heart that tells it to beat. But if the meridian to the heart becomes blocked, it will short out the signal so the heart does not receive the full power of the signal. This causes you to start having heart troubles. If you do not get the meridian problem fixed, it will continue to get worse and worse until you have a major heart problem. The same is true with the kidneys. If the signal becomes blocked that tells your kidneys to filter out the toxic waste from your bloodstream, you will have kidney failure. When the signal to your liver becomes blocked, your liver stops filtering the heavy metals and impurities from your blood and slows the discharging of those impurities. This starts to cause neurosis of the liver. When the meridian to the lungs becomes blocked, you have lung problems of all sorts depending on how many blockages has occurred. When the signal gets blocked going to the joints of your body and your cells, they get no instructions to work and the muscles keep forcing the joints to move. You are going to get arthritis and a lot of pain. When the signal from the brain is lost to the feet, you get gout. When a part of the brain becomes blocked off, the cells dont cycle and keep it clean. They get stuck energy in them and you start to lose your memory and get Alzheimers. When a group of cells in any organ loses signal contact to the brain and doesnt get signals to function, they are in trouble. The energy that keeps them healthy stays inside of them and begins to become toxic because they are not receiving signals to tell them what to do with it. The cells cannot discharge this energy and the cells start to become toxic and then they will swell up and (1 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:34:04]


start to die. They call this cancer. Anytime you are sick and you go to the doctor and they dont have a pill to fix it right up, you then have a signal problem. Taking drugs wont fix a shorted out cell and plugged up meridian problem. The Lord gave us all the signal system and the tools to fix it when something goes wrong with it. He did not give you drugs. He did give you a pair of hands. In 1997, He gave Lee Crock the knowledge of how to use the hands, how to control your own electrical energy signal and how to use it to fix a short or plugged up meridian so the brain can care for your body. You can do it to yourself, to another person or to an animal. It works on all living bodies.


Universal energy that the Lord used in all his creations of all living animals, man, dog, cats, horses, plants and trees is 4 volts and the same frequency and flavor in all of them. The hand operated Energy Cleaner is the most perfect energy. With it coming right from the live body and being controlled and transferred to the body you want to clean and jumpstart their cells into working and it will start their energy system into working because it is a perfect match to their energy. The circuit board in Lee Crocks Energy Cleaner is a perfect match to the energy of the live bodys frequency, voltage and flavor. You cannot tell which one is furnishing the energy when you have both connected to you at the same time. It took 8 different changes to get it perfect in developing it when building the Energy Cleaner. That is why the Energy Cleaner works on all live bodies every time that it is used without failure. You cannot take a bunch of batteries and a cheap timer and expect to get the energy that a live body puts out in the hand operated Energy Cleaner. It is a perfect match to all living things. Build your own Energy Cleaner and learn how it works on all pain in less than 2 hours. It will stop it and clean up most mild blockage and have them dancing with joy. It feels that good when it quits hurting and you cant explain it, so it has to be a miracle. You will be performing miracles in no time. It always feels good when the warmth penetrates the pain area and the pain starts to move out in just minutes of stimulation. The people will know that you can perform miracles and think you can walk on water. Dont try it you might be that good but not that holy, you will get your ass wet. It is the most rewarding thing you ever did in your life when you learn how to remove pain and clean the cells. The hand operated Energy Cleaner is as good as the machine Energy Cleaner. They both take the same time to clean the cells. The hand cleaner takes people and they get tired. The machine cleaner doesnt need any help and it doesnt get tired and will last over 100 years.

HOW TWO PEOPLE BECOME ONE (2 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:34:04]


The electric energy of the body that controls all functions after it is used must be discharged and is the aura which is the electric energy field around all live bodies the Lord created which is the used electric energy. It has the flavor of the personality of the person it surrounds. When your aura comes in contact with another persons aura you taste the personality and they taste yours. You feel it if your personality clashes with their personality, you will never become close friends. If your personality is compatible to theirs you will be friends from there on. The more compatible your personality is to theirs the closer you will become until you wont leave each other. You will get your strength and desires from each other, which controls your whole life. You get so dependant on their strength and personality in what you do that you cant function if you dont have the strength from their energy of their aura next to you. That is what true love is; you have to have it to function. That is what the bible tells us, when it says when two people get married they become one flush. If all couples would only wait until they have found the person with the aura personality as their aura has, they never would be a divorce. For no one ever dislikes themselves and people like what they see, taste and feel. When two people come in contact with each other you see, feel and taste each other. When you become one you cant function without the other. When the world wises up and learns to care for the body as the Lord meant it to be cared for and let the young people pick their friends and help them to choose them to their liking instead of putting them in the bunch of your choosing, like I do cattle, they will stay together and not brake out and leave like the world is doing now. The world is acting like animals not knowing what love is. (3 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:34:04]



Meridians are the little fibers that run through a living body that hold it together to give it strength. The meridian of a cow is the little fiber you get in your teeth when you chew the meat. Tthe fibers that paper mills use to hold the pulp together when rolled into sheets are the tree's meridians. You can see them in wood when you cut a board smooth and varnish it. They are the little round fiber ends that show. The Lord used the little strings in everything he created. He wrapped it together with meridian strings and they carry the universal electrical energy. He gave every living thing he created this system to function with. The fibers get clogged by getting coated with calcium. They short out and stop the signal flow that leaves the cells without a signal connection to the brain. Those cells are in trouble because if they lay dormant and dont cycle, the stuck energy in them gets toxic and starts to swell. This poison in the body, if left alone, makes the cells start to die. Drugs sure cant do any good and surgery fouls up that part of the body so it doesnt work anymore. The only thing in the world that will open these meridians up is using universal energy in a steady flow to stimulate them. This will break down the calcium coating, move it out and clean the meridians so they can pass the signal through and the cells will start to cycle. If you control the signals to unload the cell and reload the cell you will get the old fluid, that is stuck in the cells and has become toxic and poison in the body, moving out and cleaning up to become healthy cells again. The way the Lord made it to work uses the tools He sent with each body to care for it. You cant cut out the cells to get it well. Use the Energy Stimulator, it works

Universal energy is electric that is made from two minerals; sodium and zinc potassium. When sodium comes in contact with zinc potassium the acid in the salt starts to break down the minerals in the zinc potassium and D.C. electric current is giving off. It doesnt make any difference if it is in the cells of the body or in the cells of a flash light battery. It still gives off exactly the same flavor of electric. That is why the human body will work just as well when being jumpstarted using the signal from another human body or from the energy cleaner. It is made from the same minerals. One is just as good as the other. You cannot tell any difference whether you use it from two human bodies or the energy cleaner and one human body. You must deliver one signal on the signal pad placed over the cells you want to jumpstart. It makes no difference if the signal is from the energy cleaner, which is powered by 9 D-size flashlight batteries or one human body. It can be a small child or an old person and it is the same. The second must put their hands on top of the signal pad to direct the flow of energy into the cells and it is the most penetrating flow of current you will ever use. It will penetrate though several layers of clothing.

WHEN THE LORD CREATED SOMETHING (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:34:22]



Using the electric signal of the universal electric energy of the human body is very easy to do. You always have it with you and your hands to do it with. When you are visiting with a friend, if he says huh, they need their amplifiers turned up. Lay your hands flat to the chest 2 inches away. Make a circle slowly counter clockwise 8 times and place your hands over their ears with the palm over the ear hole. Hold it snug, and they will start hearing better right away. Hold it there for 15 minutes. It will open the nerve from their eardrum to the brain so the signal from their eardrum gets through to their brain. They will continue to hear better from then on. It works, and it is fun to be able to help your friends. If you have a friend with pain in the hands and wrists, do the same thing. Wind the coil to make a magnet to pull your positive electric and their negative electric so you feel warmth in your hands. Then move your hands down the arms always keeping your hands within 6 inches of the arms to the hand and hold their hand and wrist in between your hands. You will feel warmth in your hands and they will feel warmth penetrating their hands and they will feel the pain moving out of their hands and wrist. Hold it for 15 minutes and their pain will be gone and wont need surgery. If you have a friend with pain in the knees, with both people sitting down so you can reach the knee, put your hands flat open over the knees and legs. Within 3 inches make a circle slowly around and above their knees 8 times counter clock wise. You will feel the heat coming off the knee into your hands. When your positive makes contact with the negative, then place one hand on each side of the knee where the pain is and hold your hands there for 15 minutes and their pain will be gone. If they have it in both knees then move your hands over to their other knee and hold it for 15 minutes and it will be gone. They will get up and dance. You cant have any more fun then that. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:34:22]



Energy Stimulation is Mother Natures way of working. All living things are made up of cells. Plants, animals, and human beings are made up of cells loaded with negatively charged food that nourishes the cells to grow and multiply. When Mother Nature changes the area of the cell with a positive charge it causes an electrical action of using the negative charge of the cell and gives off heat. This is the body's heat that keeps the body warm as the used energy is given off in the air around the body. This causes the cells to discharge all used food waste that is in the cell. The empty cell now has a positive magnetic electric charge. When a negative charge comes around, the negative charge is the controlling force and uses up the positive in our cells and the body becomes negative again causing the cells to load up with food nutrition. The cells grow and multiply this way. When the cells break down and become toxic, that is when Lee Crocks method jump starts the cells and starts the cells doing the same cycle and becomes healthy again.


The body makes it own electric. It needs to operate the body with the formation of sodium in the cells and the potassium in the walls of the cell. The chemical reaction to each other uses each other up and the byproduct is DC electric that the body uses to signal all functions of the body controlled by the brain sending an electric signal to the cells to react to what the brain wanted done. After the cell got the signal and responds to the brain signal, then that used electric must be discharged. We are insulated from the ground when we have shoes on and we are not grounded. The body cannot store it so it is discharged through the skin and that is the halo that circles the body. It is the magnet field that we make contact with when you get close enough to another person. The two halos or auras connect and you feel their personality. If your personality clashes with their personality you will move out of there. If they are compatible with each other you will stay and talk and become friends. The magnetic electrical field of each individual has as much to do with their likes and dislikes just as their eyesight sees things it likes and dislikes. That is the way we feel something and see it. That is the senses we use to pick our friends. [03/06/2004 8:34:42]



If a bee stings you, take your hands flat to your stomach and make a counter clockwise motion 8 times around your belly button. Then place your hands over the bee sting and in approximately five minutes the sting will be gone. You will have no evidence of being stung. This is the way the Lord made man to be cared for with universal energy and the hands. If you have an ENERGY CLEANER, place the stimulator pad over the sting or bite and put your hand on the pad. In 3 to 5 minutes you will not know you were stung or bit. I have some good news to share with you. Tom Berryhill, who makes the energy cleaners in Missouri, also makes colloidal silver machines and they have been using them with the stimulator. If you drink the silver water before you start using the stimulator, within one and one half-hours it will clear all viruses they have used it on. They dont have AIDS in their county and we dont have one case in my county. We hoped you could try it on the AIDS case in your town to see if it will clean up as fast as flu and colds do. [03/06/2004 8:34:47]



Anyone with pain of any kind can be relieved within one hour. The people with pain from old injuries, can remove it in 45 minutes and it never comes back. Heart burn can be gone in 30 minutes, ulcers heal up, skin cancer dries up and falls off and with leukemia, the blood becomes normal. It removes any toxic poison that has developed in a body. That is why it is so much fun. You will be doing what you can do with your hands and Universal energy. The Lord gave every body the ability to care for His creation. The Lord made the perfect machine and gave it the perfect way to repair and care for it. There is no way they can bottle Universal energy so it can be sold and no drug can ever cleanse the toxic waste from the body because drugs just clog up the body and its' cells. How much money has been wasted on drugs? The body is made so it does not like any drugs of any kind. Drugs make changes in the body that is not natural and that causes other changes that fouls up the bodys workings. We will teach you how to jump start those cells. This will discharge the toxic waste out of the cells, relieving the pain and ridding the body of the poison and relaxing the body from the stress that it had caused. It is very easy to do, when you learn to pay attention to the warning signals your body gives, you when something starts to go wrong. Quit taking pills to numb the brain and kill the symptoms and work with Mother Nature to correct the problem before it gets worse and really breaks down and makes you sick. The Lord didnt make the body to be controlled with drugs. All drugs do is stop Mother Nature from working and you cannot make the body heal itself by stopping it from working. You have to help it get to working so it does heal itself. Jump starting it into working is the only way in this life you ever can get the body to work and stay healthy to save the life you are enjoying so much. SO STAY HEALTHY BE HAPPY WISE ENJOY LIFE HAVE FUN This is the only way you can grow old; the way the Lord made the human body to do and without pain. When the body has pain, limps around and doesnt know where it is going, it is because Mother Nature hasnt been working and taking care of it. Dont let that happen to you. It is no fun. E-mail us and let us teach you how to work with Mother Nature and stay healthy. Dont use drugs to numb the brain so it doesnt work and let your body breakdown. [03/06/2004 8:35:00]



The Human Race lives in a drug controlled atmosphere and are sad and dying young. The Lord made man drug free and happy and to live to a ripe old age and to enjoy the world he gave us. Be wise, kick the drug habit. Drugs are for sale everywhere. They are sold on the street at bargain prices or you can go to the doctor and get them at controlled prices. They all numb the brain to kill pain and you die young. The body rejects all drugs, it knows they just kill the body. The body is not drug dependent, it need vitamins, minerals and nourishment to stay healthy.


To be happy you must be proud of what you do and pleased with yourself and the blessings the Lord gave you. Your attitude and spirit has as much to do with your health as what you eat. If you work at having fun and being happy as you do complaining and looking for sympathy and feeling sorry for yourself, you would have the biggest ball of your life. Just try it sometime; its fun being proud of yourself. Do things that you are proud of. Let the world know it. Do the things and say the things that make you and the others laugh when someone temps you to tease them in fun. Do it and laugh together. Be jolly and friendly. The whole world will laugh with you. There is always someone you can laugh with and have fun with. Look for them and it is fun and they will think you are bragging on them. They wont know you are just having fun. Be wise enough to know when you are down. If your spirit is down or if you have a break down you can jumpstart everyone and live on and have fun. [03/06/2004 8:35:22]



For a body to stay healthy, the cells must be cycled regularly to keep them clean of all the toxic build up from the old energy being stuck in them and causing them to become toxic. The body is meant to be exercised so it will stay healthy. All cells must move to use the energy so the brain will signal them to discharge the old used energy and reload the cells with new nourishment. When the cells are cycled on a regular schedule, you are healthy, pain free and the world is a wonderful place. When you see it from healthy eyes, you are having fun being alive. A small child runs, plays and jumps around to move every cell in the body and their cells are cycled every day. They are healthy, happy and pain free. A couch potato doesnt move because their cells arent cycled. They feel sluggish, dont want to move and are not as healthy nor as happy as someone whose cells are cycled everyday. They surely are not wise because they dont have enough sense to get up and get their cells to cycling. As you grow older, you lose your childish play and start to pick up the workload. The body doesn't slow down because the cells are kept moving and cycling regularly. You are healthy, happy and wise because you know what you want and you go get it. The world is a wonderful place to be. As you get even older, and you have been every place and done everything and have reached your goals, then your body slows down and stops moving the cells everyday. The energy system of the body is beginning to slow down also and cells start to become toxic and start to hurt so we slow down more and it gets worse. You must get those cells to cycling again to keep them clean and healthy. Its your life, be wise and enjoy it. You can take drugs to numb the brain, to kill the pain, so you dont care if you grow old, break down and die or you can get an ENERGY CLEANER and sleep on it every night and you will be Healthy, Happy and Wise, like a new kid on the block again.

Have the energy of when you were a teenager. Clean the old stuck energy waste out of your cells and fill them with new nourishment. Get your energy back and feel young again! That is how a clean healthy body feels; like a teenager when their body is working with all the used energy waste being cleaned out of the cells every day and not being stuck in the cells. All you need is to stimulate your body and charge your battery to get it working like it did when you were a teenager and you will feel young again. Don't let your body get loaded down with old used energy waste (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:35:30]


stuck in the cells. You'll feel tired and think you are old because your energy is wearing out and stuck in the cells so they don't get new nourishment to give you the energy you need. Flush out the stuck waste and fill the cells with the nourishment and you will be young again. Anyone sleeping on a stimulator pad hooked to an energy cleaner will increase their fluid intake by double per day and increase the urine output in like amount. You will be thirsty and drink a 10oz glass of water every 2 hours, 12 glasses a day. That is the only way the body has to get the waste out of the cells of the body. When you increase the fluid to the cells of the body and clean them of the waste stuck in them, they will be filled with the new nourishment. You will have the same energy and feel as young as you did when you were a teenager. Be healthy -- feel young. Be happy -- have fun. It's free. Learn how to be young. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:35:30]

Bathing in the Fountain of Youth


To get the fastest results of the energy cleaner, fill your bath tub with good hot water so you submerge down under the water so it covers your whole body. Then put the screen wire stimulating pads down into the bath water. You will be stimulating the whole body with in minutes. You will be feeling every place in your body that has started to load up of waste. As it starts to pull it out, you will feel the soreness moving out with in 45 minutes to one hour. You will feel young new again with no pain. The fountain of youth is the perfect stress reliever. Hot tub for any health club, the YMCA, where the public could go and get the relief from all their stress, aches, pains, sore muscles or tired body in one hour of bathing after a hard day and feel young again.


You will feel relaxed with the pain and sore muscles removed on the first day then, then you will start to getting much more energy. You wont be tired and sore at the end of the days work. You will feel rested and ready to go to work in the morning and happy just to go to work. In a short time you will feel so good that you will feel like going out in the evening to have fun and wont be tired in the morning when time to get up.

Bathing in the Fountain of Youth & New Discoveries! How I Discovered How to Clean the Cells with Charged Water The door to the Fountain of Youth has been opened. I had just received my energy cleaner but was waiting for the conductor pads to arrive in the mail. I was anxious to use the energy cleaner but since I didn't have any screen wire or conductor pads, I could only look at the machine and wonder how well it worked. After searching my mind for some way to use the machine, I thought if it works with conductive material, then it should work with water since water is a conductor. They say new discoveries and ideas come from either inspiration or desperation. In this case, it was desperation. I was desperate to use the machine and was determined to find a way to use it. I decided to hook up a copper wire to the energy cleaner and then just put the wire in my bath. Lee says he knew it would have a great effect on me. This was my first experience using the energy cleaner. After using the energy cleaner, I feel more alive and not sluggish like I (1 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:35:38]

Bathing in the Fountain of Youth

had for many years now. Using it in the bath is probably one of the best ways to use it since water contacts almost all parts of the body at once. I continue to use the energy cleaner while sleeping, working and driving. If I am just sitting at my computer, why not get the added benefit of cleaning my cells at the same time? It is very portable and you might as well use it as much as possible. I have noticed that my breathing has become easier and I just feel more alive and have more energy with every day that I use it. I think the energy cleaner is the best invention of all times. To learn more about the energy cleaner and the experiences I've had or to learn how to get one, contact me the school Second New Discovery- Gargling with Charged Water! This second new discovery was made by my 12 year old son, and I think it is only fair to give him credit for it. He didn't feel so good one day and he wanted to stay home from school. Well, since I was working at home that day, is wasn't all that inconvenient for me but I do work better with no distractions, so I was anxious to get him well. So instead of doing nothing and waiting for it to pass, I decided to have him take a bath using the energy cleaner with a copper wire attached to it and a piece of aluminum foil attached to the other end of the copper wire. I put the aluminum foil end in the water and let him soak. Roberto was complaining the night before and that day of a sore throat and said he couldn't breathe very well. While he was in the bath, I heard him gargling. I asked him what he was doing and he confirmed what I thought, that indeed, he was gargling in the bathtub. Then I asked him about it and he said he had been doing it for approximately 6 minutes and that his sore throat was almost gone and he could breathe much better. He continued to gargle for a total of 15 minutes. By 11 am, he was already well enough to be back at school although he didn't go back. He says in his own words, "Well it did get rid of my sore throat and my breathing returned to normal. I advise people to use it, cause it is a good machine and it works fast." So there you have it folks, gargling with salt water may be good but gargling with charged water is even faster. Let us add gargling with charged water to the list of new healing discoveries! This method might even work on (2 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:35:38]

Bathing in the Fountain of Youth

throat cancer. Last But Not Least: When my 10 year old daughter, came home that day, I told her about her brother's discovery and told her she would need to come up with something. She thought for a minute and then said, "How about brushing your teeth with the charged water?" We haven't tried it yet, but it can't hurt. Who knows, maybe it would keep cavities down. There will undoubtedly be many more discoveries as we continue to use the energy cleaner, but unless you use it, you'll miss out.

