The Folly of Science

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The Folly of Science By Mr.

Chawnaw Hershel Kahn Copyright 2012 all rights reserved Before there was light there was a darkness that could be felt, not an absence of light, but rather the same type of darkness that would plague the Egyptians with a punishment that fit the crime. For they, symbolic of slaves to the evil inclination, wanted to extinguish the light of knowing G-d of understanding his ways preferring to be consumed with total physical pleasure. Today we are faced with a tremendous darkness that obscures our vision that detracts from our common sense; that seduces us to follow the folly of scientific fools! Scientific dissertation is nice, it woos the reader, and it compels one to read on with thoughts of grandiose hypotheses, even though one may be unaware of the dangerous information that will bias them. Darkness today, as prophesized for the end of days, prevails; a darkness that blinds the reader with fantastic theories that have no basis as well as no connection to Torah. A darkness that has consumed even the most devoutly religious! You are about to be shocked into the reality that the way scientists present their theory of how the universe was created or as some propose was always and has always been, is totally false and the fact is that Torah and science really do correlate! Just open your eyes and see, the truth is waiting for you if you are willing to look! Now we begin our journey. Penzias and Wilson, two scientists from Bell Labs, New Jersey, received a Nobel Peace Prize when they discovered, using a microwave antenna, background radiation everywhere that it was pointed. This was touted as absolute proof that the Big Bang was true! To Orthodox Jews who did not understand the ramifications of the Big Bang, it was a fantastic scientific testimony that the world had a beginning, that G-d had created the universe. There were even those who proposed incredible theories that the Torahs account of creation supports the Big Bang and even those well wishers who saw things in Jewish Kabala that dont exist, proof of an explosion. Over the years many nave seekers of wisdom have been lectured to with false premises of creation, that lured them into a tranquil acceptance of absurd facts and unfortunately they did not possess the wisdom and courage to challenge this insanity! Could it be that there is no other explanation for what Penzias and Wilson discovered? Could it really be that no other science refutes a Big Bang? One should understand that it is to the interest of the liberal media and the majority of the scientific community that explanations must be found for scientific anomalies through natural means. For if there is a G-d then we must be responsible for our actions, we dont have the freedom to do anything we want to do. This is the main reason for supporting the easily refutable nonsense of the theory of evolution as proposed by Darwin. To many scientists a Big Bang actually allows them to feel secure as it explains creation without a deity involved. There are other scientists, even though they do not believe in G-d that have some rational thought and after examining the evidence have concluded that the Big Bang could never have happened. This point of view is rarely supported in the media, but it is out there if you choose to find it. One book of note is The Big Bang Never Happened by Eric Lerner, who unfortunately believes the universe is

ancient and this belief may be proven unquestionably to be false! So with an assortment of data from many sources, including heaven, I present to you irrefutable proof that there was never a Big Bang and that the Torah is true the way it was written. For those of you who have been propagandized into seeing things that dont exist, I am terribly sorry, I cant help you. May G-d open your eyes to the truth! Dr. Hannes Alfven was a physicist of brilliant scientific observation and conclusion. He correctly deduced the reason behind the Aurora Borealis and of note to the reader proposed that the universe contained huge electrical currents that were conducted by plasma in outer space. The Voyager quest for knowledge has confirmed this to be true in our own solar system. His theory when computer modeled as well as experimented with a machine that produces electrical currents to test his ideas, formulated on a minor scale these currents which exactly patterned the various shapes of the galaxies! It was even postulated that these huge electrical currents are causing the background radiation that Penzias and Wilson found! Let us examine some scientific facts that refute this monstrous concoction that seduces one to follow after total blindness. If there were a Big Bang these conditions would have to be present: 1) The radiation would have to emanate from a central source, where the explosion occurred, not all around us. 2) A huge explosion would create a vast amount of empty space where the explosion originated. Such a void has never been found anywhere in our universe. 3) The universe would have to be symmetrical as an explosion causes matter to spread equally as it travels. Upon observation we find that the universe is extremely clumpy in various places. 4) If you believe that G-d created everything through a natural occurrence, where did all the elements come from? 5) According to Eric Lerner who holds that the universe is ancient, there are super clusters that are so huge it would have taken them at least 80 billion years to form and the Big Bang, according to the theorists, could not have happened more than 20 billion years ago. 6) There is too much radiation present to account for the matter escaping from the explosion to slow down through gravity! 7) There is not enough matter in the universe to have caused gravitational fields to form galaxies so they invented Dark Matter! None has been found to date. 8) The isotropy of the background radiation is perfectly smooth. This means when they graphed the radiation the sideways s curve that it formed was not clumpy. A young universe would be graphed as being smooth and an old as being rough. This led me to conclude as evidence, not proof, that the entire universe was created at the same time! There are alternative explanations for this, but as you will see from other irrefutable proofs the Earth was created instantly or within 3:05! I would like you to consider these few questions to see that the Torah account of creation does not concur with a Big Bang! 1) Let us suppose that the Earth were millions if not billions of years old. As the trees in the Garden of Eden were created on the third day and the sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day, how did these trees survive without water for millions of years? The Torah explicitly states that G-d withheld the rain for there was no man to till the ground! 2) Why was there no rain? Rain is naturally formed through wind, gravity and sunlight! How does life survive without sunlight? The temperature in space without a source of heat is minus 455 Fahrenheit! This is almost at absolute zero, minus 457.68 Fahrenheit!

