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Criteria & Score Appearance and Organization: Is the resume clear, elegant, and well organized? Excellent (8) Exhibits consistent formatting (bold, caps, italics, spacing) Balances text and white space effectively Provides section headings that accurately reflect content, and content sufficient enough to justify a separate heading* Uses appropriate font Contains no errors of spelling, punctuation, or grammar

Total Score out of 40: _____

Average (6-7) Exhibits minor inconsistencies in formatting The layout seems unbalanced at times Some sections dont include enough content to justify their own categories Contains minor errors of spelling, punctuation, and grammar Provides complete contact information, but name is either too small or too large, and the contact info is difficult to read Specifies anticipated graduation date and degree Leaves out certain education details (missing location, dates, or majors/minors). Does not identify Honors College affiliation prominently Uses generic category labels where more specialized ones could better frame experiences Omits some key info Includes a bulleted list for each experience but the information included seems unclear and unorganized at times Uses no personal pronouns and deploys incomplete sentences, but occasionally chooses weak and imprecise verbs and confuses verb tense Lists relevant skills, certifications, and affiliations, but repeats information included elsewhere Unsatisfactory (0-5) Exhibits major formatting errors, manages space poorly, and, ineffectively organizes info under respective categories

SCORE_______ Grammar & Mechanics: Is the resume error-free? SCORE_______ Contact Information: Is it easy to gather this crucial info at a glance? SCORE_______ Education: Does the resume include the full and specific range of applicable educational experience?

Contains significant errors

SCORE_______ Experience: Does the resume aptly contextualize pertinent experience and identify the relevant competencies?

SCORE_______ Skills, Certifications, Affiliations: Does the resume provide key info not offered elsewhere? OPTIONALno score

Prominently displays full name Provides full address, phone number, and a professional e-mail address and this information stands out clearly Specifies anticipated graduation date and degree Lists Major(s) & minor(s)** Includes all higher-educational institutions attended, noting names, dates, and locations. Identifies Honors affiliation as: Honors College at the College of Charleston Specifies GPA if appropriate (above a 3.0) Uses appropriate category labels that accurately reflect rand prioritize respective experiences Identifies organization name, location, dates of service, and official title Includes a prioritized bulleted list for each experience strategically stating responsibilities, contributions, and qualitative and quantitative outcomes Offers concise, incomplete sentences driven by strong and precise action verbs Uses no personal pronouns Employs correct verb tense Lists only the most relevant information Includes only information that could not have been sensibly included elsewhere

Provides incomplete, inappropriate, or poorly formatted contact information Does not identify a degree or graduation date Omits significant education details Does not identify Honors College affiliation anywhere on resume

Does not use clear or useful category labels Omits a good deal of key info Some experiences dont include bulleted lists, and those that do lack clarity and organization Uses personal pronouns and complete sentences Uses weak and repetitive verbs Consistently confuses verb tense Includes irrelevant, vague, and repetitive information

* At first, your resume will combine certain categoriese.g. honors and awards will likely be included under Education. But as your resumes grow, categories will change accordingly. For example, you might have two separate categories for different kinds of work experience, or a separate section for awards and honors. ** For the purposes of your first-year resumes, include prospective majors and minors if not declared.

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