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Page 2, The Wynnewood Gazette, Thursday, November 1, 2012


Publication Number (USPS 693860) Consolidated with the NEW ERA, March 1, 1931 Periodical Postage Paid at Wynnewood, OK Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Wynnewood Gazette, P.O. Box 309, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Rambling Thoughts
By Yolande Josephson

Larry G. Russell, Publisher

Tammy Ervin - Managing Editor Shannon Kile - Reporter, Production Elaine Fancher - Advertising, Production Don Coffey - Photographer

Home on the Range III

At the end of a drive which often lasted months, the cattle were sold and the cowboys collected their pay. Often the men split up. Some turned and headed home while others headed into town to scrape off the months of trail dust and celebrate the end of the drive -- the stuff that formed the basis of many a western story and later movies depicting those wild and loud times. For many it was just a matter of cleaning up, eating a good meal and getting a good night's sleep before the long ride back home. Those called "trail bums' were the ones who raised the most ruckus in town, spending time with a "soiled dove" and as often as not some time spent in the local jail. We must remember that the real cowboy or cowpuncher was an expert in his field. He had to be an expert rider, roper, good at busting broncos or whacking (slamming down) bulls. He had to know what to do if he found a sick cow, found a lost calf, had to settle a restless herd or head off a thousand stampeding cattle. On the trail he worked from dawn to dusk and then spent at least two hours riding night herd. The work he did was tough, demanding, dirty, sweaty and dangerous. He faced the constant danger of being kicked by a horse, charged by an angry animal, trampled during a stampede, drowning when crossing a river or caught during an electrical storm when out on the open range. It is said that lightning killed more cowboys than any rustler or Indian. Accidents while riding were a common cause of many deaths. Weather was often not fit for man nor beast, and the cowboy could die of pneumonia. In later years men were able to purchase protective clothing, but most did not have the money to afford such a luxury.



This newspaper is published weekly on Thursday by Russell Publishing Company at offices located at 210 S. Dean A. McGee, Wynnewood, OK 73098. Phone (405) 665-4333 Fax (405) 665-4334 Email:

CHAMPION CHALK Savage Art Students competed in a sidewalk art competition at the ECU campus. (LtoR) Hunter Curliss, Felicia Burrows, Challen Carter and Hayde Medina.

Your Soapbox
Oklahomans are facing the largest tax increase in the state's history and probably don't even know it. Fortunately, we also have the power to stop it, by voting "yes" on State Question 766. A recent court decision paved the way for this huge tax increase, and SQ 766 overturns that court decision. Our Supreme Court decided that intangible personal property - things like professional licenses, pensions, leases, business logos, and software - could be taxed like real property. Needless to say, we all have intangible property, so these judges imposed a new tax on all of us. SQ 766 exempts all intangible property from property taxation. By voting "yes", we prevent Oklahoma from being one of the only states that taxes intangible property. By voting "yes", we ensure that property taxes only apply to real property - things we can see, touch and hold. By voting "yes" on SQ 766, we protect ourselves from a huge, judge-imposed tax increase. In the September 27 Chamber Meeting, the Chamber took a stand and is in support of a "yes" vote, so please join me in voting "yes" on SQ 766. Cindy McGee Chamber President

A Peek Into The Past

1922 - Wynnewood played host Tuesday at a luncheon for about 40 auto loads of "good road boosters" from Oklahoma City and upstate who were on their way to Ardmore to attend a meeting regarding hardsurfacing the highway between Wichita, Kansas to a point south in Texas. The luncheon was held in the city park where a feast of fried chicken and all the fixins were served. Local businesses bore the expense of feeding the visitors since they are staunch supporters of the proposed highway. *** 1932 - The State Corporation Commission promises a lower light rate soon. Mayor S. D. Williams said Monday after attending the OG&E hearing before the commission in Oklahoma City Saturday that many Wynnewood citizens have objected to the present rate because it makes using electrical stoves and refrigerators practicaly prohibitive. *** 1942 - A paralysis attack was suffered by Mrs. Lillie Gates in the Deal Theatre balcony last Thursday night. She was taken by ambulance to the Wynnewood Clinic. She was considered most serious by the doctors there. She is unable to speak but understands requests to raise her arm, etc. She was removed to her home a few days ago and is said to be improving. *** 1952 - Kerr-McGee Refinery will hold an open house at the plant Tuesday afternoon. Tours will be conducted for residents of Wynnewood who would like to see the plant. Trained personnel will explain all phases of the refinery to visitors. Plant superintendent Wise extends a cordial invitation to visit the plant. *** 1962 - Huitt's Grocery, recently remodeled and enlarged, will have its grand opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 11-13. There will be drawings for baskets of groceries and free pop, ice cream and merrygo-around rides. *** 1972 - The Wynnewood Band Boosters have launched their new fundraising plan which will be a community calendar listing birthdays, anniversaries, etc. The calendars will be sold to help pay on the new WHS band uniforms. *** 1982 - State Question 553 regarding paramutual horse race betting passed in Wynnewood 706-552. Garvin County as a whole opposed paramutual 5,415-5,197. Statewide it passed 449,854-324,593. *** 1992 - Movies coming to the Royal Theatre: "Sister Act" starring Whoopi Goldberg; "A League of Their Own" starring Tom Hanks and Geena Davis; "Universal Soldier" starring Jean Claude Van Damme; "Housesitter" starring Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn. *** 2002 - Local dentist Dr. John Jameson is retiring and has sold his practice to Dr. Kyle Moore. Dr. Jameson has been practicing here for almost 30 years.