Note: If it wasn't for Lee's knowledge of how the body works along with Tom Berryhill's expertise in engineering this product, we would have never stumbled across these discoveries in the first place. We wouldn't have had any prior knowledge of how it all works nor would we have had the machine to discover it with, so Lee and Tom also deserve credit for these discoveries to some degree. GET YOUR YOUTH BACK AND HAVE FUN
I will be 80 years old this year. I get up at 6am, eat breakfast, listen to the news and go to work at 6:30, because it is a family tradition, everyone does it. I dont have a thing planed, just go and do what I can and get it all done before 5:00 pm. I go feed the animals and be at supper by 6:00 pm. I bathe in the fountain of youth every evening and there is no 40 year old that feels any better pain free. No one has any more fun than I do, by just doing the things that I love to do of helping the needy that are less fortunate of being healthy and happy and having what they need to bring them peace and happiness and by performing 3 or 4 miracles a week, by removing their pain and jumpstarting the broken down part of the body and get it to heal and be healthy again. When you stop the pain in a few minutes and they jump up and praise the lord and dance for joy, not to hurt any more and their hard masses in the glands dissolve and are gone and the memory comes back so they remember the little funny things their children did when young and to tell their grandchildren and the hearing is like it use to be. They forget they are old and have fun like the lord made the world to be, next to heaven. You must care for the body the way the lord designed it to be cared for his way and it is next to heaven. Be healthy and happy and have fun the lords way, pain free. If you keep it the modern way with drugs to numb the brain to kill the pain and killcut-and burn all symptoms, so to stop them and do nothing to help the cause. This world is next to hell and you die and go to hell to get relief from here. That is not what the lord taught the disciples to do. His teaching worked then and still does today. What the bible calls miracles then and are very easy to do it (3 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:35:38]

Bathing in the Fountain of Youth

works every time. Just get into the fountain of youth and bathe for one hour. You will know what a miracle is. It just cant get any better than that. Live long and have fun. (4 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:35:38]


Being a good samaritan is a wonderful way of having fun by doing the Lords commanding of loving, and helping thy neighbor as you would yourself. You get more hugs and love from the ones you help. When working in a Wellness Lodge, you feel and know you can help everyone that has fallen into the ditch along the road of life that has been robbed of all their life plans with no help only to be made numb with a bag of pills and waiting for the fast train to heaven. The Lord made the body so simple the way it works and gave everyone the tools to repair the broken parts. All you need is a little knowledge on how the body works. We will teach you how you can heal the body of its breakdown and sickness by using the Universal Energy of the body with your hands. We will teach you how to use the hands to direct the Universal Energy and control it to rebuild any broken down part. If you use the Energy Stimulator with the hands at the same time, you will speed up the cleansing of the toxic waste that has caused the body to break down and get sick. To jump-start the body, is just the same as jump-starting a car. When your car gets sluggish and the battery is weak, you can hook one car to your battery and it will turn your motor slow and it might start, but if you hook 2 cars to you car, it will really spin the motor and start the motor since you have a lot more power. There is no doctor in the world that knows how the body works and how it cleans out the toxic waste caused by the burning of the fuel the body uses to operate. When some of it gets stuck to the walls of the cells it causes it to breakdown. When the body gets the waste stuck in the cells and breaks down it needs a jump-start just like your car did. You can use your hands and the Universal Energy to jump-start it to working again but you are using just one unit; just the same as when you hooked one car to your car. When you use the Energy Stimulator and place the screen wire over the place that has broke down and place your hand on the screen wire of the Stimulator you have got two units hooked up the same as when you hooked up 2 cars to your car. You have twice the power to get it running again. This is the same as the broken down part that quit working. When you connect that much power to it, the cell will clean up 10 times faster as if you only used one source of energy power at one time. It depends on what type of breakdown you have as to if you need 2 units to get it jumpstarted in a short time. Usually tooth aches, bee stings, light headaches, ear aches, old injuries, rheumatism, gout, burns and other small injuries will only require energy from one unit to get it cleaned up pretty quickly. When you have a group of cells full of toxic waste that has got hard and swollen, it will take many hours to dissolve the toxic waste and flush the cells out to get them clean. Use all the hands that are available to get the job done as quick as possible. The more hands on the screen, the faster it will clean the toxic waste from the area you are working on. The hands will get pretty hot after a long period. To cool them down go to the sink and turn the cold water on and let it flow down over the hands. The heat you feel in the body and (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:37:25]


hands is not from either the body or the hands or the energy stimulator. It is generated from the energy being used up to get the cells started. It is the positive and negative energy using each other up and that makes heat. It is the same energy in your car battery when you hook the positive electrode to the negative post on the battery; you will get fire and soon burn a wire off. You're doing the same thing as when you hook the bodys positive and negative poles together, it makes heat. The two poles use each other up and that is how the body works. The center of the cells are normally negative when you hook a positive current to them. It uses up the negative energy. As they become positive they discharge everything in them and they give off heat also as they empty out. Then you change the polarity and use up the positive charge in them and recharge them with negative energy that causes the cells to fill up with nourishment. The energy stimulator reverses polarity every 15 minutes that causes the cells to cycle every half hour that will cleanse the cells of any toxic waste and restore them to healthy cells like they should be. It takes a lot of time to clean up a broken down part that has got hard and swollen. Anything that makes you feel good and happy is recreation. The Energy Cleaner makes you feel so good it is pure joy. It is the best recreational machine in the world. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:37:25]



The New 2004 Model

Will do everything the human body can do, when using it in a health club or Lodge, where different people use the same machine, when they have swelling or pain. You must empty the cell first to remove the excess fluid in the cell and the toxins that are causing the pain. To get relief, that takes the warm signal or counter clockwise by hand. The 2004 model, we added a start up switch and a red or green blinking light. The warm signal is the red flash that signals the cell to contract and empty out. The green flash is the cool or clockwise signal to the cells to expand and fill up with new nourishment. When you place the stimulation pad over the swollen and pain area you press the start up switch, which is the little white button on top beside the blinking light. The blinking light will come on red and stay red as long as you hold the button down. When you let go it will start blinking red and start the discharge cycle and keep switching the warm and cool cycles every 15 minutes until you push the button to start it back on the warm signal to start a different group of cells to discharging them. All live bodies are a big battery with millions of cells and its own way of making its electric to keep it charged up. (1 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:43:46]


A large animal, a horse or cow is a low 4+ volt with lots of amps. A hyper dog has a high 4+ volt with low amps. A human has a 4.5 volt with 40 amps. You can transfer the electric from one body to the other to stimulate their energy and jumpstart their cells to working. That is universal energy. The energy cleaner converts and transforms D.C. electric from 9D size flashlight batteries through its transformer chips and converter chips in its circuit board. You can not take raw D.C. current directly to a live body from the batteries and get good results. The body will reject what it don't like. The energy cleaner is the same as the human body. You can't tell which energy you are using, from another human or the energy cleaner. The energy cleaner includes one {1} machine and four {4} stimulator pads. One pad is 50"x 9' for on the bed. One pad is 10"x16" for hand pads. One pad is 10"x 54" for wraparound of the body. One pad is 10"x 10" aluminum screen wire for in the bathtub. The energy cleaner is a little black plastic box 8x8x4 with a brass hook. You hook the lead wire from the copper cloth pad electrode to the energy cleaner. You place the cloth pad over the cells you want to stimulate to get them to work again. This cleans out the toxic waste from them; thus getting them working. You take the stimulator with you and use it as you like. You can take it with you on a walk, use it on the move like in your vehicle or use it while you are sleeping. To use it while sleeping, you would set it beside your bed and hook the lead to the large pad that you have laid on the bed under your fitted sheet. The stimulator works all the time the lead is hooked to it. It has a little blinking red light that blinks every 8 seconds; as long as it blinks it is working. It will blink red for 15 minutes, then switch to green for 15 minutes, as it is switching the cycles. When the blinking light get dim it indicates the D-size flashlight battery is getting weak and needs new batteries installed, which is about every two years. To get maximum results from the stimulator, you lay the screen wire where you like. You place your hands on the screen holding it in place. The stimulator will coordinate the stimulator energy and your energy to work together and give a soothing, warm, penetrating stimulation to the area going through the body and stimulating all the cells in that area of the body. You will feel the toxic waste being moved and the whole area will be relieved and relaxed. You will get up and praise the Lord for lifting the great burden that was took away by cleaning the stuck toxic energy in the cells that was causing the body to break down. It never fails, for that is the way the Lord made the body to work, as long as cells have a good signal from the brain. When the cells lose signal contact with the brain, then you must jump-start them working again and get the meridians opened up to get the signal to work again. Be wise, its your life. Get an Energy Cleaner and clean up your cells of toxic waste. Be healthy, happy and live to be 100 years old without pain and sickness. The Lord made you to not have to be sick and suffer, he gave you the energy and tools to keep your own body healthy and pain free. So be healthy, happy and wise. FOR CLEANING THE BODY OF WASTE The energy cleaner is the only thing in this world that can stimulate the cells of the body to clean out the waste in the cells, so it doesnt get toxic and poison the body and kill it. The medical profession doesnt know why negative energy gets stuck in cells and doesnt have a clue how to clean them out. They keep giving the body drugs like a laxative hoping they will move like the bowels when you get constipated. They have been doing this for centuries and still dont know that the cells wont work with a laxative. They work from a signal and all they need is a little jump start with a signal from the electric of the universal energy of the body. Its free and always works because that is natural for them to work and the only way they will work. Drugs only foul up the signal of the body and makes the problem worse. Taking a pill to numb the brain will never get the body well, but it sure does take the bloat out of your wallet. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION ADMITS that the body works from a signal from the brain. When a short or blockage stops the signal from the brain, nothing happens. When it stops a group of cells, they get sick. Killing, cutting or burning those cells is not the way to get them working and being healthy cells. The Lord made it so easy to jumpstart them and give them a little boost. To clean them up and be healthy is the only way that people will live to elderly ages and over 100 years, still pain free and going strong like the body was designed. It doesnt wear out, it just breaks down. Just give it a little jumpstart. All it needs is a little help to get it going. This killing or cutting a group of broken down cells to get rid of them sure doesnt get the body healthy. All it can do is (2 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:43:46]


move your appointment with the undertaker closer. You must fix the reason you got sick, not kill it or cut it or try to burn it to get it well. That cant work. That is a way of killing people and that is murder. Calling it modern medicine is wrong. It is so easy to help the brain clean up the trouble and fix the meridian's short, so the brain can heal the body. The cause and the problem are gone and you live on to be the superstar the Lord met you to be. (3 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:43:46]



One of the outstanding aspects of Jesus life were the various miracles he performed. According to the Bible, Jesus walked on water, fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish, changed water to wine and raised people from the dead. However, the most meaningful of his miracles was the healings he performed. These were healings of paralysis, lameness, fever, catalepsy, hemorrhages, skin disease, mental disorders, spirit possessions, deafness and blindness. Many of the healings were accomplished by the laying of hands, indicated frequently in the New Testament. Luke 4:40 states: when the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus, all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hand on each one, He healed them. Matthew 8:14-15 describes how Jesus uses touch to heal Peters mother-in-law of fever. Matthew 20:29-34 describes how Jesus healed two blind men by touching their eyes. There are many similarities between the laying of hands type healing that Jesus did and the Energy Healing. One important similarity is the fact that Jesus could pass the ability to heal one to others. In Luke 9:12 Jesus taught his twelve disciples the power to drive demons and cure diseases. Another aspect of Jesus healing that is very similar to Energy Healing relates to faith. While faith was required for many of the healings He performed, it appears that the healings Jesus did with his hands did not require faith. Mark 6:5-6 states He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. So, despite the fact they did not believe, Jesus was still able to use the laying on of hands to heal. This is one of the most important aspects of energy cleaning. It does not require faith on the part of those receiving a cleaning in order for it to work. The fact that Jesus had secret teachings, He gave only to those who He had given healing powers to, is clearly indicated in Matthew 13:10-11 and Mark 4:10-12 & 34. The early followers of Jesus teachings were made up of several groups. One group was the Gnostics. The practice of laying of hands had a secret knowledge that had been passed on to them by Jesus and his disciples. Their existence is proven by the Gnostic gospels, which are part of the Dead Sea Scrolls and are spoken about in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus possessed great confidences in his ability and was able to heal instantaneously with spectacular results. It is clear that he had possessed many metaphysical skills and used them. Learn how to use the electric signal from the universal energy of the body to signal the cells of the body to discharge all toxic poison the diseases have caused. Be Healthy Happy and Wise. Have fun it's free No Drugs or pain It works, I have tried it. The Lord expects Lee to perform 3 or 4 miracles a week. JESUS HEALS THE SICK Learn how Jesus healed the sick by laying his hands on the sick using the electric signal from the universal energy of His body to signal the affected cells of the sick that had been filled with toxic poison from the disease. The sick had to discharge all toxic poison in the cells to be clean healthy (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:44:39]


cells again. Jesus didn't charge for his healing and teaching. We don't charge- It's Free. Be healthy happy and wise- Have fun its free. Learn how to heal the sick and perform miracles like Jesus did. The lame will get up and dance for joy and the sick praised the Lord. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:44:39]

The International Society of

The International Society of Crown Golden Eagles The Millennium Academy 7949 Woodley Ave. Suite 118 Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone 800-322-6169 ext 6229 Fax 818-375-5082 Personal Phone 818-375-5081
Transmitted to: Frank Tralongo Transmitted From: Norberto Buddy Reyes Message In response to your appeal for your friend who you say is dying of cancer, I really believe that the use of the machine invented by Lee Crock of Caldwell, Ohio can help the body heal itself. A few weeks ago, I went with a friend to Caldwell. This friend, Lee Wiltz-the Chief Operating Officer of CGE-was coughing and very weak, caused by a tumor on his lung. He had been given only 6 months to live by his doctor. After the first night on the machine his coughing was reduced 50%, after 3 days we returned to California. Now, Leo is completely well. Also, several other friends of mine have become well because of this process. This I have seen for myself, in fact, I am so impressed by the results I have witnessed, that I am planning on opening a clinic here in California after getting official clearance, authorization and any required licensing, etc. I have seen many cases where people have been ill before going to Caldwell and using the machine but have come home feeling great with no signs of the illness. However, we cannot attribute this success to anything done there, it may just be a coincidence. Buddy Reyes

The Lord is going to have to give Lee the knowledge of how he can pass the gift to people without being put in jail for it. The clinic was free to anyone who came to it. The State Medical Board of Ohio took exception to that but couldnt really prove he was doing anything wrong. Lee shut the clinic down and gave it up. It sure makes me feel bad, because he did so much good and it is a shame he had to stop when he did. Here is some of the documented evidence they submitted to the court in Lees case of the State of Ohio vs. Lee Crock. (1 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

The International Society of

Dan Bowler Erie, Pennsylvania Dan and his sister brought their dad, who had his left lung taken over with cancer. The cancer had spread to the right lung. The doctors had given him three weeks to live. During his visit here, he rested well on the first day and his breathing was good. His sister felt bad and had no strength. The first night she rested well. The second day they felt like new people. They stayed for five days and said they hadnt felt this well in years. They left here feeling good, as their bodies had been cleansed of all toxic poisons that make you hurt and sick. The father said he knew his lungs were open and his breathing was good with no discomfort.

J.J Schlabach Smicksburg, PA If you smoke, enjoy it, and if you want to continue to smoke dont take Energy Stimulation. It does clean your body of all toxic waste, including nicotine residue. Your body is like new and will react to smoking again like it was your first cigarette. You will light up and get the same results you did with your first cigarette. You will become dizzy, your eyes will blur and you will feel sick to your stomach. You can take my word for it. I know the feeling, for one time when I was young, my buddy and I thought we were big enough to graduate from smoking grapevines to tobacco, we rolled a cigar out of tobacco leaves just like dad did. We began huffing and blowing more smoke than we had ever seen and it was not long until we became dizzy, eyes blurred and were sick to our stomach, we ended up on the ground wallowing around and vomiting like drunks do. This is one lesson that you wont forget. You can take my word for it Lee. As for taking my first Lee Crock cleansing for four hours, I walked outside for a cigarette and after a few puffs I had a surprise. Half scared, I put the cigar out; went back in the academy due to the fact I was light headed and felt very dizzy. This sensation lasted about fifteen minutes which; reminded me of a small boy who wanted a few puffs. I did give him a puff and he didnt ask for a second one. I know the feeling that boy had was the same feeling I had after taking a cleansing from Lee Crock. I have tried to smoke everyday since then and this is the fourth time and it has bothered me every time. I will learn how to smoke again.

Joe Herchberger Rt. 1 Box 5599 Catteraugus, NY 14719 Dear Lee, I want to try to pay my bill. When I took the first treatment I was in a wheelchair. I could not walk without a cane and people had to help me get up on my feet and help me walk. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer. I took a 24 hour treatment and I got out of bed alone, walked the full length of the (2 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

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building, and got in the car by myself. I took my first treatment September 30th and one month later I got rid of my wheelchair. Six weeks after my first treatment, I got rid of my cane. I am now taking treatment two times a week at home. I walked 1 miles the other day and I am feeling good. I am ready to go to work. I recommend this treatment for anyone with cancer. Thank You Lee.

Lewis Bates

A Columbus, Ohio oil and gas producer stopped at the clinic on August 3, 1999. He was limping on his left leg. I told him it looks as if you are dragging one leg. He stated that he had his left knee smashed in the oil fields and had it operated on 11 years ago and it had been the source of his pain ever since. I invited him in and he had a seat. I asked if he had been limping just to get sympathy. He said no, it is really hurting. I sat a machine on the floor beside him and handed him a piece of screen wire then suggested he place it where the pain was the worst. He placed the screen over his left knee and put one hand on each side of his knee. He then asked me, You really dont believe this will help, I asked him if it felt warm and he stated yes it really feels good. I answered it will feel even better in 20 minutes and you are going to owe me a bill and you are going to pay it differently than you have ever paid a bill in your life, you are going to dance a jig for me. Lewis broke into a laugh and said no way, I have not done that in 11 years. Twenty minutes later he got up and came over to me where I was on the phone and began to dance, he said It is all gone and thank God and you Lee. He walked out without a limp. Anytime the body develops a problem with no reason known to man, it is usually a problem with the signal system of the body. The brain will care for the body if the signal system is working. When the signal system breaks down that is a problem just like when your car shorts out or a wire breaks and you can fix it. The same is true with the body, be wise; dont take a drug to numb the brain and kill the symptoms so it doesnt hurt and die. That is suicide not a medical problem.

For any break down in the head, place the screen over the head making sure the wire is hooked to the brass hook on the stimulator and place the hand over the spot you want to jump start. If it is a loss of hearing, place the palm of the hand over the ear hole, it will wash out the plugged up nerve from the ear drum to the brain so that the signal from the ear drum gets to the brain and you hear again. If you have a headache, place a screen pad over the head then place the hand over the temple, it will give the greatest warm feeling you have ever had and in a very short time the pain will be gone. If the person has epilepsy, it should stop in a short time. Alzheimers will clear up in 5-10 hours if have four hands on the pad at the same time. If you have a break down in the chest put the screen on the back and lay against it and place one on the chest. Place as many hands on it as available. If you have lung problems, you will feel it in one hour of relieving the problem. The time is different depending on what it is. (3 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

The International Society of

People that have been getting blood transfusions wont need it again. One with shortness of breath wont need oxygen and one with cancer will take 5-10 days to de-solve it. Pain from surgery one hour. Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Female organs and Male organs a few hours to a few days depending on how long it has been there. Using the Lords energy, medicine is working with Mother Nature. Everything is natural, you are just circulating the bodys own electric energy to jump start the broken down part that has become toxic poison and get the meridian cleaned out so the electric signals flow through to the part to keep it working and stay healthy.
The goal here is to Stay Healthy, Be Happy and Wise

Rest the Body Relax the Spirit Recharge your Battery When you get a short in the body and run your battery down, your body does break down. That is not a medical problem, you must jump start your signal system and recharge your battery. You body will restore itself. This is the way the Lord made the human body to work. He gave you all the tools and equipment to care for your body. All you need is to pay attention to the warning signals and have a little knowledge of how to repair the problem.

