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The Old Mans Thanksgiving Grace

by Bohdan Sirant, 2012 The old man sitting at the head of the table got up and standing bent with cane in hand with trembling gestures and voice said: Dear Lord, thanks for the bounty before us It is sure to be delicious and to completely satisfy but more importantly thanks for our freedom to celebrate as we choose on this Thanksgiving feast Divine Master, thanks for permitting us to meet and pray in our own way without fear of murderous Bolshevik atheists or other political psychopaths or religious fanatics and zealots or doctrinaire, intolerant, bigoted sectarian ideologues threatening us or telling us what to say, think, or do or beating, killing or bombing us or imprisoning, enslaving or torturing us Great Mystery, thanks for letting us drink without taboo what we want to drink be it wine or whiskey beer, coffee, tea juice, or plain water Great Giver of Life, thanks

for letting us eat what we wish to eat without restriction be it traditional roast turkey or pork chops or wieners or beef jerky herrings, oysters, clams or shrimp ravioli, or cheese and macaroni We are grateful for all food God Almighty, thanks for letting us worship You as we wish to worship You be it as Christ, Gitchi Manitou the Creator, Baha, Waheguru Buddha, Allah, Krishna or other divine eminence without interference or coercion God Provider, thanks for letting us believe what we want to believe pray as we wish to pray read what we want to read watch what we want to watch say what we want to say join with whom we would join learn what we want to learn teach what we want to teach dress as we want to dress pitch horseshoes, fly kites play cards or games as we want to play listen to or play music or sing as we wish to sing write what we want to write paint what we want to paint God Eternal, help us to express ourselves in good faith and intention and in truth in whatever language we wish because You, Holy Spirit, understand all Almighty Progenitor, thanks for these and

other precious freedoms And thanks for the courageous warriors who protect and enable our freedoms And if it ever comes to it, Dear Lord thanks for our courage to speak the truth and thanks for our unyielding resolve to fight for these freedoms so that we may keep them and so that we may help others who are oppressed and subjugated to gain them So help us, God! Amen Amen! replied the family and friends The old man lowered himself down reached for his knife and fork then said, Lets dig in

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