3) Uplift and erosion naturally erodes the ground. A conservative erosion rate, such as in New Jersey, is thirty feet in one-thousand years. Some areas erode much faster than that. In 64 million years, the supposed time of the dinosaurs, there would be approximately 36 1/3 miles of surface erosion. Now the curious fact is that the Earths crust is only 7 to 37 miles deep. That means in only 64 million years there wouldnt be a crust! So what about the dinosaurs, did they really exist? Absolutely and according to a very nice explanation told to me, they were the product of breeding out of species and died in the flood. How can the Earth be millions of years old? Did you ask yourself how can fossils exist with that much uplift and erosion? 4) Why does the Torah use the word day for each separate period of creation when four or five of these days were hundreds of millions of years old and the sixth and seventh days were 24 hour periods? Why would the Torah use the same language? Now we come to the good stuff! Dr. Robert Gentry spent much of his scientific career researching radio halos in various materials. What is a radio halo? A radio halo is the formation of concentric circles imprinted in rock, (they are also found in wood), encircling an epicenter of a tiny bit of radiation that was emitted from a radioactive source, in our case alpha waves, that caused the imprint. Granite contains trillions and trillions of PO 218 radio halos throughout our globe. PO 218 (Polonium 218) Radio Halos have a half life of 3:05 minutes. That means in 3:05 half the radiation of the particle is used up and within 30 minutes it becomes inert decaying into lead. The interesting fact is that the radio halos of PO 218 form exclusively during the first 3:05. If the Earth were hot and cooled slowly there wouldnt be any formation of the halos as the PO 218 particles would have melted! So the conclusion is that the Earth had to be created cold and within 3:05! Other proofs are that if these particles entered slowly the images would be distorted. They are not! One cannot even conclude that the PO 218 particles decayed from U 238 (Uranium 238) for two reasons. First, the halos formed from the U 238 particles have a sun burst pattern, while the PO 218 halos do not and most important, the PO 218 particle decays into a different type of lead than U 238! Essentially this breaks up the U 238 decay chain! Finally PO 218 particles are found in fluorite, which may be as large as two feet long and found within granite. What is the significance of this? Fluorite is a solid material without any pores! How did the PO 218 particles get inside and form within 3:05?! On a final auspicious note, Dr. Gentry emailed me that every time they melt granite and let it cool it forms another rock, rhyolite, which has bigger crystals. If the Earth were hot, there wouldnt be any granite. Granite is not an igneous rock! If granite cooled slowly there should be massive amounts of rhyolite on top of granite as the surface cools first and rather quickly. It is not common to find rhyolite in the vicinity of granite! If granite did cool deep underground and slowly over millions of years, as some desperados claim, there wouldnt be any radio halos! If you want light, you have to give light, not spend your time in the dark! Mr. Chawnaw Hershel Kahn is the author and publisher of The Truth About Nonsense! 3rd Edition that easily refutes evolution, the Big Bang, an old planet, mutations, global warming and ozone depletion. The book contains three new scientific theories, how do crystals grow, what is the real speed of light and why do we age? Any questions or comments please email me at:

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