Mary Bowler Louisville, Ohio She came to the clinic in March of 1998 with a tumor in the brain and terrible pain. She was unable to walk from dizziness. After four hours the pain was gone and they took an energy stimulator home with them to use. After 30 days Mary went to the doctor and her tumor had decreased, it went from the size of a hen egg to the size of a ping pong ball. For the next several months when she went to her doctor appointments, there was no change. It stands at the size of a ping pong ball and in December the doctor decided to do the surgery. The morning of the surgery the doctors told the family it would be a six hour surgery, forty-five minutes later the doctor came into the waiting room and told the family the surgery was complete and Mary had stood it well and was in the recovery room. When the doctors made the incision the tumor had encased itself in a hard, tuff covering and was not connected to any other tissue. It was simply a loose ball lying there and fell out when they got to it. Mary went home without any more problems. That seems to be normal for the body to do that. Its the same with the lymph nodes when a tumor is present. It makes a hard ball and doesnt change until the surgery is done and it just falls out like a loose hard ball. (4 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

The International Society of

Jake Swarts Pittsburg, PA Jake is a housing contractor. He came to the clinic in December 1998 with rheumatoid arthritis throughout his body. He was in a wheelchair and could not feed himself. He experienced terrible pain in his feet and legs. His wife, sister and brother-in-law came with him to the clinic. They arrived and placed him on a bed and hooked him to an energy stimulator. His wife placed a pad on his right foot and ankle for about one hour with her hands on the top of the pad. The pain had let up and Jake went to sleep. The next day, Lee got them to put Jake on the therapy table and his sister, wife and brother-in-law got on one side of Jake and Lee, Bonnie and another girl got on the other side of Jake. They placed their hands on top of the pads covering Jake and hooked them to the stimulator. Lee told Jake he expected him to get off the table in 1 hours and scratch his head with both hands and dance a jig at the same time. Jake laughed and said that would take a miracle for him to do that. Within forty-five minutes Jake said let me up, he jumped off the table, scratched his head with both hands, danced a hoe down and ran all around the building saying it had been 10 years since he was pain free. He went home, went to work and never came back to the clinic again.

Ludie Reis Los Angeles, CA When Lee and Bonnie went to California, she was in the hospital with lung cancer. Her lungs had filled up and shut down, so she was on oxygen and could hardly get her breath. When Lee and Bonnie arrived on Tuesday morning in January of 2000. Her family was told she would not live until Saturday. Her friend Buddy put a stimulator in a handbag and two screen pads in a pillowcase and labeled it prayer pads. When we went to the hospital Buddy told the nurse we wanted a prayer session with Ludie. The nurses cleared the room, shut the door, and we placed one pad under Ludies shoulder and one over her chest. The four of us laid our hands on the pad over her chest and stood there for 2 hours, by then she was breathing normal and took off the oxygen and did not use it again. The next day we went back again and the nurses treated us as something special. We repeated the same procedure for 2 hours, Ludie got up and fed herself. The next day we went back and did the same again. Ludie got up and walked out on Friday. They discharged her to home instead of staying there and dying on Saturday like they thought.

Ernest Presley Ernest came to see Lee on July 2nd 1997. He informed Lee he was dying of cancer of the prostate and (5 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

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was to be dead by September 1st and he knew he was going to die. Ernest was crying stating he was afraid to die and begged Lee to help him. Lee and Bonnie felt so bad they said they would help with Aura Therapy by hand and maybe it would help his pain. His PSA test was 13,000. Ernest laid in bed and Lee and Bonnie stood with their hands over his pelvis for eight hours without stopping, changing off every fifteen minutes. Lee was using the positive energy and Bonnie was using the negative energy. When asked what he felt, Ernest stated I feel a little warm, then a little cool and Lord do I have to pee. He passed two full quarts of urine in the eight hours. The first was very dark and the second was clear and pure as water. The clear was taken to the lab and tested, it tested as I.V. solution tests with something in it, that the lab had never seen in urine. It was what is in cancer. The lab had no clue how it could have gotten in the urine. In two weeks Ernest went for his monthly PSA test and the results were 26. Ernest got well and gained 65 pounds. That year he went back to welding again and built a boat. If you would like to read any more of these testimonials used in the trial against Lee Crock, they are on file at the Noble County Courthouse in Caldwell, Ohio.
Ann Email: Central Missouri For most of my adult life (over 30 years, maybe even longer) I have suffered with a condition of a blocked saliva gland. Anyone who has this knows how extremely painful this condition is. In my case, until I could pass the stone, my face would be so swollen it made it impossible to try to eat any type of food. I could barely swallow a few liquids such as water, soup broth, etc. This would last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Sometimes, if I was lucky, I could feel the stone and be able to work it out myself. Other times, I had to go to my Ear, Nose & Throat doctor and he would make a small incision in my mouth to get the stone out . This has happened so frequently for me that I had developed scar tissue in the saliva canal. For years, every time I sat down for a meal, or grabbed a snack, I had to massage the gland (located by the jaw and ear area) work it so that while I was eating it would not get hard and then start to swell up. I always felt a little embarrassed if I was at a restaurant or with someone who didnt know about my condition. I never fully enjoyed the simple pleasure of eating and not having to worry if my face would blow up like a balloon. About a month ago, I had one of the worst "episodes" I ever had to go through. My face had swollen so badly that when I looked into the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. And the pain was absolutely unbearable! It was so bad that I couldnt even make the trip into the city to see my ear, nose & throat specialist but instead went to our medical clinic in town. I could tell the staff, the nurses and even the doctor had never before seen such a swollen face as bad as mine. The doctor did try to examine me but my face was so swollen I could hardly open my mouth. She prescribed an antibiotic and a powerful pain pill and told me it would take some time before the swelling could go down. I went home and for the next couple of days I took the antibiotic but the pain was so bad I was first taking the pain pills every 4 hours, then sooner than 4 hours, then doubling up on the pills. In fact, in my tired mind, I knew I was eating these pain pills like candy but I was absolutely at the end of my rope. My face was swollen, my eyes were all red and swollen from crying, I couldnt eat, I just laid there wondering why God was doing this to me. My poor husband, who was doing all that he could to make me comfortable, suggested to me why dont I just try the Energy Cleaner Machine. "It just might help with the pain", he said. I knew I couldnt stay on the pain pills (I had taken so many I was afraid I could get hooked on them), at that point I was willing to try anything. My husband took a sheet of aluminum foil and attached it to the Energy Cleaner. I was laying down on the sofa and he put the foil on the swollen area and told me to just lay there with my hand on top of it. I did this so gently and in a few minutes, probably feeling the effect of the pain pills, I had fallen asleep. I stayed this way for a good 2 hours all the while the Energy Cleaner Machine was doing its job. Later on, in the evening, I again used the Energy Cleaner for another 1 to 1 hours. The second time I thought I had felt "something" move around a little but I wasnt sure. On the third time, I put the foil on my face but this time I could only have it on there for about 10 minutes before I told my husband "the heat , its so hot I cant handle it". It was just a couple of hours later I was sitting up gently massaging my face when I felt a stone getting ready to pop out into my mouth. I got up went into the bathroom and before I knew it, I was spitting out stones like a Pez dispenser. Stone after stone kept (6 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

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coming. I couldnt hardly believe it. I was desperately trying to save as many of the stones as I could to show my husband. That afternoon I was able to go to the city to see the specialist. My husband went into the room with me and we showed our little bag of stones to the doctor. His eyes about popped outof his head. He had never seen so many stones released all at one time . He also told us that if this had been in the kidney, I wouldve required surgery especially because of the quantity and of the size. While he was examining me in his office, 3 more stones came out. That made a grand total of 30 stones, not counting the ones I had lost down the drain in my bathroom. It came with such a force, it reminded me of a cork popping off a champagne bottle and the champagne spilling out everywhere. It was really an amazing sight to see stone after stone "exploding" out of my mouth. Ill never forget that experience as long as I live. Thank God my husband suggested using the Energy Cleaner Machine and thank God for Lee Crock! I feel like a normal person again. I can eat anything, go to a restaurant now and just enjoy the experience of dining out and not having to "work my face". I am 100% healed after years of putting up with this. I highly recommend this wonderful machine to anyone who has had similar problem, or to anyone who has pain. Dont be afraid just try it and youll save yourself years of unnecessary pain and misery. Im so glad I did and now I know what its like to feel normal again. The Lee Crock Energy Cleaner is a "Miracle Machine". Willis J. Lacy III A little over a month ago, my friend Therman convinced me to look into the Lee CrockEnergy Cleaner device. With much skepticism and a little electrical knowledge, I put together some batteries as Therman said. Manning the trusty egg timer, my wife called off the minutes as I sat on a screen. The next morning, I knew that my hard head and skepticism had cost me weeks of pain relief. I will not go into the meds I was taking, but only to say that two types of pain medicine were in use at little or no avail. Not to mention that my mental attitude had changed for the worse toward family and friends. The attitude change is a little thing the doctors do not tell you about when they give pain meds. Fighting a serious health challenge, I had come to the conclusion that the natural way is the only way to go. I am and was on Transfer Factor Plus, vitamins, and various supplements. Also some unavoidable heart meds were a part of my routine. I still take these but fewer of them. A recent test shows a dramatic improvement even after I reduced my intake. I believe that the use of the Lee Crock Energy Cleaner has made the difference. When I read site, it became crystal clear as to what had happened to me. My body is functioning better each day now. I will go as far as to say hourly changes. If I were to go into details of how bad I was before using the Lee Crock Energy Cleaner, one would think I had made up a good one. A few months earlier, I went for Jury Duty and two days later I landed in the Emergency Room for the fifth time in six months. When I went back for a follow up, my doctor was nice enough to tell me that I could have gotten out of going. Nice to hear after the fact. I am not a regular church attendee, but I try to practice His teaching daily with my fellow man. The call Therman gave me came after the night I had a serious conversation with The Man. I never ask Him to do for me, but allow me to find something to help myself. He did just that and it is not the first time. Please continue to reach as many people as you can with your teachings. Also, continue to share the Lee Crock Energy Cleaner.

Have a Great Energy Cleaner Day,

Dear Lee Crock: I just wanted to let you know that I have really appreciated your energy cleaner. I was about 8 months pregnant at the time we recieved your energy cleaner and we hooked everything up as per the directions, only using the sheet on the bed at night. I had gone to a prenatal with my midwife and had a terrible urine test with nitrates off the charts as well as keytones and leukocytes, but the one that was really concerning to me was high levels of biliruben in my urine. After some research, I found that all of these things were signs of high toxicity in my body and the biliruben was especially dangerous to the baby at this late stage in my pregnancy. Biliruben must be very high to spill into urine. Even most jaundice patients have to have a blood test to (7 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]

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detect this toxin in the system. Suffice it to say, I was full of toxic materials of all kinds. This is my 7th pregnancy and 5 of the 6 I've already had were born at home, which is what I wanted to do with this baby but unless I could get this toxicity level under control fast, I was too highrisk for home birth. So, I decided that I would use the energy cleaner on the bed and see what happened. In one week my urine test had only a slight trace of glucose in my urine and all other toxins were undetectable. In two weeks I had a perfect urine test and absolutely felt wonderful. My midwife wanted to know what I had done to improve so quickly. She told me that she had never seen anyone recover so quickly with as much toxicity as I had in my system. Now I am in the last week of my pregnancy and patiently waiting and preparing for my home birth in wonderful health...... Thankyou so much for sharing what you've been given! All my best to you and yours-


Teaching the Lords way

Of healing the sick With Universal Energy And the Hands Stay Healthy, Be Happy and Wise THE LORD MEANT IT TO BE THAT WAY ITS YOUR LIFE; ENJOY IT AND HAVE FUN (8 of 8) [03/06/2004 8:44:55]


RESEARCH AND STUDIES Conducted by: Ed Krack - Dean Leo Krack - Principal E-K-University PO Box 313 Williamstown, WV 26187 e-mail Ed Krack - Dean
RESEARCH AND STUDY OF THE DISEASES OF THE HUMAN BODY The Lord made the best machine in the world, the human body. It does not wear out; it breaks down, gets sick and dies. All it needs is a little jumpstart to fix the break down and live on. If modern medicine can't fix it mother nature can. If you jumpstart the broken down part and get it working, you'll find it is very simple and easy to do. No medicine or drugs is wanted, they just kill the body faster. The School of Energy Healing is proud and willing to share their research and studies they have developed on how to stimulate the body to jumpstart any break down in the body to remove the toxic poison and mother nature will heal the damage and the body will be healthy once again. Any group or organization that studies and researches the diseases of the human body that wants to learn how to keep the human body healthy so it doesn't break down and get sick or to jumpstart it after it has broke down and got sick just give us a call at the school 740-7830021 or email us at We are glad to explain it and willing to demonstrate it and furnish the equipment to do the research and study with. Modern medicine won't consider Mother Nature's way of healing the body to keep it healthy. In 1998, the university contacted 1500 different research centers and schools of medicine. We offered to teach and demonstrate how mother nature would heal and repair the body by stimulating it and jump starting the broken down part to working again. Not one ever replied because the Lord gave it to us. It's Free.

From September 1997 until the State closed the clinic in August 2000 we did a lot of research and studies using the healing power of Universal energy to heal all the diseases that affect a live body. By using the energy cleaning machine virus by hand and using the machine and the hands (1 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


together, it proved the machine and the hands were equal. One could clean the cells as quickly and as good as the other when you combined the machine and the hands. When you place the hands on top of the stimulating pads that are hooked to the machine, it will do miracles. A severe pain that would take days to stop by hand or the machine can be stopped in a few hours by using both, laying the hand on top of the pads hooked to the machine. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PAIN There were thousands came with severe pain in wheelchairs or on crutches, walkers, and canes and on cots. Within an hour or so they all go up and danced a jig, clapped their hands praising the Lord and left pain free. CARPEL TUNNEL Everyone that came in, left in one-hour pain free. PAIN IN THE BONE FROM RADIATION This was the only one that took multiple times of stimulation. The first time stimulation would take only one day but it would start to come back slowly by the end of one week. It would become so severe they would be back to stimulate the area again, within one hour the pain would be gone. Each time it came back less severe. After coming for one year for an hour each time they quit coming back altogether. CANCER Is a real simple problem. It is caused by a group of cells getting shorted out from the signal to the brain. They dont get a signal to work and just lay there dormant and the cells start becoming toxic because they are not emptying out or getting nourishment to stay healthy. They start to die, then swell up and get hard; this is a tumor. When they die it is cancer. They affect the next cell so it starts growing. You must signal the cells by jump starting them to discharge the old toxic poison out and to refill with new nourishment. They will continue to die until it kills the whole body. You must get a signal to the group of cells to get them to working to clean those cells out and feed them to get them clean of the toxic poison stuck in them. It depends on how many cells are dying to determine how long it takes to cycle the cell to get the old hard toxic poison cleaned out of the cells. It is the same as rinsing a glass, the sooner you start rinsing a glass, the less time it takes to get it cleaned. You lay a stimulating pad over the area where the cells have been affected. Put as many hands as you can get on top of the pad to speed up the process. The urine will carry off the toxin coming from the body. Put it in a clear glass. Hold this up to the light and you can see the waste that comes from the cells. It will be bad looking junk coming out. If its in the liver it has sand granules in it and smells rotten because the dead is being flushed out. If you dont give up it will clean up. It didnt get that way in a week so keep working at it until the urine is clear and the smell is gone and the cells will be clean. Cells clean up. When in the brain or lymph nodes, they clean real quick if not too dead and they will shrink and will be gone. They dont go away completely but form a tough coating around the outside. If operated on they are set loose with a coating around them and come out not fastened anywhere. If the lump is not too old, most times the tumor will dissolve the toxic waste and clean out, but if the cells are dead and dont work at all they cant be dissolved. Those completely dead cells will stay there with the body capitalizing (2 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


them by putting a tough coating over them as it does to any metal pieces stuck in the body. It will coat it with a tough coating so it wont harm the body by being there. If they are removed, they are like loose meatballs. The brain, lymph nodes, breast, kidneys and lungs are all healed leaving no damage to them. The body can grow new cells to replace the dead one in those organs. Skin cancer is in the top 3 layers of the skin. When stimulated for 2 to 3 hours, it will clean the toxic poison out of the live cells that are still active. They will clean up to be healthy cells. The dead cells dry up and let go of the live cells, and peal off, just like a sunburn and the new skin is pink and healthy skin. BURNS When the skin gets burned, it damages the skin cells depending on the severity of the burn as to how many layers of skin is damaged. There are millions of nerve endings in the skin, any one damaged sends a signal to the brain it is hurt. That is why a burn hurts so bad, because it is over a large area. No matter how bad the burn is, put a stimulator pad over the area of the burned area. Place as many hands on the pad to cover the burned area. The pain will start to leave right away. There will be a burnt meat odor given off, the person with the burn will taste burned meat, their urine will be black with a burned smell, as if juice off of burned meat. Within hours the skin will start to peal off as the cells get cleaned out, that were still alive. When they get well they separate from the dead cells and the dead cells peal off, leaving the live cells exposed. They are tender pink healthy cells and need protected until they get tough enough to stand the sun. All the disease of the body that the body develops happens because the signals from the brain quits working and no signal is sent to tell them to work. The brain never signals them to work. The brain sent the signal but it got a short in the meridian that carries the signal to the cells and didnt get there. A little fine thread fastened to each cell that holds them together and runs to a nerve that is the main trunk line back to the brain. You find them in all meat. It is that little piece of fiber you get in your teeth when eating meat. The more muscle the meat has, the stronger the fiber meridian. They dont get plugged or shorted out as easy as the meridian to the soft tissue cell where most all tumors form, not in hard muscle. All living things grow as cells and fasten together with meridian fibers like celery. It has a very strong meridian fiber. You can see them in wood on the end grain when varnished. Those little tiny round fibers are the meridian that carries the universal energy electric signal that makes the cell work. When cut or broken or shorted out, that cell cant work and be kept alive without the universal signal. That cell going to the brain dies and they are in big trouble. It is going to have to have the signal connection fixed and jumpstarted to make the cells work again. There is no drug ever produced in the world that will ever be able to fix a short in the meridians so the signal will pass through. The Lord gave us the tools and the ability to connect another source of energy from another body's energy to jumpstart the signal to any group of cells that has broken down to get them to working again. A good strong signal directed to a group of cells that is in trouble will force its way through and open up the blockage in the meridians and jumpstart the cell to work if it has any life in it and hasnt died and started to decay. Those cells cannot be brought back to life, but it will (3 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


clean them up and get the body to repair that part by warding off or growing new cells. If you dont give up, the troubled areas will be repaired. The signal from the hands of one body will usually do the job if it is not too old of a problem. When you use the energy cleaner which has the same strength signal as a body, lay the stimulator pad over the troubled cells. Then lay your hands on top of the stimulator pad. The signal coming from the palm of the hand will direct both signal strengths at the same group of cells. That strong of a signal will break through any blockage. This was studied at the clinic and it cleaned up the toxic poison. When the Lord made something for us to do and use he made it so simple anyone can do it. The results are really complicated, just like making a baby; any nut can do it; but try to explain what took place. The Lord gave Lee Crock the knowledge of the healing power of universal energy in March 1997 and he has passed it on to us. We can teach a normal person how to do it in 2 minutes, a dumb one takes 5 minutes and a Dutchman takes 7 minutes for it takes 5 minutes to get his attention. ALZHEIMERS Alzheimers is as simple a problem as cancer. The Lord made the body for the liver to filter all heavy metal out of the blood going to the brain. The rest of the body needs the minerals for the strength. The brain is not a muscle; it doesnt need the minerals like aluminum. The liver filters it out. When the signals to the liver get shorted and weak you have liver problems and it doesnt filter the blood to the brain. You have more problems when the heavy metal starts to cling to the brain cells. It starts building a coating inside of the cells and they quit all functions. They have to be jumpstarted with a real strong signal to get them to completely empty out, including the coating of metal stuck to them. During every study at the clinic they started to make a big improvement in 3 to 4 hours and kept improving as the hours passed by. In a day or so they all came around at a steady rate and by using it at night there was no relapse; they stayed normal. PARKINSONS DISEASE The study showed a mixture of reaction. Some that were real bad, who were contained to a chair or bed and didnt know their family, came around in 2 hours, got up and went home like they were normal. Others with no help. The ones that had the shakes were sometimes helped, some more than others were. SEIZURES These seem to be real easy. They came by the hundreds and after 4 hours stimulation they didnt have anymore seizures. DIABETES Diabetes is a strange problem. The ones that came and hadnt taken any insulin, would not feel any discomfort and would just relax and usually go to sleep and really feel rested. When they woke up it always seemed as though they were helped but no one stayed long enough to get a good study done. The ones that had taken insulin before coming to the clinic, after one hour of stimulation, would have a quivering feeling and had to have a candy bar. Then they would settle down and relax and (4 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


go to sleep. After they woke up, they all would state that they felt really good and rested, better than they ever had before. Before, when they had an insulin attack, they would wake up and feel beat, not good like they did with the stimulator on them while they slept. If used every night, it keeps them pretty normal. KIDNEY FAILURE Hundreds came and took part in the studies. Many of them had gotten to where their kidneys had shut down completely and within 8 hours of using the stimulating pads and 4 hands their kidneys were working freely. When they used it at night they were back to normal. COLDS AND FLU These are a virus and they enter the cells and stay there and multiply. The toxic poison they give off makes the body sick. The cells have the ability to shut out anything it doesnt like; a virus is a germ that camouflages itself so the cells dont recognize it as an enemy. The cells allow the virus to enter and wont let any drugs into them. They recognize the drugs as an enemy and dont let it in to kill the virus, to stop a cold or flu like it does other germs. So it is hard to get rid of the ones that took medicine. When stimulating the cells to discharge and empty out, taking the germs with it, the medicine in the blood stream killed the germs as soon as they were dumped out of the cells. Within hours they were over the flu and colds. If you use the energy cleaner every night in your bed and a good cold came along, take a little medicine, you will never get sick. By keeping all the cells clean and healthy you will have more energy then you can imagine. You can get along with less sleep and you will really feel good. LOUGARICS DISEASE One man came in and was in a wheel chair, he could only walk a few feet before he was out of breath. Within one week he was walking one quarter of a mile with no help and not tired. When he finished walking he never came back; we do not know the end results. LOSS OF HEARING FROM NOISE Being around a shrill noise for a long period of time, the brain becomes annoyed after awhile and starts to shut the noise down, running from the eardrum to the brain. The signal becomes weaker each time the brain coats the nerve. Just put a stimulator pad over the head and ears, place one hand over each ear, they will start to hearing better right away. You will feel pressure build up in the hands and move up the arms to the shoulder and up the neck. When the nerve opens up then the pressure will reverse and go back into the ear. They can then hear like they did when they were a young person, with no more problems. HEART FAILURE WITH SWOLLEN LEGS Hundreds came and laid a pad over their heart and one on the legs. Within 5 hours of stimulation and sleeping, the swelling would be gone. They felt good with no shortness of breath. Sleeping with the energy cleaner on over a several month period, the swelling would stop and their breathing would be normal and they had a greater ability to keep working without being tired all the time. LUNG FAILURE (5 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


