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Lyndon Green Junior School

Sponsored Walk
Once again, we were blessed with great weather for our sporting heroes themed walk. Lots of fun was had by everyone and many miles were walked. If everyone completed 10 laps,then together we covered over 1850 miles. Without a reminder, you have magnificently sent in over 530 so far.

LGJS, looking at life differently.

Week ending Friday 2nd November 2012

Tel: 0121 675 2983 email:

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a super half term break. Everyone here is refreshed and ready for the next 7 weeks ahead. It really is an exciting time at LGJS, our new curriculum is beginning to kick in, you will see how the children will become engrossed in their topics, covering many subjects whilst doing it. Years 3 and 4 have already kicked off their engage weeks and are underway with New Visions and Robot Rampage. Years 5 and 6 start in the coming weeks. Look forward to seeing everyone this week. Have a great weekend. Boreatton Residential
As I am writing this newsletter, the Year 6 that attended Boreatton are enjoying their last activities. It has been an amazing residential. The staff that have attended have had nothing but praise for the children. This feedback is the reason why we offer these opportunities. I am sure you would like to share with me in saying thank you to the staff that have organised and attended all the residentials so far this year. I hope that the children are building many memories from all the activities and learning experiences that we are trying to offer.

Operation Christmas Child

A quick reminder that any shoebox donations need to be in school by Monday 12th as they will be picked up on Tuesday 13th.

The attendance for the week 18.10.12 to the 01.11.12 was 96.47%. The attendance trophy will be based in class 5M for this week as they are our highest attenders with 99.43% Well done class 5M, I am very proud of lorem ipsum dolor met set you.

On the reverse of the newsletter you will find a copy of the SPSFA League Table, clearly showing how well the boys are doing. Can they keep up the good work? As long as they have fun, then yes they can.

Achievement Assembly

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Our use of twitter is to break down the walls of school and try to share and show what happens within the school. So far we have tweeted 2,845 times and have 344 followers. We will not add you as a follower to the school if your profile has any inappropriate language on it.

Congratulations Year 3 Greg Brown and Alfie Baker Year 4 Harvey Johnston and Alex Burnham Year 5 Cheoni Goodin, Reece Hoban and Baillie Unitt 10M Murriam Mir All great role models for our school.


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