Sometime between October 21 and October 23, 2012 a person or persons stole a 2008 Honda CRF 100 motorcycle from a rural residence located at 35623 E. County Road 1631 in the Wynnewood area. The motorcycle is red and white in color with some black on it. The motorcycle was taken from the front

porch of the residence. Anyone with information about this crime or any other crime in Garvin County is asked to call the Garvin County Crime Stoppers as an anonymous caller at 1-855-2117867. An arrest made from receiving information on this line may result in a reward up to $1,000.

Natural Corner on Health

by Dr. Lauri Campbell, N.D.


Reverend Paul Ratliff

Corner of N. Gardner & Creek, Wynnewood, OK

Is Your Vision Clouding?

Have you noticed your vision gradually changing? Do the words look a little cloudy or does it seem that there is a film developing across your vision? Does it seem a little darker when you look at things or is your night vision beginning to suffer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have the beginning of cataracts developing across your eyes. So what are cataracts? Cataracts are a clouding that develops in the lens or the capsule surrounding the lens of the eye. The eye functions much like a camera. Light rays enter the eye, passing through the cornea, the aqueous humor -- transparent fluid in the front of the eye -- and then the pupil and into the lens. The lens bends the light rays to focus objects onto the retina lining the back of the eye. From there, the image passes through the retinal cells, into the optic nerve, and finally to the back of the brain which process the images. Cataracts occur when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. This prevents light from passing clearly through the lens, causing some loss of vision. Since new lens cells form on the outside of the lens, all the older cells are compacted into the center of the lens resulting in the cataract. It is this clouding caused by oxidation of the cells that leads to poor vision. Oxidation in the lens
of your eye can be compared to the rusting of iron by oxygen and the changes you see in the formation of rust. When the rust on the iron is removed, the steel looks almost new again. In a similar way scientists have discovered that the cataracts of the eye can be slowed, reversed or completely cleared from the eye with nutrients that neutralize this oxidation or rusting of the lens. A solution of 1% N-acetyl-Lcarnosine in drop form can be applied to the eyes and this nutrient works to reverse the oxidation of these cells in the lens, helping them to regain their clarity and the improved vision this brings. This is truly remarkable and a tremendous breakthrough for those with clouding vision. If you are experiencing the effects of cataracts consider a natural alternative to surgery. If you have questions call me at (972) 333-4394.

(405) 665-2227


Western, Suite 500 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73139 Phone (405) 616-5045 Fax (405) 616-5062
6805 S.

Gaylon C. Hayes
Attorney At Law
Licensed in Texas and Oklahoma

My name is Gaylon Hayes. I am the Attorney who brought the action on behalf' of Bernice Claire Row Trust and J.B. Smith that the McCAll Cronies have attempted to use to disparage Doris Row, Therefore, I feel compelled to clarify the truth of the matter. On May 23, 1984, William and Mary Plaster sired a contact with an alleged non-profit corporation to sell water fiom their ranch north of Tishomingo. This contact was amended on May 23, 1984. It was for ten years with a buyer having four additional ten year options. Thereafter, the Plasters sold the ranch to what became the Bernice Claire Row Trust and the J.B. Smith and Roberta G. Smith Revocable Living Trust. Bernice Claire Row's son, John Row, was made the general manager of the Ranch. The new owner at first believed that Rural Water District #3 of Johnston County, Oklahoma, a non-profit corporation and The Rural Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Management District #3 Johnston County, Oklahoma, a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, was one and the same. The latter was payee for water they were pumping from the property. These payments were only slightly more than the amount charged for the same water used by the parties. They sought legal advice and came to me, I recommended that the Court decide the rights and duties of the patties. I filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Bernice Claire Row Trust and L B. Smith and Roberta G. Smith Trust to clarify the true status of the parties. While this was pending, Bernice Claire Row and Roberta G. Smith both passed away. After Bernice Row's Estate was settled and the Ranch was divided between John Row and J. B. Smith, Mike Row purchased LB. Smith's portion of the Ranch . In the mean time, .John Row reached an agreement with the true Water District, which fairly and equitably settled the matter. I was amazed that this Banker would attempt to make a political issue out of mistakes, if any, which were made by persons who are long since dead. Doris Row had nothing to do with this lawsuit.

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This message was not approved or endorsed by Doris Row or the committee to elect Doris Row. Paid for by Terra Taylor.

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