Lungs seem to have a much greater ability to repair any problem than the rest of the body. Hundreds came, some with shortness of breath others on oxygen all the time. Each time they would respond to the stimulation within minutes. They would become relieved of breathing problems in a few days, going out for walks with no oxygen at all and by using the stimulator at night, they was almost normal. By using the energy cleaner and sleeping on the stimulator pad it will keep the cell cycling regularly and keep all meridians open and clean. The cells stay healthy and normal. There wont be any problems and you wont get sick. If you dont get sick, you dont die and you dont need the undertaker that is the guy were after. We want to run him out of business. (6 of 6) [03/06/2004 8:45:10]


This picture is showing where the man has pain in the knee and he puts a pad over his knee and places one hand on top of the pad on each side of his knee. It will take the pain out in less than 45 minutes. It never fails. If the cartilage is worn out and it is bone on bone, when he stands on it again, it is going to start hurting again. The stimulation cannot replace anything that is missing, but it will remove the pain until you hurt it again

If you have pain in the chest or stomach area, you can lay down or sit in a chair, this is your choice. Place the pad over the troubled area. Place your hands on the pad over the troubled area and just let the energy cleaner do the work with you furnishing the energy. It makes twice as strong a signal, which makes the cell reaction 10 times stronger. Ulcers will heal up in a few hours. Just sit there and let it stimulate the area and heal it. If it is the lungs or heart, it will take a few hours to get the signal restored to a full strong signal. The larger the area, the longer it takes to get all the cells jump-started and to get a real strong signal to all the cells. The main organs will restart quicker and rebuild the organ faster than hard muscle (1 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


This picture shows an energy cleaner at work. You see how he places his hands over the area of the body he wants to stimulate. After he has made connection with the electric force of the cells he wants to stimulate, he just holds his hand still and lets the energy flow. To him it feels as if water was flowing right out of the palm of his hands and going right into the body where he wants it to stimulate the ailing cells.

Imagine Jesus was holding his hands over someone and a ray of energy was coming out of the palms of his hands radiating the person he was holding his hands over. If you should take a picture of someone with an aura camera while they were being stimulated, that would be what it shows. The healer feels it flowing out of his hands as if it is water flowing out of the hands. It is warm like warm water coming out with force from a faucet and the body being stimulated will feel as if the warm energy is entering their body, penetrating clean through them. It always feels good and the cells that are being stimulated feel as if they want to be moved and restored. There is no soreness or stiffness; it really is relaxing to the body

This picture shows the person is using his own hands on top of the stimulating pad hooked to the energy cleaner. He is getting the effect of the energy from his body plus the energy from the energy cleaner. That (2 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


amount of energy coming into a group of cells can really make you feel the penetration and toxic waste leaving. Sometimes it will hurt when that much toxic waste leaves the cells at one time. Those cells will not hurt again after what was causing them to hurt is gone and cleansed, they will be healthy cells again

You can put as many hands on a stimulating pad as you can get on it or on other pads placed on the body at one time. It takes so long to clean out a group of cells you are stimulating, so using more pads and more hands will clean up the cells quicker. You will have a healthy body. It is like washing glasses; you can't hurt anything by rinsing a clean glass and its the same with the cells of the body. You must clean the dirty cells and it is good to rinse the used cells for a used glass does look better if you rinse it. A used cell will feel better after you rinse them even though it wasn't hurting. I like to rinse my whole body every night by sleeping on the pad in my bed. I feel as though I have been cleaned up just like when you wash your car, even if it wasn't dirty it still looks better. That is the way with the body, stay healthy, it makes you happy. (3 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


This picture is of an energy cleaner using the energy cleaner stimulating pad over the back and where the pain was in the shoulder. His hands are on top of the pad. It makes it much easier for the healer to do his job. The energy cleaner will coordinate the energy healer's energy and switch all the polarity in the cleaner and the healer at the same time. It is all discharging the cells or charging the cells, so the signal is much stronger with both sources of energy being hooked together working on the same cell. They'll clean up 10 times faster then if there was only one supply of energy being used. When you have 3 or 4 healers working on the same stimulator pad you perform miracles. You can clean up a whole body in 15 minutes and they jump or start to dancing and praising the Lord that their pain is gone and it does not come back. That is the good part.

TIRED ACHING - COLD FEET After a long hard day on your feet, you're tired and your feet are feeling numb and cold. You sit down to watch TV with your feet up and you're leaned back. You realize just how tired you are. You start to think is it really worth it for what your feet is paying for what you did. (4 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


Take an energy cleaner with a stimulator pad hooked to it, place the pad over the feet and have the most surprising feeling of your life. Your feet warm up real fast, starting in the arch of the foot; the aches start to move out through the toes and heal and the feet are relaxed and ready for the same the next day. When the energy cleaner stimulate the cells, they empty out the tired energy and reload with new fresh energy. The cells get their strength restored and ready to work when the brain signals them to go with no aches or pain. When the Lord makes something, He makes the best and makes it to last; all it ever needs is to refuel it with good, clean, nourishing food and it will never wear out; it will run forever. It will run for 100 years with a jump-start once in awhile, if it should get stalled or run into the ditch along the road of life. Care for the body as you do your car, when you expect it to run a 100 thousand miles. Care for the body as good and it will last 100 years, just as good as the car, but the body is a better machine. Stay healthy, be happy and wise. Live to be 100 pain free years and have fun. THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND THE HUMAN BODY The Solar System is operated by Electro-magnetic energy . The sun is a large positive force pulling all negative objects to it. The earth is a large negative object flying around the sun, as if you had a ball on a string swinging it around you. The magnetic pull between the earth and the sun is the string holding the universe together. It is the wind, rain, warm, and cold. All particles on earth are negatively charged. The sun is positive and pulling the negative to it. The loose, light, negative particle is pulled up and pulled along causing movement. The wind accumulates a quantity of energy during movement. As it is pulled up, it becomes more neutral by the positive using up the negative. It starts to become positively charged and cools down and drops the moisture that the negative charge was carrying. The earth pulled it down as rain and as it came to earth the positive charge went to the ground. When the air is clean and negatively charged, it feels soft, clean, and soothing. It is pure with plenty of oxygen and it is a wonderful feeling. It is pulling all negative objects with it that are loose, and that is why it feels so good. It makes the whole world positive and clean. The harder negative particles that didn't give up their charge are pulled right into the sun. When they make direct contact to the positive charge of the sun it makes an arc just the same (5 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


as an electric welder's arc. The problem is that the medical profession won't believe that the living body is controlled and operated by magnetic energy force. The whole universe is continuing with it and nothing else has any affect on it. The body does not need drugged or shocked to change something to keep it going. It just needs its' cells to be cleansed of the negative energy and refueled with positive energy. It's the stagnant toxic poison in the negatively charged cells that causes disease. Empty it out, replace it with positive energy and the body will feel new again. THE 7 CHAKRA' S There are thousands of meridians that come to each Chakra to hook to the nerve leading to the brain. They all give off a little bit of radiation and all together make a hot spot on the aura. A trained energy cleaner feels the Chakra as they pass their hands over them. It is a real strong signal when a part of the body becomes broken down. You can feel the Chakra is weak and the weaker it is, the bigger problem there is. You take your hands and go in a circle counter clockwise several times making the circle the size of the weak signal hole that is in the aura. You will feel the signal building up as it gets stronger, then keep making the circle a little smaller until the Chakra is strong as the others. Many times that will correct the problem and they will feel good again. If the cells have plugged up and started to die, then it takes a long time and you must jump-start them by cycling the cells several times to clean them up and get the Chakra strong and bright again. You can tell more, by having a picture of the Aura where the break down of the cells is and how big of an area is having a signal problem. Then you can tell by using your hand scanning over the body. A good-trained energy cleaner can detect any break down you have and any cells that are not working by where the hole in the aura is and how it responds to stimulation. When the hole in the aura starts to become strong in a little while, then the blocked meridians was a small problem and will be back to normal again. If the meridians have been broken or shorted out, it will take a long time to get them repaired. You must keep working at it by reversing the polarity every 15 minutes until the jumpstart signal is a good strong signal so the cells will keep on working. Then they are healthy again. (6 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


MUSCLE SPASMS AND PAIN Extreme stressful activity of the body during the game of life usually demands a lot of stress on the arms or legs. Muscle spasms or pulling a muscle causes a lot of pain and the muscle sometimes knots up and the pain will stop you. Take an energy cleaner with a stimulator pad large enough to cover the spasm area. Connect the pad by copper wire to the brass hook on the energy cleaner and place as many hands on the pad to cover the spasm in the muscle. The energy coming from the pad will be warm and penetrating to the strained muscle relieving the stress and relaxing the muscle. The pain is gone in just minutes and the muscle is ready and willing to go on and do the stressful job with no pain. That is the way the Lord made the body. When the cells in the muscle are over worked and run out of fuel, the subconscious mind is not filling the cells fast enough, so they are being used faster than they are being filled. The cells go into a hunger strike and knot up and it hurts. So jump-start them and give the cells a quick fix and they will go on with new strength. HEARING & MEMORY LOSS The subconscious mind is the caretaker of the whole body. It keeps it healthy and ready to go when the conscious mind calls upon a part of the body to respond to the signal it sends. As time goes by and we have been here a long time, it is sure that everything will become corroded, shorted out and plugged up. The nerve from the eardrum to the brain is plugged up and the conscious mind sends a signal to the eardrum asking, what's going on? All you can hear is the strength of the signal the brain got from the drum. If it is weak you don't hear much. When the conscious mind sends a signal to the brain, the nerves and the meridians running to the brain cells are clean. You get the stored data in the brain cell really quick and clear. If it were shorted out, the response would be fuzzy at best. The problems are very simple and easy to fix like all the problems of the body's loss of function. The signals are lost so the body can't respond if it doesn't get a signal from the conscious mind telling it what to do. (7 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


To repair the loss of the signals from the conscious mind to a part of the body, you place a signal pad over the part of the body that has acquired the problem. Place your hands on top of the pad. If the problem is loss of hearing, place the hands right over the ears and the hearing will be better right away. Hold the hands and the signal pad over the ears for 15 to 20 minutes stimulating the nerves and cleaning the blockage and you can hear. In the case of memory loss, place your hands on the side of your head over the temple and you will feel the signal stimulating the brain cells. Hold them there for as long as you are comfortable and keep repeating the stimulation of the brain cells and the meridians. It takes longer to clean the cells then it does the nerves and meridians. Loss of memory can be coated cells which is the memory bank or the meridians and nerves. They all affect the speed of thought and memory.

STIMULATION AND STRENGTHENING THE BOWEL MUSCLES To have a good healthy body, the bowels must move and roll most of the time to keep the food we eat well stirred and mixed with the water we drink. All food consumed must be well chewed to break it down to let all the nourishment, minerals and vitamins that the body needs to become dissolved with the liquid we drink and become absorbed into the blood stream. The cells then use this for fuel to run the body. If we would give our body the same attention and care we do our car it would last for 100 years. The car will run one hundred thousand miles with good care, so will the body. It's your life, take care of the body and enjoy life. Stimulate and jump-start it if it breaks down. Don't junk it up and call the under taker. You don't do that to the car and call the junk dealer. Instead, you fix it and jump-start it and go on. Please do as much as you can for your body. It is easy and doesn't cost as much to fix as it does the car. Just stimulate it and give it a jump-start and keep right on trottin. BLOAT AND STOMACH BURN (8 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


To relieve any fullness and stomach burn, take a stimulator pad and connect it to an energy cleaner. Lay it over the stomach area and place your hands on it. You will feel your intestines start to move around and the gases come out both ways. Your intestines will roll around sometime and push on the belly so you can see them move. It's the same as when a baby moves during pregnancy. By using the energy cleaner every day, your bowels will be regular and strong. You won't get stomach burns unless you eat too much of something. If you do, put the stimulator pad on and move it on down the line and be rid of it with no pills. INJURY ACHES AND PAIN When the body gets torn up and injured, it does a pretty good job of healing whatever the damage has been done to it. The subconscious mind uses a lot of calcium in repairing the damaged part of the body. The excess calcium the body doesn't need or use during the healing of the body is left there. After awhile, the calcium becomes crystallized in the cells and causes a lot of pain when moved. It has short burrs on it like sand does. This causes all rheumatoid arthritis in the joints and muscle cells, gout in the feet, carpal tunnel in the wrist and hands, whiplash in the neck and shoulders, sprained knees, ankles, shoulders and elbows. All of these pains are easy to remove. Take a signal pad and hook it to an energy cleaner and place it over the pained area. Place your hands on top of the signal pad and let the energy cleaner machine do the work. You will feel the energy coming out of the palm of your hands penetrating the muscle and cells, discharging every thing in them and leaving the muscle area in just minutes. You will soon have a memory replay of what you did when you injured it and when it leaves this time it will be gone never to come back unless you injure it again. THE BIGGEST MONEY SAVER IN A FAMILY HOME: THE ENERGY CLEANER You can purchase one for less than one day in a hospital. If you keep the body clean from toxic poison, you won't go to the hospital or the doctor. One ENERGYCLEANER is capable of taking care of the whole family. Place the ENERGYCLEANER in a central location of the house. Run one strand of 18 gauge wire to each bed and connect it to a hook so you can (9 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


hook the bed stimulator pads to it and any hand pads you may want to use to stimulate any extra part of the body. It will handle up to four different locations at the same time. (You can use any wire that is a conductor of electricity, like copper, for instance.) You don't need to unhook any pad leads when not in use. It will not drain the batteries any faster. The batteries will last from one to two years of continuous use. When the blinking light gets dim, it's time to change the batteries.

If anyone would like to get a machine, please e-mail (10 of 10) [03/06/2004 8:45:54]


After the Lord gave Lee Crock the gift of 97, he started the Noble County University Therapeutic Clinic. It opened to the public September 1st, 1997 at 515 West Street on the square across from the courthouse in downtown Caldwell, Ohio. In December of 1998 the state medical board came in the clinic. When they saw the way he was treating patients for cancer, alzheimers disease, rheumatism, arthritis, psoriasis of the liver, heart failure and casuistic lungs and they were getting well, they slapped charges against Lee for practicing medicine without a license. He was drug into court seven times and they never attempted to say what he did that was against the law. The only people that came to the clinic were treated with aura therapy and it helped them, so it has to be medicine. The evidence that was presented to the court were results documented of the people who wrote him after receiving energy stimulation. It relieved the ailments so it had to be medicine according to the State of Ohio and what he did was against the law or so they claimed. From September 1, 1997 until the clinic was shut down in August 2000 there were over 11 thousand visitors to the clinic from all 50 states and 10 foreign countries. You just cant run a clinic with that many people being treated without a license.


Lee is busy with his cattle ranch of 1500 acres, 400 head of cattle, 30 whitetail deer and his 6 hunting dogs. He feels the Lord gave him the knowledge of how the body works and what to do to keep it repaired, so it doesnt break down and die and what to do if it does break down, to get it healthy again. His theory of jumpstarting the body to start working and charging your battery to keep it working has worked for thousands and kept the undertaker from getting them. Lee is an 80 year old man with a 40 year old body and the ambition and spirit of a teenager that has his whole life in front of him. He is eager to get going and do something to be the superstar. The Lord expects all of us, with the abilities and gifts He gave us, to succeed and earn our place in heaven. Lee says the Lord gave him a second chance and he is going to make it this time. If you just want to talk to him and learn what he has done and what you can do and what it has done for thousands of others that were going to die young, but healed their body and lived on, then give Lee a call. Lee says he is going to work another 70 years before he retires and quits coon hunting. Then he'll do as he damn well pleases. Give Lee a call at his office at 1-740-783-0021 or his home at 1-740-783-3315. He is proud to explain it to you.

Hello Jerry (1 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:46:59]

I got your email and laughed when looking at it and remembered what I felt when I shook hands with you in Dallas, that our personalities are compatible with each other and when out magnetic electric field came together that we enjoy the same things. My belief is you must work at what you want. The Lord takes care of dumb working people and I have qualified. He has taken care of me but I am not stupid, the harder I work, the more generous He is. If you look in the mirror when you get up in the morning you will be looking at your best friend. If you smile at your friend, he will smile back at you. When you go out, be the same to your fellow man as you were to your friend and your fellow man will be your friend. If you work at being jolly and having fun, laugh at yourself and with your friends. The whole world will laugh with you. Have fun. If the sad people would work as hard at having fun as they do at hunting sympathy, feeling sorry for their self and being jealous of others they would have the time of their life. As I always tell my employees, when you get up in the morning look in the mirror, you are looking at the best friend you have. Smile at your friend and he will smile back at you. If you can't smile at your friend, don't come to work because I don't want to look at that sorry face either. If you can't wait to get to work on time in the morning because you have fun every day and enjoy the work, then you have gone to the wrong place. The Lord meant this world to be next to heaven You have to work at it or it can be next to hell. It is up to you which you work at the hardest. Stand up straight, look up, throw your chest out, be alert and smile. The world will greet you with open arms and have fun.


It takes a special person to be a dad. His love is not for a day, it is eternal love. He is always there when you stumble and fall down to pick you up and mind your wounds, nourish your feelings and encourage you on and give you room to grow and be proud of you when you do good. Dads know you are no better than the ones you hang around with and never hang around someone you are ashamed to take home or to church. When I was young (10 years old) dad knew everything and never make a mistake. When by 12 dad had started to slip, he didnt know everything but he was proud of me and came to my games and bragged on me. When I was 14, dad let me drive the tractor and the wagon. He was slipping; he even made mistakes and just wasnt keeping up. At 16, I was allowed to drive the family car, had my own horse and could rope a calf. Dad had really slipped but he was always there to listen to my troubles and complaints and give me his advice for what it was worth, generally old fashion ideas. You could always see the love in his eyes. He was always glad that you had come. By 18, I was having my doubts. Dad hadnt done this. I dont think he would know, no use even asking. By 21, I just couldnt see how dad ever made it. He was so far behind in his ways but he was there and would listen if I needed something. By 35, I was really surprised to learn some of the things dad did would really work, when you did it. By 50, I started to realize the world hadnt changed near as much as I had thought. Those damn crooks will still cheat you like dad told me they did in his days. They still use the same tricks, just changed the flavor a little. I listen to what he says now. (2 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:46:59]

Dads best advice to me was always to smile in the morning. The world will smile with you. Never let the world know if you are down, so they can rejoice over your bad luck. Always treat your fellow man like you would like to be treated. Never treat him as if he was a crook, so you wont be fooled. Always give a helping hand, its like money in the bank, you can get some when you need it. I just dont know how dad knew so much the way he had to learn it.


Lee Crock is a full-blooded Fulda Dutchman, 5th generation from Germany. He is content in what he thinks; dont confuse him by trying to change it. If you do, he will look you in the eye and inform you are talking to a Dutchman, and you are wasting your damn time. Do you know a Dutchman when you see one? You cant tell them much. They were born that way; it is not their fault. The Fulda Dutchman are Catholic by faith for three reasons; first they were born that way and it is much easier and cheaper, they only need to go to church on Sunday and give what they can. A good protestant must go to church three times a week and give 10% of what they earn. A Dutchman is a hard worker, easy to work with and fun to be with as long as you do it their way. But if you should be one of those stubborn honkeys and do things the hard way, it has to be your way or nothing. Did you ever wave a red flag at a bull and thought it was bad the way he tore up the grass? Lord you havent seen nothing when you tell one of them they are wrong and going to have to change and do it your way. They will tear up a forty-acre field before stopping for a second breath. Do you know it is against the law to tell stories in England on Saturday? They think so slow they will laugh in church on Sunday. That pisses off the preachers. Its not their fault they were born that way. They cant help it.


The blessed Virgin has told the people on one of her visits to Bosnia that more people go to hell on account of the sin of lying, cheating and stealing, than all the other sins all together. That is something that I cant understand for no one steals unless they are jealous of some one else, since they dont have it and are too lazy to go out and earn for themselves what they desire. There is one thing for sure; you cant steal from someone that doesnt trust you. You cant lie to someone that doesnt believe you. You cant cheat someone that doesnt have faith in you. Now that has to be a friend that you have to hold a grudge deep inside to do those things to a friend. So it is no wonder those kinds of people go to hell. You wouldnt want to go to hell for doing those things to a friend. (3 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:46:59]


When I am gone release me, let me go I have so many things to see and do. You mustnt tie yourself to me with tears. Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you my love, and you can only guess How much you gave to me happiness. I thank you for the love you have shown, But now its time I traveled on alone. So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must. Then let your grief be comforted by trust. Its only for awhile that we must part. So bless the memories within your heart. So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you cant see or touch me Ill be there And if you listen with your heart, youll hear All of my love around you soft and clear. And then when you must come this way alone, Ill greet you with a smile and WELCOME YOU HOME. When I am gone think of me. Lee Crock If you have any questions or remarks about our method of teaching energy healing, e-mail us at (4 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:46:59]

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE HUMAN BODY You must have a good strong universal energy signal, which takes a high content of potassium and sodium minerals in the blood to supply the cells of the body. The minerals need to be strong, healthy cells to supply the energy the body needs to fight a problem the body has so the brain can signal the problem area of the body to clean out the cause of the problem. You must have good clean open meridians to carry the signal from the brain to the problem area so the brain can signal the cells there to clean out the cause of the problem. The meridians are little fibers that the body uses in the signal schematics of the body. When some of them get plugged or broken, the signal from the brain doesnt get to the cells to operate them. The immune system of the body then cant work. Seventy-five percent of all sickness is caused by a break down in the signal system of the body. The cells lose contact to the brain, quit functioning, become toxic and start to die. All the drugs in the world cant fix the signal system of the body. You must jumpstart the signal like you do a car when it wont start. You hook up another source of universal energy to the meridians and start to alternate the electric signal to the meridians. It will get the cells to start working and clean out the toxic poison and open up the plugged meridians to pass the signals sent by the brain to clean out the problem. The immune system will take care of the body when the body has been cared for. Its your life take care of the body. It will last 100 years pain free.


is the only thing that can cure the body when the body brakes down and gets sick. All the drugs and doctors in the world cant cure the body when it gets sick. They are the best in the world and know how to keep the body from dying. They can kill any germs that attack the body and kill the pain that puts the body in trauma that causes the shock that causes death. They can stabilize the body until the immune system can heal the body to be well again. The immune system of the body is the universal energy of the body being controlled by the brain signaling each cell what to do to clean it out and nourish it to repair the damage the breakdown caused. You can help Mother Nature to get the immune system to working to repair the damage by jumpstarting the signal to the damaged area where the breakdown accrued, depending on what the cause of the breakdown was. If a bunch of germs have entered the body you must get a drug to kill the germs, then you can jumpstart the cell to discharge the toxic poison the germs caused and the body will be well. If the body got torn up in a wreck that takes the experts to put the body back together and stabilize it to keep the trauma down so not to go into shock and cause death and keep the germs out so not to get toxic waste in the body causing death. The medical profession is experts in keeping the body alive so the immune system of the body can repair the damage. You can jumpstart the immune system into working by hand using a group of people to use their universal energy to jumpstart the cell that has been damaged. One group using their positive polarity electric energy to signal the cells to retract and empty out all sludge and waste in them. Then change (1 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:47:32]

groups and the next group uses their negative polarity universal energy to signal the cells to expand and fill up with nourishment to feed them to grow healthy again, or you can use the energy cleaner and pads. It will work all day and not be tired and doing more than 6 people could by hand to clean the cells. STOP THE KILLERS OF THE HUMAN BODY 95% of all deaths of the human body are caused by a break down in the body's signal system to the brain. When the signal system breaks down from a part of the body to the brain, that part of the body quits working. It has no connection to the brain to get any signal to tell it to work. The immune system doesn't get a signal to help that part of the body. The cells in that part of the body starts dying and getting toxic. The poison starts to affect the healthy cells next to it and causes it to get sick and die also. There is no pill or surgery on earth to repair a break down in the body's signal system to the brain. You must repair it as the Lord made it to be when he made the human body. Jesus did it when He did his healings here on earth. He taught His apostles to heal the sick by jumpstarting the person's immune system by using the electric energy signal from their own body to repair the signal break down and get the sick person's immune system to heal their own body back to health. It is easy to learn and do, to keep the body healthy so it doesn't get sick and die young. The human race seems to be in a race to get to the graveyard so they can go to heaven.

I want to go to heaven, but not today. So stop the killer diseases and stay healthy. For more information email us at or phone us at 740-783-0021


Dont abuse your body by using some generic contraption they claim is a model of Lee Crocks Energycleaner. The body works off a signal of universal energy controlled by the brain. It is possible to convert the DC current from flashlight batteries by a printed circuit board with transformers and converters in it to universal energy? You sure cant do it with a cheap timer from Radio Shack, when they dont have a clue of how the body works or what they are trying to get the body to do with their contraption. They say they have the knowledge from the U.S. patient website to build it. When I looked at it I am sure of what I saw, it wont work. Its not the universal energy that the body uses. Be wise, give us a ring at 740-783-0021 or email us. We know what universal energy is, how the body works, why it broke down and how to jumpstart the body to working to clean it and be strong. Those imposters sure dont, so dont make them any donations until you are sure they know what universal energy is, how the body works, how they transfer it to the body and what it does to the body. You have spent a lot of money and time on doing things they didnt know what they were doing. Be wise, if they cant explain their contraption to what it does to the body or how the body reacts to it to your satisfaction leave it alone. Time is running out, be sure this time. (2 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:47:32]


Anyone interested in an energy cleaner, there are 2 ways to get one: No. 1 You come to the Eagles Lodge and stay 2 days and we will let you use one ofthe cleaners and you will learn how to use it and how to clean the cells by hand, then you sign a contract and will be given one (1) energy cleaner with all pads to take home and use for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days you can send the energy cleaner with all the pads, back and the contract will be null and void or: you write a testimony of the results you had, along with your Name, Phone No.#, and email address; to be posted on our website in the Energy News section, so anyone with a question can contact you, and you sell them a machine for 2,000.oo U.S. dollars. You make a donation of 3,000.oo U.S. dollars to the Eagles Lodge and they will send you two (2) energy cleaners with pads and you keep going from there.

No. 2 You make a donation of 3,000.oo U.S. dollars, by check to the Eagles Lodge and the Eagles Lodge will send you one (1) energy cleaner with pads for you to use for 30 days, with a contract. At the end of the 30 days you send the cleaner and pads back and your money will be refunded to you; less shipping and packaging costs; or you write a testimony with your Name, Phone No.#, and email address, and sign the contract and send the testimony and a signed copy of the contract to the Eagles Lodge to be posted on the Energy News section of the website. Then you answer any questions people might have. The Eagles Lodge will send you a second (2nd) energy cleaner with pads so you can sell them for 2,000.oo U.S. Dollars. After that if you send a donation of 3,000.oo U.S. dollars to the Eagles Lodge they will send you two (2) energy cleaners with pads to keep going from there. Make check payable to Eagles Lodge Send to, Eagles Lodge Box 19425 Twp Rd. 297 Caldwell, Ohio 43724 We accept credit cards. The Energycleaner will be shipped the same day by UPS. If you order 2 Energycleaners we will give you 2 more FREE! Email us at or phone us 740-783-0021 (3 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:47:32]




American Express

For Direct Bank Wire Transfer: Great Lake Bankers Bank ABA # 044002051 #1000199 Farmers & Merchants Bank Phone # 740-732-5621 430 North St. Caldwell, Ohio 43724 ABA # 044112187 # 211249 DBA = Eagles Lodge You can see all the information we have on the Energycleaner on our web site If you have any more questions email or call us at the lodge. If you could come to the Eagles Lodge we will teach and show you how to use the energycleaner and clean your body up and it is FREE. The Energycleaner has the capacity to stimulate as many as 4 people at the same time. If anyone should want to order extra pads to connect extra beds, you can do so at $500.00 per set, 1 for the bed and 2 spot pads. When ordering extra pads give the length you want the wire on the bed pad, so to reach the Energycleaner so to hook it on the brass hook. The spot pads can be connected to the bed pad with a pin if you want to use them. (4 of 4) [03/06/2004 8:47:32]

THE WORLD SUPPLY OF ENERGY GET YOU SOME ITS FREE After using the Energy Cleaner if you would want to share your experience and results with the readers, we would appreciate it if you would write to the editor and tell about your experience of using the Energy Cleaner, how you used it, how many helped, how long you kept it going, the comments and response of the person being cleaned and the results. The letter becomes the property of the editor and no letter will be returned. Please include your name, address, phone number and email address. We will be glad to post it on the website to share with the world. You could save someones life. Help teach the world how to help their love ones and themselves, when you can do it by hand and it is free. The bible says we are to tend to the sick and care for the poor, to do that we must share our knowledge and experience with the needy. There is no better way than teach them to care for their self, and then they dont need help. Please write me, send it to This site does not endorse any of the following information. It is for reading purposes only. WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING:

One foot in the grave.

I felt that I was one of the most unfortunate people alive to have a body that had almost every kind of arthritis in the known United States. I was 57 years old and my body felt really old. I had been sitting on a stool for 31 years working on two-way radios and pagers for the Police department, Sheriff department and almost every company in the area of the shop where I worked. Anyway, after 31 years of nothing but this kind of work, I felt that I needed a change. I had to wear glasses that looked like trifocal coke bottles bottoms. I was getting older by the minute and getting worse by the second. I got another job, but I was not getting any better. Finally, I just wasnt able to work at all. I went to the doctor to see what they could do for me and they just gave me more pills. I lost my job because the doctor didnt give me an excuse saying that I had made a doctor visit instead of going to work. Well, because of the six different medications I was taking I got worse. I laid around playing with my computer on the Internet. It was getting harder and harder to do. I was blind in one eye and my sight was getting really bad in the other. I got to know this nice person and his name is Mr. Willis, we would talk for hours some times - actually most of the time. (1 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

He was sick too and I was sick so we both tried to make money on the Internet. I became so sick that I could not talk on the Internet any more. He called me up one day wondering what was wrong. Well, we talked for a little while and then hung up. A few minutes later Mr. Willis called me back to tell me not to get mad at him because he had just mailed me a package and wanted me to try a new product that he had been using for his cancer. I didnt mind. I had spent a few thousand dollars on just about every thing on the market trying to get relief from all the pain I had. His product was Transfer Factor Plus, this excites the immune system in your body and starts telling the immune system it can remove the pain and gives you a boost of energy, it did just that! The Transfer Factor product he sent me got me back on my feet fast, in a week I though I was getting well. Although I first needed to build up my muscles since I hadnt work in months. At this point I could hardly walk. Anyway, I used the Transfer Factor Plus for two years and my sight came back, all my pain was almost all gone. For the next year I changed to T F Cardio to get better blood circulation and get a little boost of energy. My doctor said I was doing very well for an old man. I now only needed glasses to read up close. My body was making several new changes. I lost twenty pounds and was really looking good far as my health goes. There was one thing I didnt care for although I was in very good condition for my age. Every time I quit taking the Transfer Factor product for only two or three days I would get a slight headache and my arthritis would come back in my hands. I could start feeling the pain and stiffness start all over again. I started doing more research on the Internet, while still getting better, looking for the things I had always wondered about. I always had lots questions like when I was a little kid. You know what is the government hiding from us now. While I was looking around, just searching for different things, I found this URL... Well, this really started me wondering. What had I found? This sounded too easy. This man, Mr. Lee Crock, had discovered something and he was giving it away to anyone who wanted to try it. Being an electrical and electronic engineer for forty years, it looked too simple and I thought that it probably was come on, and didnt really work at all. Anyway, I could see that patent diagram on the URL page looked too simple, even I could see it was easy to make and cheep to build. So I went to the local dollar store and got the cheapest batteries they had, I started my construction. It took me about thirty minutes to put something together a basic circuit I could test. I used a half roll of cheep two-inch tape and two feet of aluminum foil from the kitchen to make leads to connect the batteries together. In a just a few minutes I was in operation. I used an egg timer set for fifteen minutes, and changed polarity on the batteries manually by shifting an alligator clip - using only one wire like Lee said. You wouldnt believe what I felt. I got what I call a "warm cozy feeling", like a soft snuggly teddy bear. I managed to get a cleaner and used a large piece of screen wire placed between my mattress and the box springs of my bed. It is really hard for me to explain. I dont have all those special words used by wordsmiths. You would just have to try it to know how I felt every time I lay on my bed at night. (2 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

All the information I got on various web sites all seem very true. There is no reason to lie around and take all the dope painkillers - that the doctors pass out to numb the brain in order to stop the pain. Painkillers don't fix the trouble because the pain comes back as soon as the drug wears off. Just like when I quit taking the product I was using to get the pain to go away. With that product, after three years, I could say I had no side effects. I do feel, however, that it helped the "cleaner machine" work faster for me. I was now well and had no symptoms or pains. The product had always pepped me up making me feel very good, but, I would go a day or two and then I would feel the pain coming back. That was bad! I tried stopping several times and the pains I had would always come back. The Lee Crock Cleaner Machine is the best thing I have ever tried. The accomplishment was so great and I felt like Mr. Lee really did it. I wanted to give every one in the world a chance to feel like me. I am almost sixty-two now, and I now feel better than I did when I was in my twenties. To learn more about how this works you need to learn how Jesus was able to heel with his hands laying-on-of-hands. Go to and learn about what I did for free. There is lots of information that can teach all of us how to live a happy long healthy life. I found this information on the Internet the last week of December 2003. I got myself a Cleaner Machine and I have been sleeping on it ever since. I was thinking about different ideas on how to use the Crock Cleaner Machine. I just had to learn what it was doing, and how it was working. I decided to clip the output lead to a ground strap on the trunk lid of my car and made business a trip to Arizona and back again to Mississippi. You really won't believe what it did. My brother came with me and he began rubbing his stomach, where he had the shingles, soon after we got in the car. Well, by the time we got back I noticed he wasnt rubbing his stomach any more. He said that it no longer itched. I also noticed that neither of us was real tired from the journey. Not real stiff like I usually felt after a trip of that length. I was ready to start the trip over again. I was amazed by the way I felt. I had made that same trip when I was a teenager and had dreaded every mile. When I got home this time, I just couldn't believe it. There was one thing however, that you must plan for. You will become quite thirsty, and you will need to stop about every two hundred miles at a rest area. On a visit to my VA doctor, I had complained three years ago about my hands going to sleep. After a few tests my doctor said that I had carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. The VA then set up an appointment to do the repair, but I had it put off long as I could. After the trip to Arizona, I didnt need the operation any more! It seems that almost every thing I had wrong with me had just been removed. This is strange since the only thing I did differently was that I used a Crock Cleaner Machine in my house and car. I dont know about you, but in the last three years in order to keep my medical problems under control, I spent an average of $138.00 a month in health maintenance pills according to my records. Do you see I paid $4,968.00 for three years of "healthy living"? I couldnt quit the medications or my pain would come back after two some times three days. Then I would have to catch back up to stop it again. Well I havent (3 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

taken any health products or medication for 39 days now. That is why I am putting this on paper to record my medical situation. I feel better than I did when I was in my twenties, because I had arthritis even back then. At this time, I dont have a hint of a problem that I was trying to get rid of before I started to use the Crock Cleaner Machine. I have VA medical records to back up all the problems that I had. I started going to the veteran's doctors in 1970 and continued until now, I still go when it is time for a check up. This is truly one of God's wonders he let me find and learn to use. I told Mr. Willis my friend that sent me the Transfer Factor product, all about the Crock Cleaner Machine. I didnt hear from him about three weeks, so I called him. It seems that he was trying to get his son married and had lots work around the house to do. In moving furniture around, he had pulled his back and had seen a doctor several times to get pain pills pills we dont need. I ask him if he had tried the "Cleaner Machine". He said, "no." He had been lying in bed with pain for three weeks and just didnt try it. Well I was mean; I said, "I dont feel sorry for you. Try the machine and then tell me there is no change." His wife-helped him get every thing hooked up, and she timed it for him while they watch TV. The next day he left a message on my answering machine. Well, I tried it. What do I do now? When I got back from a trip that evening, I called him. No more pain, No need for pills. What can I say? The Lee Crock Cleaner Machine worked again. My wife has been taking medication for many years, hi-blood pressure, thyroid and several other problems. She has now been on the machine for a while and she gets a checkup regular because of her job. The doctor found she has been taking too much medication since the last checkup. I hope it gets even better, some of her medication had to be cut in half. I am looking forward to seeing when she doesnt need any thing like me. Our drug bill for her has been really too much for us to pay even using insurance. We are letting the doctor find that she needs less and less medication. She didnt just quit it all at once. It is time for more blood work so we are hoping its going to get better. I know now it is. I have a friend, Debbie that was very much in need. She has cancer and cant take treatments. She also had arthritis very bad and took lots of painkillers. Her husband told me two days later after sleeping with the screen under the mattress oneday; she was no longer in pain. She hasnt taken any pain medication since. I loaned another friend, Charlotte a unit to use. At times she would be in so much pain from arthritis that she was unable to get out of bed. After two nights of good rest on her screen, she acts like there were never any thing wrong. She hasnt complained about her pain since. Just the removal of pain pills and no pain is enough to make you thank the Lord. My stepson A.J tried to pick up a heavy electric motor on the job where he worked and pulled something in his back. They sent him to the doctor, then home with a bottle of painkiller pills to get some bed rest. I loaned him a Crock Cleaner Machine and the next day he went to work without the painkiller medication and they put him back to work on light duty. He has had any pain since. He likes the way he feels after a good nights sleep on his Crock machine. Well you know you can lead a horse to the water but you cant make hem drink. That is why I really hate to tell people (4 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

about this incredible machine. My friend Henry and his wife Martha were always complaining, about their pains and I gave them a Cleaner Machine to try. Time went on and one day I ask how the Cleaner Machine was doing? Well I hadnt got it connected up yet. I told hem to bring it back so some one else could use it. He called me the next day and let me know he hooked it up and his arm that always goes to sleep didnt last night. I never got it back. A week later He said, I woke up this morning with my arm was a sleep again. That machine has been preventing that from happening. Then he said he had the clock battery out laying around and by the time he got the battery back in the unit the kids had left hem a run down one. He replaces the battery and now all is ok. I was talking to one of their friends and they were having arthritis trouble. I told her to bower Miss Marthas for a few days and she over heard me and said real quickly. NO! You will have to get her one I couldnt stop laughing for a while, the Crock Cleaner Machine just seems to work under any condition. Our daughter in law came over to eat supper. She is with child and every time she eats almost anything she gets heartburn. I have a Crock Cleaner Machine with screen on our couch. My wife likes to watch TV from there a lot. She likes to sit with the Crock Machine hooked up there. Anyway, my daughter in law started complaining. I have one attached to my chair and I let her sit there. After a few minutes she said the pain was gone. She couldnt understand that it was the chair that made her pains go away. I didn't tell her why. This was taken from one of the sites you need to read, and is so very true. There are no drugs, surgery or radiation that can clean the cells, nerves and meridians of the residue and toxic poison that has developed in the cells from normal body functions of daily living. It sure can ruin the family life savings out of the bank account when serious disease strikes. Then you suffer and die young. All you need is to direct the universal energy from the body to the meridians that has shut down and gotten toxic, jumpstart them to start working and clean the toxic poison that have developed over time. They will clean out and be healthy. It is very easy to do. Come to the school and learn how, and be healthy, live on. It is free. There is so much information here only you can take the time to see what all the drug companies dont want you to know. I have the machine and passed it out for free trials. Thank you Mr. Lee Crock for your Cleaner Machine. I am not a doctor and I can only tell you what I did and how I feel. I am still using the Crock Cleaner Machine and God has given me my life back to do more of his work. Tell the world to get drug FREE! I here from the people I using a Crock Cleaner Machine, ever now and thin. I keep asking then when are you going to bring it and get your money back. They all say when it quits working. I have found in the area where I live they are lots of old people and they dont want a computer and wont ask any one to let them read the information about the Crock Cleaner Machine. That is why we all need to share the information with then. Of coarse they will say you are crazy till you get them one. Then you cant get it back. I welcome in put to any of this. Most of the people here I tell (5 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

about I are proud to say I go to the same church they do. I really feel bad when they go over the prayer list of the sick. I dont have the funds to give every one a unit maybe the government will some day in stead of paying the drug and doctor bill will start giving them out to every one. March 8, 2004 I got a business call in my office from a friend I have known for over ten years. I got word to hem about the Crock Cleaner Machine and I ask hem about it. After a long drown out explanation about all about the run around and doctors that have screwed up trying different things to cure different problems in his family, his wife has cancer. He agreed they dont really know what they are really doing. But he had rather take the chance on the doctor to find how to cure the problem. I am sorry for hem I cant comprehend his thoughts. He has told me about taking a young child to the doctor and the doctor never told them what was wrong or what to give hem. They had to take the child to another doctor to find out it was a stomach virus. If this is the thought of most of the people in the world I feel sorry for them. For less than ten dollars to try a basic unit, they are saying they would rather die. God help these people, they need lots of help. I can take orders for the Lee Crock Cleaner Machine and I can sell you the T.F. Cardio. I do believe it help speed up the process of cleaning up my body, because my blood circulation is good. I do donate blood every month. My doctor thinks there is nothing wrong with me, so do I? I am sure when you get sick enough you will try any thing, I did. Well it looks like the Crock Cleaner Machine will be the last thing you will ever need to try.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ from Tracey Ogilvie McDonald, Author, Office Administrator During the past 4 weeks, I have definitely noticed changes in me. Though most of these changes are on an emotional and spiritual level, there have been a couple of physical notes - I have gone from weighing 123 lbs (normal range 103-110) but raised when I quite smoking to 120 lbs. I have not changed my diet or exercise program. My energy levels are different and I hope I can describe this well, because it's an important change for me. I have never been a highly energetic person. I'm a sprinter - lots of gusto for short distances and then I'm toast for a long time. However, I find now that I have "quiet energy". This is the type of energy that is needed to calmly get things done. To me, it's knowing the many things that I have to do, mentally preparing myself and then being able to settle down and "do". All of this without being frantic, without feeling overwhelmed, without my mind jumping to the five steps away. This is my body's rythmn - slow and easy and its great to find my tempo. On an emotional and spiritual level I am - more. My inner being is calmed somewhat. Not dead or stifled just calmed. That is noticeable to me. I felt for a while that I had to rush through because there was so much to experience and enjoy. Now I take it in a more peaceful manner which in turn allows me to absorb and feel on an increased level. I don't think there are words to adequately describe the feeling of serenity. My spirit is alive and unfolding - spreading itself as water does when perimeters are removed. We don't realize how we restrict ourselves and often we destroy that very precious and vital thing. This life is already more interesting than I could have imagined. Oh the possibilities! I so look forward to taking this further. (6 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

In the past 4 weeks, my life has been opened to me as though I had walked through another door. Thank you for remembering me in your study because you have given me far more than you realize. Tracey Ogilvie McDonald Oakville, Ontario, Canada 2003 from Joyce Allman, Dr. of Chiropractic Medicine In 6 sessions there has been an amazing transformation in my mood. I am at ease and feel more loving, forgiving, more empathetic. My knees (which were injured) have begun to improve dramatically in terms of fluid disbursement. Overall the affects of the injury have diminished considerably. Joyce Allman Oakville, Ontario, Canada 2003 from Anna Phillips, senior Had chronic pain in shoulder. Slept with energy cleaner as well having treatment one night and woke up next morning with pain in shoulder gone. Was able to lift arms over shoulder in morning. Has not been able to do that in many years. Anna Phllips Oakville, Ontario, Canada 2003 from Linda Lopeke, Author, Business Consultant I recently had an opportunity to undergo several Reiki sessions utilizing this revolutionary energy cleansing machine and am thrilled to report the benefits were beyond all expectation! Compared to previous treatments, there was a noticeable differince in how quickly positive energy was moving once again through my body. The results were not only more intense but longer lasting! I felt great from the very first treatment and each subsequent treatment has been even more effective. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend using this machine to enhance hands-on-healing therapy. Linda Lopeke Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2003 from Andy Gravitis, Independent Businessman I had the opportunity to use this machine for a strained right shoulder. After just one treatment the pain and immobility had left permanently. Andy Gravitis (7 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]

Oakville, Ontario, Canada 2003 Paul from Canada Phone# 416-622-8421 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To Whom It May Concern: Max from Nebraska, I got the energy cleaner on February, 09, 2004. I started to use it by placing the stimulation pad on my feet. They quit hurting in a short time and havent hurt since. I have been using it every since. I dont have pain and I have a lot more energy. It is the miracle I have been looking for. It makes you feel good with lots of energy. If you would like, give me a call at: 1-308-775-3140. I like to talk about it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


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How to increase Oxygen in the Blood www.------------------

Live 100 Years, Pain Free. How to recycle Clean the toxic poisons from the Used ELECTRICITY body. Learn how to do it at By STIMULATING it And use it again www. ----------------------- (8 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55] (9 of 9) [03/06/2004 8:47:55]



In March of 1997 the Lord gave Lee Crock the greatest gift of knowledge ever given to man. He let Lee know what the electric energy of the living body is, how it works, what it does, how to control it, how to use it when a part breaks down and the cells become toxic, and how to get them working again. When you get a short in the body and a part loses signal contact to the brain and stops working right, the cells get toxic and you get poison in the body. You must jump-start that part into working and charge its battery to keep it working. As a result, the body will clean the toxins from the cells and rebuild any damage that has been done. The Lord gave you all the tools and equipment you need to repair a broken down part. It is very easy to do, you can teach normal people in 2 minutes, the dumb ones in 5 minutes and a Dutchman in 7 minutes; (it takes 5 minutes to get the Dutchmans attention) You use your hands to connect to the place thats troubled and control the energy from your battery to jump-start the broken down part. It will feel warm and the penetration of the heat will relax the body and start the cells, discharging the energy that causes the pain and problem. When the toxic substance is cleaned out and the battery is charged up, the problem is gone and the body will rebuild the cells. This is not a medical problem that drugs can fix, for drugs wont fix the problem of toxin filled cells. In fact, drugs just add to the clogging of the cells. To charge your battery and get your spirit up to power, it takes at least 3 days and if your battery is really down it usually will take 5 days to lift your spirit. I say, the Lord has been good to me for I was near death and know what faith and the help of the Lord can do and I feel I need to share what the Lord can do for you and others.


The Lord gave each of us certain abilities to excel in and the instructions to go forth and do our best with what he gave us. He will grade us on what we did with what He gave us. The Lord gave the superstars in the music field beautiful voices to sing with and the ears to hear the notes with. You cannot learn that. The Lord gave the superstars in the athletic field the ability to handle a ball and you dont learn that. You must teach them the game and how to play. Its just like the singers; they must learn the words and how to play the instruments. I have had the privilege to teach hundreds of young men in the building trade in the past 55 years. You cannot teach a man how to handle a trowel, how to swing a hammer or to run a saw. It doesnt take long to tell if they were given the ability to handle a trowel or swing a hammer. Some are good enough on both to get by, but they will never be a superstar on two different trades. Like equipment operators, you can tell when a man sits in the seat of a dozer, some are at home when they sit down and others are tense (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:48:32]


and stiff. When a man takes hold of the levers on a crane and can handle them, they are at home and comfortable. They will make a superstar at that place in life; you cannot learn that. When the Lord gave us the ability to excel in one thing, He always gives with that, the love and desire to do it because that is easy for us to do, when others just stumble around, when they try to do it and never learn how. The Lords gift of ability comes at different ages in life. When I came out of the army in May 1946, I did some brick laying and carpenter framing. I pursued that trade and made a good living at it until July 1994. I was in a wreck and got hit in the head that took me out of the building trade. I laid around the house with my wife looking after me like a school child and enjoying every minute of it. With an ache and a pain here and there, something to complain about made a good conversation subject with the older folks. In March 1997, I woke up one morning at 3am and knew how the body worked and what to do to stimulate the cells that had broken down and were stiff, sore and swollen. I cleaned those cells up and was healthy cells again with no discomfort in any of them. Thank the Lord. What a gift I was blessed with. I have this burning desire I must pass the knowledge of this gift to the world. I am asking for any help anyone can give. I am sure you will be blessed for it to instruct everyone in the world how to use energy healing. Everyone can care for their own body and when something does happen and a group of cells break down, they'll know how to jumpstart them and get them working so they can be healthy and to live to be over 100 years, pain free. I have never enjoyed something so much as being an energy healer. It is so rewarding when you can remove someones pain and make him or her healthy again. There is nothing so rewarding as when someone tells you their problem and you know why they are sick and what to do to stimulate the body to jumpstart it to working again and help them do it. When the body starts to work and the pain is gone, they hug you, praise the Lord and start to dance. You cant have any more fun than that and you know inside of you that its going to work when you start to stimulate them, and it always does. The Lord made it that way so it never fails. I am starting to feel that I am going to amount to something after all. With the Lords help I may get to be a superstar yet. It sure is fun. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:48:32]

The Lord made the best machine in the world when he made the human body. It does not wear out like other machines do. He built in the ability for it to rebuild any part that may get damaged and break down. The only thing that ever happens to the body that gets it into trouble is not from an outside cause. Instead, its just that the signal from the brain to the cell becomes blocked. The cell loses contact to the brain and quits working. It lays dormant and becomes toxic if the signal is not jump started to get it to working and clean the toxic poison out of the cells. The cells will start to die and poison the other cells until the whole body dies. The Lord made the body to be jump started when it does break down and He gave you the tools to jump start it when it does. Learn how the body works. It is very simple to do, anyone can learn to keep the body healthy. The problem with Mother Natures way is you cannot put it into a bottle and sell it. The drug companies and the medical profession cant control the world like they do now.


Toxic poison comes from many sources; the most common one is from germs. When they get into the body, they enter the cells and start to multiply and give off toxic waste that will soon kill the whole body if not stopped. You must take a drug from the Drug Company to kill it. All the medicine and pain pills to numb the brain to kill the pain will not have an effect on the germ. The next common source is having an accident that tears up the body and needs fixed. While fixing it, there are great chances of getting germs into the body, which takes drugs, and also there is a chance that the meridians of the body become damaged and shut off the signals to the brain. You then need an energy healer. [03/06/2004 8:48:46]

E-K-University PO Box 313 Williamstown

E-K-University PO Box 313 Williamstown, WV 26187

Ed Krack -- Dean

I am Ed Krack and I was born and grew up in Histin, Castil, Germany. I studied the energy of the human body and practiced it there and came to America in 1994 to teach the energy of the human body in America. I later joined the staff of the University. Our new home in West Virginia is the high of my joy. The people here are so friendly and appreciative of what I teach. They say it is a miracle of how the Lord made the body to work with its own energy. I will not go back home to Germany because I want to change the medicine in America from drugs to energy, which is the Lord's way, before I retire and go home. It seems so stupid to take a pill for everything that ails you and still have the cause instead of removing the cause and be rid of the reason you were sick. It's so easy!

THE DOCTORS RESPONSE TO ENERGY CLEANING The people that had cancer and took chemotherapy with no success, which were many and then used an energy cleaner and slept on it for two months or more, went back to their doctors for a checkup and their tumors were gone. The doctors couldnt detect any evidence of any problem than to describe that the patient had done something different. The last chemotherapy they had given the patient was a new break through, and they would have to give them another round of chemotherapy to make sure it did not come back. The ones that gave in and took their next doses, 90% of them were dead within 24 hours or so sick they wished they were the ones that didnt take their doses, and went on living normal with no problems. THE LORD TAKES CARE OF DUMB PEOPLE .the ones that have to work for a living, I have always qualified. He has been good to me. I am not stupid, the harder I work the more generous He is. I always thank the Lord for every good and joyful day. My dad told me that you have to get up before the Lord can help you.

ED K University (1 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:49:10]

E-K-University PO Box 313 Williamstown

Was established to teach the people of the world how to keep their bodies clean of waste and stay young. Their moral standards are to keep it in simple words so everyone can read it and understand it.

Their goal is:

1. to help people help themselves without the use of drugs 2. to change the way of treating the body from using drugs to stop mother nature from working, to using the energy from the body as Jesus taught the apostles to help mother nature to heal the body. 3. to save the world from medical financial bankruptcy 4. to run the undertakers out of business.

If you keep the cells of the body cycling to keep the waste from the nourishment they use cleaned out they wont break down, grow old, and get sick. If you dont get sick you wont die. Live on, stay young, and have fun. The Lord made the body so it doesnt wear out. It will last for hundreds of years. If you keep the cells clean, they will stay young. (2 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:49:10]

E-K-University PO Box 313 Williamstown

This website is plain, short, and to the point so everyone can understand it. You can build your own energy cleaner so that when your body tells you that you are having a breakdown some place, dont take a pill to numb the brain and ignore it; put a stimulation pad on it and jump start those cells into working and stay young. If there is anything you dont understand email us at or call 740-783-0021 or 740-783-3315 If this were written in medical terms it would be a book larger than the Webster dictionary and no one would be able to understand or care for their own body. But it would sell. This way it is free. Stay young, live on, and have fun. (3 of 3) [03/06/2004 8:49:10]


School of Universal Energy

Email: Phone # 740-783-0021 Night Phone # 740-7833315 Website: With the help of the Lord and his mother and With the grace of God using universal energy THE GOAL IS: 1. To help people help themselves without the use of drugs 2. To change the way of treating the body from using drugs stopping mother nature from working, using universal energy as Jesus taught the apostles to help mother nature heal the body 3. To save the world from medical and financial Bankruptcy 4. To run the undertakers out of business

Original Pictures Property of J.B.CO.

Original Pictures Property of J.B.CO. (1 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


Blessed mother with the universal energy from her hands.

Lord Jesus with the Universal energy from his body.

In the theory that cancer, Alzheimers, heart, kidney, lung, and liver problems are caused from a plugged nerve stopping the signal from the brain to a group of cells, causing the cells to shut down, get toxic, and causing the cell to die, rot and the toxic poison kill the body. See our website and learn how to remove the blockage, jumpstart the cells to clean the toxic poison out for the body to be healthy again. No drugs, It's Free.

Universal Energy is Electric

You can control all electric by controlling the polarity; positive goes to negative and will pull a load with it as it goes. So all you need to do is place the negative where you want the load to go and the positive will take it there. There are 3 kinds of electric: D.C., A.C., and magnetic electric. Universal energy is D.C. electric made from mixing 2 minerals together and formed by the different minerals breaking each other down and the by product given off is D.C. electric, and lead, zinc, and potassium mixed with sodium. Each has its own flavor and the body does not like lead, it is poison to the body. The body uses potassium and will except zinc. It is the same flavor of a mineral and doesnt hurt the body. The body uses D.C. universal energy. All living things use the same flavor of D.C. current and you can take the electric energy from any live animal and transfer it to another animal and their body will except it and work. All you need is an electrode on the body large enough to collect the amount of energy you need to jumpstart the other body. You want to get started that which has broken down and an electric wire connecting the two pads to run the electric energy on and control the polarity. Positive causes the cells to contract and squeeze out anything in the cell and negative causes the cell to expand and fill up with new nourishment from the blood. By controlling the polarity and switching the polarity every 15 minutes, it cleans the cell out and feeds it to be clean, strong, (2 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


and healthy. The brain will keep it healthy when the signal reaches the cell. THE SCHOOL OF UNIVERSAL ENERGY

The school of Universal Energy is to teach what universal energy is, what it does and how to connect with it so you can control it and use it for the benefit of the people. It is free. No1. Energy Cleaning How to clean the toxic poison from the body, which is caused by all diseases that build up in the body and causes death. No2. Plant growth and Weather making How Universal Energy controls plant growth and the weather clouds to drop the moisture or contain it. No3. How to save used electric from the body home city or factory stimulate it, recycle it and use it again, it does not wear out. The University has the Eagles Lodge with 15 bedrooms with 2 beds in each room, a small kitchen, laundry, bath and showers for the guest staying and attending classes at the school. Any guest coming to the school must make arrangements ahead of time as to when you will arrive and when you plan to leave. You can stay as long as you like its free. When you arrive you are assigned a bedroom and furnished one energy cleaner, three stimulator pads, one for the bed and two hand pads for spot stimulation. The classes are taught one on one or as many as care to take part in the discussion. You use the energy cleaner as you choose. There is someone there to answer your questions and explain using the machine or doing it by hand. You can feel it when it is switched whether the energy is furnished from your own body, the machine or someone elses body. It is all the same energy wherever it comes from. You are taught how to do it by hand like Jesus taught the Apostles to clean the sick. You will be able to perform miracles wherever you go, it works every time. If someone has pain for years you can remove it in minutes. We have done thousands that had suffered for years not to hurt again. You cant have more fun than that by just using the hands and your own energy. It is always there when you want to help some friend on the street or wherever you meet them. The good part of having the knowledge off Universal Energy is that you can help yourself or one of your families if stung by a bee or burnt by fire, fell down and (3 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


skinned themselves. It takes pain out and feels good when it quits hurting. If they have trouble hearing you can turn up the amplifier so they can hear. Universal energy controls the clouds on what moisture they drop or pass over without dropping any moisture. It controls plants health and growth the same as it does the bodies, it increases the growth 3 fold on plants. Universal energy is electric and the electric you use in your home, in town or factory. Electric does not wear out, you save it, stimulate it and use it again. Its free. The school of Universal Energy is the only place in the world that has the knowledge to make contact with Universal Energy and we are glad to share it with the world. The Lord gave Lee the knowledge and cannot charge for it. Its Free. Give us a call at 740-783-0021 or email us at We recommend when you come to the school you plan to stay at least 3 days so you have a chance to feel and study what it feels like to do the stimulation and the wonderful feeling of jumpstarting any cell that has broken down and is in trouble. When the stuck sludge starts moving out you will know it and if it was caused by an injury you will remember what happened when injured. You will feel it when the injury leaves and the memory that goes with it never to come back and hurt again. If you have a major problem you can usually clean it up and feel young in 5 days. Its your choice its free. Be Healthy-Happy-Wise, learn how to feel young, live 100 years pain free as the Lord meant the body to last. No drugs, no pain its free.

UNIVERSAL ENERGY Universal energy is the energy of the world. It feeds and powers everything on earth, it does not wear out and you cannot destroy it. You use it and it goes back to the earth and is stored there until you need it again, then use it again. Water the carrier of all food the world lives on. All minerals-vitaminsnourishment must be dissolved with water before anything can use it, plants and animals; all nourishment that is taken in is dissolved in water and enters the body. The electric energy powering the body causing the cells to filter out the nourishment it needs from the water solution of food supply it is carrying the (4 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


water then is passed on into the earth until it starts its cycle over again. Electric that powers the earth, nothing moves without being sent an electric signal to signal it to operate and control its function. You cannot destroy electric or wear it out after you use it. You pass it on to the earth to start its cycle over again. Keep the world going as we know it and for man to use for his needs. This is an endless supply because it never wears out; it is just recycled and keeps going. The 3 ways to get the supply of energy water the Lords way. The magnetic electric pulls the moisture up onto a low-pressure cell negative weather cloud stimulates it with a positive charge and it retracts and drops the moisture in rain. You use it the second way is to pump it from the earth and you use it the third way by saving it, filtering it, recycling it and use it again, it never wear out. Electric the Lords way using 2 minerals, potassium and zinc and acid from salt put together fermented you get D.C. current. Mans way is by spinning a magnet pulling the magnetic electric field from the earth putting its AC current on a wire and you use it and discharge it back to the earth or you can save the used electric, stimulate it and send it back to your battery and recycle it by using it again.

CELLS All live cells must circulate to stay alive and grow. Anytime a cell stops circulating they get stagnate and start to die. A dead cell never multiplies and grows. They affect the cell next to it and causes it to stop circulating and gets stagnate and die. The dead group of cells grows in number; they dont multiply and grow more dead cells. There are just more cells being shut down and dying. Like a bag of potatoes in a storage room, they are a group of cells in a bag. Like a kidney in a body they are a group of cells in a bag they both need circulation so that potato can breath or it will start to die and become rotten. If a cell in the kidney doesnt get circulation so it can get oxygen it will start to die and become rotten. The rotten potato in the bag doesnt grow new rotten potatoes, it helps cause the next potato to start to die and rot the same with the dead cells in the kidney. It didnt grow new dead cells, but it does help cause the next cell to die and rot. In both cases you must get the Universal Energy to move to keep the life cycle going. The potato problem is easy; empty the bag of potatoes out and (5 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


remove the rotten ones. Clean the others and re-bag them and place them so they get air. The kidney is easier, you cant empty the cells out and clean them but that worked only with the potatoes. The kidney is less work, just stimulate the signal to the kidney, jumpstart it to cycle and the body will clean the rotten toxic sludge out of the cells and clean the rest of the cells of any sludge without emptying the cell out of the bag. In all cases to maintain life you must keep a cycle of Universal Energy going when its cycle stops, everything shuts down and life stops. All the surgery and drugs in the world will not start the Universal Energy flowing. Until the world changes its way of caring for the body by killing, cutting and burning way of treating the body you will all die young. Until they learn to care for the body the way the lord made the body to work we will all die in our prime. Be wise take care of you body, its the only one you will ever have. Its your choice have fun live on.

People say cancer cells grow as bad deformed cells and you must kill them to stop them before the lump get bigger. When a cell or a group of cells loses signal contact to the brain they quit working and go dormant and are dead cells. They start to decay and swell up and the lump gets bigger. There are no more cells as they decay they do change shape. When something dies it decays and swells up just like when an animal gets killed on the highway, they lie there and swell up twice as big. The cell count is no more than when it was alive. They just swell up and it makes no difference if the cells are in a lung or a dead animal, they are dead cells and swell the same.

One good thing about dead cells in a live body, as long as the brain is alive and rigormortis hasnt set in there is hope you can stimulate the signal from the brain and jumpstart the cells to working and clean them up and have life in them. You can live on pain free. The body is not dead if the brain is working it is just broke down. Fix it and be happy and live on. (6 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


CLASS ROOM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS If you have any questions email them to us and we will be happy to answer them and post them for others to see. or phone 1-740-7830021

Joseph: 1. Recharging the Battery. I like this concept and it makes sense to me. I would like to know what is the purpose of alternating between +/- DC current every 15 minutes rather than maintaining a constant (+) or (-) current? When the cells are empty in 15 minutes youre done until they are refilled, it takes the body 24 hours to fill them. The machine can refill them in 15 minutes. That way you cycle the cells every half hour or 48 times in a day instead of once a day. 2. Do you know what the output gauss strength and type of magnetic field is being generated by the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator)? The machine is 4v same as the body. 3. What physiological differences were observed in the treatment outcome in individuals using different types of batteries for the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator), i.e., lead vs. nickel, etc.? Electric has a flavor, you need the flavor the body likes or it will reject it. The body uses potassium and sodium to make it electric. A flashlight battery is zinc and acid from sodium, zinc and potassium is the same. 4. Are there certain conditions under which the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator) might be contradicted in use, i.e., patients with pacemakers, heart valves or other metallic prosthetic implants, or seizures? In addition, you mentioned that the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator) induces frequent urination in individuals at night and recommend drinking water often to prevent dehydration. My question is can the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator) be used in patients on dialysis? You are using only a signal. It would have no more affect than setting in front of the television. You can't wash dishes in a dry sink. To clean a cell it needs fluid to flush it. 5. Has the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator) been used successfully on cancer patients or what was their outcome? If so what types of cancers, i.e., leukemias, lymphomas, osteosarcomas, breast, prostrate cancers, brain tumors, etc.? (7 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


Cancer - Alzheimer's - Rheumatism is the easiest to clean out. They are caused by a blocked meridian. All it takes is clean the blockage and that dont fail. 6. In your experience have any side effects been reported using the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator)? The machine only empties and fills the cells nothing else. You cant hurt anything by cleaning it. 7. Are there any or have there been any clinical trials implemented using the Energy Cleaner (Stimulator)? Also do you know of any medical doctors or health practitioners currently using the system? We have offered them but they decline to try it. 8. Meridians. I have heard about meridians and casually read some literature pertaining to them. Is there any literature available on how to locate meridians accurately and consistently? Or how can meridians be accurately located on the body in a precise and consistent manner so as to minimize inter-practitioner variability? I would appreciate any references that you might have available. Meridians are the fiber thread hooked to each cell leading to the nerve at the spinal column. I have never studied medicine or dissected a body on how the meridians run. 9. Kirlian Photography. I would appreciate if you could direct me to medical practitioners or literature that shows how to clearly interpret these "magnetic fields" with a level of consistency and accuracy? I don't know of any.

Keith: 1. I understand that the same person cannot do the polarity stimulation in the same day, but can it be done by another person directly after the counter clockwise motion? If one cannot do the same stimulations in the same day, why is it that the energy cleaner is setup to do both positive and negative stimulation over a long continuous period? The same person cannot do both polarity stimulation in the same day. When you try to change polarity right after the other, it will shut you down so you cant do anything the rest of the day. Your body will take 24 hours to straighten your energy out. Try it, maybe you are different, let me know your results. It doesnt foul up the energy cleaner when it switches the polarity. It will coordinate all the hands on the stimulator pad so they all switch together. 2. You state that you move your hands in a counter clockwise circle, are there ever a time when you (8 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


move your hands in a clockwise circle? How long do you hold your hands in the stationary position once you have made contact? Can you do this yourself? To do it by hand put your hands flat next to the body where you want to stimulate about 2 or 3 inches away and move your hands in a counter clockwise circle slowly. Take 3 or 4 seconds each trip around the circle. You will feel heat in the palms of your hands within 6 to 8 trips around the circle. You have made connection with the bodys energy; you are ready to start stimulating the cell that has got plugged up and in trouble. Put your hands over the troubled area and just hold them there and they will start to discharge the toxic sludge. Just repeat that each day. 3.You said that negative charge comes from the clockwise circle of the winding on a coil. You must get someones electric to do the clockwise stimulation. When you say someones electric to do the clockwise stimulation, Im not sure what you are referring to. Are you saying that someone else needs to do the clockwise motion while you do the counter clockwise and the same person cant do the counter and clockwise motion themselves? When you go counter clockwise it gives you the positive signal. It causes the cells to contract and empty out everything in them which relieves pain. You will empty all cells in the area you are stimulating in 15 minutes. Then you are done until they are filled back up. It takes the body 24 hours to do it. Then you can repeat the stimulation again. After stimulating the same cells in the same place for 15 minutes they are empty and you have used up the negative charge and it is now positive charged. The cell must be recharged with a negative charge to make it expand and fill up with new nourishment. Negative charge comes from the clockwise circle of the winding on a coil. You must get someones electric to do the clockwise stimulation. Doing it the same way it takes 15 minutes to refill the cells and charge them up. Mary: I have seen pictures of people and the aura with all kinds of colors. Is that the universal energy of the body? Yes, that is the persons life force. It is the used energy from the electric signals the brain used to control the function of the body. All movements and thoughts are discharged out into the magnetic electric field around the body. All living things have it. What can you tell from it? The used electric has all the characteristics of the body. You can feel it, see it, taste it and take a picture of it. The body discharges everything the whole characteristic and personality is hanging out for you to feel-see-taste their strength, personality and health is all in their halo for the world to judge them with.

When you meet someone is that what you feel? (9 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


Yes. When your magnetic field comes in contact with another persons magnetic field you feel their personality and they feel yours. You immediately feel their personality and if it clashes with yours, you know there is something you dont like and are not comfortable there and you will move on immediately, or if their personality is good to your taste you feel it also and you like that feeling and stay there. Does the health of a person make a difference in the aura? Yes. A healthy and happy persons aura will be a bright and pretty green with all 7 chakras shining like six headlights and the crown chakras shining like a pretty halo. If a person has a lot of toxic waste stuck in the cells it will be a dirty brown in that area. If a person is aggravated their aura will be a reddish brown. The more you aggravate them the redder it gets. When they are ready to fight it will be a fire engine red. Its time to stop then.


The universe is controlled and powered by the magnetic electric field from the sun. You must make a connection with the electric field to simulate it to control it to be able to use it to power the work you want to do. Its free energy after you make the connection. ENERGY CLEANER Stimulates the energy of the body and recycles it and cleans the broken down cells of a sick body to be clean, healthy, happy and wise. Live over 100 years pain free. . The human body is controlled from the brain signaling it what to do, when to speak, when to move. The brain sends a signal to the cells to react to the command and the signal is electric just like in your computer. The electric the body uses is made in the body using the same minerals that universal energy is made from. It is all universal energy compatible to each other. All you need is to make a connection to the subjects energy field and you can operate the subject by using the signal to control its function. It is all D.C. current; the body is 4-volt (10 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


high amperage . The energy cleaner is 4- volt. 9d size flashlight batteries to power the start of the signals then recycle the energy. The batteries will not go dead; they will last until they get a hole in them and leak out the acid, which is around 36 months.

ENERGY STIMULATOR Save the used electric of the home factory city. Stimulate it, recycle it and use it again. Electric does not wear out. Its all free . Electric does not wear out save it, stimulate it, recycle it and use it again. All you need is a bank of batteries with enough power to start the load that you request. At the peak load stimulate the used energy send it back to the battery pack. It will keep the load up to power indefinitely. For a car you need an electric motor large enough to drive the car connected to the transmission a pack of batteries large enough to start the motor. A rheostat switch to control the speed or slow the motor to the speed you desire. Stimulate the used energy, recycle it and keep driving as long as you desire. The battery pack is your reserve when you stop, and to start the motor when you wish to start driving again. Universal energy is free and plentiful. All you need is to make a connection to it and power your energy needs for free.

WEATHER MAKER Stimulates the electric field of a weather cloud and makes the weather of your choice. The university teaches to work with mother nature and use the energy of the universe. Its free. You cannot defy mother nature by killing the symptoms when the cell brakes down. Stimulate them to clean out and be strong and live on. Feel young. Its fun. LEE CROCKS WEATHER MAKER (11 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


is a universal energy stimulator with a switch manually operated so you can choose what weather you desire. If you want a fair dry day, rain or snow what ever the cloud has in it is what you get. The atmosphere is a neutral mass of air with high and low pressure cells of air. The high pressure is a cell of positive polarity low humidity that pushes everything ahead of it. The low pressure is a cell of negative polarity with a high humidity content and pulls everything behide it. When the atmosphere has a change and the positive charge of universal electric of a high-pressure cell makes contact with the negative low-pressure cell with high moisture humidity it neutralizes the negative charge and it lets go of the humidity and it falls to the earth in rain, snow or hail, what ever the low pressure cloud has in it is what comes down. When using the weather maker it puts a positive or negative charge on a 4x 12 aluminum screen wire electrode. That causes a magnetic electric field that will stimulate the universal electric energy field in a pressure cell that comes in contact with the weather makers magnetic electric field. If you have it set on rain, positive polarity and a high pressure cell comes over with a positive polarity charge and low humidity there is nothing there to get from that cloud of dust and wind and positive polarity to positive charge wont do anything, so you get nothing if the weather maker is set on stop and a negative polarity it would stimulate the pressure cell to be dry and pull up moisture and dry things up. If the weather maker is set on rain, positive polarity and a low-pressure negative charge polarity cell comes over with a high moisture humidity. When the weather maker stimulates the low-pressure cell with negative charge with a positive charge the low pressure cell will discharge the moisture from the low pressure cloud of what is in it, whether it be rain, snow or hail. If you have the weather maker set on stop and a negative charge it will stimulate the low pressure cell to be more negative and want to pick up more moisture and quit dropping what it had been and quit raining, snowing and blowing on without giving any up of its moisture. Universal energy will work on everything the lord made. It is controlled with positive and negative electric polarity signals and everything is made up of millions of cells put together to form what the lord made. All cells have a negative polarity charge loaded with fluid a high moisture content when sent a (12 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


positive polarity electric signal of universal energy it will discharge and release the water in it. If in a human, plant or animal or a cloud in the sky, they all work when signaled to work by the control center. The human and animals have a brain that controls the signal sent to control the cells. Universal energy is low voltage electric DC current that is giving off when the minerals of the earth come together and ferment they give off a flow of DC electric low voltage high amperage current that controls the whole universe with magnetic pulls and pushes. To control the cells of the earth you must connect to the magnetic electric field around the cell you want to control. You need an electrode large enough so when you charge it with the polarity charge you use it will set up an electric field around the electrode large enough to control the cell electric charge to react to your signal and it will work every time to the extent of the strength and length of your signal.

UNIVERSAL ENERGY THE ELECTRIC THAT THE WORLD RUNS ON It is fermented DC current driven from two minerals reacting to each other, the acid in salt reacting to potassium and zinc. When the acid in salt comes in contact with potassium or zinc the acid will start to eat the mineral and the by-product it gives off is DC electric. It is the electric the brain uses to signal all functions of a live body, it is what all plants use to control their growth. It is what the atmosphere uses to control the weather with everything the lord created he uses the same DC electric current to operate it with. It is very low voltage and high amperage. The body uses 4 volt, it will work on plants and have some control on the weather. It will control the amount of moisture that a cloud will release. When stimulated with an electric field of universal energy, you can control the cloud to release the moisture or hold it which ever you prefer. The universal energy the magnetic electric field around the sun is what holds the universe together. The sun is the large positive electric stationary center hub that (13 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


every thing in the universe is connected to by a magnetic pull that holds every thing in its place. The rotation around the sun and the rotation of the earth on its axis give the earth its North Pole positive polarity pole and the South Pole is negative magnetic pole. It is the way you wind the coil in an electric field that gives you the positive and negative pole on a magnet that makes it possible to control the electric polarity field you desire to stimulate the cells with to charge their battery with so they start to working again and be healthy. To control the growth of plants the sun is the positive controlling force holding the universe together. When it is shining on a plants leaf the positive polarity magnetic field pulls the water from the top of the leaf of a plant which sucks the water up through the stem from the roots with a hole in the ends of every root drawing in the water from the ground that has dissolved the nitrous phosphorus and pot ash from the ground the plant needs to grow. It is pulled up to the leaf and mixed with carbon dioxide which brakes down the plant food to grow and the by-product the chemical reaction of the growing process gives off is oxygen. It is discharged along with the moisture left after the plant food is filtered out and is discharged out through the leaf into the air, which is the pure air a live body needs to live and grow with. It is a known fact one acre of soybeans will give off more oxygen and moisture then three acres of forest and trees will. DC current has the character of a smooth even flowing energy that doesnt damage or hurt anything it flows through. The residue it carries with it from the minerals that it is made from that will plug up the meridians that is the conductor of the signals from the brain to the cell. That is the only way in this world to clean the meridians and cells of the toxic poison that has built up to make the body sick and get it healthy. The way the lord made it to work and Jesus taught the apostles to heal the sick by laying on the hands to reverse the signals and clean the body of its problem. (14 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


UNIVERSAL ENERGY The magnetic electric force of the Universe, which is D.C. current, derived from the minerals of the earth. The acids from the salts of the earth reacting with the zinc and potassium. Minerals give off the D.C. electric that powers the magnetic force, which powers and controls the universe. The use of Universal Energy to stimulate and control the cells to control their action was discovered and developed at Noble County University in 1997 with Lee Crock President. Everything in the Universe is made up in cells and controlled with a positive and negative charge. A positive charge retracts and pushes everything in front of it. Negative charges expands and pulls everything with it to control the cells of the universe to fill up or discharge what is in them. A positive charge causes them to retract and push out everything in them and a negative charge causes them to expand and pull in to fill them up. When you pull the magnetic electric force in a circle it will separate the positive force will go to the counter clock wise end of the axis youre pulling it around and the negative will go to the clock wise end. And you have a magnet. The sun is the main controlling force of the Universe when the earth spins the North Pole is the counter clockwise end and the positive magnetic field and the South Pole is the clockwise circle and the negative end of the polarity field. The same as when you use the energy from your body to stimulate the cells of another body. You place your hands over the body you want to stimulate and move your hands in a counter clock wise circle you are the controlling force and the positive electric force and the other end is the negative electric force beins they are on the clockwise end of the magnetic electric force. (15 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


By placing your hands over the cells you want to stimulate it will cause those cells to contract and push every thing in the cell out and discharge all substances in them out. When you change the polarity to negative it will cause the cell to expand pull in and fill up. The atmosphere is made up with high-pressure positive charge low humidity and cool temperatures. Low pressure, negative charge, high humidity. If a cloud comes over with a low pressure, negative charge and you stimulate it with a positive polarity charge it will retract and push out what the cell had in it rain-snow or hail, it will empty out. Lee Crocks weather maker does work on the cells; it will give you a large snowflake or large drops of water or white powder snow or fine mist according to the polarity you stimulate the cloud with.

THE SIGNAL OF THE HUMAN BODY Is D.C. current the universal energy of the world, there is no way the body can use any of the type of current A.C. current hurts the body, it is alternate current; it wont work with any D.C. current. The body is muscle powered and muscle only stretches or retracts depending on the signal it receives. Positive retracts the cell, negative stretches the cell. The controlled signal from the brain to the muscle cell in the arm or leg is what gives the movement of the body and at no time is there a flow of electric sent through the body. Never connect an electric current to the body; it really will fowl up the whole signal system of the body. To control any function of the body you must make connection with the body in its magnetic electric field around the body. To signal the cells to empty out or fill up and recharge the cells battery. (16 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


You cannot put both positive and negative polarity current on the body at the same time if you do it will cause a flow of electric through the body. The positive will go to the negative connection and go out without a signal to any cell to react and if you put more than 4.5 volts it will start to damage the cells for the body is not designed as an electric current to flow through the body. It is good to put more than one signal pad on different parts of the body at the same time. Hooked to the same energy cleaner, never use two energy cleaners at the same time on the same body; that would fowl up the signal system and the cell to have two signals sent at the same time from two machines at the same time of different polarity. You cannot change the body from the way the Lord made it to work but he made it so you can help it when it brakes down. Jesus used his hands to help the suffering when he was here on earth. He taught his apostles to help the poorly and remove their suffering. It is so easy to do it takes time and is stressful to stand with your hands out over someone for several hours. I can teach you over the phone how its done. The energy cleaner will do it for years nonstop and it dont get tired and complain. Never put a suction cup with a wire hooked to it on a body two different places and hook an electric current to them and send an electric charge through the body unless you want to kill the body like the fur traders do their animals. The use a flash light to do it with the positive polarity going through the body to the negative polarity connection causing the cells to retract and set themselves making the body stiff shutting the body down and it is dead. There is no danger of ever getting an electric current through the body using the electrode in the magnetic electric field around the body and sending one polarity at a time like the energy cleaner does it is a signal not a charge.

UNIVERSAL ENERGY The energy that powers the world everything the Lord created is powered by (17 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


Universal Energy. The sun, stars, the world is held in place and controlled by the magnet electric field around the sun holding them in place and spinning them on their axes and it controls all functions of the weather and growth of plants and animals. It controls all movements of the body and is controlled by a signal from the brain. Every cell in the body fills with nourishment to feed with for strength and growing and to discharge to waste it has to stay healthy and works. The body moves as long as the Universal Electric energy signals flow freely from the brain to the cells, the body is healthy and just as strong as the signal from the brain is and the cells are clean, healthy and pain free. When the meridians start to getting clogged and the signal from the brain gets weak and the cell gets weak the waste from the food gets stuck in the cell. They start to break down and this is when the body is in trouble and it just keeps getting worse until the whole body brakes down. Mother nature does a good job of repairing the body of any damage that may happen to it if you keep it clean and germ free. It doesnt do a good job of cleaning the meridians and jumpstarting the cells and cleaning out the stuck toxic waste in the cells. It takes an energy cleaner, a person that has been trained or a machine to jump-start it to clean the toxic waste out. A clean body is a healthy body.

THE CHANGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY From the treatment of kill-cut-burn method to the Lords way healthy-happywise using Universal Energy Method. The 20th Century medical practice is give them a pill to numb the brain to kill the pain if that didnt fix it then cut it out if that didnt fix it then use radiation to burn it that kills them for sure. The undertakers bury the evidence. (18 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


That has to stop, for the last century they were treating the symptoms without knowing the cause of their illness. The cells were full of waste stuck in then the toxic poison from the waste was killing the body. Without even considering using Universal Energy to jump-start the cells to discharge the toxic waste out and cleanse the body of the toxic poison and being well, they treat the symptoms and they all died young. The medical profession has proven without a doubt that their way does not work for they all die young. When the body is made to repair any damage that might happen from a brake down when jump-started to working again it will last for hundreds of years without pain and be healthy-happy-wise. They did in the early bible days when they used the energy to clean the body to stay healthy and live hundreds of years. It is easy to do and it is free, the Lord gave it to us.

CARE FOR YOUR BODY AS YOU DO YOUR CAR It doesnt take much of a brain to figure out the way we take care of the human body is well proven that it cures the bloat in your billfold and you die young. God made the body to last and send the tools to fix a brake down in the body when it does brake down. The only thing missing is the manual with the instructions on how to use the tools he sent with the new body, the hands. God gave the instructions to Adam and Eve for the people in the Old Testament lived to be six hundred years old: by the time God sent Jesus they had been living fat and dying young. Jesus taught the apostles how to use the hands to clean the bodies of the sick to be well and live to be old. A clean body is a healthy body if you keep the cells clean you will not get sick, and if you dont get sick you wont die. (19 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


I have not been sick in the past eight years; dont have a pain, work seven days a week, go to bed at 10:30PM, get up at 6AM, go to work at 7AM, go home at 6PM and by 5:30AM I am well rested and waiting for 6AM to get up. I know it is going to take another 70 years to teach the world how to use the tools the Lord gave to each person to take care of their body to keep it clean so it last as it is meant to last, well over a hundred years, pain free with a clear mind and with the desires and ambitions the same as when you were young. The body doesnt get old and wear out; it gets dirty and brakes down. You dont need to be old to get dirty with the waste being stuck in the cells and becoming toxic making your heart feel tired and think you are old. All you need is to get the cells cleaned out, jump-started and working and you will feel young again, being you are normal again. It is your choice, you have two; you can take the standard kill-cut-burn way and cure the bloat in your billfold or go to an energy cleaner and have them jump start your signal system or get an energy cleaner machine and jump start your signal system into working and clean the toxic waste in the cells to be clean and strong and feel young again. You are no older than you feel.

A CLEAN BODY IS A HEALTHY BODY There are two reasons a body gets sick. The first reason is when a germ gets into the body, they multiple and grow and give off toxins thats poison to the body and makes it sick. You must get medicine to kill the bacteria and the brain will signal the cells to discharge the waste to clean the cell and you have a clean healthy body. The second reason is when the brain looses contact to the cells to be able to signal the cell to discharge the waste in them from the food they use to be strong and do the work the cell does to move the body in its daily movements of work. When that waste is left in the cell and not discharged on a regular basis, that waste becomes toxic and starts to poison the cell. The body has a grave problem, you get sick and there is not a drug in this world that will clean the waste out of (20 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


the cells, it is just stuck in them until you get the meridians cleaned out so the brain can signal the cells to discharge the waste and poison to get the cells clean and working again. You have three choices, you can take a pill to numb the brain to kill the symptoms and let it progress until it becomes heart, lung, kidney and liver failure, cancer or Alzheimers and let it progress until the body dies. If it was arthritis or rheumatism you can keep taking the pill to numb the brain to kill the pain and wish you could die to get relief; or you can get a person that has been trained as an energy cleaner or get an energy cleaner machine and clean the meridians out so the signal from the brain will pass through and signal the cells to be clean and strong again. It is your choice, which route to take. The old medical proven unsuccessful way that will cure the bloat in your billfold and die young or mother natures way of jump starting the cell and cleansing the meridians and cell to work and be clean and strong again like the Lord made the body to be. It is your choice, give us a call, its free, 740/783-0021 or email us at


Paul: 1. I have read about the signals of the body. Is it just positive and negative signals? Yes. The brain controls the signal going to the cells of the body. If it wants the cell to retract and discharge it sends a positive flow of positive energy to it. The cell will retract and push out everything in it. If you were stung by a bee and you kept the positive signal on it for 15 minutes the cells in that area would all be empty and the swelling will be gone from the cells in that area you have made contact with would be empty and all the bodys energy in that area would be used up. The feeling in your hands will stop flowing and you will know it has quit taking your energy and you are done with everything you can do until the cells are charged back up with a negative charge. In 12 minutes of steady flow of positive energy, you will notice the signal is getting slow. In 14 minutes it will have almost stopped. In 15 minutes it will all stop and you dont feel anything, (21 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


the energy in the cells has stopped. It takes the body 24 hours to recharge itself. You can reverse the signal to negative polarity and it will recharge back up and fill up with nourishment and recharge with a negative polarity charge. It takes the body 24 hours for it to complete the process. If you do it by hand or the machine they can do it in 15 minutes to complete it. That is slow and easy. There is nothing that is quick and jerky. The heart beat is the only thing fast and repeats frequency the lungs are slower. 2. I read about the machine that you set the frequency on to stimulate the body with? I dont know anything about them. I do know the body cannot stand AC current. It causes the cells to retract, set their self and lock up. You cant let go and die in a split minute. That is why AC current is a real fast frequency 60 times a second. The cells just cant react to that speed. They retract and set their self in a hard knot and wont let go. The only thing that it can do is open up the meridians so the brain signal will pass through and the brain will take over and clean the waste out of the cells. The old time electricians will swear if you have rheumatism in the muscle if you stick your finger in a light socket and get shocked it will go away. You are doing the same thing by putting a current through the body from a machine with a 60 second frequency with a 12-volt battery in it. You have a 12volt AC current, it would be low amperage so it would not kill you, but it sure would not jump start the cells to start working and could not charge their battery because it is the wrong kind of electric. It is not universal energy. It might open the meridians up so the signals from the brain would get to the cells and Mother Nature takes over. I dont know if it does anything that is all it does for it sure is not filling in for Mother Nature and helping it to operate the cells when they brake down to get them to clean the toxic waste out of the cells and be healthy clean cells for mother nature to just keep them going like the energy cleaner does. 3. What is the feeling when someone puts the stimulator pads over skin cancer and puts their hands on top of the pad? (22 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


They will feel heat in the palm of their hands and the heat will penetrate into the body to the cells. They have made the connection with as the cells start to contract and the sludge in them start to leave. They will feel movement as the cells retract and it will fell warm in the whole area the cells have been connected with. The warmth feeling slows down, as the cells get empty. Then it will switch polarity and it will start to feeling cool as the cells fill up. That will let up as they fill up until it is normal. When they are full then it will switch and start to warm up as they discharge and empty out. It keeps that up switching every 15 minutes. You feel the most just as it switches polarity. From then until it switches it is less noticeable, until you dont feel anything right before it switches. After several hours of discharging and refilling, the skin will start to itch as if you were sun burned. When the skin has heeled it will itch and peel off. That is what happens when there is a breakdown in the skin. When you stimulate it, it heals then itches and peals off leaving the area that peals with the new skin being pink and healthy new skin. That is what happens with any kind of burn of what ever the brake down was in the skin; it peals off and is new again. 4. When someone has lung cancer and on oxygen they put a pad down and lie on top of it and put one on top of the chest and have 4 or 6 hands on top of the pad on the chest. What do they feel? The machine coordinates all the energy so all hands will feel the same heat flowing out of the palms of the hands. Some from the ends of the fingers as their universal energy leaves the hands it is the used electric the body has used to operate the persons own body and is discharged to get rid of it. The machine is stimulating the used electric as it pulls it from the hands and connects it to the meridians and goes to the cell it is connected to and jumpstarts them into working to discharge the waste stuck in them for not getting a strong signal to discharge its waste and just laying there and got toxic. The person with their hands on the pad, their magnetic electric that is around their body will not be there. Instead of it being discharged out through the skin into the air it is going out through the hands and being used to jumpstart the cell in the lungs. That person discharges all the energy from their body. It will fill the room with their magnetic field while (23 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


everyone with their hands on the pad will not have an aura for their energy is being recycled out their hands and used on the ones being stimulated. With that much energy connected to the meridians of the chest area it will jumpstart the cell to empty out and refill with fresh oxygen. Within a half hour they will not be breathing without oxygen. After 3 to 4 hours they wont need any oxygen. After 8 to 10 hours of stimulation they probably wont need any stimulation again. Their lungs will work on their own body signals. 5. What does a person feel with a tumor in the brain with a terrible headache by putting a stimulator pad over the top of the head with their hands on each side of the head on the pad, and another persons hands on top of the head from the back of the pad hooked to the energy cleaner? They will feel heat in the hands and the warmth will penetrate clean through the head, the warmth will really feel good. The headache will start to leave right away as the cells start to discharge the waste out of the cells. The swelling will decrease as the cells discharge it out and the pressure that is causing the headache decreases the pain is gone within one hour. The pain is usually gone by keeping the pad on the head hooked to the energy cleaner. The tumor should be cleaned out in four days if the cells in the tumor have not got to rotten. If they have so there is no life at all in some of them. They will lay there as a little ball but the swelling will be gone and the pain relieved. The ball of dead cells will remain and the body will incase them as it does if a piece of metal is left in the body. 6. What happens when a person has cancer in the liver and they are yellow in complexion and they lie on a pad and place one on the stomach with six hands placed on top of the stomach pad and there is a lot of swelling and the pads hooked to the energy cleaner? First they will all feel heat in the hands and the warmth will penetrate through the abdomen. They will feel some movement in all the intestines area as the cells discharge the toxic waste from the broken down cells and all the cells in the area will discharge what is in them. But the healthy cells wont give much of a feeling (24 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


as they empty, for that is a normal operation for them. The ones that have broken down as they get jumpstarted to retract and push out the toxic hard waste you will feel it and usually are sore for a while until they are emptied a few times. If you catch the urine and put it in a clear jar and hold it up to the light and look up through it you will see all the waist that comes out. You will know why you get sick with that junk being stuck in the body and how rotten it gets. When the urine gets clear the body is clean. 7. When someone has a prostrate problem and they put a pad in between their legs and put a hand on it and holds it up tight against their groin for that is the closes to the prostrate they will have the feeling of their life. It will be warm penetrating up through you and it will make the prostrate start to working, feeling as if being squeezed and pricked with a needle and the rectum squeezing for all the cells are being jumpstarted and working. It will really bring the P.S.A. test down. 8. What is the feeling with a tumor in a breast? When they put a pad over the breast and put the hand on the pad holding it on the breast it is penetrating warmth, clean through the breast. They will feel the cells movement when the positive polarity signals enters the cells in the breast as they retract and empty the stuck waste in them when a cell has been dormant and not cycling and the sludge gets stuck in the cell. When the signal gets in the cell and jumpstarts it to retract and squeeze the hard toxic waste out you will feel it a lot of time. It feels as if being pricked with a pin, as it first brakes loose and goes out after the cell has emptied once. You will only feel warmth when they discharge and cool when they fill up with nourishment and recharge up with negative polarity so they can empty again when signaled with a positive signal. That is the way the body works. It is just working with Mother Nature not forcing the body to do something that is not natural for it to do. That is the reason it works every time the body brakes down. You can fix it when you work with Mother Nature. Never put A.C. electric on the body or use drugs to stop the symptoms of the warming you have a problem just jumpstart it to working and live to be old pain (25 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


free. 9. What takes place when the kidneys has broke down and quit functioning and they are on the dialysis machine and they lay on a stimulating pad and place a pad on the abdomen with 4 hands on the abdomen pad? The hands will be hot and the warmth will penetrate clean through the body and all the cells in the stimulated area of the body will cycle with the stimulating of the machine and the hands. The machine will coordinate all the signals, so when it is on the positive polarity cycles all electric signals on the pads will be positive polarity whether the energy the signals are coming from the hands or the machine. When the machine switches from positive polarity to negative polarity all the energy switches with the machine. It always feels good to the area that is being stimulated. It feels soothing warm and it always relaxes the muscle cells when they are stimulated to unload all tension and pressure that has built up in them by being shut down and the waste being stuck in them causes them to be full and tense. It is a relief when they are stimulated to jumpstart them to retract and empty out the old waste and when the cells in the kidney gets stimulated and jumpstarted they release and filter the blood passing through them of the excess water and waste from the blood dumping it into the bladder. They will think a spring has been opened up. When the cells in the area have been stimulated and jumpstarted after being broke down for a while, when they first start they will feel it and some of them will feel like they were pricked by a pin when the sludge brakes loose. If they keep sleeping on the machine and the pad, it will regulate the cells in the body to work on a regular schedule. The kidneys and the whole body are cycling on a regular schedule. They will drink much more fluid and urinate the waist out of the body and feel young again like a body should feel. That is cleaned and regular. 10. When the lymphoids brake down and get waste built up and swell up, can they be jumpstarted to clean out to work again? Yes, they seem to start up and clean out faster than any other place. Maybe (26 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


because they are where you notice them more and can get directly to them. If in the neck or under the arms or in the groin, put the stimulator pad right on top of them and your hand on top of the pad, holding it in place. Just set there and relax. You will feel the heat penetrating all the way through and the swelling will go down unbelievably fast. If you keep stimulating them when you have time, they will quit swelling over a period of time. When the cells get cleaned out and the meridians get opened up, the brain will keep it working. If the signal from the brain gets it the cells they will work like they are suppose to. Keep the meridians open so the signals pass through and the body will not brake down and get toxic. John: 1. What would someone feel that had sever pain in the hands and wrists from strain, if they rapped a pad around their hands and wrist and someone held their hands between theirs? They would feel heat coming from the pad and their hands penetrating clean through them. It would be soothing and relaxing. They would feel the pain leaving the hands in one hour. The pain would be gone never to hurt again. 2. If someone has a hearing lose and put a pad on the ears and placed their own hands on the pad right over their ears, could they tell the difference? Yes. Immediately they will hear the same as they use to. After 45 minutes and they take the pads off the ears they will keep right on hearing like the use to. The reason is the nerve from the eardrum to the brain was blocked and the signal didnt pass through the signal forced through and unblocked the nerve and the signal is passing through and they will keep right on hearing well. (27 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]

SCHOOL OF (28 of 28) [03/06/2004 8:49:32]


All we hear today on the news is reduce your stress. That is easier said than done. However, our culture is a non-stop from morning till night always on the go life style. No one really has time to plan in his or her day stress reduction time. Thats stressful itself. Before you know it, youre even more stressed out. It is a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. This body given to us for use wears out. The Energy Cleaner is believed to rejuvenate tired worn out cells to be healthier. The Energy Cleaner is designed for convenience and comfort. You put it on the bed or in a chair or lay it on top of you. It can continue while you read, watch TV and it will be reducing tension. This method is believed to be similar to Reiki energy clearing. The energy of the body is disturbed in a certain way as to change the polarity at a cellular level. When we are relaxed, our body is less stressed and can work on maintenance of all our systems. Relaxation regeneration and rejuvenation are the secrets of the past.


When all cells of the body have a good connection to the brain, the cells stay clean and healthy. They are relaxed and are strong and the whole body feels young and ready to go. When the meridians start to get clogged and the signals to the cells get weak, they start to slow down, not cleaning out all the old energy waste and getting only a portion of new energy food to stay strong. They begin to ache and are sore, making the body tired and all stressed out. You have 3 choices that you can make. 1. Keep going until your cells completely break down and you get sick and evenually die due to clogged cells. 2. Slow down, letting the cells catch up with a starved rashen of new nourishment of food. 3. Jumpstart the signal system to get it up to strength so the cells can empty out of the old used waste and feed with a full supply of new nourishment to be strong, relaxed and healthy like you were when you were young. You are just as healthy and strong as you feel. No one has to tell you that when you feel strong and relaxed you are healthy. There is no pill in the world that can start your signals to working. Get an energy cleaner and sleep on it every night and keep on going, feeling relaxed all the time. Your work will be your vacation by making it fun. It really feels good to work and have fun and be relaxed all the time. When your signals are strong, the body does not slow down and gets sluggish or feel tense, so you think you are getting old. You are no older than (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:49:57]


you feel. Stay young. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:49:57]



We teach everyone how to use his or her hands to control their own energy to jump start your own signal system into working where you have the short and are having trouble. If you know anyone with any kind of pain, you can remove it in an hour or two. When you use our Energy Cleaner and your hands at the same time, it will clean up the meridians real fast and get the clogged up cells working in just hours. There have been hundreds that were in wheelchairs or on crutches that in less than one hour jumped up and started dancing and left only to never hurt again. Tumors, lumps and sores will respond the same way. We are proud to show you how to care for yourself as the Lord meant his children to do and live to be 100 years old as they did in the Bible days. We are always glad to talk to anyone.


Everything God created is operated with D.C. electric signals. It works off positive and negative electric signals. The positive cell pushes and is high pressure, the negative cell pulls and is low pressure. The atmosphere is made up of low-pressure cells pulling everything with it as it moves around the world and the positive cell being pulled by the negative cell follows it, pushing everything in front of it with the high pressure. All plants and animals are made up of millions of cells that work by alternating the positive and negative signal to the cell. The cells are filled with liquid nourishment to feed it and charged with a negative electric charge. When a positive signal is sent to the cell it uses up and neutralizes the negative charge. It then charges the cell with a positive charge which pushes out and discharges everything in the cell so it is empty and left with a positive charge. When a negative electric signal is placed on the cell, it uses up the positive charge on the empty cell and charges it up with a negative electric charge. It then pulls in new liquid nourishment and recharges it with a negative charge. That is Mother Natures way of feeding and nursing the body to work, grow and stay strong.


You must have an electrode connected to both body's electric energy system. You can use aluminum screen wire or copper fabric, just so it is a good electric conductor. Take two pieces of the conductor material, like a 10 square inch piece, and fasten them to each end of an 18-guage (1 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:50:15]


wire any length as you desire. Place one piece of the conductor material on the body where you want to jumpstart the cells that are broken down. Lay the other piece on the palm of one of your hands. Take your other hand wide open and put it about two inches above your hand with the conductor material on it and move that hand in a counter clockwise circular motion 8 times with the palm of the hand staying over the conductor material. (which is an electrode). You will feel heat coming into the palm of your hands. Put your hands together and hold the electrode (conductor material) between your hands now. You are feeling the electric energy coming out of your hands and the other person will feel heat as the energy enters the body where they have the conductor material positioned. You are transferring your electric energy from your energy system into their cells where they have the conductor material positioned. This discharges everything in those cells. It will take all the swelling out, (if the cells are swollen) and any pain they have will all be gone within 15 to 20 minutes. You can slide the electrode (conductor material) to any place on the body and discharge any cells you hold it over. It will take about 15 minutes to empty any group of cells you hold it over. Always have your hands on top of the electrode (conductor material) that is over the cells you want to jump-start and empty out. It is using the energy on the cells from both bodies, making a real strong signal and thats why it always works because the signal is so strong. When you double the electric energy signal to a group of cells that has slowed down, (because they have lost the connection to the brain and it doesnt get the signal to control it), you'll get such a strong signal that you can feel it moving the sludge out of the cells. When they are clean, they are healthy. The signal you transferred to the other body on an 18-gauge wire is electric, nothing else runs on an electric wire. The doctors dont know that the body runs on electric signals. That is why it seems like a miracle, when all it is, is Mother Nature's way of controlling all living things. The energy of the body is your life. The electrical energy that you are transferring to the other body is the energy your body has used and is discharging it to get rid of it. When you moved your hands in a circle, you wound a coil making a magnet, pulling your free energy from your magnetic field around your body that was being discharged. You can put the electrode over the ears and put the palm over the ear hole and hold it tight and tune up the nerves to the brain from the eardrum and hear better. The brain will get the used signal your brain discharged and hear what you hear. (2 of 2) [03/06/2004 8:50:15]

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